HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1957-02-06, Page 3SLEEP TO -KITE SEDICIN tablets taken according tot directions is a sole way to indigo sloop or quiet the nerves whoa Maw. S1.00 All Dreg Stares or Adria Ltd., Termite S. ABS07,,MELY no selling experience, necessary, We will train and give yo* e Sates 'Training Course, .if, you, quali- fy we will ..advanee you money An your (*tire commissions to (*Mire you of A living while training, This is a patented. product for Home Ira!, arovernent nationally advertised, B104 from U.K. welcome, Asa no 'barrier-- Apply_ Mn Mason, atom* Products, 419 Tenge Street, Toronto, WANTED Steam Traction Engine — state make, condition, Price, Box 155, 123 Eighteenth Street, New Toronto, Ontario. • a SWINE WHY are we Landrace Swine breed- ers/ For one reason only. We be- lieve they are the best breed of swine for today's market and will make the farmer more money. Weanling SOWs and boars, four month old Sows and boars, serviceable boars; guaranteed in pig sows for immediate delivery, all from Imported stock and reel* tered. Catalogue. FERGUS LANDRACE SWINE FARM FERGUS ONTARIO. WANTED. HAVE you tried "KERFO" tablet for relief of boils, pimples, blackheads and nerves. $3.00 and $5,00. IMPO SALES, p,o, Box 471 Winnipeg, Man, SATISFY YOURSELF EVERY SUFFERER Of RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY DIRCT8PS REMEDY, MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 Elgin, OltawO $125 Express PrOPTild RHEUMATISM YOU have tried everything without success. 'W11)' not try the most effee- live and inexpensive remedy, For $1, we will send you postpaid 5 one ounce packets of Indian Celery Seed, enough for one month Full directions on each envelope. Laval Seeds, 450 Labelle. Blvd., L'Abord-a-Plotiffe, Que. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles. Post's Eczema Salve will not disap- point you. Itching, sealing and burn- ing eczema; acne, ringworm, pimples and foot .eczema will respond readily to the stainless odorless ointment re- gardless of how stubborn, or hopeless they seem, Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price PRICE $3.00 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2865 St. Clair Avenue East TORONTO Itehultell I Nearly W Crazy Very first use of pootbIng, cooling liquid D. D. D. Prescription positively reliever raw red Itch—caused by eczema. rubes, scalp Irritation, chafing—other itch troubles. Greaseless, stainless. 39c trial bottle must satisfy or money back. Don't suffer. Ask your druggist for D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BIG money for Lodges, Club a, Churches, selling Aulomalic needle threader! Every woman wants one. $1.00 brings sample and details. Brown Studios Fountain City, Indiana. YOUNG farmer, increase your income. raise Nutria for fur, 99% feed already on farm. Write: Circle A Nutria Ranch. pa Meadowsweet Ave., Toronto 14. BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession; good wages. Thousands of successful Marvel Graduates America's Greatest System • Illustrated catalog Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 358 Bloor St. W., Toronto Branches: 44 King St. W., Hamilton 72 Rideau St., Ottawa PATENTS FETHERSTONHA UGH & Co m pa n y, Patent Attorneys. Established 1890. 600 University Ave. Toronto. Patents all countries PERSONAL SPECTACLES frOm $3 — ten pairs sent to test your eyes. Give age. satisfaction or money refunded. Sal way & Rowe, Cardston, Alta. LEARN Complete prof.rssional .Florist course by mail. 12 monthly lessons with diploma by America's Finest Flower Schools. Write: Walter Geissler, Eganville, Ont. I AM Looking for a Party with $2,000 to go into a very lucrative field of Wholesale Merchandising. W o n d e ful opportunity. Box 154 123 Eighteenth St., New Toronto AUTHORS invited submit MSS all types (including Poems) for book pub- lication. Reasonable terms. Stockwell Ltd., Ilfracombe, England. (estd. 1898). $1.00 TRIAL offer. Twenty-five deluxe personal requirements. Latest catalogue Included. The Medico Agency. Box 22, Terminal "Q" Toronto Ont. GO INTO BUSINESS .for yourself, Sell exclusive hOuSeWare. „PrOfiticts.and. appliances wanted by every house, .holder, These. items 'are not sold Stores. There is no competition, prof, Its up to 500% Write, immediately for free- color .cotalogue With • retail Prigia shown. • Separate • confidential. wholesale price will be Murray Beles„ 3.132$ St. Lawrence, *entree), • SA eV cHick6 NEW REED ORGANS FROM $295.00, PEARSON'S STUDIO, SUSSEX, N.B. CHIMES that make you more money quicker, Bray, Chicks, Pullets, dayold, started! broilers, mixed chicks. Regu- lars, and /Specials' like Pilch, Ames In Cross, Cet started now, get chicks producing on tne heat,-pay markets- Bray Hatchery, 29 John N., Hamilton, TODAY ,you, egg, broiler end turkey raisers, work on narrow margins — need'. every profit advantage. you can „gain. 'You need special breeds to make you the maximum in profits whether priTs are high, fair or low, We have ni-ne special egg breeds, they lay more and eat less to pro- duce a dozen eggs. Two „,special broiler breeds — gain more on less feed. Four breeds of turkeys, a breed for every purpose, Catalogue, TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES LTD. FERGUS ONTARIO FARM MACHINERY FOR SALE FOR SALE. A SMALL BUSINESS for Sale concern- ing florist trade: Reasonable for quick sale Box 28, Holland Landing, Ontario. ALFALFA Ideal business and machine, 160 II P. Cummins Diesel. Morley Hammermill and Papec Cutter mount. ed, on International truck, all in good condition. For particulars write Roy Whitwell & Son, Glanford Station. R.R,l, Ontario. 'TREE FARMER CHAIN SAWS using Popular Power Products Engine, Til- lotson Carburetors, F. M. Starters, Model AL with Oregon Chain 20" . $215. Model ALP with Oregon Chain 20" . , . $230. Also the outstanding performer with the exceptionally long life engine P.M. Model, 19-A Write for name of nearest dealer. GROH, FARM & INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT LTD.. BOX 55, ELMIRA, ONTARIO, TRY 10 BLADES FREE! Never before so amazing a value as these DOUBLE-EDGE LYN BLADES — made of finest steel honed to surgical sharpness! LYN I Blades give you FOUR times the value of ordinary blades — they cost less than half as much and I NOW for 110 blades to TRY AT give you double the service. Send OUR RISK. Use 10 — if not MORE than delighted, return unused 100 I for FULL REFUND. ONLY $1 I postpaid — or C.O.D. plus postage. Dealer Inquiries Invited J. LYNCH CO., Dept. A L Peterborough, Ont. SAFES . Protect sour BOOKS and CASH from FIRE and THIEVES. We have a size and type of Safe or Cabinet for any purpose. Visit us or write for price etc. to Dept, W, J.6CJ.TAYLOR LIMITED TORONTO SAFE WORKS' 145 Front St. E., Toronto Estztblished 1855 • An English View Of Elyis .Presley. 'A nightmare of bad taste" Wine call him in his native United States. Many swear he must be mad, othera acclaim him a genius. Peaceful slumbers. Were never so golden as the '"nightmare'" that makes millions gor Elvis Aaron Presley, twenty, cane year-old former truck driver from Tennessee, Presley, who gets the credit, or otherwise, for the social pheno- menon we know as Rock 'n Roll, plans to visit Britain with, the leers and howls, the strutting and pesturing that he calls "singing." Earning $30 a week two years ago, Elvis ("The Pelvis") Pres ley now gets $600,000 a year from records alone. His most notorious disc is "Heartbreak Hotel," which sold a million copies in three weeks, although nobody can understand a word of it. For his film debut, in a Western called "Love Me Ten- der," 20th Century Fox paid him well over $90,000. Yet he can't read a note of music and his advisers hastily istOPPed him from taking singing lessens when, recently, he devel- 0Ped ct,titttral ambitions!, "Ah jes' glower an' wiggle mah jeans, and the women scream •out loud," is how Pres- ley modestly describes his sue- "Ah want yew .. . Ah peed yew . . . Ah love yew' . . ." he yells, and riot-squads are called into action. This six-footer, weighing 11 stone 6 lb.; gangling, with an olive complexion, hurls himself in every direction, twangs the strings of his guitar, occasion- ally'just drops the instrument to the floor. And in a screeching grab for it, proclaims; "Ah'm airborne!" When Elvis says, "Ah'm jest sendin' those dolls," he means that his female audience is in a state of frenzied hysteria when anything can happen. His fans rip off his clothes, smash his cars or plaster them all over with lipstick kisses. At Albuquerque it required ten policemen and two wrestlers to keep order — or try to; the• crowd of 5,000 went into such a state of hysteria that organizations throughout Ameri- ca held formal meetings to see what could be done about ban- ning him. They haven't rue- (ceded yet. When one crowd of girls couldn't get near enough to Presley to touch him, they sur- rounded a press photographer and touched him -- not too gently either. "Maybe he's touched Elvis!" they screamed. Row far can hero-worship go? His squirmings and rnoanings, hip-wriggling and gesturing have outraged leagues of decency, churches, welfare groups, parent assciations and many news- papers. Some U.S. top disc jockeys have elected not to play his records any more( but they go on selling.) When in Ottawa (as In so many other places) police bar- red rock n' roll sessions at a dance-hall and disc jockeys took Presley off the air, schoolchil- dren broke into their own school after hours to jive to Elvis's re- cords. And when he appeared 'On television in New York they buttoned him Into a tight even- ing jacket so that he ceuldn't roll his hips so provokingly. Presley says he was singing in the church choir when he was four. However that may be, there is nothing of the church choir about his present techni- que. Cocksure, gum-chewing, he neither drinks nor smokes, and shoWers around the money he simply is not used to earning in such vast sums that a secretary has to follow him around from restaurant JO restaurant picking up the wads of dollar bills he leaves carelessly behind him. He. owns forty suits and twenty-seven pairs of shoes (at Modes And Delinquency Is there -a eennection between body build and delinquency? Dr,'F and Mrs.: ,Sheldon Glueek, HarVard's "laMed: report.. theref ts,. Of 500. .delin- quent boyS, they found 60, per cent to be solidly and mnsett- larly built. But. et .00 MDT, del inquents, matched boy”,for- Joey,. in. age,. intelligence, back- greund, etc., only 30 per cent ' we're'.'husity Spectinens.. As the Giuecdcsexplain: the..solid, ath lege 'boy expresses.!, himself in ' octiory ,be suffers- tensions due to .Pneental.neglect..or, other fee, ..tors, he takes. 4,1,10SC out in ac, Lion, too: If no "approved"' ont7. let 'exists football say'.,- his actions may antisocial. Why- Oren't rolytpoly youngsters or fragile, 'sensitive to become. de)inquents? , Because the .first type.are more passive,. and the second tend to bottle up their frustrationns. This doesn't mean that every muscular boy is headed .for trouble, the Glu- ecks hasten to add. Physique, of course, is not the cause of delin- quency. But, according to their tests, it apparently plays a part *in th'e overall picture; SLOW DELIVERY "Grandpa," asked the little boy, "were you ever a prize- fighter?" "Yes," said Grandpa, "and a good one." "Were you ever champion of the world?" "No, but I would have been if I wasn't the victim of my de- layed-action punch." "What's a delayed - action punch?" "I'll explain, son. Many years ago in Cripple Creek I fought a rugged 20-round fight with Jolly Roger McGee. In the 19th round I hit him smack on the chin with my delayed-action punch, but that fellow didn't fall down on the canvas until six months later when he was fighting Jack Dempsey in To- ledo under a different name." There are two kinds of ego- ists. Those who admit it, and the rest of us. Rock 'In Rollers If you thiek it's just pure animal Spirits 'that Make young, stern rock 'n' yOu're, out Of tune with science, Dr. George W. kisker, tiniveristy Of citinati psychologiat says those crazy rhythms appeal More to troubled Yotingatera than to Stable, well adjusted While the latter merely tool On the controversial dance as sped.e inters, the fernier use it to Satisfy erotic urges, release ag... tressions and fill their' need to feel important. For ,some young people, the dance teems to be a forth of . mass rebellion. SO if YOU have a little reek 'ni' roller at hfiine, you would .de Di'. HiSker suggests to rEitaliZe that his (or her) Mania TnaSr, really he a. camouflaged cry for help in ;overcoming some kind Of problem. That's Dr. her's .studied view of rock 'n' rdll thusid it'S obViOuglY a dint one» PAGE ONE NEWS — The front of the Mexico, Mo. Ledger's news building is 'designed to look like the front page of the newspaper. It is One of the most modern and efficiently design- ed small newspaper plants in the country. Interesting interior features include the Ledger's collection of 52 plaques, tro- phies and certificates won in national, regional and state newspaper contests. The Ledger celegrated its 100th anniver- sary in 1955. The line under the facade reads: "Dedicated to the people's right to know." - SPECIALLY DESIGNED FOR THE CANADIAN SERVICE *SYLVANIA • CARINTHIA • IVERNIA • SAXONIA UNARD7:--S • %I Where Whales Play I stretched out on a low cliff just over the sea. A shallow rock trough lined with Vaccini- urns, crowberries, and mosses, made a wonderful scented, springy bed, heated by sun, cooled by breezes. Once you know your environment a little and have learned a few dodges, you can be just as at home and relaxed in a tundra world as in a New England garden. Groups of white ice cakes, in- congruous in the summer blue and green of the sea, floated by, graceful things, saluting each other with metallic clashes and tinkles. Some were fantastic shapes like fairy castles. One was as big as a small house; there was a pure white, upright angel, then a gigantic pelican with great outstretched wings. White whales, with young gray ones (some prople say Mature ones are occasionally gray also), dived In and out, puffing and blowing with that delicious soothing sound as they, fed placidly. Funny to IA •atch them standing straight up on their tails or heads, which re- mind one somehow of a sheep's. Way out where wind struck the water, were purple and emerald patches. And in the far distance, must wonderful of all, great mirages like big white cliffs.. . . It was strange and restful to gaze upon that great sea, which seems, never to bear a man- made ship or boat of any kind, and is always so . . . empty of human signs. . . . On the slow walk home — Terry had told me it was some two or three miles to a point not far from my tent — I fol- lowed close along shore wher- ever possible. Occasional small stretches of smooth sand arid gravel were almost devoid of the usual sea life we're so ac- customed to along - Atlantic coasts. No barnacles, anemones,. sponges Or sea urchins; only a few starfish; very little sea *,weed and scattered forms of But in tide-water pools in the rocks were hundreds of cape- lins — small six-to A eight inch, smeitlike fish — dark olive with golden flecks above, sides of bright silver shading into lav- ender and pink with brilliant rainbow Sheens. As exquisite as any tropical things. — From The Tundra World, by Theo- dora d, StanWell-Fletcher. LOST IN ADMIRATION kbotball coach dietin "Pop' Warner's favor t)tayei, Thorpe because the bie &an had such a great lel/6., frit the game. One day, Warner Wag' scolding Thorpe; for &thug to 'break up an opponent's POsS, "You telikt have stopped that easily," he 'Shouted. ' "Why didn't you?" "I &dill'1,iave'. the heart". Thorpe "It :looked so ox'etty.!, Architects •cover their !Taa ' takes with •ivy, doctors with add, and bridet eiith MayoriritilSe. WHO SAYS HE'S A BUBBLEHEAD —Played appear startled at *Hi light of a ball-headed referee' during a recent basketball *One. Before Mosirig face,4 the man in the striped' shirt lost iiake-Shouting'irirUch in the earlier part of the contest: fr VESSEL Ti Prim NEW. YORK SAXONIA ‘,/ERN IVERNIA Fri. FEB. 8 BRITANNIC'BRITANNIC' Ihuri. FEB; 1 4 Thort. FEB; 21 SCYTHIA. Thitir., FEB. 28 SAXONIA CARINTHIA 'Er!. MAR. 8: 001. MAIL 14 IVERNIA '11iwtierds., MAR...,f,:p 283 • SCVTIOA t ISCvrAEXRI, CARINTHIA AIA. , ,SAXONIA CARINTHIA •••-•• • . •=-, f WM stall iltort ceit'eltitiimiiieiniti iVeniria.. to itribisrli peitoseert. • • .11 • Cobh, Liverpool . Havre, London (Tanury) Cobh, Liverpool lidvre, SoUthampild Cobh, Liverpool -Havre, Southampton 'Cobh, Liverpool Southampton Cribb, Liverpool Ved. APR. 17 Greenock, Liverpool Fri: API. 26' *:liverpool Sat. APR. 27,. Maws, Southampton Kr. 'MAY 10 Greinicia, liverpobl Soilleis.from New York,. Frem'EALIFAX Sot, FEB', 9 Fri. FEB. 15 Sat. FEB. 23 Ser., MAR. 2 Sat. MAR. 9 Fri. MAR. 15 SOL MAR. 23 Sat. 'MAR. 30 Thum. APR. 4 ° 4tYLVANIA Meriden voyage from ;Montreal ' to Liverpool` -jiihi 14. Soil lour kiicerAgoint—Ne One trairSorvio'Tou actn Cot. Sag a. Wellington tits., TitiOntsi, Ont., SM. 2.14I +1,•1411.011,..' • ' r.Lc4,,,,44141,20, • CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AGENTS WANTED MEDICAL I SALESMAN WANTED OR 0 B_ LADES;. Less than 1 C Each "NON-EXISTENT" PICTURE—In it current issue, The Fisherman magazine has an article' "Queens Go Fishing," describing the angling activities of Britain's Queen Elliabeth and the Queen. Mother, both ardent fishermen. The magazine asked Bucking- ham Palace for a picture of Queen Elizabeth fishing. "There are no photographs, in existence, of the Queen fishing" was the unequivocal answer. But Fisherman finally unearthed this one, taken in May, 1952. It. shows Queen Elizabeth, clad in waders, tweed jacket and head scarf, fishing for salmon in the River Dee on the royal estate at Balmoral, Scotland. Man with her is unidentified. Her husband, the- Duke of Edinburgh, was also fishing, two miles downstream. How Can I? By Anne Ashley Q. How can I keep moist- ure from forming on the eye- glasses when going from a cold into a warm atmosphere? A. Try moistening the tips of the fingers, rubbing them over the lens, then polishing as usual, and see if it doesn't prevent this trouble. Q. How can I serve a lemon meringue pie neatly? A. If the knife is dipped in cold water before cutting, the meringue will not stick and pull away from the slice. Q. How can I prevent white garments from turning yellow? A. They will never take on a yellow appearance if a little kerosene is put in the washing water. Q. How can I preserve paint in open cans? A. Paint can be kept in open cans if the paint is stirred thoroughly, then the can filled to the top with water. When needed again, pour off the water carefully. Q. How can I prevent rough hands on wash day? A. Add a few drops of vine- gar to the rinsing water on washday and the hands will not become rough. Q. How can I prevent gravy from becoming lumpy? A. Add a pinch of salt to flour that is Used for thickening, before 'mixing it with water. ISSUE 6 -7 195'7 the last counting), wears as many rings as he can fit on his fingers, and has three Cadillac cars — white, pink, and yellow. He says he's going to get some more in other colours. He will kiss with considerable enthusiasm the girls who swarm around him, the girls who carve his name on their arms and bodies with knives and razor- blades, but he seems afraid of courting anyone. "Lots o' wo- men are fine," he comments. "I believe in safety in numbers. One girl would scare me to death." Apart from Cadillacs, Presley indulges himself with . . . teddy bears. He will sit for hours on his hotel bedroom floor sur- rounded by toy bears, and after a show go to the nearest fair- ground to win more teddy bears. When he's collected enough bears he'll ride the dodgems till the fairground closes. Born in Tulepo, Mississippi, he was given a guitar when he was twelve years old. He has made his father a return gift, a $45,- 000 house. "I make, in fifteen minutes what Dad earns in a year," he said recently: Dad promptly re- tired — •at thirty-nine — from his job in a paint factory. Now Elvis maintains the family but is rarely at home. What ambition does this strange young man have, with his burning black eyes, his blue suede shoes? Well, like most of the Hollywood glamour girls, he wants to "go straight." He wants to be a . serious actor! — by Frank. Fairfax in ,"Tit-Bits." WRONG NUMBER A telephone operator answer- ing a call with the usual "Num.: ber, please?" heard a voice re- ply "Duston." "What number, Duston?" ask- ed the operator. "No number. Just Duston," replied • the voice impatiently. And ° then, since the operator still obviously failed to under- stand, the voice added: "I'm dtistin' .the telephone." This, magnificent Cunard quartet of 22,000-ton luxury liners is part of the largest passenger fleet on the Atlantic headed 'by the'famous "QUEENS" . . . a fleet which sets the highest standards of ocean' travel available today; based on a tradition of service` that is second to none. Taking less than six days from Montreal for the ocean crossing, the "BIG 4" *Cunarders accommodate a total of 528 First Class and 3,088 Tourist passengers. They provide unexcelled cuisine and service , . . entertainment to please every taste . , . and accommodation featuring every modern refinement.