HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1956-11-07, Page 1DANCE Grey Township Firemen FRIDAY NOVEMBER 16th, Ethel Community Centre Archie Mann's Orchestra Lunch Booth Admission 50c The regular business meeting of the the Ledies Auxiliary to Canadian Legion No. 2-18 was:' held in their rearms on November liet, with 20' in embers present The meeting was opened with the presentation of flags with the Pres- ident Mary Lowe in the chair, , The seeretamy and treaeurer re- ports were 'read and adopted. Acc- ounts Were presented and sorres_ pondenct: was read. - It was -decided to send the adopted 'veteran in Westminster Hospital a Magazine, -for 1957 as well as a gift for Christmas. It was also decided to send a 'cheque' for $10.00 to the Legion Chritentas Tree fund, Als district, sports comenittee was being organized in Zone C-1., and 0-3 of the Auxiliaries it was decided to send Vera Hastings and Mrs'. S. ,Seephensen, as delegates to the Meeting in Wingham. Plana were made for the Annual Markey Banquet efor the members .of the Legion to be held on Nevem- ber. 14th. Also a banquet for the en-embere of the Auxiliary on Nov. 15th., the following eveninig. Al Auxiliary members are invited to this banquet, Remembrance Day Service to be held in Melville Presbyterian church. on November lltb. All Members wishing -tare parade with the Legion are asked 0 Meet ,ait, the Legion ' Hail at 10.30 ane Others to join the I _lambda -at the Chute].) 10.45a,m. The Sensibine collection was taken Mrs, Pearl Lowe holding the lucky ticket, It was iarranged for a Christmas Cake to be Made by- a member at the Auxiliary for wbiefla tickets will be sold. The draw to be- at the Legion Turkey Tea was served by Mrs, Alcock and Mrs, E. Smith. , es_ Or. W. A. Spence Dr. Spence; who. died iii Whigharn General Hospital eel Tuesday, October -30th, *Mewing ej heart atteek, spent his early life rah Oeangerville. He height Scheel in the Canadian West before entering Uniareetsite Of Tate*. te, steely - dentistry, He aratictised Vortthito for- tg, Yeare before to Brussels in. 1951, He 'was -a, Member of 'Brussels Uniael Church, Loeee Meeenie Lodge, Sbelbotene, Pith LOL, Old :relit Rage Robertson LOU Friday, Atig/ieari C'itttech OF dANADA Parish of Rev. Fred Reetar ilEm,E,mBRA,NCE -riAA, StA :loin's otitoth, bin-6661e - M A, M. Mailtbid 'gtindEW SC buVidfrd 140infryli tokiEiOlig 0611644 • George's dfitirch, Walton pr n7, .67Ongekt ritr. and Mrs. 'George I-tarS off' Nt, 7l t tinseeis are Ul.)PY WI; eleinepece the erigageleidat of their iyonoger Lannihtek (lean) .to ,itos§ Auctetto6,. See. of Mr. Met Mrs, *Miele Aiideta sin, t Sciences ,irlillx ea POS BRUSSELS Post Publishing House msg hot Ottica P. . DePerialeaC °"4001 VVednesday, November 7th 1956 $401) per re:ssr urdayi November lOth,, Poppy Day Wear a Poppy in Remembrance BRUS SELS C.QYNclk, MEETING 1 prggsfgg', Out. I I .Qa. 29th, 3,.950 Tb...ei M4PielP41. 00/4401 9t: the Village of 13rasSele 41eld its xegu1,0 meeting on the. above 40, all members present, . ' q lase minutes 'ef Sept. ,24, Oat, 11, I and Oct. 16th. meetings were 1'0'34 i' and adiolpited on motion of W. A. Williamson, seconded by H. R. 'Pear,: son.. e , ee Carried. Moved by C-, la Workman, wend, 'esi by W., A, WillFiamson that tithe, tender of L, 'Warns or snow plow- ing - In the Village for tre 19$0-51 season be eccemited. The Clerlt. was authorized to draw •ispi an agreement for le 13t,yarns to sign. - - Carried,, The tender of T. L. McDonald and J. Pursue for the purchase of the Village scales at the C,N,Tis Stat- ion was discussed 'and H. R. Pearson was authorized to draw up an a- ereement a- to rrnaints, them the scales. Cencaler G. Me0utclieon war ap- pointed by the. Couneil to, look after ' having the signs for the entrance) of ,tote Village, made _and painted. aloyed by G. IVitelutelmott, second- ed by C, La Weiclaman that the fol- lowing accounts as presented' for payment be made. .nod The Huron County Warden, Road committee \allege- Of 1441.1seelS • D • 41. Announce Official Open inA of the russeis rid ore Aylmer Special Process Peas, 20 oz. • • • • • • .. Australia Seeded Raisins St. John's Guild; Bazaar and Tea In the Brussels Public Library Saturday, November 10* OPENS AT 3 P, M 2 for 33c 55c .• 2 for 45c '12 oz. box • • • - • 2 for 43c Royal York Coffee, 1 lb. bag # - • • • • • 95c Campbell's Tomato Soup 2 for 23c Clark's Pork and Beans, 15 oz. Robin Hood Oats 5 lb. bag ^••• BY THE HON. JAMES N. ALLAN, MINISTER OF HIGHWAYS Remembrance Day Service& Remembrance Day Church Service at PlresbYl Cbarcb, Brussels, on SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 11th. Parade from Legion Hall at 10.30 a. Laying of Wreaths at the Cenotaph after Church Service, All Legion members are urged to be Pretseillt- --asseisee eresseeseseeseseeeteseess---,A sou wit and other values Just eo great as these at at Brusstisi on i. UT EDGE ROCEU THE Not jest today or to-morrow, but Every Day of the year. Phone 7 'We Deliver Buy A New 9 AT .2.00 P. M. ee ee A Cordial NOTICE To my customers My shop .will be closed during the day and open every evening from 4 and Wednes- day from 12.30, until further notice, Irene Pease. Beauty Salon Easy Washing Machine or a New "Easy Automatic Washer and Drier's" For Christmas from Invitation Is Extended 'To All Carried. LADIES AUXILIARY TO CANADIAN LEGION hydro Commission, Hydro I-Tydro Commission, W. W. Hydro Brussels Past Office IT, T. S. ,Brussels Post Office Stamps for Tax Notices Brdssols, Morris and Grey Telephones loan 5000,00 Mrs. J. Baker, baaquet 51,00 Pollard Chain Saw, Misc. 2.25 W. la Collins, Insurance 62.70 ,G. Workman, labour 10,00 G. Gibson, labour '19,70 J. E. Henderson; tile 15.75 D. Hall, labour 6,80 BruSsele Poste -Office, box rent 3.00 9.50 1.65 $108.72 60.81 13.52 12.90 DANCE MELVILLE W. M. S. ENTERTAINS The Women'e Missionary Society Of Melville Presbyterian Church, entertained friends from. Duff's United Chnreh, Walton-, Brussels 'United Church, St. Sohn'seAnglican Church and Knox Mardi, Belgrave at its regular meeting on Friday-I -afternoon. The school ream :of the church was decorated with baskets and silver vases of bronze and white chrysanth mums. Mrs. W, W. Smith was In charge of the meeting and spioke words of 'welcome to the -visitors. Mile W. L. Speir read the scripture lesson and Miss +Beige Moses led In prayer. A , nemeneitling -committee fide officers for -1957 were .chesen 'as follows: Mrs. Chain, Davis, Mrs. Wets. Kerr and Mrs. Jahn Bowman. An invitation to attend the thank- offering reervIce of Ethel WMS on Sunday night was accepted. Mrs. D. Glen Campbell, Sealortle was introduced by the- president Land ',her address, &rattled "The Price We Pay," was an appeal for a just distribulion, of 'our reislources In thankful return for the blessings we have been given. She meetioned three ways in which to pay - In trials, in self-caving and in. devotion Ito Christ. Mrs. W. A. Williams ex- preseed the ap(preciaition of Mel- ville WMS and their guests to Mrs Campbell for flier fine address. The program provided by the leis. itore included solos by Mrs. Herbert Mee. Florence Michel, Brussels United Church, Mrs. James Smith, of St. John's Anglican Church and. a reading by Mrs. 0. 0. Anderson of Knee Church, Beigrave. Mrs. W. King of the Brussels auxiliary played a piano solo. A ,siociaI hour -and lunch were en joyed under emmvenership of Mrs I S. Armetrong, Mrs. H. B. Mrs alabert Gemanell, Mrs. Gordon McDoevell and Mys. W. L. Sneie. The tea table, et which Mrs. W. A:, Williams and Mrs, Robert Thompeon presided, was attractive with late cloth and a Silver bowl of bronze amid gold thryeenthe- mines with white tartrs, Following the lurch Mrs. E,..Tewell, H. C. 'Mamas„ Mrs. John Metur- nysfr arid Mrs. Allan McDonald ex- nres..sea the thatlei of their reepeei, ire greatest for pleasant efternden. achan's Hard are- Brussels. Ont. Take Advantage Of Our Payment Plans The annual Firemen's Dance at -Brussels Town Hall on. Wednesday, Nov, 21sa, Orchestra, Dress optional, lunch booth in Hall Admission 75c, All proceeds for fire eel-14)11%mA. THE PRESBriaitiAN CHURCH IN CANADA ,enox Church, CRANBROOK Minister: Mr. C. L. Thompson Young People's Bible Class 10 a.m. Sunday School, 10 A. M. Morning Worship 11 A. M. True PEACE/ is not only the absence of war, but the abiding presence of. Sed in the heart. Superior Mar NOTICE Owing to the shortage of storing space for, 'Turkeys anyone with deep freeze or Peckers we would appret- lath taking delivery on the Christ- and New Year turkeys , Work and. Wheeler Turkey Farms alias 2 - 15 oz. tins Aylmer Boston Brown Beans • ........ 27 16 oz. jar Ellmarr Pure Peanut Butter • • • • • • •' • Large Kellog's Rice Krispies 3 10 Oz. tins Tomato Soup • 25o 4 Large Rolls Hillcrest Toilet Tissue • 45e. WITH $3 IN PURCHASES YOU CAN PURCHASE FOR A THREE PIECE CAL-DWELL TOWEL SET CONSISTING OW - 1 Bath Towel - 1 Guest Towel - 1 Face Cloth -- "1 4 4 * Knox Church, ETHEL Minister: Mr. C. L. Thompson Sunday School 140- P. M. Adult Bible Class 1.30 P. M. Afternoon Worship 2.30 P.M. "The Lord Will bless Hie neaale with Peace." Paalan 29:2. WE WELCOME YOU TO OUR k. SERVICES * Melville Church 10 A. M. , Sunday School AsARMISTIC,E. DAY SERVICIE" 11 A. M. • Canadian Legion. Brnssels and Blyth will be in attendance, Sermon: "No Greater LOIN? The truly generous man 'gives Without thought of reward. Minister: Rev. H. T. Colvin, B. D. Organist: L. D Thompson, R. M. T. * NOTICE -4 '1 4 4 Brussels Coal Yardr, oil J. clBarretti, ';labour Post Publisfhing House, Printing and advt. 120.25 Q. and G. Kreuter and Co., Telles 11.55 C. 'J. Cardiff; labour' 21.00 Elliott Motor Sales, parts and gee 36.83 F. Rutledge, gravel /5.00 J. M. Beaker. gasp 5.45 T). N. McDonald, lumber, cement and tile 115.75 Moved by H. R. Peareon, second- ed by G. McCutcheen that the sneelittir he adjourned. -a Carried. H. A. Fischer G EWA II'S The Grey Township Federation of Agriculture annual meeting will be held in the Community Centre at Ethel on Noivember 20 at 8.30 p.m. Special speaker' Mr. James Berl- ton Chesley. Films to be sb)oven and music tor dancing by 'Wilbeees orchestra. Ladies to bring lunch Admission free, We Close Saturday Mites 10 p. m. Phone 5 We Deliver, Announcing STATE 'ARM AGENT for Brussels and Walton District will lid LLOYD ETUE if you, wish to get insurance or if service Is required, by arix Policy' Holler In the distrilt. PHONE: GODERICH 1450 COLLECT taigtig2OhgkfirOCAPet4 IP,M03 NOTICE Brussels . Public Library 6. Those wishing to use the down- etairs of the Library for meeting must, make reservation with the secretary, • R. B. Consine, Several groups hate been failing to do this, Library Notes From now' until May, the library will abase each night at 0 p.m. lame following books haVe been perchased by 131'u:stele libittry: Beyond the Black Stump by Nevi]. Shute. Imperial Weston , by Pearl BuCk A. Chatige'et Pace by Bruce West The Far Journey by Uncle Erdman Charmed Circle by Seem Ertz BuIckskimi Brigadier by Iiiiedeurt A NMI'S Story by laablirye Hahne Pine Roots by Gladyis Taylor :::ANTOL Icy WF1 2 assess eisarele sale 0.30 Miters. SesUrday 2 a, m. Wed. - Thur. Noar. 7 - 8 "THE ROSE TATTOO" Adult Entertainment Burt. Lancaster Anna Magnanl A top hit play comes to the screen with all its Drarna, Human, Romance ,le.reimase .iamimniding•amial The UrOted church OF, CANADA MinIster: Rev. A. Inns, R. A. Ilk • DIvrine ;Worship 11 A. M. REMEMBRANCE DAY SERVICES Clnirch. School ti o'clock Brussels Town. Hall on Fri. - Sat: e Nov. 9 - 10 'I FRANCIS IN THE. HAU,NTED HOUSE " Mickey „Rooney „with “Francis The Talking Mule In their latest laugh adventure "WONDERS of MANHATTAN", iii CinemaScope Against The. Stream . Cartoon A OARD THANKS CARD OF ThANKS Vie atith exprese our sincere theake and' appreciation for those Who sent catcts, baking, and &Were, and for theee Who helped iii ttaY thy $ 10:00 I Surviving besides late Wife, the men11)° by „totitt,o, „omit tictitt, wr,(5.0teto, -ewes I aare been .matinee bed; 00 Torionke, the- Rletale PredeaterY, Wish to take tale oeMettimity to Terolita, and Eirialre 'dente teeteasee hherlit all my f'ie'lds who have tee • at a 1 visit I holtrimee Je411, tanfel, ee'"ehl tic t i ttiotieltitmilneee swig most appreciated, tmee three brothers, D l atgo the nutty birthday. cards re- avid, waved cm my Visit. birthday. Vent Men.- 'rude. 'Nevs 12 13 Janes Dean At His Dynamic Best In attittit,L. Willibtit A dAti§to " 'Adult Entoetablineet. • 011ieleieSeead • tectii,Atie Terror tern frata Today's eldealineie late. Metatezeten. during tetra` recent gad her eaVernent; 84.tecint &sults to Rev. Andrew Vane, those ltimi thoughts wilt always be manienibeted. aare. ftlichen and, faintly, • ENSAGEMENT ANNOUNCEMENT Speree, 14agerstown, Merylatl. Itesting at hIs Itte residence unfit thurdsay,. tab.-thing, then at the Rene. funeral hoists, where 'kser.-vleetl[ wore exanditeted Tletredsty at t ,the Ttew, A.ildrow taut of trueseise 'United Church wita delitetery Gdrrtiie Start* At 8;16 Sharp 15 'Regular Games • a 4 6 • • a 2 Special Games .a A a • Special Game iii 4•'•R it A ar- A 1 Special Game 4r1ACY*6...1. 46firooliai66,61AArbidtfill$011011411•41AATa****INVIVOTilVillai owvioarrrertituaiiitaiii-afelitiroorastraiaitiAitAAVOSA titikAAA*ArarliVa011114404111046*16*AVArly114AAAVAllAWIA VAL74 titiktitY SHOP duitiud -Styling told Waving 1 A' Specialty Phone 46X. 4 4 ponsored by Brussels Lions Chi ii i Wed. ..Thurs. Nov, *4 1 "Out{ MAU iaROOk§"` ;A Ftfll Length Featui,d .MOVte ttarring EVE Aki5EN r