HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1957-01-16, Page 6..„ We hatte• so ouch to protect Thil Canada of 'eatif g.gg h date to inlay at a pike=tlr pease Of constant aleelneia, We cannot take foe gninfed Otte 6144in to *add* - to educate our dillchini, or to order st"hoii• life as X11 these ireedontriani dun only as long as we iiro 0 is do necessary to maintain and defend think gnaidicot of ail One tdittiottoo4 Without Mia tt. Alf honour then. to the CdAddlCanadian oldier the dfaN Canada love Might • cedie ha, • Ws linv• so much to prated., Lit u' all CIO out gait., White, „ lef•Up, whatiiier way our duty Kit SERVE CANADA AND YOURSELF IN till ARLO id be you must bt 17 is41.1.yotoi liatit$0006 Whitt applying briny birth cointlmit. eieof Alp ohltsiowai- far 514 Atyist IteerislOnb Oink* eitireityeer tit. 31 hanJsetiN D. eI, aims sank mom , kink* AM haat* statue, as aitamesillti 'Oita* 11**0 Lt etteitetetaq Imam SI Mammal With ins.:-teL gal rellulill11404 *aims, lanai* Orrhrl i Mabee IS'.. Lesko, int It $1100.0 tamrs, a was I L IL. Mall r,le. - TO. op *oil istivittlitilittoo, IM tag N t.4 Itioittuk cot -ULM*. • e • .. • • ," ' Tip Top gen and VOM(14 by the thIO8Pandfil will. gladly Seartfinei MAW, Money, • enemy Dor tOngin „needy }fellows. Witness. the great gepularitY 4'0 "'rand *srlork of 'Service .Clubs, Wit. ,110Se too t+.44 COp1Oril and response dnriakg this Auragarian T:nageflY! • Children's Wear To Clear Snow suits 3 Piece sets. Etc. 3 Piece Sets As Low As $6.69 100 'Garments to Go ! 60 Women's & Misses House ,Dresses, sizes 12 to 24I/2 Ladies Coats Reduced up 331A OFF All Outer Garments on Sale aka .....aaaaa-vaa a • Get the free 15c box of Cherry Cough Drops when it is purchased Vick's> Cough Syrup 59c 1 and just now there is given a 19c Free Box Mens and Boys Gabardine and Wool Plaid Ski Paps Spec. $1.00 • r. • ► 98c Mi 31 Antiseptic Gargle 65c Antiphlogistine Poultice ,69c 1956. Geo. C, Martin, Clerk. Mens Dress Shirts (Forsythe and Bluestone) White or Coloured, Pointed Collars, Plain or French Cuffs Reg. 4.95 Spec. 2.98 SMITH'S Rexall Drug Store Womens and Misses Pullovers. all wool, and 100% Orion, Reg. 4.50 Spec. 2.98 Mens Felt Hats, (Adam) Spec. 4.95 Reg. 8.50 Spec. $1.98 Normadamonon.. Ladies Flannelette Pyjamas. all sizes, Spec. 2.39 Mens Heavy Flannelette Pyjamas, Spec. 2.98 DR. R. W. STEPHEXS Li? ONI*10.1•04,017:rmi:9** nenramv am it BURGOS!' • Drussas, D. A. RANN & Co. tr FUNEllitiL AND AMBULANCE itirBVECE Liaammad- Faiaaral, Diecaor mai Lanbeisafre • MOSE 39 ar 85 5111U5155" tkeza. Walker Funeral Home Day ar /Ciabt Casla,.Tatapbson Pia Ohara Chew tar Chos of Famormi irnarto Linamod Famital Direstia allr liaelesaaar Tueuedy-kot. novae ORMOINPIO3 *alt i Alfa ' Spec. 50c 5 Young Mens Suits. Sizes 34 to 42 Reg. 39.95 (2 piece) Spec. 19.95 R. S. Hetherington, K. C. WINGAPIAMeasel 511fUSSE.u4 AT 511105518.8 Mawr Mt Succesmor Si. list th40 ressaliay amyl Sozorday all day - Offirn owe= exto#G*7 ant, ittliat den.. GAVILLER, McINTOSH and WARD, Chartered Accountants L' r' Bell Telephone Building • • EXPERT TRAINING IN NEW AND USEFUL SKILLS?. • DEVELOPMENT AND RECOGNITION OF YOUR . 'CHARACTER? • A CHANCE TO LEARN HOW TO HANDLE MEN? e FREE MEDICAL AND DENTAL. CARE? • THIRTY DAYS HOLIDAY WITH PAY A YEAR? exCept in the Canadian Army? If you are 17 to '40 year§ of age, and able to meet Army toquite- men's, the Canadian Army effors. you thete and other advantages of Army life. YOU enlist for a 3 year term, At the end of that time you may'return to civilian life well flt,, fed for the future, or continue in the service of your Country, 'Mail: the coupon 'below, telephone ,or visit your local recruiting 100,11otruitifik State. „. RIchmond90 Street West, - TeL EM 6-8341; Loc, 876 • 'Army Recruiting Station, 184 King' St. East, timmutok thit. =T el. JA 2-8708 Amiy:kodruiting Station, 21d Weiland St, St OrliherInes ont. -Tel, MU 24527 Arer4 lhtrdltlnt Staten, Wolaeley SatroCks, Intsbetif& oxford Sta., Condon', Ont. - Tel 4.1661, Loc. in, Army itionlitingStatlort , St, wistiatiN ont -Tel. Aefo: IfeetaltIrig Station, Old Peat'Offied %Minn, .- K4111066 Tel SH'ASSI. 097W aR ria;a4 a.4 Walkerton, Ontario ANNUAL MEETING AND BANQUET - East Huron Agricultural Society St. John's Angliban Church WEDNEDAY, JANUARY 28rd. 1957 At 7 P. M. Guest Speaker: R. C. Drew Manager of Mid-Western IndUstrial and Development Board' Ticket $1.25 (Tickets mow on sale from Axecati% Members) G. ALAN WILLIAMS, Optometrist. • Pim* „ WINS r 40 mica.** 000 moor Thiseop. • IPINS1 1l7711&L Umiak* mt. :E bY 1101001163.V‘,51~01V6V.VAg SUPER PLENAMINS with 9 Vitamins and 12 NtInerals iBuild up Resistance Bottle of 36 Tablets $Z59 ...... a• ........ ... ..... •00,4,1 ........ Vgla A New Product Bayer's Aspirin. Nose Spray 98c of Aspirin Tablets both for iRexall Tasteless Extract Cod Liver Compound with Vitamin D bot.. Cod Liver CoTh-pound with Creosote $1.25 1,,r1WAVOlftteWAKAWIVMAzt ABEAtft.' Stubbo JOHN E. LONGSTAFF, Optometrist. Brio ExatinfimeL Ghtimas ?haw 791 Seam& Aga Data? Fkaweas EzettanirdY WM9: Wad. 9.112.341, Sat. 9 a.m. tea 9 it; Phone 62 Brussels Business eards ose A Good Hot Water ,„,Bottle $1,95 Rexall Bronchial Syrup 60c or Save Money by Buying the Large Size Bottle at $1.25 11•••••11, ...... ... • ......... Ita“.• ... .. .1.011140•••• Economy Size Vick's Vapo.Rub at 98o Colds Therrnogene Medicated Wadding 750 , Entire $50,000.00 Stock Slashed to give you, the„Greatest Money Saving Values, on Quality Name Brand. Merchandise, to be found Anywhere. Savings from 20 to 70%, throughout our entire Stock. No Exchanges/ No Charges, No. Alterations, All Sales EARLY BIRD SPECIALS) 600 Yds. Prrnt, Broadcloth and. Flannelette .. . .... Spec. 39; 25 pr. (Storm King) Flannelette Blankets 70 x 90 Spec. $4.69 26 Women's Blouses Crepe, RegN.Y tloon $&. Cottons 5.95, Spec. $1.00 - .. .. Men's Wool Work Socks, reinforced with Nylon, ,... Spec. 2 Pr. $1.00 ... Men's Flannel plaid: Work Shirts. Come early, quantity limited $1.98 22 Women's and Misses Better Dresses, sizes 12 to 24I/2 Reg. to 19.95 Spec. 4.95 Boys Leather Mitts, lined, , Spec. 500 3 Boys' Stadium Coats, Sizes 12 to 16 yrs. some with (Processed Fur) collars Reg. $14.95 Spec. 9.95 250 yds. Flannelette Shirting and Striped Flannelette Pyjama Cloth Reg .79c 'yd. Spec. 59c yd. Women's Wool GlOves Mens All Wool Cardigans, with buttons or 2 tone with zippers, Reg. 6.49 Spec. 4.98 Womens Snuggledown Pyjamas Womens and Childrens Genuine Basque- Berets Spec. 69c Childrens Wool Gloves and Mitts Spec. 69c during this Sale. .......... •••••••••t•••••••••} .... • 100.1 ..... • . . 4.. . 1 .••••••, ... • .. • .... . ••••..• . • .. • . *T.", .. .. • 2 Women's Spring & Fall. also All Weather Coats:t... Spec. $14.95 ••IP 50 Doz. Full Fashioned Nylons (Subs) Sizes 81/2 to 11 Spec. 59c Boys and Girls Flannelette Pyjamas. sizes 3 to 8x Spec. 1.59 Mens Happy Foot Dress Socks Spec. '2 pr. 1.50. Men's Tles Drastic Reduction On All Merchandise - Sale Now in Full Swing Annual 4Pa:wary rain Sale. Brussels and Blyth •114, • 'rem I S. THE BRUSSELS POST' 'torts „,,,,,,•44,44 "err. fartr, Spec. $1.98 Spec. 75c Phone , STRANGE, ISN'T IT1 24 Tailors. But strange, isn't it, 'that these Sfline individnialst retise to takiinst an attitude podnt of View to help .f,elIPW106 Miley are ' Serininslx,, concerned : about the alarming, nleehol pro. NOM in otir utidSt.. Bet it.iS so ,diffieult, t tincyttee them - (even elturob,Men in good standing) - to admit Uhat Paul's .Prinalile of , Ohlristian 'living should apP,ly here. I "My mederste drinking does me no harm and is my own affair," , t In effect Miley say. "I am not my It .brother's Ileeper,.0 IStraa,nge isn't it, Notice to Cattle Owners In Morris Township All cattle owners must have all female calves vaccinated." It is the responsibility of the cattle owner to notify his veterinarian. of .all female =Wes between the ages of four and nine months. There is no cost to the owner,, Any one falling to do so may be charged with an offence under the BrnceiblosisI Act, which Name into effect October 1, Notice To cattle Owners In Grey Township 4,11 cattle owners must haVe all female calves vaccinated. tinder The Brucellosis Act, 1956 it is re- SPonsil3le of the cattle owner to no- tify his veterinarian of all female calves between the ages of four and nine months. There is no cost to the owner, Every person who fails to comply with this Act or the regulations, or terms or condit,- ions of any peTrait issued under the Act is guilty of an offence and on summary- conviction is liable to a .Penalty of not more than $100.00 for first' offence and not more than $200.00 or to imprisOnment for a term of not less than thirty days or both !Or a subsequent offence., Edythe M. Cardiff. Clerk. WHERE. ELSE DO YOU GET ,11 OPPORTUNITIES FOR TRAVEL AND ADVENTURE? • HEALTHY OUTDOOR LIFE? • GOOD PAY? HIGHLAND CONCERT and • DANCE FRIDAY, JANUARY 25th. BRUSSELS TOWN HALL WO4psoS av,, Ja11.4Ary 1,0R, 1 • • . NEW STORE HOURS To fall in line with all the surrounding' towns and villages the merchants of Brut*. els will close their stores at 6.30 p. m. Saturday nights during the months of January, February, and March: Announcing STATE FARM AGENT for Brussels and Walton District will Be LLOYD' ETUE If ytou wish to get Insurance or If service ie required by lay Polley Holler In the dletrIlt. PHONE: GODERICH 1450 COLLECT 'With Every Dollar Purchase. Get L.!: 'Your Lucky Ticket For A WOOL -BLANKET To Be Drawn Saturday, At 6 P. M. once. ttitqr Coating Sate Austin Sales and Service repetra 20 ail "•414;Aff snt *WV Me amok" 'Waren ma 1161111.L.tt ICP,T ION. l•HRLL HODettl01.0 ZOIELL PUTROLEUI11 PROGRAM? DUNLOP TINIER Parts and Amemeeorlos McNEIL'S SHELL ;SERA V'I'CE; Notice To Our Customers All accounts must be settled at D. N. McDONALD Brussels; Ontario • CoihrenietiOe,4 niintife walk te l Union Station, closest hotel to liookt of downtown • Luxurious guest tool* and suites: • Good POott-4111. course M06 and delicious= snacks. • En tertaiiiiiien f the fainintsCluh Th Igo fOdtueing gtottdmiy 8110.W hightly, •••••••••s• ... tp”s4 . .. ... HOTEL 1 Obitcj•Irig I I' full tritontiallou o,t Atecy careers, 1 Naive • •••444.4 Addrosi 'City/Town Prov fOtei6tiona, FRONT and SIMCOE ST& „ TORONTO PHONE:, EMPIRE 33410 Vie Law 1..wo umr.- Gloow immoi rm. N.