HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1957-01-16, Page 1Stop Look Listen POLLARD'S CHAIN SAW JAMBOREE' Brussels Town flail to be held on Friday, January 18th at 1 P, • (18th. to be south of 86 highway) Saturday, January 19th (19th. to be north of 86 highvvay) Slide talks by representatives of Titan Sawi and Blue Jet Chain from Seattle and Montreal Chief Forester from Stratford will be present with Slides DRAWS, EACH DAY $50 on New Saw $25 on New Saw Chain Case of 011 Wedge FREE BUSH WHACKER'S DANCE SATURDAY NIGHT — Dancing To Start at 9 p. m. Prizes For: Cloggers Bush Whackers Costumes Music By: The Kansas Farmer and His Orchestra Afternoons and. Night Listen to C K N' X Wingham for Further Particulars Thurs. • Fri.: Sat. Jan. 17 - 18 - 19 BING CROSBY In A• NYTHING G„0 E'S' Here is the delightful Cole Porter Musical on the screen. Mon. ,7-.Tues. = Wed..° Jan: 21 22 -- 43. Here'si Tit,* altigged nienteirtainitent devoid of romance., Based osi the ,grealfest book aver ‘writteint Abblut Men and the sea. iiii0BY DICK' (Adult) Thur. Sat. Jan. 24 25 26 John Wayne THE 8t'Aitt:61-iditt dinerriaSeepe Co* Mlany critics claim this IS John Viiayne's best picture. It IS Certainly ,,ono of the beet western dramas; ever" filmed Tuesi:,•,-, Wed, 71-It UtgoAfib#0 gduitJ •Eieftertaininent Orettie Esther Williams In her Hirst hop sWlnimIng rote, 'I'd like to say thanks also. The world needs a ob.ange is outlook Thank you. • " from PLIA.R. to FAITH in the Savifig Billy McWhirtar. Grace of Jesus Christ. Nom Cony NDAY, J at LEGION E Gue GEORGE for Tor LS othorisei u. seoon4 dame mil. ?am 'mos nwisomint, °two Wednesday, •January 16th, 1957 4. Post Publishing House CARD OF THANKS , I would like ItO thank all :those who remembered me with cards, letters, and treats while I was a Patient. in the hospital in Clinton and since I came home. 'bur kindness was, appreciated. Helen Wheeler ,,ARD OF' THANKS • Now that I'm well. I'd like to thank all the nice peoPlo wiho sonit me spe. cial treats and cards, Tfhese were 0111 very math appreciated and help ed into ,endure my four months in hod, and to 'those who visited me United SKAT Church Y. P. U. ING PARTY Paper Hanging and Painting Interior and exterior, Sunworthy Papers in stock. Deng. Dalton Phone 320M Seaforth UtninfRAMInagianik-,MEMEUP t eAriT01, .wi?.11 01WEL -"* ; 'r; 14. • shoots nigr,^tly d.a.o • Matinee Saturday 2 p.tins i7AL's BEAUTY SHOP .Cutting Styling Cold Waving A Speclafty Phone 40X Brussels THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA Knox Church, CRATNBROOK Minister: Mr. C. L. Thompson Worship Service 11.00 A. (Sunday 'School, suspended for winter) Knox Church, ETHEL Minister: Mr. C. L. Thompacin Sunday School 1.30 P. If Aka Bible •Class 1.30 P, M. Acterpoon Worship Service 2:30 P. M. 31liere ate two freedoms — the FALSE, where a man is free to do :what he likes; and, the" True, 'where a man Is free to do what is Right. WE Welcome You To Our Services WE WELCOME YOU ,TO r: ! OUR SERVICES Melville Church Minister: Rev. H. T. Colvin, B. D. ' 10 A. K. Sunday School 11 A. M, Morning- Worshit "Man's EXtremitieS, Ood'k Oppprtuhity'$ if man called up,on the Lerd more he would call upon himself less. The United Church • OF CANADA Nlinirt,04 Rev. A,. Ulla% e: A.. I. . A.: IL Teacihing about OtirSelVes Qdaroh SohOol o'clock -alio is My belbved Son: hear him" Luke 0:35 Anglican thilreh T. OF 6ANAOA .. Parish of Rain Ofed E. L T. Rector liti john's BrUeitelii 11 k. Mattins Sunda.* Minot Sts David's Church i Hentryn 1.0 : EVenSong Sunday 001001' UNITED QHURCH W. M. S. INSTALL OFFICERS Annual Pea Ten was held in the Parsonage, Mire, H, TholnaS, 'Kea, gout, cifeteialtitig4 Selriptiqre, and PraYer givo. by Mrs. Alt, Cousins.. Pianist, Mrs. Hamilton. 97 calls *were reported for biro year. Nominating committee for 1957 was e.peOinted, Axris, T. Strachan, Mrs, D, A. 'Rani and. Mrs, R, J. Waiter. Onr Missionary foil, prayer tialS1' year is Miss Vera Boyd, R. of India. Committee was formed to Iprepare• for World's Day of Prayer were Mrs, H. Thomas, Mrs, R. Cousins,. and Mrs. J. Rowland, (Coma-Otte° for February meeting, Mrs. Lane, Mrs Williamson. A delightful skit by the, 1956 Mum inating. commtttee, Mrs. 1.4 .Mrs. Blell and Mrs A. Armstrong. woo very much endOyed. MiSs C. Hingston sang a solo, Mrs. M. Dennis replanted on current events., imbressive tustaillation core. many .by Rev. Lane installed .111.s tonswing officers for 1956 Hon. P,res, ,,,,,,,,,,, Mrs. Lane President Mrs, H. Thomas Itt. Vice. Pres, ,,, „., Mrs. M. Dennis 2nd, Vice Pres, ..,„„, Mrs L. Nichol 21rd.1 Vice Pres, Mrs, F. Miohet Treasurer ..., Mrs. R. J. McLauchlin Secretary Mrs. 4 Rowland' Asst. Sec. , Miss M. Robinson Sec. atiristiarr Stowlardship Mrs. R. Cousins Sec. Christian CitizenshIp.',.., Mrs. T. Strachan . Sec. Associate - Members .,..,.. Mrs. A. Arnifstrong Sec. (Supply). Mrs. R. Cousins Missionary Monthly ...... Mrs. Rose Pianist Mrs. 'Hamilton Mission Band Supts .. Mrs. G. Cousins Mrs. D A, Rana $o C. Community Friendship Mrs. Lane Sec. 'of Liit. Miss. F. Buchanan Press Sec. Mrs. R. J. Walker Siupt. Baby Band steoemon inceeting February 7th. at 7,30 p,in. Meeting Closed with a hymn and M4APP4h. :Bienediettou. Umdli was served by Mesdames Cousins, DOWiling,. McArthUr and 11x e~iau~iilln.- Mr. Thomas Telfer On Saturday, .ranuary 5;t1i, 1957, Mr. Thomas Teller of 12927 - 133A Street Edmonton Alta., passed away in bis year. Dorn near Walton, Ontario, the .mn 'of, the late William and Mrs, Tater. Besides his Wring Mite Edina, he is murvived by mie dangli'ter, (Lois) -'+1,1s. Dave failristie of Edmonton and one, soil William of Calgary, also two sisters, Agnes Davidson and Mrs, Kate Farquharson both of 'Calgary and four grandchildren, Mr. Telifer was predeceased by one son Thomas Wilfred on active service in 1943, Paneral service was held in the Chapel of ;Chimes on Tuesday, Jan_ nary Pith. .at 1.30 Par- and burial was the WestiaV Memorial Park. • PASSES FIRST YEAR C. A. EXAMINATIONS 1.Villiam Alcock son of Mr. and Mrs, John. .Alcook, R. R. 3, Brussels „ has Completed bis ,...lizst; year of a clin•tereid accountant's cou•:Se. Mr. Aaoack graduated from genforth DiStrict High Schbol and since that time; that been employed, byi, A. M. Harper, charts; ed accountant of aederieh, TWO FIRES The local fire brigade received two during the past week.' One to a fire that holce, out in the t storeroom of the Rutledge Grocery and.to a chimney fire at the home of Ralph Pearson. " Fortunately bOthJ were quickly controlled: NEW MEMBERS INOVOTED AT LIONS CLUB poor now members were welcomed at the regular Sniper meeting' of the local 1.10110 Club on Monday night': L. Macb,an, L. W. J. Glasgow, 11. 11110Kenzie, and a, Vlselle7- Lion A. Lane instructed them in Lioniam. Tbe business period was conduct, ed by Lion; president Gerd'on Lion. R. Cousins spoke briefly on :tire Huron County Film. Board. Lion 0. Dunbar gave a very in, 'teresting and applreciated talk on Ilk- trip to Earcipe. Lion 0, Hnitobinson was winner of the draw. Saxophone solos were contributed. by David Kennedy accompanied a,t , the piano by Lion D. Dunbar. FORESTAY CLUB MEETING ;.•••• The organizational meettpg of the 4_H Forestry Club of Winglain Dist ric High School was !held on Jan. 9th. in the High School, Club leaders are Mr Jahn Jackson, of the W, D. H, S. staff and Mr. H. DeVries, Department of Lands and Forests. Stratford. The following officers apPointed: President, Vernon Wes, Clifford Vice Pre%'Kelp Coultes, Wingham Sec. Treas., C. Sears-on, Virroxeter Press, Reporter, Robin. Reed iI Teeswater Tbore are 27 members and the Club 'will in;eet, every 2nd. Wodnesd, of ;the-- ;month at the High SchoOl. The members have a, choice of three projects: to plant a wind_ • break of pot less than 100 trees; to I plant a: plantation of.not less than I 300 trees; and to mark for thinning ' and improving a half acre of wood.. land. 1 The sponsoring organization is the Wingliam District High School Marl t 1 N Cold Storage Save 10 % Locker ,tartisse P. Modern and In Brusse SAT., EV. Admission 50c MODERN Thynne PROGRESSiV AS Federal . Cons ELECTI CHAS, MacNAUGH.TON President Blue and •Gold Peas Eddy's Silent Matc Aylmer Pork and. B 20 oz. • • Aylmer 20 oz. tinT rciu wit Ind other val HE Itu' Not Just today or Phone 7 Motion TOWARD Which Is Farm Presente Local Massey-H In Bru THURSDAY At 2.30 P. ADMIS er DEALER Superior Market 2. 15 oz. thrieStOkelYIS Honey Pod: Peas Y c i 15 .oz.. tins Champion Dog Food. Lb. bolt Fresh Salted Sodas Lb. Freshly Ground. Coffee SPECIAL- 1' Dot, WeStOit'S. Iced Tea Friday arid Saturday tOireff.E0V0i. 16,S1.1 u,. . iaid.ciit off S Pone 5 • • We Deliver Brussels Arena TUESDAY JAN. 22nd. 8 P. M, Lunch Served At Church After Skating Admission: Adults ,35 Children :25 mrs• G. .•1 mew*, ctsmr•-c-ccomeimaseitr cd ,•••••••10c&olconacc NCER ANC russeis own all on ,N. 5t LOCAL 'TALENT Archie :Mann's Orchestra. Lunch Booth in Hall ADMISOION 50e tigiedsPoi Band Equipment er 104itei Legion Pipe Viand • 33c