HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1956-10-17, Page 1LS SS E 13R 4:71 011 I eel :.* .4 I ,1 =I MAJESTIC W. I. HOLD ANNUAL FAMILY NIGHT The annual family night of the Majesie Inetitute was teed on Fri. ; day night, 002.12, in the basement • of 'the Public Library. Against a back ground of late autumn flowers, the members and , 'their familes, enjoyed the steaming ,1 (supper dishes, salads, pies and ice- cream. The prize birthday cake, made by •r that artist, in cake decorating, 'Vies, Rlla Shurei,,, Was cut and, served in honor of all having birthdays in October, The president, Mrs Wm. Bell held a short business meeting following the dinner. The members have been invited to attend the telgrave W. I. on the evening of Oct 10th, Judge Fingland of Clinton, will address the gtathering on "Legal facts women should know about." Two iceer loads arranged to -go to this meeting. Ten dollene was vdted to the C. N• I, B. Leaders 'for the' Club Girls fall project "Sleeping Garments" were announced: Beetle AleOels, moi.e4. and Helen Wilson. The social !evening was spent play- ing euchre and crekinole Winners were: 1st, Mrs. R. W. Stephens„ Mrs. Roy •Cousins; Low, Mrs'. !Oliver Hemingway. Winners in Crokinole: Mrs. Wee ?Kerr and Mrs. Douglas Hemingway. Youngest guest present was Neil Hemingway. William J. Souch William S. 'South, 97, died at his home on the 4th., concession of Morris township on. Wednesday. Oct. 10th. Mr. Sottch had lived on his term in Morris 'slime the age of two. leis wife. Charlotte Jewett, pre- deceased him in 1922. He was a member 'of Nike United Church, Blue- vale. Tie is survived by /three sons, Leslie- in B. Ce Norman, Shelbrook. Sask.. and Melees. Blyth; four (taught ers Mrs. Jack Florence) Sellers. Moisaa Jaw. Sesk.; Mrs John Menial Yentnee, Dungannon: Mrs.. Frank (Bertha) Stamper), 131nevale and Mildred. at home; tevo sisters, Mee Lardy Bone, Morris township and Mm. Cora Long of New Lietowel, Temierel service was held trent the D. A, Ram Funerel Home on Frl- daY. Deto,her 12i.11., with the Rev. Breaks, of Blecelale -in charge. rallbeerere Were Frank Sellers, Chris. Warwick. Glint. Beewer, Gee, Brewer. Viceor letritigton and Gordon Finery, Flowerbeareee: Bill Hermon. Wilf- red Werriviele n,,nd Glen! Bebe« Intettereif todk place in Brussels cemetery, "When God Loved, Be Itched 4 world 'when He gave, Hogave His Son." Halve YOU received Him yet4 P. S. The Sacrament of Communion will be Obeenved in both cons gre#atione on Sundaes October 28th. WE WELCOME, YOU TO OUR SERVICES Melville Church ANNIVERSARY SERVICES el A. M. ankl 730 P. M. Preacher: Pelt'. J. R. aVfacDonald of Ripley and Ashfield Organ Recital at 7.15 Minister:, Rev. H. T. Ceivin, B. D. Organist: L. El Thompson, R. M. T. * The United Church OF CANADA IMInleter: Rev. A. Lano, B. A. B. 11 A. M. Morning Worship -- !Saeratment of Baptism 12 otelock Churdelt School `SWeenember he Sabbath Day td Keep It broil?). C - Anglican Church DF dANAbili ACV., Fetif-Ei aeWells L. B. T. Rector John's Church, Biltietela• se if CI II.DRLl1VS J-547it SttiVidlif St. avid s dittiech, Henfreii 2:36 irt CHILDRIINS DAY SDRVICE eSt, George's' -Chi/retie St. JOHN'S W. A. A very pleasant (afternoon, was spent when Sf. John's W. A. enter- tained the ladies of !St. George's Walton.; St. David's Henfryne, also Brussels' United and Melville churches, A, short prayer service Was held in, the 'church 'Ladies adjourned ito the church, hall for a progremtne and tea, Mrs, F. Jewell spoke a few word ef Welcome to the, eisitorseA solo "My Task" sang by Mrs. A, Smith, wits Muck enjoyed. . Rev. Jewell showed settle lovely scenic slides 'of the Canadian Northland around Berke Palle and Sudbury, Which were taken, be this son, The guest sPeeker, Mee, :Outerbridge of Mayfield was introdaced by Mrs. Jewell. The speaker's subject was "Life in, Wales'" from a herrie- MOOD§ Angle. Mrs, outerhridge went to Wales as e bride, so Was able to glee tie a first "rani talk On the subject, 'She also gave Ono Wit 'of the Natibeal Heelth Sehetrie as practised fit Britten, pt. Steph, ens theiliked the speaker on behalf Of St, JOhe's W, A. and a gift Wes ,presented „ to her 'by Mrs: 4. Deeds. A seen "The tete/el/1'Y Sheplieedh wee Neteetly , mite :by Patsy Bryan. The tee :table wee teetefully errend- ed by hire SWAMI wfGh ail enshisehl arc'l linen .cloth, yellow dandles and innIns and silmer tea Service, Tel WAG' Weed by Mrs. Thente, Mee. Breen, Mre. Smith ate Mrs StePleette. Thanks were et-nee:geed 'to St Joiteet W. A. by etre fettle cud Mrs. 1~iillia tit s. VAt)a l3tAlltv SHOP Onttim WA.sitnj,. •A Specialty • .40k lifruSeete mmumommogAnnonmOmm IMO!, Lismw1F1 THEATRE ,.6a#1.mmi.macimalr,.4,#eai.eoa.diioem#6imavoieawm1'm11mr..1,, 23 Mon. --rues. Oct. 22 - ",DOCTOR AT SEA " Color Starring DIOS Bogarde .,..This is the sequel' to "Doctor the Hotted," the English' comedy so many of you enjoyed last season. Wed, s thuee: •• •• Sat. t October 24 25 - 26 • 27 Thousands of people have been lining up for weeks' in 'Toronto, both downtown and et neighbourhood' theetree to See ,. Doris bay and James Stewart: "THE MAN WHO kt4tW"t6(5 (delo0 tae sure to see ihia picture frorn the beginning. Adults -66o rues. Wed, 'Oct, 11., 14 "NEV E R top YOUNG" (Cold() Dean Martin Jerry (two dartoont) • Lee& 'Every Tuesday' fittiht. Until RNd Of Season IS . • ONE DOLLAR .AiStutitt A d'ARL6Ab. Post Publishing House Ai44444 04 Wednesday, October 17th., 1956 r. P $2.00 Per year - 4240 tk-34 TURKEY SUPPER Duff's United Church Walton TUESDAY, OCTOBER 290* Supper Served From C30 to 8 pm. GOOD PROGRAMME AdMiesimie Adults e1.60 Children 6 to I2 .#a Breakfast Club, 3 fruit, Marmalade 24 oz. ,,•e... ,. # 25c otfto.rd W prow, Iris..Oolniu.quay wee .shOeleeti at the sudden death of oitturo, 13;rowp, only son of 2'irs, A, Brown and 'tine late Angus. Prawn, Peath ecelirred on Tuesday, ,Ootober 2nd. in a 1104 ice.% eoillaten about 300 mites from, hone. •amord was in his filth, year. lie was ,enspleyed. Voss Truck Lines Of St, IJgtpis, Mo, He le surviv- ed ,by his wife Mrs, Gladys Browe, 0011inetvillee his :mother Mrs, Ara- ena Tirown and a si4ter Mrs Ruth Johnston of Brussels, Ont. The funeral,service was conduct- eld on Friday. Opt. 4., at p, m. from 'the 1500)14 A. IcassbY funeral home by the Rev. Ernest Harrdin of !Collinevilley who spoke many kind words of cernfort. The pallbee•rere were drivers, from. the Voss Truck Lines, Bob Melyeen Lawrence Robinson, Roy Trigg, Mr. Re„yrnore Bob Meetin. Ralph Starkey. The many beautiful floral tributes expressed the high esteem in walla. he was held. Interment in St. John's Cemetery, -C,ollinsville, Ill, . Domestic Shortening • • • • • • • • • • • lb. 28c Carnation Milk • • • • • • - • • - Stafford's 'Mincemeat Clark's Pork and. Beans 15 oz. 2 fox 27c 33.c uNiTgp CHURCH ANINOYs.ssABY spotiogs Succesfrful Anniversary services 'were held in 'ttle united church, . , Sunday, Oelicilier 14th, Bela. .0has. A. Krug 'of Belgreee Was 'the .guest •sPoaker „iperniise.aed evening.. MQrning • antlorns were "Liift up your trolce and Ping" and, "Speak eo tIn Lord Jesus". A doohle.• (trio sang "Open My Eyes", In the evening tee..choir sang "Thou Art My God" and "Abide With Me", ,The trio umber was "The :Loa Chord". A well alteetied Turkey Dinner was served by tee ladies of the con- gregatiee on Monday eivening, followed, by a well received Program The folloWleg .a,rtisite participated: Mr. • Cecil Thompson„ Cranbrook; Mr, _'Donald 'Dunbar., Ethel; Mrs. Harold Campbell, Myth; Miss Mar- Valet .Wirtetam; Mr. Clint. Roffman, Bluevale: Miss Margaret ,Forme,. Brussels: Mrs. Win. King, Jr., 'Brussels; Mr, David Kennedy, 13rus.sela 2 for 33c 2 lbs 57c Tulip Margarine THE YOUNG WOMEN'S GUILD OF THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ANNUAL BAZAAR. In the Brussels Public Library SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20th. at 2.30 Aprons, Fancy Work, Knitting, Candy, Baking, e, TEA ROOM N-# HURON COUNTY SE NDS TEAMS furon County will be represented at 'the Ontavio 4-11 Wer-club ceme Petition Slatted. Or the 'Ontario Agri* eeltural Cellske,. Guelph, on Friday, 'October 19 by 26 teems, comPrisileg 62 4-le Club members. Bruseels Beef Calf CIO team rep* reeentetives !will be; Laurie Block, James Smith, on Smith and Beryl IVIeFarla,ne, HIGH SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT Alt parents nue friends of students and graduates of the Weigh= Pie, ,triet High School are invited to attend the ;annual Commencement I Exercises in the School Auditorium beginning 'promptly at 3.15 on the evening 'of Friday, October 20th. There will be the Presentation of certificates; diplomats, athleitic and proficiency awarde and Prises, a short museical programme, 'and the valedictory address by Sally Slosser, Mr. James Coulter of Stratford Teacher's College is the sipeaker for the Welling. (No admission charge: no reserved seating) 1. t find other values just as great as these et THE UTIEDGE GROCERY Opening DANCE Of the Season: In Cranbrook C.ornmunity Centre FRIDAY, OCTOBER nth"' "*; Dancing 10 te 1. O'Clock HENDERSON'S ORCHESTRA Refreshments S COME ONE -- COME ALL A Good Time Assured For Young And Old" Every Day of the year. Not just to-day or to-morrow, but Phone 7 . We Deliver Admission 50e CARD OF THANKS We Wish 'to 'thank all our neighs hours and friends who so kindly gave us assistance at tee time -of the fire, It was greaely appreciated, Elmer Denby and Family. MELVILLE CHURCH THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH N CANADA CARD OF THANKS I would lihe to thank all my kind friends, for cards, treats and visits which I appreciated very much at 'the 'time of nay accident. • Atwood, Ont. Knox Church, CRANBROOK Minister: Mr. C. L, Thompson The Sacrament of 'the 'Lord's Supper was 'Observed on Sunday morning last, and Rev, Harold Colvin took as his serrnion shbiect ,Seree 'thoughts about the Lord's Table.1 The first thing we should think I. about on coming- to the Lord's, Table y Ss, the sinfulnese an'd' wicknedness of c men. For this, Jesus Christ died, and suffered /the meekery, /and insults and the hatred of men. Many make" light of the miracles of Christ. It is a terrifyine thosieht that 'the Chris, of God crease to ,slave ehe world and was sa •cruelly rejected. Can we. exners Cod to, have Mercy on those who all their life. relect' and seurn nihR love and neesriev of God in Christ. We eboluld remember that Christ him borne all ;our sins and trans,. ,eresisione. and thee• at the Table of !the Lord. 'we came into the presence of .9 Hole and righteous God, we 'rust not set and drink et the Lords !Table, 'unworthily: Paul in his day Warned Of converts of this. Donald Gordon Xeeling People's Bible 'Class 10 a,m. Sunday School • 10 A. M. Morning Worship 11 A. M. (Mr. Then:lemon will Sing) ''Lord, glee us pasee to stand for Something, lest we fall for every- therig," (Peter Mashall) ANNIVERSARY SERVICES Melville Presbyterian Church?. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 21st AT 11 A. M. AND 7:30 P. M. PREACHER - REV. J. R. McDONALCY • of 'Ripley and Ashfield Organist and Choir Director: L. D, THOMPSOLlit !e'r"7" Organ Recital at 7.75 p. f. ; Special Music by the Choir, and• Male Chortler' CARU OF THANKS The family of the late William J. Smelt wish to express their sincere thanks to neighbours and friends. for the many acts of sym- pathy in their recent sad bereave- ment. • CARD OF THANKS * TENDERS WANTED - Tenders will be received up until 6 p. in. October 29th., at the Clerk's office, for the {sale of the Village scales at 'the C. N. it. Station. Any tender not necessarily accepted, H. A. Fischer. Clerk, Brussels, Ont. Knox Church, ETHEL We desire to express our sincere thanks and appreciation for the kind expressions of sympathy at the time of 'the. passiek Of 'our dear son and 'brother. We also appreciated the many !beautiful floral tributes and sympathy cards. Your kindly acts will always be remembered. Mrs. Amelia, Brown and Mrs. Bent Johnston and elemily Minister: Sunday School ,Adult Bible Class ,.• Afternoon Worship MreC. L. Thompson 1:30 P. M. L30 P. M. 2.313 P. M. Superior MarketU TENDERS FOR SNOWPLOWING Tenders for Isnowplowing in the Village of Brussels for 'the 1956-57 eealeon will 'be accepted by the undelleignea up to '5.00 p. in., Mon- slay, October 29, 1056.. For .part- lenders epply to H. A. Fischer. Clerk, Brussels, Ofit. evommvpyam.... Pkg. of 60's Salada Orange Pekoe Tea Bags • • • • •• Pkg. Aunt Jemima Pancake Mix • •-:•0•-' 1.90 Pkg. Aunt Jemima Pancake Mix •••••:,-., ;1* 2 lb. Tin Crown Brand , Corn Syrup 2 oz. Jar Mother Parker's Instant 'Coffee • • • • • • • - 49fg!... FREE - 7 inch MIXING BOWL -.- Anchor Glass Peach Lustre' With the Purchase of Any Two Boxes of IMPORTED BULBS (Limited Quantity)e st. The choir rendered the Commun on 'anthem' 0 SaviOne of the. World, by PASS, and Bread of the World in mercy broken, by Garland, CARD OF-THANKS I wish to express thanks to all my many friends and neighbours who helped ipso many ways at the time of the sickness and death of my elatiglitse Joan. Special thanks to Dr. 'Stephens, Mrs. Gilbert Standish and Rev. Mr. Lane. ISo many acts of Itinldness to myself and the 'boys in our sad bereavement will never be forgotten. Mrs. Adah Smith, • 4.... NOTICE OF COURT OF REVISION The Court of Revision on the 1957 Assessarient Roll ',for the Village of Brtessels will 'be held on Monday, October 12etbs 1956 at S &clock p.m. in 'the Public Library, !Brussels, Ont. A. Fischer. Clerk, Brueeels, Ont. GR EWA R'S Phone 5 We Close Saturday Nitet 10 p. m. We Denver 13VOWNIE 'S DRIVE-IN THEATRE CLINTON ONT. Box Office Opens at 7.30 First Show Begins at 8.00 p.m. 2 *bows rilgetly 7.80 0.30 p. Matinee Saeurday 2 p. ' Thurs. - Fri. • Sat. October 18 - 19 20 Bill Travers and Alastair Sim In "WEE GEORDIE" 18 - 19 (Color) . Geordie will make you laugh! Geordie will make you 'cry; Derek Geordie will make you happyl Adults 60c #1, 4 TFiurs. James - Fri. Oct. "RUN FOR COVER" • Cagney John Vivica Lindfors (Two Cartoons) Oct. 20 - 22 - AUTO - WINDSTORM ' e-• LIABILITY PLATE GLASS -'130Nthe. 6 #•.# FIRE PERSONAL PROPEiltt rr BURGLARS` TELSVisibN OL0ATSMS, Sat. - Mon. . "DESTINATION GOBI') (Color), Richard Widmark Judy !Dan (Two .eartoont) .:KOTict OF COURT OF REVISION tho, Court of iteefeitett ett the- 166/1, ,„„ Assesstitent 11:611 for the toWn- ship of Grey Will be held. on 'day, October 26;t11, 1956, at 1. PAIL tt the (Aeries Offiee, Ethel, tint. Mrs'. "t, 112. Cardiff, Clerk, Township of (trey', Olitiirld , Insurance Ag Phone Oht 0iftd6 Over 'keetiter's Plumbing tilltit.kt-rittiiv. is Ot,lF1 .SUSifittlt, n. •.. ,