HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1956-11-14, Page 8Wednesday, November 14th, 1956 FREE T. V. FREE PEARSON'S SHOE STORE NEW MARCONI 21" T. V. FREE For Each $1.00Rurchase You Get a Ticket Draw To Be Made December 24th, -At 10 P. M. MEN'S WEAR Men's Heavy Rubber Boots $.645 Monts Short Rubber Boots SSG Boy's, Rubber Boots alit Ladles Rubber Boots 8.116 Children's Rubber Boots 2.11 Men's Heavy Suburban Coats $18.95 to $2411 All Wool Worsted Sults 411311, Top • Coats 24.95 to 45.00 Dress. Pants, all • colors , 5.95 to 18.95 Ken's Jackets • , 8.95 to UM We also have a large stock Forsyth Shirts, Ties Tony Day Sweaters Stetson Hats Monarch Knit Socks , Ladies Wear , McNEIL'S SHELL SERVICE, SHILLL1UBRICO.ftc,?1, WoHni...1, -SIEHOLD AWLS SNELL PRTROLIBUII PRODUCTS DUNLOP TIRES 1L-L.114. towel sod flea Austin Sales and Service topaIrs t 25l metros of *Ns sot frisks INSOPIR Tut ON11. Business eards DR. R. W. STEPHENS Gradhor• tiakrardty d Tamer pirfirCIAN !MGM Irdiglitsme limposis. DR. W. A. SPENCE , DENTIST OFFICE HOURS : 10 A. M. TO 6 P. M. Plignie 91X Brussels, Ont AUTO — WINDSTORM — LIABILITY — PLATE GLASS — BONDS — FIRE PERSONAL PROPERTV -- BURGLARY 7— TELEVISION FLOATIlle' W. E. Collins, Insurance Agent Phone 4T Brussels, Ont. Office Over Krauter's Plumbing YOUR PROTECTION IS OUR BUSINESS is a GOOD TIME to TRAVEL ..;- THE BRUSSELS Pon .9 . anginnelltillaellitsolumaniumaeZinsiinuaNINNIIIINITZIMIC All 'patrons of h liohnesville Rtvelying Station for OarnatInn Co., t-td. Are extonde4 an invitation to be pree,etnt at the 4gazine Gift Subscriptions SATURDAY EVENING POST ,,...r,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;,,One 1 yr. Gift $6.00 Two Gifts $10,00 ...... ot••••g! ... •• ..... ••, ..... • . AAA ...... A ....... A . .... .... . ...... ..... .. ..... • 1 Gift $3.00 ANNUAL MEETING Holmesville Concentrated Milk Producers"Association Agricultural Office 501.'4'41 Room, Clinton Thursday, September 22, at 8.30 p, nl. Sharp Guest Speaker; A, V, Cormack, President of the Ontario Farmers Union Election of OffiCer$ Will be held ' Lunch ,will be provided A ...... AtruAAA . A ..... "1.4 WHERE ELSE DO YOU GET • OPPORTUNITIES FOR TRAVEL AND ADVENTURE? • HEALTHY O• UTDOOR LIFE? • GOOD PAY? • EXPERT TRAINING IN NEW AND USEFUL SKILLS? • DEVELOP.MENT AND RECOGNITION OF YOUR CHARACTER? • A CHANCE TO LEARN HOW TO HANDLE MEN? • FREE MEDICAL AND DENTAL CARE? • THIRTY DAYS HOLIDAY WITH PAY 'A YEAR? except in the Canadian Army? If you are 17 to 40 years of age, and able to meet Army require- meats, the. Canadian Army offers you these and other advantages of Army life. You enlist for a 3 year term. At the end of, that time you may return—to civilian life well fit- ted for the future, or continue In the service of your country. Mail the coupon below, telephone or visit your local recruiting station. Army Recruiting Station, 90 Richmond Street West, Toronto, Ont. — Tel. EM 6-8341, Loc. 276 Army Recrfliting Station, 184 King St. East, Hamilton, ant. —Jet. JA 2-8706 Army C Re h u t ting , S O ati o — n T 2 el 9 . WU l272S7 Army Recruiting Station, Wolseley Barracks, Elizabeth & Oxford Sts., London, ont. — Tel, 4-1601, Loc, 135 Army Recruiting Station 131 London St., Windsor Ont.--Tel,CL 2-7615 Army Recruiting Station, Old Post Office Building Kitchener, Ont. —Tel SH 3!6661 0137W-0 McCALL'S MAGAZINE 1 Gift $3,00 .9.••999.." ........... .9 ....... of LADIES. HOME JOURNAL 1 Glft $3,50 2 Gifts $6.00 Edgar Rathwell Robert Welsh President SelOretarY-Treasurer'' JACK AND JILL ...— . . ... ........... . .... 1 Gift $2.50 Two or more 1 yr, Gifts $2.00 Buy A New "Easy Washing Machine" or a New "Easy Automatic Washer and Drier" For Christmas from Machan's hardware Brussels. Ont. Take Advantage Of Our Payment Plan READER'S 'DIGEST 1 Gift TWO Gifts .1.50 4$ Dress Shoes from 40Ik Nylons, 15 denier 51 gauge , 1$ Foam Tread Slippers &If Brussels, Ont. Full Lines Ladles Plastic Overshoes Nylon Overshoes from POPULAR MECHANICS 1 yr. 3.50 Two yrs. $6.00 ww .4:9. • ,19 Gift $5.001 SEVENTEEN .... ...................... • ....... 1 Yearly Phone 11 Gift $6.60, TIME 1 Yearly T V GUIDE 1 yr. $5.00 WOMAN'S HOME COMPANION Gift $3.50 06.20 I Please send me, without obligation, full information on Army careers. I These are 'only a few of the many to be had. Now is 'he time to place orders to be on time. Name Address City/Town Prov. Telephone j • SMITH'S Rexall Drug Store Phone 62 Brussels INSULATION CLERK'S NOTICE of FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS LISTS Voters Lists 1956 Municipality of the Village of Brussels, County of Huron. Notice is hereby given that I have complied with section 8 of the Voters' Lists Act, and that I have 'posted up at my office at Brussels, on the 23rd day of Oat- tober, 1956, the lists of sill. per= sons entitled to vote in the said Mlunialpalitly at Munidpal Elec- tions and that such list remains there for inspectibn. And, I hereby calh- upon all vot- ers to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or .omissions corrected according :to law, the last day for appealing being the 8th day (of November, 1956, H. A. Fischer, Clerk, of the Village of Brussels. GAVILLER, McINTOSH and WARD • Chartered Accountants BeJI Telephone Building Walkerton, Ontario Announcing , STATE FARM AGENT for Brussels and Walton District will be LLOYD ETUE If yfou wish to get Insurance or If service Is required by any Policy Holler In the distrIlL PHONE: GODERICH 1450 COLLECT Now is the Time to Insulate your home and Enjoy winter comfort and Save Fuel BRICK CLEANING ALUMINUM DOORS, WINDOWS FIBRE GLASS AWNINGS • Free Estimates Phone Brussels 57X2 CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS LISTS Strassburger Roofing and Insulation D. A. RANN & Co. tuoritm. Ann AMMIAPICE IlEnveoi Uogrod puma Ubaldo, rod Itaatraboar MOINE MI ar Its — — Kitchener, R. R. 3 1 ti The deliphtful, mellow weather of late summer and ieatlf: fall makes fOr.9144ont travelling. And this it an laidi time for that adventurous sights•4169 trip to 60440114 places in eanddit 04114 Unitactitatec A *War choke Of ',Ceti:Win:AP:4SM Is 0.011abl• 'whsbn the fitidieetielt '''hubbub is over. Now a. the time , by Milli`. Canadian National kottykiiettoggfite . "rtfl" • Picturesque Mtlfltoko, Labe of ys,: Otoreign1100* Bracing °Moiler Hightiodi - BiStinguished Laurentian• • Glamorous VinailtioatiV0t10, 400 Scenic Jasiior"14Oftino! itf • OottitiOnitiOnt006 0 Convenience-3 minute walk to Union Station, closest hotel to heart of downtown. Luxurious guest rooms and suites: Good rood—ftill cotirse meals and delidotts snacks. • Entertainmetattleme of the famous Club indigo Featuring Broadway Shows nightlYr. Where f goo.: Of the Township) of Morrie:- dt.tikkiS NOTICE' FIRST POSTING' OF VOTERS USTI! Voters Lists 1956 Ottiii*eslit'Si''' Of this townghip Of Gray; aolititf of Ian Notice is hereby givens that t complied with Seaton § Of the 'Voters' Lists Mt, nrid. that - t hand ikimod. on e ittii ot ,Ve ilbe at inter 1956,the lists bt sons entitled to vote IE tithe VaiticiiP:Atitly Ah ivitt,nIctial Eleo• tiOns 'end that such remains' there for inspection, And I hereby Oat litiOit alt vot- ers to take Iiiiirtediate PrOceeiling0. to .have any error's OMISSIOna corrected ricterding Inv,'„ 'teat day for Appealing being the 21st d0r bf November, ibte.„ tilythe M.- Cardiff, Clerk of tho, ToWns11111 of Gre34 , Historic;) tifiteit 0041)44,011011. Exciting' New York Bustling. Detroit, t hkOOO I JOHN E. LONGSTAFF, Optometrist. fl t SPIN IramaiMiL Glaaiia IOW . 11, nom 791 50.Aifaidi .... aft amok , ,,, ()wipe, illorworillia4N44! t gr inUitis • . 6, *OA 042" Sad ll'iLWi. is • .06 . , Harvey W. Stephenson I Itsiosispia,i,2— ---, '.-4- ilia,. Lai Alearillos, :. Ctb Carmw6 Henitt mai Aidilloss Ca. 44 '' efitiatty Gezeia forareast tai 1 fr rtaiis- oit. , flevaiiri, t Maple leaf Pockose Teal itrilil bOokloi..Enonsimisst '',111111ni. Tunis! Who ,4nibislog way to trent '...04':':1611Ve yourself a freat.! and gO by kaki a a —a 1 i Walker Funeral Home 4 i! Da, ori 11111110. C4104401iiii 114ra. Ole* fir the 11110.0 Ulaiiak. ON* .***:1-111•41110111 R. S. Hetherington, K. C. wamaimia via IIIIIIaIIII I I A ! /if INMEDILE „.. ..P ramp Ilk — issismor soli IL 1114 1110100 mai limaulay IA by . Mid aria DPINT otg, 44 Voters Lists 1956 1VIunicipalltY Of the Township of Morris„ Gounty of Hur.on. Notice is 'hereby given that- I have ,coMplied with section, 8 of the Voters' Lists Act, and that I have posted up at my office at Morris on, the 20th day Of Oct", tober; 1956, the Mots of all per sons entitled to vote 411 OA said .1ViunicipalitJy. apt Muniepfat Elec. Itions and that such list remains there for inSpecticin. And I hereby upon all vott• ere to take invinediathe proiceedings to have any errors Or, omissions corrected acCOrding to law, the last day for appealing being the 8th day of November, 1966: George Martin, Clerk- ONT -and SIMC0t, tit 'TORONTO ONE': EitiOiRE3.4111- H rr 13: G. .ALAN: 9, Optoinettilt., v Confect your Cendinditi NotiOnot toprisonlotlie for information Ond At Wilearakee Wiegiman, & Es, 16#""rs