HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1956-12-05, Page 8;BRUSSELS . Wcidueetla,Y, Peeelllber ;001, *1r ••••.,, a...r • *041,40X0W14. .Can t Wron With . A GIFT By • • • . Yardley's ...of Engiand LOVELY FRAGRANT COSMETICS "110 .t*L9 eVIT'eMp eriteMMOW .Artt I FREE FREE PEARSON'S SHOE STORE NEW MARCONI 21" V. FREE For Each $1.00 Purchase You Get Ticket Draw To Be.Made December 24th, At 10 MEN'S WEAR men,A Hower Rubber,Pogte ,, . . ... . $044 IVIerOs short Rubber gipots „ . 4 .. tr,••• .... ••+ .. • . • .. GIV.q. TO Tf.M SALVATION ARMY Pl-tflISTMA$ AND VVINT.Fi FIELEtfq, FUND Rocleive The Eyer Popular Edition Of 'Ma .Salvation Army Was Cry Ohrietmas Number, Stitt you knew that a fifty cent ,donatioli would coatrihute to 01-01ISTMAS 13 ST r FoR 1,vs$, rowrimApg Than. Yottase4f, Plus Give YeU, For Your Reading Enloyment, A Colomfuli Seasonal Christmas Message aetne-Mber your 50.0 donation for the Christmas edition of the War Cry will place a, Ohrisimas Dinner in front of some Needy Boy or Girl or Older Person To p Coats .. . "•••••••••• .... ..... 0.0..10/ 40,1 ... 0 . • ... WIMitg ragE YOU GET a OPPORTUNITIES FOR TRAVEL. AND ADVENTURE? • HEALTHY OUTDOOR LIFE? • GOOD PAY? • EXPERT TRAINING IN NEW AND USEFUL SKILLS? • DEVELOPMENT AND. RECOGNITION OF YOUR CHARACTER? A CHANCE TO LEARN HOW TO HANDLE MEN? 0, FREE MEDICAL AND DENTAL CARE? e THIRTY DAYS HOLIDAY WITH PAY A YEAR? except in the Canadian Army? If you ore 17 to 40 years of age, and, able to meet Army require. ments, The Canadian Army offers you these and other,adyantages of Army life, You enlist for a 3 year term., At the end of that time you may return to civilian life well fit• ted for the future, or continue in the service of your country, Diess Panto, all colors Wren's Jackets We also have a Lad*, Rubber Boots .„„,„. . .. . . o ........ . 035 Children's. Rubber Boots ... ...... , . .. 2.95 Men's Heavy Suburban Coats $18.95 to $24.15. All Wool Worsted Sults ,„ .. . .. „„ ...... . „., 19.25 24.96 to 40,116 , 5.95 to 104 , 8.95 to 15.95 large"Stock Forsyth Shirts, Tles Tony Day Sweaters Stetson Hats Monarch Knit Socks Ladies Wear Full Lines Ladles plastic Overshoes Nylon Overshoes from Dress Shoes from Nylons, 15 denier 51 gauge Foam Tread Slippers 1.95 4.91 .4.95 1.00 3.95 NO PARKING On Brussels Streets From 2 A. M. to 8 A. M. Parked cars will be towed away At Owners Expense By. Order Of Chief Of Police D. Hastings Phone 11 Mail the coupon below, telephone or visit your local recruiting station, Army &molting Station, 90 Richmo Te nd l. S Eliti 9-8341, treet West, LT ac, 876' Ont, — Army Recruiting Station, 184 King St, East, NOWT!, ont.— Tel, IA 2 8708 Army Recruiting Station, 219 Wetland St„ St. Catharines, Ont.—Tel. MU 2.-7527 Army Recruiting Station, Wolseley Barroom, Elizabeth & Word Sts,, London, Ont. — Tel, 4.1601, Loo, 135 Army Recruiting station, 131 London St., Windsor, Ont. — Tel, CL 2-7615 Army Recruiting Station, Old Post Office Building, Kitchener, Ont. —Tel Sit 3.66611 97Wor: brussels. Ont. Ammonommotoramarsava GIFT'S FOR LADIES AND MEN Wooden Shaving Bowls Shaving Lotion Perfume Red Roses Soap Talcum and Dusting Powder Lavender Soap Toilet Water Cologne Deodorant *Bath Salts April Violet Talcum Soap Cologne and Smelling Salts Beauty Preparations Corn. plexiOn Creams Face Powder Lip Sticks COMBINATION SETS A Gift Of Yardley's Is Always Appreciated g Value Our Box of 50 High Class Assorted Christmas Cards Only " 98c Other boxes at 39c and up Also Cabinets of Cards in bulk In New Designs at 5, 10 and 15c each SMITH'S Rexall Drug Store Phone 62 Brussels • McNEIL'S SHELL SERVICE, 11911L11.1.11IDNICATION. NOWNSUOLD Age SNELL PELTROLICLIN PROWS* DUNLOP YTNIte Parts and A.eraessrises Ausfir; Sales arid Siaroica repairs *a.. an „NOR* f were MO etudes N4Ohla Tire OP.1.4.18E. 56-20 I Please send me, without obligation, full information on Army careers. Name Address City/Town Pray. Telephone GAVILLER, McINTOSH and WARD Chartered Accountants Bell Telephone Building Walkerton, Ontario Announcing STATE FARM AGENT for Brussels and Walton District will be LLOYD ETUE If yiou wish to get Insurance or If service is required by any Policy Holler In the dlstrilt. RHONE: GODERICH 145Q COLLECT ..•••••• I Business eards UNITED CHURCH BABY BAND About forty children and their mothers gathered in the schoolroom of the church for a Baby Band Party on Saturday Dec. let. Gaines were played with Mrs. Jas. Turnbull at the piano. The superior. tendent, Mrs. Kellington, Welc,omed the guests and. thanked them for Mein cooperation. Attar a short program two films on "God's Wonderful Worldf' were shown by Laurlje Colusins with Mrs. Lane as commentator. The childreail sat down to minaturie to.ible4 and reVeitshin'ellts #4113 servted by the W. M. S. members, A liberal offealng was received and will be sent to the, Presbyterial see. retary of the W. M. S. TION IN tz •- •'; MUNE ar m - INMAIN111.2. Now is the Time to Insulate your home and Enjoy winter comfort and Save Fuel BRICK CLEANING ALUMINUM DOORS, WINDOWS FIBRE GLASS AWNINGS Free Estimates Phone `;Brussels 57X2 17.91 1:1! • ' Iter•i: • Walker Funeral Hgme Day chor`rfilakt Coals Talsaibonst No Extra Chino for Use of Fonerai Anew Liionomoof Flooral Dinosaur mod itasioinno Twoost;p6mer N. Antibsioneo alma R. S. Hetherington, K. C. W1NG11AM and BRUSSELS ,ATINNIXNELS boas; Sirs DuccesecgrIs, 63„ 1541? c-Feadasy mod Saturday ail clay -- ettsets • An- -4 slab. ii. Ofith74° e" ea/ t•••• • Strassburger Roofing and Insulation New fast train to Mahar Western Points JOHN E. LONGSTAFF, Optometrist. !sem Enaanined. (21town Ma; Mow 791 Seafoitla Dame triliporats Estenintraty BKIMil 9 I Well. 942.3% Sat. !. sum 6s I seist Kitchener, R. R. 3 G. ALAN WILLIAMS, Optometrist. rateso 54. WiriattoAR Af lUassrahr SP* &or Tossair. 9111hisfitse. 770 i 5„ 113svisllasi itvouints by AnnsehlemelL • I I GREY TWP. FEDERATION OF AGRICULTURE ANNUAL MEETING, The Grey Township 'Federation of Agricniture held their annual meeting Nov. )20 in Ethel Community Centre Mr. Sac. Boyton, Ohesley, showed, 'Clans relating to the hog 'marketing ischeme and gave interesting facto on lit. Fallowing this a discuision was held on the icompuleion angle of the I scheme, • The election of officers was con- ducted by Gordon Greigg, Sec. Field- sman. Melville L. Lamont and Martin Bann were nominated for president. Mr. Lamont stated that he wasn't an:deals kir office but Would stand for election. If elected he would co-operate (with %a board, He definitely stated that although he had no objection to to-operatilve t MOiketing he would oppose any ,compulsion in marketing as far a hia (position allowed. Mr. Lamont was Tee-tea. The 'evening closed with =tic for dancing by Wilbee's archedtra. ostioestai Convenient Train to. Molar and istsnsedintsi Western Paints To• ..... Ali,*,,,,,.. . ...:•• ., •. • Wide ridge dated-ern accommodations tO.Sult "A- :1- ; , . • el .*, el g7:y c • o n budget ot n I C i t I, i r i e a 1 a or snack§ oh liotii trainS it '1 , ..7,.....,,•4 ..,. - v PHONE: EMPIRE 3.4111i FRONT and 81McOE '811. 7:1 TORONTO —r- - •"t ..,-, the Coffee Shop Dining „Car service is tato istodded • Inquire about the intatey. iiviegFati, Fare Plan • Ticket agents can have riteliiiie-yOtifteit car Waiting, for you on arrival if you wish • For reservations find inferniation see, write or phone your focal Canadian National Pagiefigdf Agent. FOR BETTER :alas ObtiatiA 57 Wo L. Ilaerkr- SOO • 44. d. 40' 4 , OFFERS YOU' weleedkmgrov DR. R. W. STEPHEN'S as o tfaiworsb at Tant IlineClANomd MAR Tellopieme 41 Monk 00n. 0 D. A. RANN & Co. tuatetias; MW AMBULANCE SeRVICS. Lionomod Fornarai Deur sad Easootoom Af.! INT15 OF f3 AK INC., Convenience-3 minute walk to Union Station, closest hotel to heart of downtown. • Luxurious guest rooms and suites. Good Food—full course meals and delicious snacks. • Entertainment—Home of the' famous Club Indigo featuring Broadway Shows nightly. DUCK rr,x1,107 •(.r..)AL:f