HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1956-10-24, Page 5THE BRUSSELS POST WodnelitlaY *14. 11,14::A AN" C.1,,ASSii14.0 AUCTION SALE 'Farm. .StaPk)., Machinery end Household giffeOta at: 1-pt. 19,. Con. 7, Morris Twp., 2y2„, miles 11(9Uth• and a: miles west of Brussels on TV.g. S•PAY, Qctok.er 30th, at i. p. f OR SALE °rn $0 lb, ma 14, Plant Calls, brand, Phone 15 J 7 Herpes Black Peralicon team, age41 10001bs, ROA SALE It .quantity and teed Pat' McKinnon • i;OR SALE - Is/umber of large heads of cabbage Phone 62r1'7 D. Ma Taggart Chanbrclok Panorama. LIVE SHOWS DESIGNED g5pgctAt,,,kry FOR WESTERN Of•ITARIQ VIEWERS 6 p. to 7 P. M. 'Monday to $4411rda)' s. blended Variety of ,national nevtg, 'WeSt.04l, Ontario Newsroci, sports. weather, Vesta 0414 features with popular ,Pat Murray. National Farm Show 10 p. P. Thursday featuring lloy Jewell and ids gueste from, many phases of agricultural actifrity IthrouppuI. l'ffeaOrin, OUtario., At Home I. P. nn, to a P. m, Monday through, Friday. Already Western 001artee most popular women's interest show, P. M. Iii p. dia. to 1.1.0 P, m, Stinday tln'ough, Friday. The *mud up of late (wasting nationa3. and Weatern Ontario news highlights, Weather and Snorts, Lloyd Wright's Dude Ranch 7 p. m. wedimaday featuring liopular and country music Sung and pinyed by Lloyd wad the Rattgers. A Brand New Series of Feature Films 11.30 p. m. Monday throne; Friday. Monday and Tuesday ',J. Arthur Rank Presents'?;• Wednesday and Thursday "Million Dollar Playhouse"; Friday "Premiere Screem Plays'". FOR SALE Large Quebec Heater also kitchen fable, Thom) 13 J 12 Cattle 7 Dnithein, Cows, .Milking and bred 4111.1\1,0,Y to .Tune, 3 Dunham farrow cows,' 4. Durham a.ini Hole- ford heifers, rising 2 years old, --,2 Durham and. Hereford Steers rising 2 years old, 8 Dunham 'an'd .Trerellpra spring cares,. (Machin e ry International. Parma H. Trantor, -t. 1 , furriowsui Tut Pion- oius new) 13 Disc .Fertilizer Drill, Drag Harrow* ..$ttg tooth .Ouittraltor. 4 section Diamond parnews„ C toot Deering Mower, Hay- ) (r.4oader, Side (Rake; 'IMIasSety garde Manure .Spreader, rubber tired 1 ' Wago ' n Hay Rack,, Set Scales Fenn Set Scales - f i Sleighs, McCormick Deering Cream o Soparator. (like new), quantity of t lumber, 'cedar posts, ,forlds„ shovel and crtIlder articles too Implosions to , mentoon Colony House 1.042, 8 cord 1 -- • , ,,.ano,ple body wood. Hay and Grain ) 40 tons mixed hay; 1000 bus. oats and barley; 400 'bus, oats, Furniture 9 piece modern Dining Room Suite (now); 3 place Chesterfield Suite. (like new); Extension Table; small tabled; Occasional chairs; 'Bedroom. furniture including beds, springs, rnattremses, dresser's, stands. Good cheer white enamel kitchen. range (like new), Gond. Cheer heater • (like. new). Droll head sewing machine, and other household effects, Terms Cash No reserve Fariii sold Auctioneer, Harold Jackson Clerk, E. P. Chesney Mrs. .J, Rutledge a riFOR SALE - Moelary Furnaoette wood and 410Orlittrner in stod• condition, Raymond Phone 42 TENDERS WANTED For the position of fireman for St. Ambrose Church, Brussels. Anyone interested contact :Ames Nolan R. R. 2 Brussels FOR SALE ,Sood solid brick cottage. warm end comfortable, At very reasonable price. . , Chas. Van Norman OTHER POPULAR FEATURES HOUSEKEEPER WANTED Housekeeper wanted immediately. All Conveniences, light house work, State ,salary expected. apply to Box 50, The Brussels Post 5r NHL. Hockey 9.00 p. m. Saturdays * IBig 4. Football 1.55 P. m, Saturdays * Plouoffe Family 8.30 Ti. m, FridaYs * OBC Television Theatre 10.00 p. m Sundays * Ed. 4Sullivan 8.00 P. in. Sundays • Alfred Hitchcock '7.30 D m. TuesdaYS * Blather Knows, Best 6.30 p. in. Sundays * I Love Lucy 9.00 P. m, Mondays * Studio One 10.00 p. in, Mondays * Kraft Theatre 9.00 p. m. Wednesdays * ,Ossie and Harriet '7.0Q p. in. Thursdays 'i' $64,000 Question 11.34 p• m. Sundays * Guy Lombardo 7.00 p, in, MondaYs * Dragnet 9.00' p, in. Tuesdays'' * Waterfront 5.30 p. m, Tuesdays Wrestling 11.30 P. m Saturdays cant on the completion 'of the drain- age worlds, , • 3. A special annual rate shall be imposed, levied and collected aver and above all other rates,:upon the land in, respect 'of which the said money shall lie 'borrowed, sufficient for the payment of the principal and interest as provided by the Act. Passed the Dth, day of October, 1956. • Bailie Parrott Geo, C. Martin Red e. Clerk. r' SPC k TON zna wtapplam, orrar'4e ELMA FAR14 E.:RI..4, 'MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. Established In 1194 Head Office Atwood, Oat Inoue.. Farm Property, Private owsMaa• And Contents In Towns and Villeepec Schools, Churches and Hafts On an "INSURANCE AT COST" WWII PROMPT ADJUSTMENT OP CLAIMS tiontact your Marvin Director - Agent R. W. (Dick) wHirmituo R. R. 2. oramem Opt, HOUSEKEEPER WANTED For business couple. All modern nppliances apply to Shardro's Ladies. TiTear, 28 Downie St. Stratford. FOR SALE 1948 Monarch Sedan. maroon color, new tires, good condition throughout. Priced reasonable. 'WM. Kelley, Bolgrave. Phone WI a u 634W21 MAN WANTED For steady travel among con- sumers in Huron Gelidity. Permanent connection with large manufacturer. Only reliable hustler considered. Write Rawleigth's Dept, ,3153-131. 'Montreal, P. Q. HELP WANTED - Men or Women anxious to have 'heir own.businesS, we have splendid opp)ortunity for you, No selling ex- perience needed Write for tree catalogue and details to Tamilex. Dept. C, Station 'C. Nonereal. FOR SALE . Cock Stove, (1-larriston make) 'Quebe'c Heater, (Harristonmake) Klondike Heater Rolltop Desk Open 'Book Case Itiltchen Chairs Coach 2 Bedrd)cm Washstands 12 Bedroom Toilet Sets )0alt Leaf Table Anti q ues Large Table Chairs Small Tables etc, Mrs, R. S. Hamilton Phone 25 TURKEY SUPPER • Brussels United Church are holding a Tnrkey Dinner, Monday, October 15th., following Anniversary Services. Sunday, Oct, 14th, •••••••••*1.1001, MPMCIRIAL 5111013 'oar Lvieloori..1 Cirrate.sne.a. Mrs; larty-F1 Years. Alwaym T'Re sEsT Ci4F1A.NiTi7.6 A.long WW1 ftdoeet Designing and e`ar ,okrnanship, ,sTIC*.',. Most yteaumablo .-stoe'r•erl Lettlair•V a Snectsini NOTICE THE LONGER YOU Municip"alrey of the Township of Morris Take notice that the above is a true copy of a By-Law passed by the IViuniciapal Council of the Tawnship of Morris on the 9ith. day of October, 1958, and all persens are required to take, Dotice that any one who who desires to apply Pilo have such by-law or any part thereof quashed ;Mist serve notice of his application upon the Head or Clerk of :this Manicipalitty.. within 'Beauty days after the date of 'the last publication of this notice, and. must Make his applicaltion lo the Suprenie Court of Ontario within one month after the said 'date. This notice was first Published on the 171,11, day of October, 1956, and the last publi. cation will be On, the 31st day October, 1956. Ceo. AO 0,0 }*,,* HOLD THEM... THE .11p1TER THEY GET PUT IN 5500.. GET BACK $736 INSEMINATION .NFORMATFON • "Per artificial insemination apices Ination or service from all breeds of cattle, phone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association at: Clinton H V.2 - 3441 or Palmerston 498 between 7.30 and 9.30 A. M. We have all breeds ' available - top quality at low cost." SEWAGit ai8,00iume Have ion; 810.41s =Mir end ease • pool.* cleaned ele *ri soys, to avoid trouble. trout, iraoske Atvertoa, tIzt. ot that's big news in saving! r.1000 C. Martin, Clerk. The Eleventh Series of Canada Savings Bonds pfee0 a "stepped up" scale of interest payments which begins at 334% and increases in steps until it reaches 4% . This means that one of the neW $500 Canada Savings Bonds earns $2_3U38 in interest during its 1234 years ot life. So, if you hold. it until maturity you get back $736.88 for each $500 you invest. ; As always, Canada Savings Bonds can be Led full face value plus earned interest at any it • Every dollar of your investment is always avalla study the new "stepped up" scale of interest payments in the table on the left. Then Take now to sign up for yonv new Canada $a There lleVer was an easier or safer *AY a good nest-egg for the future . .„ • • o **a.* ELEVENTH SERIES, CANADA SAVINGS BONDS INTEREST SCALE 40. • 'First two tottOolit pay., 30 0 MIA toodd§ Pay. 31/2 g: kat iliV6 tapdhtpay..„...„••••••„„ -*% • last Sevell odoi§ say., ,„,, • • Total iritedeit teturti for eatiCiOti • investment if held to . 4i144041stiottlOi.:4:-.4, • ' . • ANAICO AVINGS 2 FOR SALt brink tovtags Hydro, 2 adroit lend in ,small near Store, add &ebbing. triilL Priced at $166.6:60 each 5. etre Parni... (lead h.ettae, hydro, batik barn, of i deadly road always Ploughed. Prided at S506.06 demerit rttore - In geed sited, via Stock .400.* eiiiiiimeat. • $1000 0d. PriCA stock, ediiiipmetykiand SteitY) $5800,00 100 acre - ReaUtifd bitch Stint moues, bath, ,fureacei Preteiire raOtemi, &Vieabed, bank bait, 5 Ores bash: Situated et county read, tilted at tk06.06 **16110; 0 '' - -' i,, ,.• ' -,.. ' '' '''' ' ... 4...::. :':..is....:.:,,iii.:C11,41 3....4:,744k) DiriotAINAlioNS illkIllle0g06$751e004 11°-Q6t '54.C6 OPeri Fo r r 1111';f 'lie 14 Ant08iiiieF„c,heciu;) One MIMI. 10.0 WU. 4; h y'b.iitostitalnInfittlt;fitto gY-1../w. NO. 15, 1956. A By-Law to mist '$100,000 to aid in the construction of tile drains. The Council of the Municipality of the Township of Morris, pursuant ato the provisions of The Tile Draft, age Mk enacts as follows: 1, That the reeve may from time to time, subject to the provisions of this By-law, borrow on the credit. of the corporation of the said Munici- pality such sum Dot exceeding in the whole $100,000, as may be deter- mined by the Council, and may in manner, hereinafter, provided, issue ,debentures of the said Corporation in such sums as the Council may deem proper for the amount so bor- rowed, with coupons, attached as tiro- Tided in section 4 of the said Act. 2. That, subject to the provisions of section 10 of The Tile Draiange Adt. when the 'Council shall be of opinic.0 that the application of any person to borrow money for the purp- ose of ,construction of a tile drain ,should be granted in full or in part, the Council may, by resolution, di- rect the Reeve to issue debentures as aforesaid, and to borow a sum not exceeding 'the amount applied for, and may lend the same to the appli. THERE'S GREATER VARIETY ON STORE FOR RENT - Large store for rent or can be divided for two business offices. For Tylrffeniars apply to - J. H. Stretton. TirnaselS, Out, Phone 5x ar /err i CHECK BOOlcS AND PRINTED GUMMED TAPE MADE BY aPPWAYUPPAPERVACIdlidt, Styles ldr every bu iss Various colors and eresijns Samples, su g gestioo• and prices without oblinit ticn FOR SALE - Iligbest pricet Staid for old hese. Jahn Zwaan ?hone Ulu- SUPERIOR PROPANE Lirtk 134 Nierkei Phase STRAI FORD, oiit The Versatfro eepeniltlN rUkt. FOR AND imOutistif RANGES, NOT WAT,Ittt n*FhitiERAtote rii, It WALT., mADDE peprewiilllRTvu Bili 6.4 *tit 41$ ame, "1 Scream Kids" CFPL-TV LONDON' REA ••••