HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1956-11-14, Page 1Post Publishing House authorise as second .clasp, Ralik Poet 001es DoessrtWeat. Ottawa Wednesday,. November 14h._ .1956 Paramount Cohoe Salmon 7 oz. • . 39c Florida Sip Grapefruit -Juice 48 oz. • • 29c York yummy Peanut .Butter 16. oz. • , 39e Hillcrest Sweet Mixed Pickles ' 25c Bayview Cream Corn 20 oz. 2 for 27c lou wit Ind other values Just as great as these at Not just to -day •or tomorrow, but Every Day of the year. Phone 7 - We Deriver CARD OF THANKS I wish' to eajress my sincere thanks and gratitude to Dr. Stephens, and elveryone for their many acts of kindness and eiressious of sym- pathy during these dark hours. Alma ',Spence. THE PRESBYThatAN CHURCH iN CANADA ..nox Churct.,CRANBROOK Minister: Mr. C. L. Thompson Tenting Peopie's Bible Class 10 a.m. Sunday -School 10. A. M. Morning Worship . 11 A. M. 'What I want is, not to possess • religion.. but .to .have a religion! that --posselsses me." _Kingsley Knox Church", ETHEL :Minister: Mr. C. Thompson Sunday School 1.30 P. M.1 Adult 'SLb1e.:01!r60g L:+3Q P. M. ,gtertooa Worship 2.30 P.M. .Tulp the hest way, for, Aanan to trains up " a child in, tlbe vay ,he .should goy -• to gravel tAtat way ;hiralsielf. '. WE WELCOME 7017 - TO OUR fiEGVIC ES ` Melville Church - Minister: Rev. H. T. Colvin, B. D. "10 A. M . qday :School 11 A. M. Repre}sents>t9vD of "The 'Oi6eotns" IA• 1scial offering will be (received - ,at the close a[ the service -for the '*ootrk of the ;0•idetanc TheUnited Church YiwNte R� DEADLINE MAILING 'DATES, FOR CHRISTMAS The following are deadline mail- ing dates to assure delivery, Gurop,e before Nov. '21. United Kingdom before Nov 26 'Unfitted States to allow customs ex •amination before Dec. 8 •,Newfoundlanid. and British Columbia beforeDec "11 - Alberta before 'Dec 12 'Saskatchewan and. Manitoba before. Dec 13 - ,MarittHme Prom before Dec. 14 - iOntario ,and Quebec before Dec 15 Local before, 'Dee 11 - Please 'hove your letters tied in ,bundles as follows — for Brufssels and rural routes separate from out, of 'town letters,, this will greatly assist the 'pdeb .office staff to des patch your letters or cards- much ervrlier. "The post eoffigedepartment -urgels you to mail early and avoid d'isaplait1IGnreat. NOTICE (Giving to the shortage of storing space fotr fiurkeys anyone with deep -freeze or 'lookers we would apprec- .tate taking delivery on • the Christ- mas -and Netw'Year turkeys , Work -anti; Wheeler Turkey 'Farms' - - NOTICE ray The Grey 'Township Federation of Agriculture annual meeting -Will be Meld in, the flomlmunity Centre at Ethel on November '20 at 8.30 p. Special' -spetadter Mr. James -Boyn. ton Ohelstey�, Films to be ribbwn. and music dor dancing by Wi1b'eets !orchestra: Ladle -6 to bring ltlneh Admission free. MUNICIPAL NOTICE .i, hereby give notice that Nomination Of a Reeve, Four Councillors and Five School Trustees and One Hydro Commissioner to serve the Village of Brussels, during the year 1957, ., wits be held at. BRUSSELS PUBUIC LIBRARY From 7P,M.to8P,M FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1956 li demanded a Poll will be"opened at the fq{lowing places on MONDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1956 Polling Sub -Division No. 1 in the Council Chamber of the Town Hall; William. Bell, D, R. 0,; Mrs, W, • Edgar, Doll Clerk. Polling Stub -Division No. 2 in the bas,emlant Of etiue Public "Library; Tien Wilvittarrll, 3). R. 0.; Mrs. Vera Hastings, Poll. Qlerk, Polls to be opened from 9 A. M. to 5 P. 141. H. A. Fischer, Returning Officer.. J MUNICIPAL NOTICE. MAJESTIC WQMirN'a INSTITUTE J, J. ,McLAUCHI,1N DEPUTY The Majestic Women's Institute DIST, GOV, VISITS fret tor the NOvanibei• `meeting in ' BRUSSELS :LIONS CLUB the bataent,ent of .the Library un Ott .menxiay oy,entng, tb.a :i3russels filltu•eduy afternoon with Mrs, P. ° Liens were hlonorad with a visit by . 1-i. BO, the 'President in 'tate chair . Lion J'. J', Mel;,audhilu ,of, St, Mary mind Mils, burl C.udtnore recording •f)nl„ Who is Deputy Dist. Go7fator *Bert! tllte niintii'ets 1 cr Regien d, A Pew of the ideas A dan;ation of $35 was:74t71$14‘0' voted tc tressed in i.ion Mac's interesting *Brussels Fall Pair 13 -card, and 1'1•A', otlaress: wea'e as 1oilows; punotual> to the Unitarian 'service, Purchase 11y. learning soanething from of a wreatli to he Dlaeasl; dui•ing et;ery sluts tvistte'd, service, our the Ran1embraanca Day service on ;motto: of Liberty, 1p enIgence iSunjday Was announced ;and Mars. •o,•nd Safety livinn for ithe (attire; W. A, Williams was chosen to rep - t society sltoland, train, us ,90 thin present the institute, "i! comdOnactivetly, ge¢t{ng trogebiter Plana were !made for a. Ghristm,asgor commaai gooxi, Lionistn. is: a Bazaar on Saturday, Deo. 7, and a > people doing ssi+vica all ,over rthd suggestion was made tibia baked i world, cud everyone who helps goods be given the preference over j Lioniism, is a part of this great, sewing.I service. r The program was in charge of the diintertla$narnenb for the evening committee for historical research consisted of Mono solos, by Lion and current -events. and at this point i Donald Dunbar, In his usual ands , Mrs, BevlerFy Riley ,book ` the chaircapable manner, •t Mrs. Andrew Lane dealt with the t At the close :et the meeting, prep motto, "While wetreasure the Pastorations for mailing the Christina's ,. we should not ignore what is happen- Sectile for this area took piece. in ; today in +our community." Cyan- The newt regular me-etjng will , dog this motto, -"local current be Fara_"ia"ers'"" Night. i I hereby' give notice that Nomination etvienits" she ,gave a; review of local { �_ . 1 and improvements. ,an • changes; roads, i of a Reeve Four Councillors Th School r Trustees to serve thechutrches. the new bridge which is WREATH LAYING CEREMONY Township of Grey during the year nearing •retnpleition-ware meentiioned. H1 .L.t:r44.2lAF'1"I 1957. 'and her 'closing remarks were,' Atter the ..ena;embrance Dal: will be held at •� "All in all, Brussels is au ideal' i mace• +Ro lire, and a friendly, nei'git-j service in Melville Church, a wreatn COMMUNITY CENTRE, ETHELt laying service was held. at the ten' , body spirit perm�eat�' its tit{mems.. Nay :we: continue ,lotake pride and ; ,taph attended eby 'a large number of '} s personal satisfaction in our home 1 the people of the community. �� The Brussels Legion Pipe hand , town. ' headed the parade. • From 1 P, M. to '2 P. M. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1956 If demanded a Poll will be opened at the following places on MONDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1956 1. at 2 :at 8 .at { Perdue. 3A at 4 at Polling Stub-Djivi:sione No. School House S. S. No. 4. PolRng Sub-Djlvisiom+ No. School House S. S. No. 1. Polling Sub Djivtsioa No. Lot 8, Oen. 16, Grey, kivterett Polling Sub-Dliv1�sione No.. Community Hall, 'Walton. Polling $sub 1 ivision No. ,Community Hall', i onrrieff. Polling SubDivision No. 5 at Township Office. Ethel. Pbi1ing Sub-DiVis'ion Np16 at School House S. S. No. 5. Polling �SubDidision. No. 7 at. Community Centre, Cranbrook. • Polls to be opened from 'fl 9 A. ' ho 5 P. M. A, grandmothers!, snnng-sung was 'i ilev. A, Lane, Rte. 11'• Jewell, and Olt ,td with Mrs. r1 Mrs Hemingway ,Pe% W", A. Williams participated in at the Pkno and Mrs,. D. C. Math -1 eson gatve current events, Mrs.' the ,Service. • . drew Brussels russelts delegate to After laying of wreaths. the Last i( �'n Post was sounded followed, by 2 sties �;�uelpla convention Sept. 25 and minutes silence and Ravine. • a:t rn c interesting t 1 ilteu•es 26, gave a full and g ,commits of the ,eissions on, tine ,con.! Wreaths were laid by the tallow- 1 petition She stressed that the ,aiming representatives; eaf uisltitutes, is 'educational — not . Morris Twp., Reeve Baillie Parrot; money -making. The insttitulte was tli Dont `wiamean'rs univeer• �calIed a ry sity. . ' (1lonr members were given*birth- ,day greetings in, song The moll Mrs. Jack Lowe; Legion Pipe Band, call 'was an Item 'suitable for use .Mr: Tom McFarlane; L. 0• L., Mr. fist the Tweedsmuir book and sev- Reg. Watson; A. F and A. M. Mir eral interes,tling pictures and ar C. Kreuter; The People ,of Holland titles, were reoei'veld. - Mr. Jerry Exe1; Melville Church, ees ere Mrs, Douglas Mrs. R. 14I(cLeam; St. Johns Church, Whiittard; St. Ambrose Grey Twill, Mr. Cliff Dunbar; Village ,of Brussels, Reeve H. Stretban, ;Brussels Legion 2118,• Mr. 1{ilmer )Sellers; Ladles Auxilimay to Legion Edythe- M• Cardiff '.Returning. Officer.Itosltelsl MUNICIPAL NOTICE 1 hereby give inalce that Nomination of a Reeve, Four Councillors and Two School 'Trustees to serve the Township of Mania, during the year last Saturday Baker. 1957. Tlie former Rebecca Wright, she wi11:'be held at - was born raib Molesworth, 84 years t MR: 'LOUIS D. THOMPSON Hemingway, Mrs-, Oliver Hes lingsray, Miss. Beth •Hoelver, Mrs. Ernest; Mar- tin Masa Andrew Turnbull. r . 2 brook W I., Mris'. R. Casa;pbell; 1IMaielsittO V i.,' Mrs. Willilams; Mrs.. Walter Huggan , ; airy Walter Haggett, a former I Brussels Lions Club, Mr. Gordon resident of Srustse's, passed away Knight; Provinee of Ont, Mr. L. Peter. J. at St. J,oseili!hs hospital. • .London, E. CarrdiPf, Baker, Mrs I0isui 1h, •Mrs.'ttussell; I. O. O. F. and Re{bekahs, Mr. Rae Crawford; Cran- MORRIS TOWNSHIP HALL ,ago. ,she and her husband•, a former From ;1 P, M. to 2 P. M. railway employee. had lived at FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1956 Fort William and In Briiti'sh. Col. Ifdemanded a Poli will be opened tumble, prior to their retirement to at the fgilowing places on Brtissels. Mr. Huggan died, three .MONDAY, DECEMBER 3,. 1956 years ago and since that time Mrs: Polling Sub -Division No. 1. at Hugger has been a resident of School House S. S. No• 1; D. R. 0 Tweedsmuir Hall, at London. .Glens Gibson; P. C. J. C. Haines } Survavdng are two slaters, Mrs.. Polling Sub -Division Nie 2 .at Wesley (Bemtha) J'ermytn, Of Brua- GIVES UP CHURCH 'POSITION Over forty yearn as an organist and 'their master were terminated on Sunday morning by Mr. Louis D. ThlotnlI Slav when he played his last Service in Melville - Presbyterian church. His resignation for reasons Of health, was received with deep re - gra by the Session of the church, Sc'hool', House S. S. No, 9; D. It. O.amid. 1Mrs1. William (Lizzie) Mrs ' ,During his n years as organist and fir bes s IskeliS in leader, he has done outstanding Wm, Somems; P. C:, Geo.McArthur.in straining his eho , fide Polling Snb-Division No. 3 at School /louse S. S. No. 'S; D. R. 0. Marshall, of Stratford, she wee ejg isteii ;paiedelo ed by once s • '(IGatle) wows d Turn• being very Onetime to the church. MelivdAle Harry MctGuire• P. C: Harry Glop: Merry' and ,orae brother, 'Willis ' i tote dhurch gifts of a silver cup for • LISTON!, Poy M Ire;M P. C.. Na: 4 at Wright of +l3ru(sselsv LAPITOI� 1 communion set, a Public Mr, -and'Mrs. Thompson have made TNEATRF e address unera ser ce as .ill V A. � � Re afternoon' with �e aP G b �! Monday Lome. �. E. 2 rn. Slh dd A. Matinee Saturday Morris ToCarnehip Hall D.. ,R 0. l i1 1 vi held' at the r11 Gordon Willaititoa►• Pr tJ:, WaRRon Brtuss�s uni ted CNuxcli at 2 1t.m: sylsitemr in metnory of Mr Thome- set Of ca(•111;anQo p. OF CANADA, Lions'fathter and a Rev. A. • n Snub -'Division No. 5 at Lane officiating: inide'rmsint ain- , �, �. 1 '.d r r• Morons Y =is l Ce• t1Rt bail. Polls g dflrinw tY School 1%ottse S. S, No 7; D. R. d• do 8dvttelslela Cesiileltiery Patibearers Wet - Thurs. Nov. to • 16 Mr. omPanadason �he esursued B r OUR M188 ®ROOICR, (Melvin) Craig,; P. G Harvey 'Edgar. *tete dada and Waiter Willits, lierfy Ing In an organist in rnHglaa tie r A Full Length Feature ung Suwb�iivltilfdn N46 at 'tri ,Mel Jermviti, Alex Marsbail ,tensive tstudiets to;Music n` Scheel Rouse' S. S, No..t0; D. R. O: ,acid' G•soirgd ifervit. 8tNtrrlti *trait Sated $ o'clock. raise GOA in His Sancti art' ' PalaTnil 161:1 CLIVI r 1 Anglican Church or Cii►NKDA Malvin rfsimseis ;ohm Pref E. Jewell• L i. ' ilesRef EMtMBR..NCE DAY SER it EB RI .. Aw , . a $t. John+s Church; BriiksetY it A, 1VI.' Raftine` St host' Solt silt - . >t1 Davi'd's..Ctiirottt He;tilryn 80 Pr ht, itiOtleomg, t., 000$ cht►o1 debtgdii Cii"urciu iWaltota b id lit tt o* Movie 'Miffed W r EVE ARDEN ' •1 furl: Set. Nov. 'i6.t7 " THE LONE RANGER " In Cotor Stooge Comedy • C'artoon Watch theatre and Ellwood Smith � o n details Is r a t . new( a era ads for ld P p how td get a Lone Rangel' Mask or' . plied iiloitire of large size Autograph Lone -Ranger. Men - 'Tues. - Wed, • Thura.• Sat, 'Nov} 19-20.21 -22-23 24 Dr. James K. Fredrloh, ..a ..leading 'retiglous film matter, and a minta• ter, has F4tade a coto"r picture cls -,t pitting• ciimattc events it; the LOC Gutting Styling Cold' Waving' of Christ. A specialty A DAY of T`RIlJMPH Watt* +SrttAtv;' C•; War. relit musicians at the Royal Clouser- N -i3 BAZAAR veatbory tiuste iii Toro* and the wick. Polis to be opened from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. George Martin, Returning Offkc sT. JDH ' A 'SttecesSfui• bazaar and hale Oi: !lionise baking was held by St. Jams Before wcaotiting V=o Btr tssnYe he held er. (,4tmi soil n . tisk in the library. posittbens es an Organist Cornwall, MTS. Wari, hlisldirer, Mre: J A. Mre: • i to that in Charlottetown c a S itM Were l charge of the l l'• H n e counter 13rits�siels 1t,ttct will denote alt !tis time nt well an Olt h �r e Of T • i c e .... I ttltlic .IatLtere1$y :Vitt',Geos Thoriitott and Mira. Zllsrds• Bernard,. Mrs. ZViltisin 11kCittciii,eleri wtte tit ciittt'ta of tarn 1rodtiee. AI o It Mrs Chas' Morey and M s an pr or I and Pent, Sottatd: haines m w r n Mr 'Iiitootioon *ill reinta.in in baltitig. Miss Lois Dodds' was in .. - - spear's Western Ontario Conservatory In NOTICE * IIAZAAR Hall ui Y I the 'Walton Cammtat n an Saturdtatyr Nov: 24th at 2.30 P.M. Under the sulspiees Off .the Anglican child: Sale of aprons, fancy 'work, quilt`s and a Mystery table. Stbl`rpet se`r''Ved fibin 4.30 p- 'm: on, A,diaiifs -86'c, 'L"hildreii i.2 Sind. tinder do.• V'L+s; EitAtitsf -H00 Fioiie' 40x BriA ere ' bifid' sett•tttg went !Dotted. to' teeatltdn> mtietc. eThe tart able Was a roc ley ,hnfiinlgied centered centred with a stiivler bloat of ehryatLntlteriitiins. Mrs T" B. JervellI:m.0,4 At tits ten cta;hie and guests were Served by 'Mrs, Jas• Siiiitti, Mts. 13ar1 SoiiierS emit Mrs Annie 'Chiyrine. x4{(rs Watt. Wilt6ltteit, nom, Geo. Davis, Mrs. E. M. 1tattIionct, and Mrs. 4•i. Brjat hied fatasistetl. dAtitt OF THANKS vw etil tike to extend' an'y aithere Wanted to 4liose wlio sent iiia • flow. gs 'CAMS end treats, also the ones Who'' cane 110 visit a1 e' while I iV'n1 a' ,liatietilb tiv witigliatii 'General. ,Tt6al ti pttiil• This also sloes to the ntiraes . mitt (totters. Ali t'ou'r kiildttess wilt nevier i)e iforgttt4Il, Mrs. H oWaril filltatita t ST $2.00 per yeaur DAN4 In Cranhrook Community Centre FRIDAY NOVEMBER 16th- Music by Henderson Orchestra Lunch Booth Admission popular' ?dam b , Sponsored by Cranbrooh Hall Board Everybody Welcome. BAKE .SALE - Melville Ladies' Aid Bazaar and Tea and Miscellaneous Articles. In the Brussels Public Library D SATU A. l IVO ♦ EMPER 24th. OPENS AT3P.M Su 2 ` 14 oz. tins Green Giant Niblets Corn -333c 11 -oz. bottle Aylmer Tomato 'Catsup • • 2O 2 oz. jar Nescafe 59r 100 Orange Pekoe and B. Pekoe Tea Bags .. - 89c WITH- $3 iN PURCHASES YOU CAN PURCHASE FOR Mg A THREE PiECE CALDWELL TOWEL SET CONSISTING O 1 Bath Towel —• 1 Guest Towel 1 Face Cloth Phone 5 We Close Saturday Nites 10 p. m. We Deliver JOIN THE - JUNIOR FARMERS- RAT ARMERS'RAT AND -MOUSE C O N T R O 1.•- C+AMPAIQN ,.�. THE HURON County Junior Farmers are asking your. 00'+4' - +operation in their campaign against rafts and mice In Hvrou 00=01E. "They receive a• commission for :each pound of HOWARD'S 041' KILL 'which you buy ,and at the same you are satving:•moae Mtkiser -tthan you realities , "If you're an average farmer, the chances are tihat you o agi of buy a new pick-up 'truck every two years with what it costa i'., to fedi and keep rats. It sounds inlcrediate, but O. A. C. studs provide strong e'y denee to back it up!" w(Queted .from "RATS" from "Partners Magazine" July 1960 Gert your supply -of HOWARD'S RAT KII' from BruetM7 • • Creamery too -day and sone yoturself a lot of Money .• this wince?,..... :Availalble in J. ib. wad A lb. an at Brussels Creamery 'PHONE 22 The Annual firemen's an� Brusseis Town Hall orr -•- Pi.i}..rwruS... ii N ..:.*.*.i. oR..ji.irii�►• - 1 .,i N••.ii .dn.••n•i}L,rrN.G..d Musk ittbee s C ' fches ra Panting from 1 > o` 0 Lrrrh tooth ii't tiecrtl. ... 1 Or egg' y� � tidttal, • :�d�ntss o>n 75 Y .--Pioceeds,.' far Iir Equip ntn t 1; ttli