HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1956-11-21, Page 8FREE T. V. FREE PEARSON'S SHOE STORE NEW MARCONI 21" T. V. FREE For Each 0,90 Purchase You Get A Ticket Draw To 'Be Made December 24th, At 10 P. M. MEN'S WEAR Men's Heavy Rubber Boots , ... 4.4•0 ... . 4 4 ..44 4W/ Men's Short Rubber Boo ts ... 4.4 4,44 0 414 0,4 .4 ,414 4 4 . 444 . 845 Boy's, Rubber Boots 3,49 Ladies Rubber Boots 3.1115 Children's Rubber ,Boots . , .• 2.05 Men's Heavy Suburban Coats $18.95 to 04.015 All Wool Worsted Sults 49.95 Top Coats 24.95 to 45.00 Dress Pants, all colors 5.05 to 16.95 Men's Jackets 8.05 to 18.115• We also have a large stock Forsyth Shirts, Ties Tony Day Sweaters Stetson Hats Monarch Knit Socks Ladies Wear Austin Sales and Servics repairs so va times* et ems i.e mole PRONS lire •Wl. .mmoom••••=romoliaamin..• WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION DEADLINE MAILING DATES FOR CHRISTMAS The following are deadline mail-1 ing dates to assure delivery. Europe before Nov. 21 United Kingdom before Nov. 26 United States to allow customs, ex- amination before Dec. 8 Newfoundland and British Columbia before Dec 11. Alberta before Dec 12 Saskatchewan and Manitoba before Dec 13 Maritime Prove. before Dec. 14 'Ontario and Quebec before Dec 15 Local before Dec 17 Please have your letters tied in bundles as follows - for Eiruissels and rural routes separate from out of town lettens, this will greatly assist the peat office staff to del- patch your (letters Or cards much earlier. The post (office department urgets, you to mail early and avoid disc 'ointment. • WHERE ELSE DO YOU GET • OPPORTUNITIES FOR TRAVEL AND ADVENTURE? • HEALTHY OUTDOOR LIFE? • GOOD PAY? • EXPERT TRAINING IN NEW AND USEFUL SKILLS? • DEVELOPMENT AND RECOGNITION OF YOUR CHARACTER? • A CHANCE TO LEARN HOW TO HANDLE MEN? • FREE, MEDICAL AND DENTAL CARE? • THIRTY DAYS HOLIDAY WITH, PAY A YEAR? except in the Canadian Army? . If you cite 17 to 40 years Of age, and, able to meet Army require. Meris, the Canadian ArMy offset you these and other advantages of Army life. You edit for a 3 year term. At the end of that 'time you may return. to civilian life well fit. ted 'for the future, or continue in the service of your country, Mail the dOtipOn beloW, felePh011e or visit your local recruiting station. „ , Army Recruiting Station, . ,„. N RIchmond,Street West, UMW, Ont. Tel. EM 6-83410 Lod, 276 ' Anti tteerniting.StetleilL•154. king Si Etat, Hamilton,JA 2-870B Army Recruiting Station, 219 Wetland k St. eiteinites, est.-Tel, MU 2-7eAv Army Recruiting Station, Wolsiley Bernell, Malign & Onfdtd.Sto.r London; Ont Tel: 4-1601, Loc. 135 Aiw,RodtultInti Statlint„ 131 London St .0 WIndtoir, frit -Tot CL 2.7616 AriSy„fieSruitiSij Station, NM 0160.60108r., oitatnet0 ant SH 3-6661 • k I rife; itilihoOtatiripeittfaii; I full information off Army careers. 1 I Addroli • elfy/ToWn I Way I islopiiiin• L.. • THE BRUSSELS POST 4, 444 144.14kl k 44.444k 444. 4•44, • ,•44,44.44 Wednesday, Nolminber Olst, 1956 kik kr,. tr!.... kt,....44, *44,0,44., 44.4,44,4,• 444 -444••••••41.44.* 4•4 44,444444,.. .411 vatrous of liameevillo Receiving Station for Carnatinn Coo, Ltd. Are extended illYtta4404. Ito be present at the A N„ N, UAL. M,EETING Holmesville Concentrated. Milk Producers -Association Agricultural Office Board Room, Clinton Thursday, September 22,. at 8.30 p. m, Sharp I, • V$60,-Itig Agft.5?-14.5AgGAVAgmiival9e0W Yau Will Like Our ..DsOlay of. • • Christmas Cards COOP FOR: Pft 4..44 44.44.11,4 .W 4 4144 44,, 44,4•4!!k.44.414.••••, ,, 444 ,,,, . . . ... 4,44, .... . Guest Speaker: Looking for something a little different there will be found many new and exclusive designs, with just the right message. The "Friendly Assortment" - Box, of 50 Color- ful Christmas Cards with envelopes at 99c is a winner. Look them over. A. V, Cormack, President of th e Ontario Farmers Union Election of Officers will be held Lunch will be provided Bothwell. Robert welsh. President 40eretary-Treitsurer FOR BETTER CAKES Brownie Holiday Camera and 1 Flash Unit, complete kit with Camera, 2 No. 127 Films, Flash Bulbs and Batteries $11.45 1 Flash Model Camera Alone $5.90 each Order Personified Christmas Cards Early $0,,,D 1$11.1.48$14,.$ AT W. L. Backer diz S,on ...••••••••,-..444.4.-,4...4 4 Buy A New . " Easy Washing Machine" or a New "Easy Automatic Washer and Drier" For Christmas from Machan's Hardwire Full Lines Ladies plastic Overshoes 1.95 Nylon Overshoes from 4.1* Dress Shoes, from 4.95 Nylons, 15 denier 51 gauge 1.00 Foam Tread Slippers 3.06 Brussels. Out. Phone 11 MORRIS Party for 6th. Line Couple Friends and neighbours pet at , S. S. Not, 4 Morris on Etriday. Nov. 9 to honor Mr. and. Mrs. Harvey Ii McOutcheon who recently moved. from the 6th concesSion to reside in Rrusslels. Several games of euchre Were enjoyed,. Harvey and, Florence were callejd to the front 'Where Rods: Niehol piresented them with a coffee table and (Callon Watson rlead the address, expredsing the beit of wished for them in the future. Harvey thank. ed them for (the gift and the good wishes. Refreshments( were served. ;4(141101114.••10,".. 4..m4Y1441111. a 11 BRUSH COMB and MIRROR SET VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS Brussels. Ont. Take Advantage Of Our Payment Plan ESTIMATED REVENUE FUND BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31 DECEMBER, 1956 ASSETS CURRENT Attractive, 3 Piece Set, Beautiful Colored Floral Design - Brush has nylon bristle I Reg. $6.50 value Now Only $5.25 SMITH'S Rexalt Drug Store Phone 62 Brussels Oat 64V:ME NV.OteMOVAtf,0147 AVM GAVILLER, McINTOSH and WARD Chartered Accountants Bell Telephone Building Walkerton, Ontario Announcing STATE FARM AGENT for Brussels and Walton District will be LLOYD ETUE If ylOu wish to get Insurance or if service Is required by any Policy Holler In the distrllt. - PHONE: • GODERICH 1450 COLLECT 4444. ei Cash on Hand and in Bank $7,01,7,99 Due from Province of Ontario 1;400.00 Due from Waterworks r 7,67172 Due from CountY 600,00 Due from Hydro Electric SYntem 513.28 Due from BruisSels Public Library - ljnderleVied 1,567:81 Tax Arrears 10,299.43 29,0704 $99,070.25 McNEIL'S SHELL SERVECE, 411311is...4-USIRICATION, HOt211111-10L18 A8411 1114111LL PlITHOLCUld 1P71011eUCTS OUSIL90 Y1111111* • Pates and &umuilas. CURRENT Accounts 'Payable Due to other Boards 143.26 7'- 1,815.80 1,459.05 . SURPLUS Balance - 3,1 Deicerniber, 1956 27,611,17 25 INSULATION Now is the Time to Insulate your home and Enjoy winter comfort and Save Fuel , BRICK CLEANING, ALUMINUM DOORS, WINDOWS FIBRE GLASS AWNINGS Free Estimates Phone Brussels 57X2 Strassburger Roofing and Insulation Kitchener, R. R. 3 CERTIFICATE We have (exaaninied boOks amid records of the Wage, 01 Brussels ais at 31 October, 1956. We have estimated the ReY00011 and 'Expenditures for the balance of the, year, and have prepare the above Balance Sheet and the secomganying Statement be Revenne and. Expenditures, ow this basis, for the year ended El December, 1956. London, Ontario. Pea,r,sion, Edwards and Co. November 8, 1956 Accountants and Auditors "Where Better Bulls Are Used" Economy Quality Safety The following is in part copied from the publication put out by Badger Breeders Co-operative in Wisconsin, who reprinted it from Wis. Council of Ag. News Letter. LESS BULL AND MORE ELSE No development in modern agriculture has done a better job of defying the cost-price squeeze and at the same time brought more real progress than artificial insemination. While modern mechanized agriculture calls for greater and greater cash ' outlays, artificial breeding. actually lowers cash outlay. In spite of ris- ing rates in other fields, here is a field of price con- stancy-thanks to farmer owned and controlled co- operatives and their records of unsurpassed efficiency. Whether it's a herd of one or fifty, the service is the same and the cost is in direct proportion to need. Breeding cows to well selected sires we own co-opera- tively is one of the best investments any good cattle- man can make. The best blood lines with outstanding records of production are at the beck and call of the small as well as the large operator. From the safety angle, there is every reason why farmers should quit the hazardous job , of maintaining a herd sire. We have long, wondered about the fool- hardy lion tamer defying death as special entertain- ment at the circus. Yet the number of lion tamers in all history who have lest their lives is trivial as com- pared with farmers who have lost their lives handling bulls. For each fatal accident caused by bulls, there are four non-fatal. This toll of suffering and death can be eliminated. With less bulls on the font we can get more safety, more prof t, and more asSurance for the family sized farm, GRADE >. E U w,;BRED, BEEP or DAIRY Breed your cow. artificially to th.e. hulls We have ill service For service or more information, write or phone collect to: Clinton HU. 21.3441 BETWEEN 7:30 and 10 a.M. Week Days 1:30 and 9:30 a.m. Sundays or holidays 4„; STATEMENT OF' ESTIMATED 'REVENUE AND EXpENDITUAO FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER, 1966 REVENUE 4.4 Hall Rent Licenses $ 239.00 07.00 9,411.78 29315 1,229.60 266:67, 512.28 49.09 27,872.58 600.00 $48,630.11 Is 4 ,i4444W4444,4! Province of Ontario - Highways - Other - Per Cad/go Grant.' Relief and Charity Recovered Street Veit Surplus Miscellaneous Tax- Boll County - Grant - Road EXPENDITURES 488.87 660.25 Office Indigent Hospitalization Salaries 5,801.50 Ilreart and tight 170.40 PrtnIting and ,Postage...,1.,:..:::...4.... ' 262.74 SENO'. Ueda - 1,06.06 Grants - 4 414 4.441:14 . 1,145.00 itoadri and Streetts 4,688.91 Sidewalks 0, 99.05 Fire tt' alOartanBitt , 184.0s Poaide Departniekt - 20.96 Relief and Charity '4444,4 4,4,4•414 . .. .. i ... 4444 .. 632:17 , • Convenience-3 minute walk to Union Station, closest hotel to heart of downtown. • Luxurious guest rooms and suites. Good Food-full course Meals and delicious snacks, • Entertainment-Home of the famo'us Club Indigo featuring' Broadway of Shuws nightly. Y; Health and Sanitation, Drains ' • ttiallittnee _Unemployment Tristiratide 4444.. . ... . Tritcic -(Repairti and Operation hetialrs and Oup.ulles Vattlii,nd dennealvatinii: ... WoritinetitS .... General .(((r"4 4.4i4iii"t4ifttit Dam tihargas .. iIii444,44',Ve 44 141110 194,00 486.14 100.34 25.22 313:45 549.21 151.19 - '09.03'- 300.53 825.13 7,088.60 •', 4,0000 ' '- 3,001,10 ' 9,653.12 48,20.06 k •.... HOtEL. FRONT act' giNICOI et& TORONTO PHONE: EMPIRE '841011 • 4 to. • Wingtalil SdhOO1 . . . ....... ... .. Thtettomorksi Vithfte r SURPLITS' FOR 4444,4,40 ip t Ole - • :44