HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1956-11-21, Page 54 [4,44,1 .1 Surviving be'sid'es his wife, the former Irene Van Norman, are two 1 daughitleas, ,Mrs, 'Wheat Martin (Barbara) and Mrs. John Allen , *(Mary): two grandaughters, Steph- I anie Martin and David George Allen of Toronto:, one brother, Dr, .1, V. Ross, London and four sisters, Mrs. ' :IL T. MeLanchlin (Luella) and Miss Gertrude Rolse, Brussels) Mrs, Gifford Swantrnan (Doris°, Sioux Lookout and Mrs Monno Blain (Marjorie), Toronto. Funeral services were held in Ninighalni pitted Clifulneb eon Sat- urday, ,Npv, 17th. at 2:30 ri, m„ eon- ducted, by Rev. D. 3, MacRae assist- ed by Rev. Parker of the Anglican Church, Interment in Winghain cem etery. 1,7 S ,%" !Of .7 1MORI. A .L "Inr. four p. x Y $.414 4T rria, BEST 4.4i Fir PO. 4 0 O Ocalat‘Itic4 oricatantnta, i34444 Ati 4). L. to‘,.e. r'.4h 41't .taStuottiry Lett eriug. P'. A. SV:..`..`CCOte Edward Arthur McMillan Funeral services for Edward Arthur McMillan, let 4, con. 9 Morris Township, were conducted by Rev. D. J. Lane on Saturday, Nov. if) at 2 111m. In the Tasker memorial. Chapel, Queen St. Blyth. Interment was made in Blyth cemetery. The late Mr. McMillan was horn June 3. 1882 on the farm on• which he lived and was a well known and respected citizen, always ready to lend a helping hand. Surviving, besides • his widely, is ',one brother, William, of London ant also three nieces and two nephews. FOR SALE -- 100 acre Farm on County Road. Frame House, Bath, Furnace; 97 acres Workable; 1 mile from store, Price $8,500.00 90 acre Farm on highway, hydro, Frame House; Bank Barn, Price $5,300'.00 11/ Storey House in villare, mod- , ern facilities. Price $2,250.00 Brick Cottage in village, bath, garage. Price $3,200,00 Restaurant and Grocery Store in village on lake, with living quarters. Rent $40 per month. Stock and equipment $4,500,60 • ; 320 acre Farm near good town. 2 sets of buildings; hydro. 260 acres workable. Price $26,000 Phone 84 J. C. Long Realtor E.' MA FARMERF., MAJT1 FIRE INSURANCE Co. Estabilshed In Head Office At vozsi,4_,Pvet (nirture• Farm Property, Private Owsitimak And Content' In Towns enci Schocis, CHurchee and Haita on an "INSURANCE AT COST" lase=r PROMPT ADJUSTMENT or CLAIMS c ontact your Neareel Director -- Agent R. W. (Dick) WHITFIELD R. R. 2, Drussela, orst, INSE:M 4 NATION ANFORMATION,-- "Foe artificial insomniation infor- mation or service from all breeds of cattle, phone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association at: Clinton. H V.2 - 3441 or Palmerston 498 between 7.30 and 9.30 A. M. We have all breeds available - top quality at low cost."' 6UNtitiOn PROPANE Ltd. IS Mrrksi Oise. t9Ti4A1 FORD, ONT. The VeriSthiitieeliaiiiiiii FUEL •Otoit 'HOME. RANGES, HOT *Allot tAints. 'REFRICItRATOPIS, WALT. MADDEN; fispr els ntallvt ;PHONE' STRATPORD '04.11t.. 104 Rtt. Mitt THE VILLAGE BLACKSMITH "The smith a mighty man is he, with large and sinewy hands . ." That's how Longfellow saw 'him, and how he was regarded by his pt Community. Today, he does 4 have to be a physicA giant, for t e with has a new kind of must 0. We can't describe it, for it's invisible. A unit, we know ag a 'kilowatt_ hour", musae.pfter without an equal, Today, the roar of the bellows and vibrant ring of the anvil arc replage4 by the hum el map an the dull th.ud of the fo mleetricity, ae4ejlei nir Meta theught itnpossible yeah Would you venture t estima how much elitetricity be ,1, O power Machinery in, ntatio 1y4ro L i endeptA at every day . . looK ture - . anticipef#, requIrernents. Tomorrow's living w. t,pday's will note anti re eaSured In kilewatt-honti. 0 i of tit 8t stlIfydroof 6 o riterle'S taria§, 6 ea. • • -srwach,.. ,11:rpou.ke. ri.ave. foul. ,:,-Tnnac awl osisr clean:xi 'Cab saaltart W121 nYtnil tiv era*, Vim. STORE FOR RENT - Large store for rent or can be divided for two. business offices. For particulars apply to Phone 5x or 39 ri WOKS for COUNTER CHECK BOOKS AND PRINTED GUMMED TAPE MADE V' aPPI'tOiliPAPER P/UXIM145 Stylus for every business V11410114 colors and designs Samples suggestions and wilb0O1 Obligation THE .B.g.v.5sg45,..I.V$T ai.rnineinntleirrla4enis weduesdary, Mica,' tor Drqr, Mari; ST*. *an. "1 Scream Kids" OH R1 SAY TO ENJOY Swill COUSINS ICI CREAM! CLASS' 'E ADS. MRS, C, J, MORGAN DIES IN LONDON Dr, Oeor,ee,.1i. Ross George IT, ROM who died Alt the Wiagiiapt General liospits1 Nov,. . 14th, was the On of the late W, ,ate M,rs, )), p, Ross, t• . • ,iris early lire was .Spelft at 13rW1, I eels end: in, 1914 he graduated front 1.. tllniveaisLtty of froPettto. Dental College. lie practise4. dentistry III Whigham siege 10n, Ho was a Ineleaber of the 'United .Chard.;: pt WhItslism„ :.Wraseato. 'Lodge land .the R. A V.,;• • .formes, ,. member' of the Board of 1 EdltegalOrt; a chanter •P P 1 of ''the Lions Club:. end. in World War I served with the Dental Corp, ,lie was I a. former membetr of • the legal tat-. !, tery, Wed a member of the .Winigharn • Br40011 Qapadian, Aederictli, Nov. 14. Mrs, Qatii...1 ,elline I, Morgan, 73, died at the 1 41 0140 lof t •list .dattig14e,;3r. Mrs, Cart I Gooding, London, Tuesday was ! the former Catherine Henderson, j. and lad .11Yed 'here for- 50 Tears. MI S wooko old, 1husbaad John Morgan, died several Phone, 10Jr./.8' I Y'-'ars V. FPR Pair of •skaters, 4150 Donald ;Pestel Pheite. $3r9 •,MPTPAT,,,.., • ion is the spice of life! FOR I little pigs, about Fred Soiling She .W(10 A, 11101)libN' of Kutax. Pres, ihyterion Church, Coderich. Surviving are . seven .daughters, Jean, Hamilton: Mrs. Alvin Prop, ;or) Goileriett Towrts14;: .-sroreitt; Elliott air4 Ws. Ida Mae,. iDonaht gro., ..Tarittis 0.1tilitie0, Mrs, Grafton Weston and. Mrs. Carl Gadding, London; and; two brothers, Edward HendersOn, BruSsels;. and Wesley, Vancouver, Rested at Ithe. Lodge funeral '40111e, Godericth where services were condneted Friday, 434 z p.m., by the Rev. R.. G. -MateMillan, God- erich and. the Rev. Richard Stew- art, London. Interment was made Maitland: Cemetery, Goderich. .FOR SALE 9 Piece solid oak Dining Room practically new. P, Miller 1.,i,stowel, ,Phone. 394 Canadians like/ variety And il4ey. 1;ik,4 Ares* They get bolUn. on PANOIttAX4, 00..4 4k0W. elbgek lull of lou,41 Weete,sz Petarle The stars, of PANO.RA114 are yeg P4.4 *at neighbours; people in the area Ytho ,X44.4e tbi news, 4,44444444 ,4--M4 WANTED - ,Crash for Organs, with stogie, in Dinying condition, Write JarneS'Wlederhold. Netw Hamburg, Ont. WANTED - Organist and Choir Leader for Presbyterian 'Church,. For 'further particulars apply to George ElIiotib, Sec. Treas. Brussels Ont. 444 4.4 4k .14! 4 tug, .1NUly, a, 'line (A.hincil In-EL Da the TOwealliP Hall on the above date with all the in::inuers present, pk,NoRAMA, N'Swsreel promides on spot eevieragg of area news events, Wholtto 0111/1, 100zaorrow is decided for S'"oiii thir weather newts on PANORAMA ViraittilterWa, opt thee shorting scene, and liaPpenfil* OW world-at-large. round out your eventing NOW *two on PANORAMA. 4 HELP WANTED --- RA' I to on; WITNESS NOW OPEN IN Huron Country, :Trade. relP. established. Exlcellent oppor- tunity, Pull time. Write at once. Rawleigh's Dept. K - 152' - 189 Montreal, P. Q. sk PANORAMA : 6:00 - People In the NeWij 6:20 - Latest Sports Newer' 6:30 - Latest mr,Srld )40W 6:40 -- Latest Weather ,Neon' 6:45 Local. Neihereel t The, minutes of the last regular I meeting and ale Meeting of Oct. 9 were :read and adopted on motion of .Ross Duncan and Stewart Proct- er. MOved by Wm. Elision, seconded by Walter Sthertreed that the bills on the Spivey Drain be paid. -Carried. 1 ;The Engineerls Report on the Murray- Lamb Drain was read and considered. moved by Walter Shortreed sec- onded by \Mm. Elston that the Enginetr's Report on. the Murray- Lamb Drain be provisionally, adopt- ed and that the Clerk he instruct_ ed to prepare Bylaws. THERE'S GREATER VARIETY ON W. G. LEACH JEWELLER BRUSSELS Phone 91 The Store For Beautiful Gifts 142 Piece Blossomtime Ensemble the most beautiful service ever offered and it is open stook. Entire 142 pieces $49.95 Special for 'a limited time only $44.50 Think of it! 142 pieces that. will leave you breathless. Georgian China Open stock Dinner Set S large dinner rates S cups and saucers 8 fruits S large soups S bread and batter plates 2 salad bowls 1 creamer 1 vegetable bowl 1 large meat platter 1 sugar Silverware by international Sliver Co. knives 8 salad forks 8 forks 8 teaspoons ,t dessert or soup spoons 22 Karat Cold Banded Beverage Set S iced tea tumblers 8 juice, tumblers 4 4 4 4 CHANNEL 10 NOW 325,000 watts FOR A GREATER, CLEARER SIGNAL CFPL-TU LONDON -Carried. The Engineer-s RepOrt nit the Nichol Drain was discussed. 4 .4 :4 • Moved by Wm. Elston, sJ.;:mdc.11. by Stewart Procter that the En- gineer's Report on 'the Michel Drain be provisionally adopted and that the clerk be instructed to prepare By-laws. • -Carried. Moved by Steyart Procter, see- ded by Walter Shortreed that the mood accounts as presented by the Road Superintendent be paid. -Carried. Moved by Ross Duncan second- ed by Walter Shotrtreed that th6 meeting adjourn to meet again on. Dec. 15 at 10 a. m. S water glasses coasters 8 muddlers Free Bonus Offer 4 English Bon.e China ours and saucers Value $8.00 Imagine All This For Only $44.50 if you act now. Terms Can Be Arranged FOR SALE - Highest prices ty,iti for oil ber• .r.co‘c Zwnan Atone My? -Carried. The following accounts were paid Jas. A, Howes. Saperintendence Hof Spivey Drain 75.00 Jas. .A, Howes. Superintendence of Sawyer Drain 100.00 B. Parrett, Selecting Jurors 4.00 A. Fraser, Selecting Jurors 4.00 G. Martin, Selecting Jurors 4.00 S. Proicter. Sawyer Drain 0.00 B. Parrott, Sawyer Drain 5.00 Advance-41'1mo, Advt. 1.44 Muni World Supplies 8.48 Relief Account 15.00 P. Kirkby, Spivey Drain Contraot 1,349.00 . Ceo. Martin, Clerk's fees Spivey 'Drain 40.00 Jas, Spivey. Cole Drain 11.00 A, Praise, supplieS and POstage 26.00 A. Fra,ser, Balance of 'salary 150.00 S. Fear, Iirticellosia 3.40 C. Oantehell, Brucellosis 1,20 B. Parrott, Court of Revision 5. Precter. Court of Revision , ntl§:t011,. Conti of ,ReViStotti. Ti. Dittman, Omirt ot ,Revistot Slitirtitect Court of Revision 5-.00 B. Paterott, Cale 10.00 ithett..oci,:eiltOt% Drain 40.00 (466, Redford Cele. brain 2.216.00 Shorireett, girant its Whiten fAtylltry 15,00 Mrs', &ant 'try Bin eViti 15.00 Gee. Jorreaten. grant ;in telarata tihritrY 1.r , 66 Mn..k C miut..Tohnstori, aft'alit 75.00 I<TOrnidit F1loiyvlPM grant ta. BriisSeist t tr- 2060 atowpit Pl'addr araLlit (Beia+iikf'd Pair 2K,O4" Palltc- Parrett Gee.'d. Mattizi Reeve 'di etre NOTICE - Cash pair" for deed, e...t.sabled horses and cows. Phone Atwood 153,' collect, sick or , .5.00 5.00 • 6.00 6.00