HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1956-10-24, Page 4s OW SeRVICVD EY RIVERSIDE MOTORS SO IT HAS A VERY PERNMr6 • , TIZIOLFIZI ( ifEMIRMI tem litNHECrargrrx%73/WarZi liwiliremillgtilffliti"7E511"57iiiis _.__„....,....4_—_,.._af.....„-4...,,,,, ., ,emu,MOM ringma ratia we= i.,,4,11-21,_4.17.41.„, 1:57TEri • -- — ,,,, , *rd.& r•-....S:10 ".2.-TC., =721 .a.romiams....mmiera.,..mii „,?1,11,a Wad W. IS= 5...12,04,..m,-- 0= fzi.r 1MS El ia.79,.... 0= MAW ism The beautifully new Bel Air Sport Coupe with Body by Fisher. - r.-.1.171f• %, 4t.„, " • "..,9 •54-UAt iolkfigia russels n. WedneSdaY tit, 1050 0 ,loher THE BRUSSELS POST e• .V.,101901 `Speedy" by Rivers de` . GREY• .179W1i§lri117.- .P -199,1,,, WARP MEETING Minutes Were read :a414 AdoPtecl on MOtiOn of M,CFarlattennagolger, Motion of McFarlane and .Bolger that the secretary send statement of cost or drain at U. NO. 1..2 to the. council. .... Motion 0 Drown and McFarlane that the Board Ihire a. P'eSettbUry to. inno pianos and .Cecil ', chMier to drive him. Alleflon of Brown ,and, 13elger that 'Robert Cunningham supply coal to schools at $23,7$. Motion. .of Bolger and Aurarlane that tonowiAg, bills be paid. Listowel hydro. • $ 10,60. Cecil KcItniler labour ono. posts 35,80 Reliance Petroleum Products ply for U, 12 Jim Bolger, labour at V 12 Rollo,. L; Cunningham, cement Huron •County Library See The New 1957 Chevrolet on Display at Our Showro6m WIONCRIE,117 monthly meeting of 'the MfM.7' cilef. Womon's institute was held on Wednesday afternoon ,the .COMm. -munity hall with a good gumher. rr!'scat',. Minutes of ,the last nkeOt-, were read and bnfineSe we c110.0, cussed. It was. moved that a .dOnat, lm of $5:00 be gent to the illotiNtp for the Bitna, Mrs. _OirAyso4 Rich, nrud the District Direetoe' gave, o; oeport on a meeting she attended re- vently, .Delegiates were appointed te'. attend the Annual Fall Conference. • of the. Perth Pluton Unit which .is to be held in the •Lietowel '.111011. .$1110o1 on Nev. 3', Mrs, Wan R011eirtSonctook charge 'of the remainder of the moot. jog, The Moll west caleld and answ- ered by a good ..Sciotoh joke,. Mrs. Bill 'Rbbortson gaivie the motto. The. Meat speaker foil- the afternooa wee Mrs,. Lime. of Brussels Who was very interesting. TENDERS WANTED The ,Oraproiek; Cemetery Board are asking for tenders for grave digger, Anyone interested write to W. J. Schnook, R, R. 3 Brussels, or Phone 55r26 8.00 7,76 6,25 71.15 4,20 1,06 Certificate% diplomas, nthletk plsill:Thoolefird;tireeent4obetuv:Y}:eal aad:Wdqrallerr'staid:febY14:4;daellyni:4141: Mr. James Coulter of StraUpd Teacher's College Is the speaker' the evening, (No admission eliarlq no rosenved seating) HIGH SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT All parents and friends of students and graduates of the Wingtam Dis. triot High School are invited to attend the ,annual Commencement Exereistls' in the School _Auditorium beginning !promptly at 8.15 on the evening of Friday, October 200, 'Dollars and Sense One of the best ways to entourage good sound sleep It to have a good sound bank balance. Regular wings can make life a lot pleasanter in a hundred and one other ways. You may want the dovio" payment on a home of your own, a TV set or a car ..; perhaps the children's education is on your mind, tic a leisurely retirement someday. Whatever its that you want or need, you have to learn the secret of putting something by regularly. Pay by pay you more away the money except in emergencies tit, you reach your savings goal—then you start saviii. lot the next one. Why not open a Savings Among" with us today? '249.84 Win. Bolton, broom Miss Mauna Hayden, paint C. IP, lhapman, Public Liabilty and Pupil Aocident Ins. Y. Carl Hemingway The meeting closed with the NOTICE --- Queen and lunch was served. Cash paid fur dead, 014. sick or —cabled horses and cows. Phone Atwood 153, collect. THE CANADIAN BAN K. OF COMMERCE 101411111 BRUSSELS BRANCH — F. W. TODD — MANAGER WALTON lYkr. Douglas, Kirkby, of Londion, spent the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kirkby. Mrs. Arthur Quest and family of Kincardine, are visiting with. Mr. * and Mrs. J. H. Storey. M. David Hackwell of Toronto, visited with his parents', Mr. and Mys. W. C. Hackwell. Miss Jannie Varfsiliet is in St. Joseph's Hospital, London where she underwent an operation last week, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley GaRinger 4)f Southampton and Mrs, J, Den, ninon of Gait, were recent guests .at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Geo. Dundas, Mrs, Noy Bradley and Mrs, Nelson, Toronto, visited_ Miss Mary Mow- bray and other Walton friends last week. Mr. John Ritchie, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Ritchie. Mrs,. Cecil Lyddiatt, and Mrs. Walter Shortreed attend- ed the funeral of Mrs. Melville Teitch, Roseville, :on. Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. 11. Stevens spent Sunday at the hoine of their son and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Kin. Rogersoia, Mr. Herb Kirkby, of Toronto and Mr. Law Jones of Vancouver, *innerly of Dinsmore, Sask. visit ed with Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Bennett and Mr and Mrs. Stewart Humph- OHIENERESH EMESIERIMININEMINENNINIREISIMMIS JUST OUT AND JUST WONDERFUL! I 8.. SEE THEW CHEVR LET TODAY! IT'S SWEET, SMOOTH AND SASSY! Chevy goes 'em all one better with a daring new departure in design (looks longer and lower,- and it is), exclusive new Turboglide automatic transmission with triple turbines, a new V8 and • a bumper crop of new ideas including Fuel Injection! 4. dlII ideil7/,/ CHEVROLET *(Special high-perfo Mt- anee 270 it.p. engine also available at extra cost.) New right down to the wheels it rolls on — that's the '57 Chevrolet! BY now you know it's new in style. But treat yourself to another look. Let your eyes linger on that stylish new bonnet, that daring new grille, the deeply hooded headlights, the saucy new slant of those High-Fashion rear fenders. Chevy's new and Chevy shows it all over! It's longer and lower for '57. And Chevrolet's new in lots of ways that don't show up in our picture. It's new in V8 power options that range up to 245 Then, you've a choice of two automatic drives as extra-cost options. There's an even finer Powerglide — and new, nothing-like-it Turboglide that brings yob Triple-Turbine take=off and a new flowing kind of going. it's the only one of its kind — the newest, sweetest, smoothest automatic of them all! NOW — FUEL. INJECTION OFFERED FOR THE FIRST TIME! Greatest engine advance since overhead valves ! Chevrolet engines with Ramjet fuel injection, available at extra cost in the Corvette and passenger car models, deliver up to 283 h.p. Come see the new car that goes 'cm, all one better — the new 1957 Chevrolet! The new Bel Air 4-66Or 8eddii one of 20 driving new Chevies. c•bse Ozily eitettoiet. dealers display this famous trademark ivers e Motors The world's finest cheddar cheese is made right here in Canada. And, our Canadian cheese is one of the best and cheapest sources of good food Value. It's an excellent Entree of protein, Which everybody besets for building lad repairing healthy' tissues. Enjoy the many varieties of Canadian cheese! New cheese recipes! Write to Mark Fraser Dairy Foods. Steridce Berett; DAIRY FOODS SERVICE UREA A division isf Dairy Fdrmeti of 4iiiidd 409 HURON STREET, TORONTO