HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1956-10-24, Page 1ST aoaamas easaa =IA root MOO DOPSttraento °US" Wednesday, October 24th, 1956 Post Publishing .... Hotue *authorised .$2.00 per yew' r2.640 elita Grey Twp. Council HALLOWE'EN SOCIAL. A Mtlloweten Social will be held, in ,the Legion Hall Tuesday, Oct. 300, for Legion members, and the] wives and Auxiliary members and their husbands. Judging of cost-umes at 9.30. Ladies please bring aandwiches. NOTICE PLEASE. .9yono. to a change in ownership of our plant, all outstanding Recounts and notes'nuest be settled in foil by Nov,. 24th. MELVILLE CHURCH ANNIVERSARY SERVICES Anntversary services were• conduct- ed in Melville Church by Rev. J. R, MeDonald of Ripley en Sunday at arrirOng land evelaiin ,services, Special music at both aervicea, was In charge of Louis D. Thompson, t organist and choir -Mosier. The men' i; choir .contributed a dumber -itf,so Up, Oh Mon of God" and the anthem was "dein' Home" by Anton Dvorae". The music for the evening included a number by 'by the men's choir, an anthem by the choir and a solo by Graeme Mc llonsid entitled 0 Rest in the Lord by Mendels,sohn. 59meene has borrowed. our rope. and wire •atreteher, orey Town$1-hip Council Meeting held on October 6th., Moved by Geo,„lintobinson sot ended by Wm, Z. Bishop, that the minutes be adopted .tuar reed, • Carraal. Moved by Wrn. E. Bishop seconded ,by Archie Mann that the .ilgineer'S report on the Derv-a Drain be adapted and instruct the clerk to prepare and serve the bylaws. - Carried. return at once. TURKEY SUPPER Duff's United Church Walton TUESDAY, OCTOBER 30th Supper Serval From 5.30 to S pxa. GOOD PROGRAMME Admission: Mulls --- $1,50 Children 6 to '1 LOP pick, stapler, and shingle Cutter. Please •• .„.. D. N. McDONALD PHONE 77 Moved by Geo. Hutchinson, second- ea by Wm. D. Bishop that L. Kerr's 'appeal on the Chester Baker Drain be not alowed, on lot .9 cola& - Carried. Moved 'by Geo. Huctchinsen second- ed by Wm, D. Bishop that. we dose Court of Revision on Cheater Baker Drain and finally pass the by-law and instruct the clerk to advertise for tenders. Paramount Cohoe Salmon, 7 oz. • • 39c Cudney Choice Tomatoes, 28 oz. • • • • 27c Ballett Coloured Toilet Tissue, 2 rolls • • 25c Smarts Pumpkin, 28 oz. tin • • • • 2 for 37c Martins Apple Juice, 48 oz. tin • • • • • • 22c. Instant Milko, 4 it. size 38c Mr. McDonald's morning service (maltreated the homes, clunrches and mode .of 'living of the people of Western Ontario with those of our forefathers. Crude homes, lack of conveniences, hardship, ‘i(oil, !suffer- ing, and :movierty did. not detract from their. allegiance to their church and their God. " The found- ationa• or good citizenship. he said, is laid in the lulome and our fere- fathers laid well that foundation. .iiuppose they Could look into OUT MPET Grit homea would they he sails- fled with, the way we 'have nsed the heritage they gave us. The evening service was preceded by a short Organ Recital by Mr. L, D. Thompson. .44444444•411111, NOTICE All accounts owing C. and G. Krauter MUST BE PAID or a satisfactory arrangement made by November 15th. 1956- Anyone with claims against the firm of C. and G. Krauter Co. will please submit same by October 31st. 1966. Gordan A. Krauter J. Calvin Krauter NOTICE Owing to other plans I am leaving the firm of C. and G. Krauter Co, I wish to express my sincere thanks for the patronage in the past eight years and have enjoyed the friendship we have received. I sincerely hope you will continue the same kind patronage to my brother Cal, Gordon A. Kreuter. fou \el: Ind 'other values just as great as these at • • - Carried. Moved .by Archie Mann seconded by'. E, Bishop that we close Court of Reivision- on West McTaggart, Drain and finally pass bile by-law, - Carried. Moved by Archie Mann seconded by Win. E. Bishop, that We accept tenders of Jones, McKeroher end Montgomery for snewplowing at 86.00 per hour or ,standing time of :$125,00 per month 'for 4 months. Roads to be open for sclool buses m morning. Work to be done accord ing to road Superintendent's super- vision, Carried: :t ;owed by Wm. 17 Bishop second- ed by Geo. Hutchinson that we accept Sammy Waxman's tender for Crana brook bridge at $302.00 - Carried. Moved by Geo': Hutchinson second- ed ;by Archie Mann that we finally pass, by-laws 18, 19 and 20, -- Carried. Moved by Win. E. Biishop Wended 'by .A.rable Mann' that all approved acounts be paid. - 'Carried. Moved by Geo. Hutchinson second- ed by Wm. D. Bishop that we adieu n to meet again on Nov. ard..or at the call of the reeve. ROCERv it - Not just'to-day or to-morro , but Every Day of the year. Phone 7 ,V1 e St. JOHN'S LADIE'S GUILD In the church, hall of St. John's Anglican church, the monthly meet- ing was held on Otaber 11th, The meeting opened with a hymn after which Rev, Jewell read the scripture from 'St. Mathew and gave an interesting talk on St. Luke. Minutes, were read and approved and the treasurer's report was given on the booth at the Fall Fair. The president, Anne Pollard-, con- ducted the business period when it was decided not to have a fowl supper this year. Arrangemlents were made for the 'bazaar and 'tea to be held in the library Nov. 10th. Each member to bring their banal- articles and a myStery parcel for the, mystery table to the next meeting, on Nov 9th. The meetin' .closed with a hymn and prayer by Rev Jewell. A dainty lunch was served by Pat Davis and Jean Workman. NOTICE OF COURT OF REVISION THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA ,..nox Church, CRANBROOK Minister: Mr. C. L. Thompson Young People's •Bible Class 10 a.m. Sunday School 10 A. M. I • A A A The Court of Revision on the 1957 Assessment Roll for the Town- ship of Grey will be held on Fri- day, October 26th, 1956, at 1 p.mo in the Clerk's Office, Ethel, Ont. Mrs. E, M. Cardiff, • Clerk, Township of Grey, Ethel, Ontario, 4.4 i TENDERS WANTED - 245c. Tenders will be received up "until 5 p. m. 'October 29th., at the Clerk's office, for the sale of the Village scales at the C. N. R. Sta/tion. Any tender not necessarily accepted. H. A. Fischer. Clerk, Brussels, Ont. Knox Church, ETHEL Minister: Mr. C. L. Thompson 1.30 P. M. 1.30 P. M. G Sunday School • Adult Bible Class - Carried, The following accounts. were paid: Municipal World, supplies a 8,44 Robt. Cunnignham, stove oil 10.37 W. C; Fackwell, main Walton street lights 16.47 Imes A. Howes, Supt. 14th. Con. Drain 250.00 Jialnes; A. Friowea, Stint, Straitychuic Drain 15.00 Geo. Radford, bal, contract 14th. Cou. Drain 3,227.00' Geo. Radford; Stratychuk Drain 412.00 Dudley E. Holmes, insuranc 303.44 Co. of Huron, hospitalization 118.25 Phone 5 We Close Saturday NItes 10 p. m. We Deily& Afternoon Worship and Sacrament of Communion 2'.3O P. M. ' Preacther: Rev. H. T. Galvin, B. A. B. D. TENDERS FOR SNOWPLOWING Tenders for !snowplowing • in the Village of Brussels for the 1956-57 season will be accepted by the undensigned up to 5.00 P. in., Mon- day, October 29, 1956. For part- iculars ,apply to H. A. Fischer. Clerk, Brussels, Ont. ran A ca. A Young People's Bible Class was started on Sunday mlorniiig under the leadership of Mr. Cecil L. Thompson. At the regular morn- ing .service 'of worship a solo was contributed by Mr. Thompson, RE BRE MOMM "For this is the will ,;of God. even your Santification, '0 I Thes. 1,!,y0E WELCOME YOU TO OUR SERVICES Melville Church 10 A. M, 11 A. M. Minister: Organist: 'Sunday Sohool public •Worship Rev. H. T. Colvin, S. D. L. p Thompson, R. M. T. , I S * IN MEMORIAM RATAN' laving meraerY of a dear eon and brother, William Murray Rant, Who peased away three ye...till§ ago, October 28th., In hiS 22nd. Each flower and leaf may 'Wither, Each tiVieaiing thin may !Jett ,' But the hearita, that knew and "'Jived Mtn Are the hearts that will never fortget. 1500.00 150.00 30.00 1.89 The United Church OF CANADA 1 BROWNIE S. Illnistor: R. A. Lai* 11. A" 111. r DRIVE-IN THEATRE • ,4444:44.4%mffmcnmessm Wed. •Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. October 24 - 25 - 26 - 27 CLINT ei N ONT, • Box Office Opens at 7.80 First Show Begins at 8.00 p.m. !Divine :iVorship 11 A. M. "The Protestant Heritage,' I -Muth SolaP61 12 thiodit, '0 give thanks Milo the Lord. Re le gotki'l Psalm 107:1. ft't Thurs. Frl'. Oct. 25 , 26 4 405 FROM LEFT FIELD" ,Dan Dailey Ann ladlicnOft (Two Cartoons) 'Large Size : Wick. 49e 014441iiii . ,4 '" 'Saturday October 27 6 I M BA. (Color) Dirk. .tiiidaftte (TWO Cartoons) v. Men., Tubb. Oct, 29 30 Glenn Feed Ernest: Beranine Red Steiger j u it A L Technicolor Adult Entertainment 4hi/lean Chute/1 O0 CANADA- 4' of !n UUiEJi Neil:, Frei L. 8. Tr Rector St. ohtirehi BrUtteie 11 A., ,Mattinif SiinalaY Scheel St. bavit14 1-tentryit EVetiSiting Sunday 66hOtii Sts George's Chtirch; Walteri7: EVentOag S. Lawe Wed, Thure. 'Oct. 31 - 'NOV, 1 Richard Edell Dana WYnter Cameron Mitchell "THE VIEW FROM % POMPEVOS ' bikAtio dinernaSeope Attnit EntertatenneK Thousand of people have been lining up for weeks to.tofooto, both downtown' and at neighbOUrflood theatres to see, Delia Day and Jolliet: Stewart aiTHE MAN WHO kNOitt TOO MUCH" (Color) Be sure to tee this picture from the beginning. .Atkiit.§, 60c Tile Drainage Loans Jas, A. Howes, survey etc, Love Drain E. M. Cardiff, Clerk's feeS, Smith, Wallace Drain Blyth Standard, advit„ Johnston Drain Geo, Wesenberg. Assessor balance salary 400.00 H. M. Camming, fox bounty 2,00 Leonard Ward, fox bounty 3.00 E. M. Cardiff, Clerk's fees; fox bounty 1.25 Howard Elle,dott, steer injured 124.00 Hollinger, pullets killed 21.00 David Hardy, mullets killed 19.50 Fred Keffer, Pullets killed 16.50 C. M. Stevenson; sheep killed and injured 77.54 bleightholm Dr. grant, 97.47 Clark br. grant 15613 Wm, C, Harrison, 13rueellesis Inspector• Cecil Bateman, Brucellosis 4.00 On Sunday next at 11 a. In. the Sacrament of gemination will be observed With •Rev, H. T. Colvin hi oharge. Mr, and Mm. Alex Cameron have taken Up residence in Wingliam where Alex has employment With the Department of Highwaars, Bob and Jane Superb) a 4114844 0411.20•192M.1•11 Red & W. Evap. Milk, Reg Tins • • 2 for 25c Chase & Sanborn Instant C L-.1ffee 2 oz. • -55c 6oz. • • • • • $1.57 Aylmer Br. Tom. Soup, 10 oz tins 3 for 33c Libby's Deep Brown Beans, 20 oz. tins 5 for 95c Red & W. Toilet Tissue 4 for 47c Crown Tea Bags 100 . • - 75c Fresh Ground Early Riser Coffee lb. 99c Royal Instant Lemon Pie Filler 3 for 39c Robin Hood Chocolate-Angel Food Cake Mix 59c 1 lb. Pkg. Domestic Shortening • • - 27C 1 lb. Pkg. Swift's Margarine 1 lb. Weiners .35c 1 Pkg. Pillsbury Choc. Cake Mix 0400 33p 1 lb. tin Hawes Paste Wax .45c 1 Giant 6 oz. jar Chase-Sanborn Instant Coffee $1.55 English Wedgewoodi Dinnerware 5 piece place setting $1.99 with a $5.00 order 44i . . i.4.1.44441+4 . . ............ ...... .. .. 4 ..... ............ .... 014.04 4,4,0,. .. .. NOTICE I have purchased the interests of Mr. Gordon Krauter in the firm of C. and G. Kreuter. The business will carry on in the future under the same name as in the past, I wish to thank you for the patronage of the past and hope to enjoy It In the future. J. Calvin Krauter. With purchase of $1. entrOes You 'to 0 ' FREE TICKET on a SATIN CO M PORTER To be drawn on 'Nov. Cutting Free Delivery Phone 12. Sadly missed by ' Minna Dad, • PEOPLE WE KNOW InsPector 6.00 * (lord Cook, supplies fire itruck 70.66 Netslen and. Miss Enid Asian of Fireman 234,0 TrAmiltoti spent the Weeke-nd With Geo. and Mrs: Maria. EalSt 400.00 * Relief t,i1§ D. Cbalunan, bright, was it, Roads • 3,520.86 Week-tint gtid'st at the halite of life sister Mrs,. 3. W. Fischer, * tds,±,h6 dat diff, Clerk$11,166.24 Mrs, ;e0. EVatis -spent the past Week With Mize titia Askin. and Mtg. Harper and other, friends id Itemittion, VAL's EtAlitY 6400 • Albert Asian, Mite 11/4,44try and Styling, SOW Waving polo. t Irving b Muskoka, A 6nettaity I at ithe home Of Gee, and Mrs, Brans Eviry Tuesday" Night tint!! End, Of' Season is Night ONE- DOLLAR ADMITS A CARLOAD t for the Pest Week. Phone 40k Brussels 44- ltilorning Worship and Sacrament of CommUnion 11 A. M. Preacher: Rev. H, T. Colvin, B. A. • B, D. 'X may be a long way to Heaven but it is only a step to Jesus.). NOTICE OF COURT OF REVISION The Court of Revision on the 1957 Aesessment Roll for the Village of Brussels twill be held on. Monday,.a October aath, 1.066 tti 8 o'clock p.m. in the Public 'Library, Brussels, Ont. H. A. Fischer. Clerk, arussels, Ont. UNITED CHURCH On Sunray, October alst, at morn- lag worship idle SacreMent of 33.0,11.- dim was administered to Karen • Tune infant daughter of Mr. and Mts. Carl HeMingway; Francis Blain, infant .son (af Mr. and Mr's. FrankMcO.utcheon; 'Robert James, inrant son of Mr. and Mrs. Beverley Riley; Dianne Elizabeth, infant daughter of Mr. and' Mrs. Charles Thomas Bruce Nemeth. infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wilbee; Robert Wayne, infant son of Mr, and Mrs, Archie Willis, The anthem, 'We Will 'Serve the Lord" by R. ft Wilrhn was sung by the choir. Joyce 'Mmes taking the Solo parts. Tn Ithe sermon -"The Gates, of the City", the minister declared that 'there is entrance into. the King= of God at any time of life. but em- ,phasizea the wisdom ;of entering early so as to enjoy long years of li fellowship with God here and the re.n.finntql nqsurnmen of ..akater enjoy• menu. with. God in glory. HONORED BY . FRIENDS On Friday .evening, Oct, 19 a few near neighbours and close friends gathered at S. S. No 6 to spend a social evening with Mrs. Keffer be- fore heir departure to- Brussels. After a short prograPi Mrs. Netter was called to the chair and was. 'pre- sented with a -lovely end table -and an 'electric kettle. In thanking them Mrs, Reffer said how hard it was to leave her neighbours after being with Some 'of them for 49 years. She invited ,them to all come and. visit her in her new home in Brus- sels. Lunch was served by the ladies The following address was read: Dear Mrs Keffer: We are met here this evening to spend a Social while with you while before your- departure to your new home. You have been a gaied friend and neighbour, always. ready to help in time of need in our comimunity and we fAope this friendship will not cease as you are locating a short diaitanee away, We will see you often at our gatherings and Bru,s- seta has found a good citizen. As a alight token of our esteem and remembrance we ask you to accept these gifts. Your Friends and Neighbours NOTICE To my customers: - My Shop wit be olosed during the day and open every evening from .4 and 'Wednesday from. 12,30, until further notice, Irene Pease Beauty Salon 41110122ZDMMakitiMatIVIV:71 IST OwFL THEATRF, she t ota'etly 7.30 t.30 Matinee Saaurday 2 4: