HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1956-12-12, Page 1o.i.ithortzed as socon4 OANcE* In Brussels Rtown Hall Total SAT., ,EVE„ DEC. 1$ Adm ssion 50c — Lunch Counter MODERN 40 OLD TYME Thynne Alceok 321 389 .4 4 4 4 ri MORRIS TOWNSHIP HOLDS end, NOMINATION MEETING The second nomination meeting required in Morris Township -was held on Dec, 7, For Councillor: Gordon Wilkinson, proposed by . 'ROL seconded. by Ja.s.r Mooch. (Q) Albert, Bacot, Pron,losed by„RiehArd Procter seconded by Harvey Coll. (CD Clarence Yulli proposed by Stv7. )secorid01 i,y •L. Rooney. (Q) Louis Phelan, Proposed by J, 13. Nesbit seconded` by J. C Haines. For School 'Trustees J. C. Haines, propiased by Millar Richmond seconded by David A. Craig. (Q) Ernest 'Noble, proposed by. Robt. Michie seconded by Stewart Procter. A Meeting of the chairmen of the various )Gentennial committees was held in the Morris Township hall on Friday, Dec, 7 following the nomin utica for the purpose of disiposIng of the surplus Centennial money. Moved by C. R. Coultes, second- ed by Ken Taylor, that we turn...ail books and supplies over to Council with the understanding that the Council looks after till expenses that might arise carried. Moved by Jack Bryans, seconded by Wm. Elston, that we give $100 ; 'to Mrs. Douglas Smith and dispose of the) rest as we .see fit . carried Moved by C. R Coultes seconded, br Ken Taylor, ;that we give $100' to the T. B. fund. •. carried Moved by Wm. Elston, Seconded by Milo Caseimore that the)remarria- er of the# money be turned over 'to, a Committee consisting of Richard ) Procter, Walter Slhortreed, and: Rai* Shaw to prondhade, a Picture of the Queen and her consent, o scroll for the Reeves ta scroll: for veterans di' the Township of the two Grclat Wars and a flag. Any' money lest -to be turned 'Over to ' the Council. carried, The meeting adjourned on motion of Richard Procter and Ken Taylor Tilt‘r),)are still a numii"er of % Cen- tennial books on hand ‘and anyone wishing n truirequIce one or more mar (10 -n from any member of the C)rvritril hffieials. IVT,artin Secretary. SECOND NOMINATION FOR GREY TOWNSHIP Grey Township . second, militia .ttion meeting for two .Councillors and one School Trilatee was held in Ethel Community Centre on Thursday afternoon, Dec., 6th, 10.66, The nominations Were as fellows: Councillors, ; Kenneth limy • (Q) Glenn iluether (0) Hugh Smith (Q) Kenneth McLean • School Trustee ; Cecil. Raynard William Smith (Q) Rae Houston James Williamson '(Q) Before nine Welook in the after. neon of the day following the nom- ination meeting, Hugh Smith re- signed as candidate for.- councillor and James WiRiamson resigned as candidate for. school • trustee, • PRESENTATION On Sunday morning at Mel- ville Church, a beautiful bible was presented to Mr. L„ T), Thompson. the retiring 'organist of the amen by .the Board of Managers and Sest.tion of the dhureh. The inserpi- iozi read,'``,In appreciation of over 13 years of faithful )serVice, as organist , and choirmaster or Melville Pres- byterian church, Brussels). this- bible Is affectionately ,f)nesented on beimit of the 'Session." - {Rev. Ii, T, Colvin On behalf of the Board of Manag-er.7, Wilfre{d, Shortreed, wit„ Mr. Thompson ;spoke briefly, testi- fying the Bible as the guidebook of life, and Stating he- believed this holy, book contained the answer to every human problem, and urged all especialty young people to read their bible,• Mr. Thentellon Also stated he, 41had worn omit: two bibles. so that this was a very welcothe gift. At the close of the 'last chelr etiee, the' Choir imesented Mr. and MrS. ,Thompson with ar beautiful table lamp. after 77' blob a Social hour , was spent, with refreshmentiSeryed by the ladies, Knox Church, ETHEL Minister: Mr. C. L.. Thompson Sunday School 1.30 P. M. Adult Billie Class 1.30 P. M." Ailernoon Worship 2.30 P.M. "At best, Chrietmas is meaningless sinless YOU makea'manger in your heart fojr the Christ." BE SURE TO ATTEND CHURCH. 4 AT CHRISTMAS t.4.• Melville Church Minister: Rev: 14. T. Colvin, D. D. 10 A. M. Stinday School 11 A. M. , Morning Worship "Mary, the mother of Jesus?' Wed. 8:06 p. m. Prayer Meeting life yielded to God proves a bleats- ing to the, World," CARD OF THANKS The )Brusaas Lions, cilia) extend ithVr thanks to the Brussels p,ranoll of Cho 'Canadian Legion; the men. ohanto and all others 'who enpported, ar gave their help, for the Santa Clause parade, GARD OF THANKS NOTICE To The Farmers Of Morris and Grey .Due to ntimierous requests and to the fact, that we are fully licensed for ;this; work; we are shipping hogs 1 Under the Ontario Hog Producers Association's direction, We will 'pick np( at your farm, or will make allowance if brought to our livestock yards, Anyone having begs to shin, please contact BRYANS TRANSPORT) your loCal ,licensed Transpertation SyStern. MUNICIPAL NOTICE Township of Wrrts An election to elect one Counicillor to serve the Township of Morris during 1.957 w(ill be held on Dec. 17, 1956. . Pole will be open from 9 a. in. to 5 p. George C.• Martin, :Returning Offider 'George Hutchinson limit tpp Van. tpie Weekly* television Vartety. Anufor vocalist, lute headed east of songs and &knees With It WeSt• and is now seen 0011 Meek on. Cliff. ern flaVet; Mekare POptilar ..qtelidaY Rand.", Netted to Vattle Owners In Morrie" Township' All cattle OWiera must lioVe alt female calves Vaddriatett. It IS the resmon§ibility of the,,,dattle Owner to notify his Veterinarian of All telltale calves) between the no§ Of lid nine thibriths:), Therein he cost to the ettilet, ,ktor- ono falling to do so intlY be charged with eh ,offence tinder tile t threeililosla Act into effect October 1) 106,, 'Coo. Ci„ Martin, Clerk. ,VAL's BEAUTY SHOP gilttiop. *once Cold 1111aving'. A.:60cfatisi, , Pliene 4Oit 2.00 per y U0 Sal vottA rot Ofgic'e Pel's,rtment, Cotismk ednesday, December Post Publishing House GREY TOWNVHIP ELECTION ResuLTs H Defer° you. stint bake, yew .C.itriatmee Shortbread and Other special .Goods,, .sure to get your supply of BRUSSELS OFIEAMERY UNSALTED BUTTER It is repoonnended far People who are on a Ispit-free dint - We have 13NSAI/IMD BITTrIZR in stock at all times, se F.'IONTI, 22 or call in at the CREAMERY for your sunPly Polling Sub,' Division. No, $ 34 4 For Reeve .Clifidond Dumber 23 44 i6 `George 1-Intoliinson fll 54;.12 23 20 70 47 53 1t 35 115 65 30 'Edythe M. Cardiff, Returning Offieer Green Giant Niblets 14 oz. • • 2 for 33c 31c Aylmer Tomato Juice 48 dz. Aylmer Special Process Peas 20 oz. tin 2 for 45c ,2 for 35e 2 for 39c Smart's Pumpkin 28 oz. tin 1-hint's Catsup 13 oz. bottle To the Electors of Morris Township Having been nominated for councillor for the coming clection your support at the polls on December 17 will be appreciated. , Wishing you all the Compliments of the season. Clarence Yuill • .. CHR4STMAS FORMAL PANE; In Cranbrook Community Centre Thursday, December • :27th fluaic by Henderson Orchestra LUNCH PROVIDED ADMISSION 1$1.00 LIONS ENTERTAIN 4,-H SWINE CI.GB The local. Llomi entertained the Bru.,4.isls 4-0 Emilie :Club,. Whioh they ilenser, at their regular supper' meeting on Monday Piresident Gordon Knight wel, owned the guests, Jas. Armstrong -Jr., club leader,. thanked the Lion,E,.• for Altair apen.sori ship and, told of.44I club went. Mr; Lloyd: MorriSon, .prineinal Mitchell High School, 'guest speaker, who was introduced. by Lion win,_ Turnbull, gave an Interesting ad- ,dref'is on "Weather Forecasting" ;Mist, Hair thanked the speaker and also. the Lions Club and the Club leaders .on behalf of the rBrussels Fair Board. Misses Linda Dunn .and Marilyn Knight, entertained with piano ?blebs and solos. Lion S. Baker gaire a report on the Fanta Claus Parade, Lion G, Knight was winner of the draw. Tail Twister S. Armstrong aivened the meetiog and demon- 4raited to the sus its the .collection of fines' i n a geni al manner. NOTICE — fou MI Ind other values Just as great as these at E 0 , 5), ,, Your support at the polls on mioaaa-Y, 1'3430, would Tie" To The- Voters of Morris Twp. • appreciated in electing me as. conlacillor, "'Compliments of the Season to all. Not just to-day or to-rhorroW, but Every Day of the year. Still plenty of Turkeys on band for Christmas and New Years. We would rappreeiate orders by Dec. 1,5th. .y- .1aolt Wheeler Rhone 12.1' 13 Phone 7 We Denver Gordon A. Wilkinson To the Electors of Morris. Township Ladies and Gentlemen :-- I will be a candidate for the Municipal Council on Dec.,,,..4,03. and would consider your -vote a ,personal favonr to me, and in farm will do my best to merit your support by my actions as a C*OiLneill member if' you, tire voters decide. - Owing'to the shortage of time it will be itniiosslble for alk to call on ;Mu* individually. Yotur support, at the polls! „ appreciated. Air. Bacon THE PRESBYTERIAN CrdURCH IN CANADA Churct:, CRANBROOK Minister: Mr. C. L. Thompson Yoking People's Bible Class 10 a.m. Sunday School 10 A. M. Morning Worship 11 A. M. Sermon: "Tilre Sat(iethr'S, Birth' and Ithe sinner's New Birth." "Pei Ninth of Jesus. was an: ADVENT, He came DOWN to earth to lift mankind UP to heaven," CHRISTMAS DANCE ETHEL COMMUNITY HALL FRIDAY 'DEC. 21 Archie Mann's Orchestra Lunch Booth in Hall Sponsored by Hall Board Annual .• CHRISTMAS CONCERT By Pupils of S. S. No. 7 and S. S. of Knox PreS. Church FRIDAY DEC. 21 Cranbrook Community Centre at 8 p. m. Adults 35c Children Free .4.111101WSESSOMAININISIEFIM.M1011111=k LIBRAIIY •NOTES ,) The library will be closed on, Dec, 24. 25, and 26. Get enough books to last you till Dec. 27, New ones came in on Wednesday, Dec 12. Enclose a 1957 membership card with your Christmas gift. especially to children, LOCATION CHANGE The W. E. Collins Insurance Office. formerly situated over the Krauter )Rlumbing Shop, is now located in the house formely occupied by C. Krauter. W. E. Collins Phone 47 To the Ratepayers of the Township of dr-dsr. My sincere thanks ig given to those who =0P:sled 1180 in the necent.electrion. Your efforts on my behalf were apnreelats4 To the council I extend every good wish for a success/1g year. Wishing you the compliments of the season. CliffoOd R. Dunbar' FIGURE SKATING The Brussels Lions Club will plrovide free transportation to Wing, ham for any, childrenyWho want to take instructions in figure skating. The instruction fee per pupil is $10 Anyone interested) plea,se contact A. Rann The Annual Melville Sunday School CHRISTMAS CONCERT FRIDAY, DEC.- 14th. To the Ratepayers -Of the Township of Goy- . Ladies and Gentlemen The. Annual CHRISTMAS CONCERT will be 'held in Brussels United Church THURSDAY, DEC. 20th. At 8 p. CHRISTMAS CONCERT U.S.S No. 12 Grey Walton CommUnIty Hall 'on WEDNESDAY, .DEC. 19th. at 8:15 P. M. DANCE to WILBEE'S ORCHESTRA Ladies Please Bring Lunch Admission : 50c and 350' My sincere thanks Ito all those Who supported and woried ion me In any way on election day, Dec. 10th. I will sibs.£:E merit this support. I wish yet all 0, Very Merry Christmas and "iti;-. Happy and. Prosperous No* Year. t would Vice to, extend my Sincere. thanks to all those w uo y ,s ec n during my stay in the hospital 'and ,since I came out to Walton. Also Ithr the treats and cards. ,Stewart„ McLau.chlin UNITED CHURCH Y. P. ENTERTAINED .Yren:!,......s Jr the United Church 17, P. (.T. were ertibmtfqnleil by Mel- ville &myth Y. P. S. at a Chrlatmas party on M.ondayy evening.. data were exchanged and a delicious *"1tinch ser(red. On Wednesday evening they On joyed a hayride as guests of the United Y. P. U. of •Belgrave. lommlowiternw-sitStmrinv , CARD OF THANKS Mr. Thomas Ryan. Sr., who been in St. Joseph's Hospital since October for an operation, Wishes to thank all his kind friends Who have been iracittiring regarding his health and condition which is 1131 prating but very, very stIolwly. OF CANADA The United Church 41APIT°11 L1STOWEL THEATRE TURKEY S BINGO In Brussels To'um HaU. FRIDAY, DEC, 14th Game Starts At 8.30 Sharp 15 Games. for $1.00 3 Games for $15.00 each Extra and Special Cards 25c or 5 for $1,0(1 'Door Prize A Turkey Under Auspices of Brussels Branch, No. g1/3 Canadian Legion t thou,* illt;',11:1 - 0130 0, ilintiter: Rev. A. Lane. 8. ' Mine Worship "The Visitation, Froni Church School 11 A. M. Matinee SaiurdaY 2 rh ma- dineniaSoope On IHgh'' 1# ,e,ottook Wed. Thurs. bee. 12 - 1 MY ,SISTEil. EILEEN Carol Service and diristnieS Pageant "$ttaiittle Ia j6ok Lemon and Janet Leigh' ' StinditY evening, bed. 16 7.80 o'clock; of happiestCfnetnatione comedy Of all conies rollic king Meng., upen r et .... . . .. .............. Clirle4111aS Concert ThurslaYi Dec, 20 • Sat; Deo. I5 IS .Rory Calhoun .and 'YVpiine be' Carlo 'tit a Techn Tooter' ..WeStern beanie Angieeetti Cittitrooti THE RAW EDGE OS* CAS" „. ' IVIAtiNt Laurel arid" Hardy' PstrIih of Bruit-11i Star in ditat Guns 10 RSV. Pret E, JeWeir, L. 8. T. Rector 2 — 8 oz. pkgs. Corn Flakes s5 lb, bag Robin Hood Oats 15 oz. 'Apex Diced Carrots 2 — 1 lb. pkg. Swift's Margarine 15 oz. tin Apex Fruit Cocktail 1 lb. box Salted Sod'aq 25c 48c. 21e 53d 23e 29c Mon. • Tues. bee. 17 - 18 boa Andrews ' and. drew. oaf-son 11 A, M Matitins in a blete of ekbiton'ient that never? Sunda? SehOol lets itp. ' ' • I S. baittd,d Chueehi kippityp. ' ' ititriANGe LADY 1'0 Irani 3` 1..go t.• td,; lilt Ott:6110, 1 1 1 1 I ..1 1-1,,,-004ft't .`4166t A1.114.1.a ' JOhn's Church, Brussels .: • iftgoilfif. ri.^4S#.10.• r.• ........... ....... . .. .... rCt.tt r. Why Pay ore GA EWA 11:94