HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1956-10-24, Page 3NO SLOW BOAT plume of giistening spray kicks'up as Nodma,n Buckley, AO-year-old lawyer from Meneheater, Eng- land, speeds across; lake Winderernre, Englond,,g,ucl(ley's speedboat—Miss. Windermere III—set a new one-hour record for unlimited doss boots. by averooing 79 miles,per hour, Tin Can Nearly Foiled Big Raid : • 1 V5. SEW-EASY itea,ly to assemble infant geWns or ein• eat flannelette material; 3 in a package eoniptote with instructions for only 51.98. Send Money Order with name. and address to ' • f 4,4t,te OF ESSENTIAkS Box 153, O'Connor Station, Toronto le,. Ontario. BABY CHICKS PULLETS, For delivery now. Fell. Melee pellets catch the Grade A Large '57 markets, Broilers for delivery now or planned later delivery. Hatching weekly, order in advance, although we may have some on hand for immediate shipment. WAY Hatchery, 120 John Ne Hamilton, • AGENTS WANTED . , INTO BUSINESS for yourself, Sell oxetestve houseware products and ,ap, Plierices wanted by every. householder, These items are not sold in stores. There is 119. COMpet.itiOn. PrQfit,A .0 to 500%, Write immediately for free color catalogue with retail prices • .shewri, Separate .confidential. wholesale price witt ee Included alerroy Saes, 3822 St. • Lawrence, Montreal, ART/gaga FOR SALE • QUILTING. PATCliES. large works. nrint, silk or .tianneiette. lbs. $t,ad, .,pOstage extra; .euetee Sales, iees Gerrard. east, Toronto, •,••••#,-M. PeRSON A a WE have some outstanding Weaallag sews and boars from a litter of 17, also some iittere sired by Chartwell Viking the 3rd. our outstanding Churchill 'Boar. Also sows and boars four months old. Guaranteed in.pig sows. Serviceable boars. Folder, FERGUS LANDRACE SWINE' FARM ruous ONTARIO WANTED - One to 100 acres, reason-able, snow ploughed road, bus or train service, state cash price, Roy Markle, Grafton, Ontario. DEAFENED? ASK Afo.rof,reLekob000AkRlent CanodwipteAsothynlele telling how Leonard's invisible gar K:it'urris have helped many othe rs or sane $10 for complete kit. Dept, 4, Box 306, Station rItIAL eTrio't raontioae,e5. naassee oeitnet IPoegruseonainl eluredgeud "i he en tsat ereotesAt geCnactyai% Box 22, Terminal "0"''Toronto. Ont. PETS nUDGIES -- good talking strain, var., lety of colours, males $7.95, femalet $4,95, Canaries, guaranteed Singers, 58.95. Hamsters $1.50, Arettariums end supplies. Write for prices, Pet I-louse. 747 Welland, Niagara Falls, Ontario. SALESMAN WANTED WANTED: A real live salesman to take, orders for one of Canada's oldest este-blished Chick Hatcheries. Liberal corn, mission paid Box 140, 123 Eighteenth Street, Nov Toronto, SWINE WANTED WANTED to buy - Hay - Apply P.O. Box 127. Brantford, Ontario. WANTED! Small country store in, Ontario, No close opposition. Box 147, 123 Eighteenth"- Street, New Toronto, Ont. man troops on patrol,' and to go' away and keep their dog quiet," Lutekily it worked 1- but it was a desperate moment. They found the guard-tent in the villa grounds empty, The rain had cl riv en all but one guard by the gate into the house, and Keyes quickly disposed of him, going forward alone. He then, told three men to go and watch the back door and fire on anyone who came out, Keyes led the assault on the house, with Campbell, 'Sergeant Terry, Drori, Bombardier Bro- die, and Lance-Corporal Coulth- read, his batman; all that could be spared when the men for other covering jobs had been de- tailed off, Mounting the 'front steps, he knocked on the door with his revolver, demanding in German to be let in. It was opened by a German in steel helmet and overcoat. Keyes at once closed with him. There was a tough struggle be- tween two inner glass doors. Campbell shot the German. They advanced into a large hall with doors opening off it, and in a room behind one found about ten Germans in steel helmets, some sitting, Some standing. Campbell threw in a grenade, Terry gave them a Tommy-gun burst. "Well done," said Keyes, but before he could shut the door the Germans fired. A bullet struck him just over the heart. He fell unconscious, and was dead by the time.he could be carried out- side. ,For the rest of the tense drama of that fateful night, the survi- vors' trek back to the coast through drenching rain and mist, this engrossing book /mast be read. It was a heroic raid, ham- pered from the start; and the irony was that, even had it been carried 'out completely as planned, Rommel was not at his H,Q. that night. Knitwenr nig Scots Business You may search in vain for the date in your history book, but the modern "sweater" age started on a Crimean battlefield little more than 100"years ago. It was Lord Cardigan who is- sued British soldiers a woolen garment for wear under their uniforms in 1854. The English peer, seeking to protect his men from the Crimean winter, thus determined the pattern of the Scottish knitwear industry for a century; When ixh women began to see the possibilities of the "cardigan" as an alternative 'to the starched blouse, Scottish knitting ma- chines could scarce keep pace with the demand. When Canadians and Ameri- cans fell in love with cashmere the "cardigan" became a "sweat- er," The gray stone town of Ha- wick (pronounced Hoyk) in the Scott border country was way ahead in the race for cardigan production. By 1900, knitwear from the mills in Hawick was al- ready finding favour in North American markets. Today 'there are 26 knitwear firms in gaunt stone mills in the foothills of the Cheviots and along the .,banks of the dashing Teviot river which alows through the town. On a recent visit to traemar's malls I found the well-lighted, gay modern workrooms in strong contrast to the rugged thick stone outer walls of the 19th century ISSUE 43 1556' This Remarkable Home Skin Remedy- Lives Fast Effective Relief This clean stainless aritiSeptie known all over Canada; as atOOlat i a reattitALO OM; Is such a arid , healing agent that Eczema, Sall Ithetint,, Itching trues and Feet, and other Irritating Skin dia=, OrderS..614Y folietred In a very few laMtriALL. OIL is Plettaiiiit to use and SO antiseptic' anti Pena, telitiag. that MOW old Ottiblititii Ceiba Of long .etitiidine h mei yielded' to . at00.11E'S EMERALD Oft Is Old by druggists for: stubborn pliii: 'Plea hail oheight& Elkin terylibleS, 0 Tackled, .141olis. With catapult o ADVERTISING CLASSIFIED buildings writes Melita Knowles in the Christian Science Moni-, tor. The eurly heads of Seottisii, '1Ps-ics bent over the bright shades of new season's cash- mere,: as they put in handwork which wins world fame for these garments, Theirs are the skilled lingErs which have won tributes from the Chancellor of the Exchequer ,for their record-breaking share in Hritain's exports, Sixty-two per cent of the town's products are sold abroad. it has been estimated that each of Hawick's 4,000 workers in the knitwear industry earns nearly X900 ($2,500) year in foreign our- xency. • Women's devotion to the eash- inere sweater- is. to A' large ex- tent Jeps01,1Sib/e for Hawick's export record, Frotra,,Braerear's 'director,. H.' Taylor,. Wilson, I learned' of the 'adventures of the * raw material which is 'made up into these garments, a' The curious soft fleece is hand picked from the producer, the sure-footed mountain goat of the Himalayan mountains. While the goatherct combs away the soft fleecy undercoat, the wom- enfolk collect the wisps of down which the goat has left in rub- bing "against the jagged scrub. The raw cashmere is bl'Olight overland in camel caravans which traverse the mountain roads as they did in the days before Marco Polo explored the Great Silk Road in the lath cen- tury, It may take a yeara for the raw material to complete the inland journey. In the Braemar mills, I saw automatic machines knitting the parts of eight sweaters at once. Though the actual knitting is done on power machines, the fin- ishing is a hand process. There is no formula for the most skilled process in the mak- ing of a cashmere sweater, This is the milling, or washing out of the oil before drying and final pressing. Two rustic cottages in Den- holm, "the sort, of cottage one would like to live in," a former clergy house at Newcastleton, the Duns Town Hall in Berwick- shire, and a jute factory at the fishing village of Arbroath, these have all been taken over for smaller factories. At Arbroath the fisher girls are trained in Hawick skills by time and mo- tion studies. And when finally inspected, pressed and packed in cello- • pikalle, most cashmere sweaters start off on journeys to the New World. MEDICAL to POST'S ECZEMA SALVE nANISII thu torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin, troubles, Pest's Eczema Salve will not disap-point you. Itching, scaling and burn- ing eczema; acne, ringworm, Pantiles end toot eczema will respond readily to the etaluless, otiorleSs ointment re, gardiese of hew stubborn or hupeleo$ they seem Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price PRICE $2.50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2845 St. Clair Avenue East, TORONTO 04 SELL `eNierlite” fire eaten& Operates • 00 tioshlight batteries. Neat, eminpaet, Fast seller. Every home a prospect. Good Commissions, Particulars; Box 33, Bishop Falls, Newfoundland,. OPPORTUNITIES MEN and WOMEN TELEGRAPHERS wanted. We train and secure 'position. Plan a future. STENOGRAPHERS wanted, Ten weeks home course .qualifies with ABC Sys-tem. Free folder either course, Cassari Systems, 7 Superior Ave., Toronto, STARTED Chick Bargains while they last, Twd, three, four and five week old non ,sexed, pullet; cockerelS. Inl-mediat'e delivery. All popular breeds, Write for our special started price list listing these bargains. Also booking orders for day old chicks and day old, turkey potilts for Fall, Winter and .1957 delivery. Send for catalogue giving full details on our special egg breeds, that lay more eggs on-'less feed. Three special dual purpose breeds, Two tops in Broilers, First Generation Indian River cross, and First Generation Arbor Acre white Rocks. Assorted Heavy Breed cocker, els, Special price while they last: Three weeks old $12,95, five and six weeks old $15.95, Assorted seven week old pullets, Light Breed $36.95 per hundred, and Heavy Breed 531.95 per hundred. TWEDDLE CINCH HATCHERIES LTD. FERGUS ONTARIO HONESTLY FOLKS IT'S EASY to make money, Show friends the most beautiful Christmas and everyday cards, wrappings and gifts ever offered. No experience; merchandise sells on sight, No risk; 'sold cards may be returned for cash refund. Shipping prepaid.. Free gift with every sample offer. Send for catalogue to.day, Nos obligation. NAME ADDRESS ...... ........ ........... Shortly before 'Lt.-Col. Geof- frey Keyes, V,C., was killed in the daring raid on Rommel's North African I-1,Q, he received a letter from the girl he hoped to marry, saying she was getting engaged to someone they both knew well. - The letter, delayed for weeks, was a 'numbing shock, his sister, Elizabeth Keyes, says in a vivid biography, "Geoffrey K eye s, V.C." There had never been an engagement, only an under- standing that each would tell the other should they find some- one they loved better. He had always told her of his overwhelming ambition. Nor- mally, it would have taken seventeen years to become a battalion commander. He had no intention of marrying until then, and could never ask her to wait. But ,now, having been Acting Lieut. - Colonel for five months, his hopes had risen. She shared his love of sailing, though not of horses and ski- ing. From their first meeting they had been great friends. On reflection, he realized that the man Of her choice was the right one for her, and after rallying from the shock, wrote wishing them every possible happiness when he was already embarked with half his men in the submarine Torbay, two days out from Alexandria in Novem- ber, 1941. "I chose my future and told you frankly at the time, and I seem to be achieving it," he wrote. "One cannot have every- thing in life. I have ^ got my wish, and you have your happi- ness . . . I am writing this now as I am on my way to do more dirty work at the Crossroads. ... The chances of getting away with it are moderately good, but if you get this letter it means I have not got back, as I am leaving it with someone. . . ." A postscript said: "I will in- sist on being Best Man if I am home in time !" The letter ,was to be destroyed, should he re- turn safely. Was that initial disappoint- ment in view of subsequent events an omen ? Bad weather severely hampered the seer et landing on the North African coast., It was a bitterly cold night, with a heavy swell. A sea. came aboard Torbay, washing several rubber dinghies and one man overboard. Lieut. Tommy Lang- ton and Able Seaman James Vine spent` six hours swimming about collecting the dinghies, diving in some fifty times to bring them back and help men up. again. Everyone was soaked through. The Bren-gunner who had to cover re-embarkation from the beach was washed out of his boat five times. The other sub, Talisman, fared worse, seven boats and eleven men were swept 'overboard at the outset, more later. She spent until four a.m. -- when the moon was well up — recovering all she could, then withdrew with a hydroplane damaged. Ten men, it was reported, had probably reached" shore. Of the eighteen left on board all but six had lost equipment, Eight rubber boats were recovered. Most of the men washed over- board had swum back to the Talisman instead of to the boats,. Which drifted away in the dark. To Make matters worse, the trek Over rocky hill-tracks to Rommel's H.Q. at Sidi Rafe had to be done through heavy rain and thunderstorm instead of the usual dry Weather they had ek- peetetl. And they had trouble with native guides who wanted to turn back, The whole drama of the Mid- night attack is graphically des- cribed, AS they Crept towards Rom. mel'S villa in torrential' rain one of the party tripped Mier a tin can, a dog began to bark furri, otisly, someone` in one of the Hovels began sateathing, Ita- lian iri Fascist uniform and en officer Of the" Italian'" Libyan' Arab Force erne-aged froth a deffiailding who they were and What they weit doing there. Captain .Campbell replied in German` threingh the interpitter, Dianal. "Tell theni we Ore Ger- MacDonald & Reno Greeting Cards, 426 Euclid Ave., Toronto ,DON'T WAIT EVERY SUFFERER. OF .RHEIMATIO PAINS OR . NEURITIS SHOULD. TRY DIXON'S . REMEDY, MUNRCPS DRUG STORE . 315 ottaWl 51.25. Express Prepaid OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession; good wages. Thousands of successful Marvel graduates, Arneriea's Greatest System Illustrated Catalog Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING. SCHOOLS 358 moor St. W., reronto Branches: 44 King St., Hamliton 72 Rideau St., Ottawa EMPLOYMENT WANTED. Gogro, a native of the Ivory Coast or West Africa, was a planter, trader and Communist Probably in that Order. Ile drove about in a smart red car and traded with the great mer. chants 01 Abijan. Missionary-educated, he Was to-founder of the Democratic African. Assembly, Which stood for national independence and hated U.S. Imperialism." When explorer arassOldt Davis Visited his village he Was told that a local sorcerer, Krong, had examined Gogro's fancy car (which he regarded as a symbol of degenerate American capital- Jena, bought by the near-slave„ labour of Gogro's plantations). He had watched Gogro's mag- nificent new house rise from a hill (built with black-market dollars and U.S. steel), and had then told Gogro: "There will be terrible things happening if ever you, the Communist, put foot in that capitalist edifice of yours. 'Ulcers you'll have, and boils, and, flaking of the scalp, and never another dream, my son." So Gogro decided not to trifle with his tribal gods. He would abandon his fine house and re- turn to his ancestral mud hut. Magic, he knew, was mightier than Marx. Later, when Davis's party called on the commandant of Tiebissou village, the official told him that "native Communist goons" had had the nerve to beat up his guards one night. So his men raided them in retaliation. "They were celebrating," said the commandant. "We crept up slowly, slowly, and saw them dancing .. . drunk as coots. We surrounded them and shot vol- leys over their heads. And I called from the dark that they must come to us and apologize. They did!" Davis discloses many other strange aspects of native life in his exciting book, "Sorcerers' Vil- lage". He once witnessed the ceremonial crowning of a tribal king, and during the subsequent celebrations nine virgins danced madly through the dusty streets between the mud huts, each car- rying on her head the blood- stained stool of a dead king. With the new king leading them, they then marched sedately to holy ground in the trees across the river, where the priests waited to test him for kingly virtues, 'athe him, and wash away his sins, Davis's main objective was an intertribal sorcerers' school at Yho. As an amateur magician who could work wonders with mechanical tricks which .really worked themselves, he says, he was at first viewed with suspi- cion by the elder wizards there, who feared competition, but won their friendship by gifts of simple tricks. His tape-recorder certainly mystified them. Once, playing back a recording of a chief's voice to the chief, Davis foagot that it was a used tape from which he had omitted to erase several recordings made in New York: party and 'table talk and radio songs. His interpreter, N'dri, couldn't find the exact place on the tape where the chief had begun talk- ing, so what came out was jazz- king Louis Armstrong "chanting like a syncopated gorilla." The chief leapt back in alarm, asking, "Is that I?" "That is your soul's true voice," said N'dri, quickly. MIDDLE AGED couple seek work in private home or motel..If interested, write S. Patterson, Haldimand west, Gaspe, Quebec. FOR RENT EFFICIENCY Apartment. Full' kitchen and bath. Private entrance from park- ing. Quiet, convenient, season $700, anunal $900. Turner, 123c3rd Street North, St. Petersburg, Florida. FOR SALE, T.V. Lamps, $3.00; table lamps, J. THORNE, 2471 St. Antoine, Montreal. PATENTS THE RAMSAY COMPANY, Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank Street, Ottawa, of- fers to every Inventor full' information free, on patent procedures. FETHERSTONHA UGH & C o m pan'y, Patent Attorneys, Established 1890. 600 University Ave.. Toronto " Patents all countries. FOR SALE - ENTIRE BEEF HERD Cows and Calves, Apply P.O Box 127 Brantford, Ontario. NEW guns and rifles.' at wholesale prices; write for our wholesale prices before buying. Trabs-Canada Whole-sale Co., Box 852, Ottawa, Ont. — 100 ACRES choice clay loam, new insul-brick house. Hydro, built-in-cup-boards, 'furnace, pressttre, serni.,attach-ed garage, large bank barn, litter carrier, water bowls. Located On main road with school on farm. Full price 58,900. Good terms, For further par-ticulars contact LEWIS D. ,BENSON, Dundalk, Ontario, R.R. 2, Phone 214-2; agent for Robert E. Hart. MEDICAL ARTHRITIS Torment Relieved! Safe, pleasant beverage method. Not a drug. Free literature on request. Alpha Tea Products, Box 447, Sidney, New York. AC KAC E May belliarnmq is caused tit Lazy kiziney action. When-kidneys tel .otif"al. Order, excess acids wastes remain in the system. Then boatel*. disturbed rest or that tired-out and heavy-headed feeling may soon follow That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's stimulate the kidneys to .normal action. Then you feel better—sleep better—work better. Get Dodd's Kidney Pills now. et Science is very resourceful. It couldn't open a Pullman window so it air-conditioned the train. fiet more taujustfiti.(eze--eprOtedipii.„ • RES' ANTI-FREEZE • BONA . TAKES OVER. WHERE OTHERS STOP! • .• ..• ....v....X.," • •'• :•:;:••,•••••$ • N" yl Corrosion In your radiator eats through inetal-causes leak; "Prestone" Anti. Freeze guards' against ruinous corrosion. Are you stud with other brands of anti- freeze? Cost, of repairing radiator.,.,..:.. $10.00 to $15.00 If you had to add antl-freeze last winter, it may have been because of foaming loss. "Prestone" Anti-Freeze does not foam. Are you sure with other brands of anti: freeze? Cost of adding even 2 quarts of antafreeze .....$2.00 to $2.50 A Corroded, clogged reeling system causes overheating ... and that moils excessive cylinder wear. "Presume" Anti-Freeze allows your engine'to run d I, proper temper- aturee for lean wear. Afro you sure with other brands of anti-freeze? Cost of re toriclitioned engine $250.00 to $350.00 Remember these pictures when somebody tells you all makes of anti-freezes• are the same! Could be ea egaenilve Winter unless you use the afiti-freeze that protects against 64/ the cooling system lifiaards yotii vitas mighie will have to rface Almost ariti.treese gives you just freeze-up protection. but Veestoria" Braid Anti Freeze deed far there ,take's over atheie others stop. couditte0 your tooling "It's starvation that's staring me in the face." "It can't be very pleasant for either of you." 11 '!; system, guards against tuitions ecirroSion t Helps reduce engine weat,lidps keep your cat running smoothly and efficiently. Bo ask foe "Preatohe Brand Arititreeed. Sec that you get it, And if somebody tells you all anti-tieeies are the elm* „ « . tentember how' nitMlI it mitt cost you if All you buy IS just freeze-up protection ! stein has a built in lObtl'e.ty quottetit-ifs dui .-pounds are • much too' heavy. to.- ffttioio,Cath and. Eddie tier %die daiatiefe 42 tho 6 .$20 "Beircacii/i and "prilizo° are regiiieted 044 iadzitk, NATIONAL, CARBON COMPANY IIF UNION CARGICE -CANADA -LIMITED •