HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1956-10-24, Page 828 Day Supply .0 — AUTO — WINDSTORM — LIABILITY — PLATE GLASS — BONDS FIRE PERSONAL PROPSISM‘ - BU RGLARY — TELEVISION FLOATS@ W. E. Collins, Insurance Agent Phone 47 Brussels, One. Office Over Krauter's Plumbing YOUR PROTECTION IS OUR BUSINESS 13; Outstanding Program — vames, dancing and bingo Draw for 1956 Oldsmobile Hardtop. McNEIL'S SHELL SERVICE, aNsw..uss,cA,T)oll. u.04su.. 1400.7.11t1OLD ADC SMELL PETROLILLIU PRODUCTS DUNLOP TOMS Parts end Aososseriss Austin Sales and Service repairs t. aA :glow. Of oars mos swift 7*YrOPIIII rrro situngiA elm 4.4 A. D. A. RANN & Co. a 14.761ERAL AND ilarillULMME Xi:11VMa Le' eased Fad Director ofrii Emberhstere • MOW 361 ea. 83 — altUtielELX CI& I Going THE BRUSSELS POST WedneiidnY, OCtober 240, poi • 1111111111111111111.1111111111111111111 11131111111111111120mmainsznausim GAVILLER; McINTOSH and WARD Chartered Accountants Ben Telephone Building Walkerton, Ontario Have Your Fall Garments Revitalized Cleaned By BUCHANAN CLEANERS To Look NeWer and Wear Longer AdENT MAYDELL SHOPPE Brussels, Ontario DON'T MISS THE EnjOlf 10:11.11111110 WATER 'as...you pay for it on. the EMCD budget OW le mins BITCHEN—runninh water cuts kitchen chores—laundry ond cilThes aro done in half the time. BATHROOM—all the comma- fence of a clty home to prated your famlly's health and add to your comfort. When you buy the 144 Day Tablet Size $7.95 14 Day Supply Free with the 72 Tablet Size $4.79 This Special Offer Expires Very Soon Why lug water by band any longer? Install t Duro Pumping System now and enjoy tunnkt, water as you pay for it. Save time, save labom cut operating costs. AS LOW AS 10% DOWN UP TO 18 MONTHS TO PAY for pump, fixtures and installation, too The BMCO Budget Plan will cover your cow 1$1ete water system—pump, tank, pipe, kitcheo and bathroom fixtures, taps in all blinding* and the cost of installation. You can have the whole job done NOW—and pay for it over the next year and a half. Ask for an estimate of the cost of labour and material worked out on the EMCO Budget Plan. Visit Or Phone Us Without Delay Seato th Lions nth Annual Hallowe'en Frolic WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31 BARNS—So much ...star to water the stock ... and so much s extra protectlen against fire. C. & G. KRAUTER CO. Brussels Ontario Empire Brass Mfg. Co. Limited 11-54 Rev. In For Young and old Treats for the Children Parade at 7.30 P. M. MEMBERS WANTED FOR LIONS BAND The Band Committee of Brussels Lions Club are asking for additional members for their Girls and Boys Band. Young people who were mem- bers previously are urged to rejoin the more advanced band members while parents are asked to encour- age, their children to become memb- ers of the junior section. This is , the only method whereby a band can be kept built up over a period of time, that is., by harping junior memb ers being instructed to take the place' of seniors who leave. A band is a community project and an asset to..any town, It needs the co...operation of everyone, espec- ially parents, who should be proud to have their children become mem- bers. No matter how strong the support of the Lions Club and in spite of all the hard work of the Band committee, and the competence of the bandmaster, there cannot be a successful band unless there is a sufficient number of members. Parents of the. district are asked to encourde their children to. enroll now. •••• ••• ********************** s run Rexail Drug Store Brussels Phone 62 suminuasmillIMMINIUMS1111111111111111111111111111.1111111 i. FOR SALE 10 HEREFORD BULLS From 6 to 11 months old. Priced to go in any herd, Bulls Weaned at 6 .months, no nurse cows. 2 CHOICE POLLED '1311LLS trom Imported Dams, POLLED and Imported Sires, for Pure Bred nerd. 6 CHOICE HORNED ILDREPORD COWS, bred to our imported Polled bull. Will sell with, or without this year's Polled calf at side. All cattle fully accredited, nan go anywhere. L. and W. JACKSON S,tock Farms Listowel, Ont. Phone 161. Business eards Herdsman, Phone 606W3 Listowel,Ont, ..irmonoo.F;neo.n, DR. R. W. STEPHENS rainacinoto itirsiraertAzi of Toronto PHICSIVIAN ea SURGEON loissilene 45 Br , On& All Merchandise Must Be Sold Take Advantage of Low Prices Everything Reduced The Canadiun Atiey's Soldier Ap, pronticelrainIng Plan Is a Carefully planned programine to help young Men of 16 to prepdre far Ito 'future and career. hi the Anny — to develop inature meat self discipline and build strong, healthy perionolity. AS a Soldier Apprentice, I young' Mon will get a thoreagh trade ttaining ih OnO of 19 military trades-- acadeinto training In web libleCts as phySies; Cheedotrii algebin and general Wilton/ tiaining- of the denasilein, Soldier • Brussels Walker Funeral Home Day sr tOglat Cal, Teir~iwr Ha !alas Clissito fir Use dt Fustitil Mai ii sal Viral Masai aid isaii*St SetI* Ontario "unimmilima.t.selesekeelI11111a11.... The delightful, mellOW Weather Of lote tueirner Orid eorty. hilt makes for pleasant travelling'. And-this is ah Ideal trine fOr that adventurous sightseeing triti ta interesting platet in Canada dhd' the United States, A Wider choke: Of accominodation is available When the riiid,tediOr hUbbub iS OVet, NOW the nine to teavei by.teciiit • Cahadiah NOtioncilf kaiiways tuggett:, Mete to ga Oftturesaue 'Muskoka, Lake Of.gtilit, 0004116h Bitt — Beating Ontario HighlOgdi biStinailished, tattrehtiah Resorig diartiotatiS Wintauver, Victoria,. Seattie* ttenia idiSper National Park California * Historie.MOnteecil, Quebec, ottdikte Exeltle4j New York City, Atiantie city SOstlitia 'Detroit, ChiCogO Maple Loof Psickage ToteiS Igble iiS ttiso Aiik baaktit. fSonateliot to Pere orf' P Paints. Travel WIsi"Piatile 'agree AO kaki' isiert relaxing wily to traVel. YOUrsel( iteat tisd:00 tido R. Si Hetherington_- K. C. WittooMmio:010116110 Alt 111111111111111Li . AM* limpoime ii16' INN** ant sisals 01111101 sjij, hi. wit b. living and *Diking olonglide entholiattle, hot*. Cein 'Wiens his Own age While' getting tondsinatton of military *Alai lehooling, plenty of ilereatten and saipert trade training a a he Will !be oitgibio ,foe all Ailey: hisledIng 30. clayi annelid ia he wilt teCihii halt *jail kit*, fitiv iehlie and eiti 171b. birthday dia*. fell 'pay. 'be eligible; a yOUng reel moat in 16 years of age 'hid jnit '14 and Mutt have CI Minkel ef Geode 8 edueation. rt JOHN E. LONGSTAFFi Optometrist. ni ?WM 791 ,SellOorth I.. *Ai kismet's: .6i,.-eisei;i0 , 6. Wi4t, is 9 rill - , Haver W . StepheVitttitt tf for teis Cu-,' 146±,-, Ca‘ Cirstialf triiserrA1 6rriaearlaa Co. ConVerilence-3 minute walk to Union 'Station, closest hotel to heart of downtown. Luxurious guest rooins ct 0.oad PoOd—ftill course theft:if and delieious snaelcs. • gn fetid in ni en t —Heine `61` the fatuous Club Indigo featuring Broddway Shows I-lightly. DR. W. A. SPENCE DENTIST OFFICE HOURS 10 A. M. TO 6T. M. Phone 91X — Brussels, Ont. H. Stretto Soldier Apprentice Plan offers young men of 16 a bright future ENROLL NOW i Training begins Sept. 13 4 it's Autumn Time Ke'ep plenty of KODAK FILM on hand. to take the many fine pictures to be had with Fall Back Grounds. The Swing is to Wall. Paper for Fall 'Decorating At very reasonable prices we have a good selection stock of Sunworthy and Washable Wall Papery. assmamosirmammesammamo€Rifitil€ right .for On Interesting booklet walk isare Infoicnation on the Said* Zprentice Plan," write; phase err thai Army Reetalting Gat* yoik Do niS* Naha* WOW' Septet-n.6E0 oef -yotiroopirite.7fon'tif itehisr*. ORM: 60; ittfltiflohligo0„ttu ridiiiiitZtetttet4=1.0.- its tftan Canfati yovi Canadian 'kaftan°, kepretenfattios Informatioh and reservatIO41. Witt, O., ALAN WILLIAW', Otttometait.. Amite wt- taisiiiiiistiiise leitas&i* litaisfaiii & **IWO CANADIAN NATIONAL FitoN't wid" sIMCOE St*. ItittOta ORONO ti011it ta410