HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1956-11-07, Page 416 A =MAI. STRANGER TO CARS WQvaHICHg.HALAV4 Hetsk -,E El> RIVERIIPE marog9 • sffPl-/sHaig.tvozy TO PAY AT LEAST .60M.T1-11N0 AN .*?teiR REPAIR. $1444. BBIASVS IT OR NOT, 1:1-1AVaNILT.PAIO01.51' A CENT ON THIS CAR IN MC:NTI45, e5Ct ti==scs •-• ristmas ihtups Always Better With Butter Ice cream and crunchy almonds top these gay Christmas Light-Ups. But the real flavour is baked right in. It's butter-fresh creamery butter-lending its matchless flavor-enriching with its natural goodness. Remember, for all your festive baking and right through the year, "It's Always Better with Butter". FREE!, Marie Fraser's "Merry Christmas" recipes for cookies and candy. Also her new Butter Bodklet. 42.• .. . .... A- 1. Mix 21/2 c. rolled oats, 11/2 c. sifted all-purpose flour, V. O, brown sugar, I tap, soda and tY4 tsp. salt Cut in % a butter with pastry blender or knives, till mixture is crumbly, 2. Press half this mixture in the bottom of a well but- tered 8' sq. cake tin; spread with 2 c.. whole cranberry sauce and sprinkle ,,with 1 tsp. grated orange rind and 1/2 c. shredded coconut. V A s. Top with remaining oat- meal mixture, Bake 350°F. for 40-45 Min. Cut into squares, serve warm or cold. Make "candles" by topping With ice cream rolls; use almonds for "flames". DAIRY FOODS SERVICE BUREAU 7-6-61 FULI. INFORMATION FROM AGENTS 1•W THE BRUSSELS. POST • WO.0.4eStluyi Noiretuber by Riivrside .ilifotors `Speedy" 1956 Buick 4 door Hardtop Radio and Automatic 1956 Chev. 4 door Sedan, Radio 1955 Chev. De Luxe 4 door Sedan, Radio 1955 'Chev. Standard Sedan 1951 plynaotitth Sedan 4- Half Ton Trucks 3 - Three quarter Ton Trucks -71,rrs,nearr•Onirror • ya,,em .hr- Bu.yiug a Rouse? Kgow TOUR LEGAL RIGHTS Your legal rights as a house buyer are discussed in a feature article in this week's edition of the NEW Star Weekly, It's information that will save every house buyer, builder and seller, both tnoney and trouble. One hundred and fourteen pages of interest, entertainment and infor- mation make the NEW Star Weekly the -biggest money's worth on • any news stand. Get ;t Today 7HEeW STAR, NIP' NEW! NEW! WEEKLY SEWAGic. 040 5.90 6.55 3.45 5.20 4.60 5.75 4.75 6.20 .85 For the position of firer 4.4 far, St Ambrose Ohureh, Anyone interested contact ;‘,!iii STORE FOR RENT - TENDERS WANTED Large store for rent or can be divided for two business offices, For particulars apply to J. H, Stretton, Brussels, Ont. Phone 5x or 39 LOW FARES EVERY SATURDAY (TO AND INCL. DEC. 1S) Tickets good going and returning same Saturday only. EXCURSION FARES FROM; $4.30 PALMERSTON 3,75 SOUTHAMPTON 3.70 SARNIA STRATFORD 5.85 STRATHROY 2.45 WALKERTON 3.60 WATFORD 4.00 wINGHAM 5.20 WYOMING 4.76 BRAIViPTON •ALLENFORO BRUSSELS GH est.EN •CLINTON gt.pftds. vERGUS GEORGETOWN GOD ERICH GUELPH R. R. 2 Brilk011i James Nolan `74' TrAni 6e0i1/ tfutit.p *of ty..0 0,4.1. clew:tan 1214 tumours lin *au .• Graccble. r tar i).1144.112., ?LA...4;ot fi4S” movortos. OWL Mrs. Mary 13ruwa and Mr. Ourrio, Galt, i,fatted. AY.01/. Mrs, 01)111017.01), V:TMAIY. • My. TOM 'Penninaenilas ).*Atrued, to his Itomelwre, Miss .Aliee Vbrre$t, Mrs. .Pari Dumb Mrs. Stanley Fischer ntal Mae .1u:gel: .aittetuled the Training.. C.erttre for Teachers and isadera. .of Mission. Bands., at bangside, mr, and. yrs. ...pred Martin and. Brenda, • l'hantelSrvile, were weelc-end yisitow tit Bite Itonte Of Mr. and MrS. ?titer .Balter, ,John; .Beeltett, Preston, was Sunday visitor with Mr, and Mrs. ciNiTgri O1-IUROI-1 The "Communion of Saints" was tale theme lor worship in !tare 'United. Olutreli on Sunday Nov. 4. It is good te .romembor this article, of our faith and Ito releice that the life of felloNstihip with .01trist does not ter- minate with death. Mrs. Beatriee Walker sang the solo, "4. Pilgrim and a Stranger" by Holder Litieuras sad the anthem was "Thy Word in. My heart" by Ogdeei and Sorenz. $4.75 HANOVER $4.30 HARRISTON 41.25 iNGERSOLL, A.75 KINCARDINE 2.45 KITCHENER 2.45 USTOWEL 1.20 MITCHELL 5.05 pAtSLEY 1.90 OWEN SOUND ..,Imedinqual,aipin Here! New Task•Force 57 Ch tinge Trucks I Performance-prov_ed in a history-making test on the ALCAN Highway to Alaska Here are the trucks that conquered the Alcan Highway - one of the world's most challenging roads! Six new '57 Chevrolet trucks, loaded with cargo, roared north from Dawson 'Creek, B.C. , through 1,520 miles of mountains and mire, rain and hail - every conceivable natural roadblock - to Fairbanks, Alaska. Running around the clock, they made this tortuous trip - normally a 72-hour r,un - in less than 45 hours. Like a carelessly unwound ribbon, the Alcan Highway twists and reels for 1,520 miles. It tumbles over towering mountains of awesome beauty and wanders through desolate Yukon forests. A miracle of engineering - but a brutal challenge to trucks. It's the road where trucks 'grow old before their time, The road where gravel endlessly sledgehammers the life out of trucks. Where a fog of superfine dust chokes engines, and vicious ruts subject chassis to months of wear in a few hundred -miles. This is the road that was chosen to give the new '57 Chevrolet trucks a supreme test of stamina, performance and handling ease.. The results Of that test made hauling history! Six new Chevrolet trucks - representing light-, medium- and heavy-duty models - trav- elled the length of the Alcan highway in less than 45 hours. They ran day and night - but this was no test of speed, It was a measure of the ability of these new Chevrolet trucks to perform tinder typical conditions on the truck- killing Alcan run, The Chevrolet fleet made normal stops along the Way, and maintained safe and legal speeds. As a special additional test during the run, two of the trucks went the entire distance without once having their engines stopped! It's all down in the AAA record book. And more besides! Never before has a new truck been so thoroughly proved. Come in and look over these neW Alcan champs! Low Cab Forward models outdate the C.O.E. because they're lower, handsomer, easier to get into and out of, and save time in routine engine maintenance. Yet they offer all the traditional Cab Over Engine advantages, Heavyweight Champs with Triple-Torque tandem are rated at 32,000 lbs. GVW, 50,000 lbs. GCW. And Chevrolet's advanced tandem rear axle unit offers a built-in three-speed power divider-plus a unique 'iself.steering'i action that reduces tire wear and increases handling ease, FIRST WITH THE MOST MODERN FEATURES! New 283-cubic-inch Taskmaster V8 delivers 160 high-torque horsepower. Standard in Series 1800 and 1700, optional in Series 1300 through 1600 at extra cost. Horsepower ranges up to 220 in Chevrolet's complete line-up of modern V8 and 6 truck engines. Revolutionary Powormatic Transmission I This sik.speed automatic, designed specifically for heavy-duty hauling, is an extra-cast option in series 1600 through W1900 models, Hydsci- .Matic is offered in 1300, 1400 and 1500 Series models at extra cost. New 1957 work••styling gives Chevrolet trucks an even fresher, fleeter appearance, There are three different and distinctive treatments. (AAA) The Chevrolet Alcor, run was sanctioned and official results certified - by the American Automobile Association, Proved on the Akan Highway... Champs of every weight crass! All the way in DRIVE range with Powermaticl As a special test, NeW Super Taskmaster V8 flattens Yukon mountains! This 1957 this Powermatic-equipped 1500 Series tractor travelled the 1800 Series thick with its new 283,0ibie-inch V8,,engine was length of the Alcan Highway - up Mountains and through more than a match for Mean mountains. It climbed towering washouts - in a single forward-speed range! grades with jackrabbit agility, Akan fleet reports up to 20 miles per gollonl That's based on official AAA fuel consumption figures for the Cameo Cartier, powered by the famous Thriftmaster 6 engine and equipped with Overdrive (optional at extra cost). jCHEVROLET ftlltfpit tilicienzark 'display this 'Only franchised C itetralet dactlets Motors :9:00 et the ittebtieftt singing aeets to it Oine 'along in a long is the ijitineS $ietett, Marjorie, Nernia. teat. The .reditundod trio are 80en Cu Gauntry Heed0W31, every week on the 0110 Telenrislon net- work,