HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1956-10-10, Page 14. UNITED CHURCH Thanksgiving and 6ommunion were observed in ,the Unitd Church • on Sunday. Oat, 7, The sermon was based on Psalm 31:8 clPhou halt set my feet in a large plated!' In the book of psalms, distress and difficulty place. ,cealways spoken, of as straight and therefrom as a wide open large, eonfined places; while deliverance The agencies that make of life a narrow palee and a small room are sin, trouble and grinding toil There are only two ways of enlarg- ing a room. even! the room 'of life— lifting the room arid pushing back the walls. Unless a man, looks up 'to 'God and lets. Him into life and unless, he looks beyond space and time into eternity, life for him will he a small place. 'The anthem weir, "Voice of Heavenly Chorus" by Ellen Sane. Lorenz. The service closed with ;the cele •bration of ,the Lord's Supper, Next Sunday, Oct. leth, is anniver- sary with Rev. Charles Krug at both services — 11 in and p.nm, IN CASE OF FIRE IN GREY TOWNSHIP Grey Townehip now have their own fire fighting equipment and residents of the township are in- etructed to call Brussels telephone operator in case of fire, Vi'fiklirelle-TeT.151121,...7••,,-71L-4.;!'„:11111717.10 filEA1RF • chows rteetty — C.3-0 p. m. 4 4)1.11 35 I‘41411 W i l ,1.1 t ...41 LE a. A .2JLI ' !e!!' •!..elee-.--e-• :. " emeevill • • S as aaeand Caaaa LA, Poi Ottioa DeDartmont, Oikkaa ednesd4y, October 10th. 1956 ,Peat Publishing $2,00 per year $2.50 LI. • . , epee. NORTH HURON % ANNUAL ,PLOWING MATGH ' Lorne fleilentyee, Exeter. scared On unusual triumallt Friday, when lie took two first Places it the North Huron Plowing Matele Calculating his !time closely, lie completed not ene .tin' of plowing, but two, within the regulation lime limit; to spite of 'the haste needed to plow two lands in the time chewed for one, his skill Wets enough to earn him first place in each Claes. As a previous branch champion, however, he was not eligible for the ton award in the match; next in line and winner of !the $10 cash prize for 'the best-plowed land, was Andrew Petricksa senior high school &Went who lives in the Walton neighbour- hood. and attends Seaforth District High School. GREY TWP, GIRL HAS CHAMPION PIG Lead en 'merlon eeurnbell, Grey Township„ showed the individual ehatearion pig in a nine,centnIty 4-11 club !show 'held bore Saturday, to declare Western Ontario 4-11 chain- pioeships, With the Turnbull entry as part of the club exhibit, the Brussels Swine Club took top place) in the inter.coprity swine earrinet- Mon MEMBERS. WANTED FOR .1-19NS. RAN.D. • The Band .0 00nreittee of Brussels. Mons Oletb .are. Asking ter additional members, for their • . Girls and Boys Band!, Young people who were mom- bore provionsly are urged to rejoin elle .More aclvarleed band members while, parents are aslted to. oneour. age their children to become raemb- Ore of the -Pinter section, This is the only method whereby a hand can be kept built up over e period, of time, that IS, by having junior memb era being inStrueted to tahe the place 41:1 seniors who leave. A bend is a !eoramnnity nroject and an !asset. to any town. It needs the cooperation of everyone, espee- • Italy parents, who should be proud to have their children become mean hers. No matter how strong tale support of the Lions Club and spite of all the hard work of the Band comItnittee, and the competence of the bandmaster, there cannot be Auccessiful band unless there is a sufficient ammber of members, Parents of the district are asked to enco.urge fheir children 'to enroll new. mEuviLLg CHURCH ANNIVERSARY SERVICES in Brussels United Church on SUNDAY , OCTOBER 14th AT 11 AA, M. AND 7.:,00 P+ GUEST SPEAKER — REY, CHARLES A. KRUG, FIELGRAVI R TURKEY SUPPER MONDAY, EVE. OCTOBER 156: Supper served 5 to 8• o'cliook Followed by variety Programme Adults $1-25 Children 60c Oem Sunday lest Rev, Harold COIV111 oeettpled hie own pulpit. and preach eel on the subject, The Root of Thenkfulnese, Mr., Colvin Spoke at' length on giving, and thanksgiving queting the etoriee of 4are rich young ruler coming Christ. of the pub- licau Zacelmeus and She rick man Whom Gael 'called a fool and the lesetone to be learned: from these 'Stories. Mr. Colvin 'also touched or, the every member qknYaS! (of the congregation, which be made next month. The choir rendered two anthems. !The Splendour of Thy Glory by Woodward and the Hymn of Thanks- giving arranged by Frederick SR- vaster. ' •^ ' HURON NQRTH. ,SECTION W,M,S. PRESBYTERIAL CONVENTION The !Annual !Oonventlee, of the. North Section Of Illeron Presbyt !oriel Women* IlissienerY Society of .the 'United Church was held In Brussele United Much on FrideY. .Oct. ale with the Vice-lies. Mrs. Dennis. of .Bluevale, presiding at both sessions, The opening worship led by Mrs. MeNengliton •. and Mrs, Edgar of the Wroxetere . Aneilittry followed the theme Tor • lime day "God's Changeless. Word." Fourteen Senior organizations ens- wered the roll !cell by reporting some of the meet interesting and worthwhile .projects carried on ! dur- ing lime year. The organization of several new CG,T, yreerpS was out, Standing among junior activities but wily no Explorer Groupe-During. • the day the following Pres. Secs, re- ' pouted: Mrs. K. Webetter. Blyth, on Literature; Mrs. H. Pollock, Ford- weeh on Christian -Citizenship; Mrs. O. W. Tiefire, Winghain Can- didate Secretary also .reported. on the School for Leaders -held in St. Thomas; Mrs. S. A, Moote, Goderich, on .Christian Stewardship, and Mi-s. J, A. Suttee, Clinton, treasurer, re- wilted !only! $9,136.00 of a $21,600 allecation raised to date The opening worehifi service for the afternoon led by 'Mrs. R. A. !Brooks and Mrs. .T. Wleketead, Blue- vale Auxiliary set 'the theme of Thentsgiving for the guest speaker's address. -Mrs. H. -Child'e London,. challenged her listeners to make Thankegiving a thing tiot merely of wierds !but of actions. She urged that W. N. S. women pray. study • ,end give a.S! unto. God that they may rare etemeah to share our food, health. happy homes, and knowledge of the Gospel story with every needy pension. In her president's address, Mrs. • MeVitele. !Blyth, urged .advance ehrongh confederated members.. The ,convention gratefully accepted the of eihe Bluevale Auxiliary ee he their ,gueets for next year's Meeting. PRW$Sgt.S, FAL,t. FAIR. I ,Specials Simpeten -Soar r, Sliver Tray Mrs, It. Procter T.'Etreon Co. Silver Waiter Miss Beryl McFarlane '1'. Eaten Co. Bacon Hog let Wilfred Shortreed 2nd Mack Cardiff Robert McMichael 41h Allen Campbell 5th Knight Bros, Champion Carcass Robert McMjehael Reserve Champion. Mark Cardiff Pen of TWo Rae Houston Jas. S. Armstrong W. Stiortreed Watson Brown Jas. Armstrong Chantplon Carcees Rae Houston 'Reserve Champion. Jas, Arrnstrong, Jr. Machen Hardware Draw Mrs Wallace Agar, Bluevale, Was the lucky winner of the electric fry pan in the draw conducted by the Meehan Hardware. John !Perm-. on the draw 4. • 27c Utopia Tomatoes 28 oz. tin Maple Leaf Sockeye Salmon ONLY,MATCH 1N HURON The match was Plowed on the farm of Arthur Colson, lot 11, con, 14, townenip, three miles smile eaet of Blyth. This year it was the only match in Huron County; the annual South Huron match was Can- • celled for this year, because sn many farmers in the- south end of the , county are far behind with their harvest, and it was reckoned, that 'that neither competitors or epecta- , tore would be plentiful enough to Met fy a match. 7 oz.. tin • • • • • • • 48c Hunt's Catsup 13 oz. bottle ... • 2 for 39t Campbell's Tomato Soup • • 2 for 23c1 ington won a chance for a refrigerator. CORRECTION In the prize winners! published last week lathe Baking division 'the name of Mrs. Lawrence Meehan was an error. It should have. read Mrs Lawrence Jaeklin. FEW ENTRIES York Brand Peanut Butter 16 oz. • • . • .. • . 39c 4 THE PRESBYTERIAN. CHURCH IN CANADA. Knox Church, CRANBROOK Minister: Mr. C. L, Thompson Sunday School ... 10 A, M. Morning Worship 11 A. M. Guest Speaker: Rev. W. A. Williams "Every PACT of the Bible is meant ttb be 0. FACTOR in the life." Knox Church, ETHEL Minister: Mr. C. L. Thompson Snndoy School 1.30 P. M. TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received up until 5 p. m. !October 29th., at the Clerk's office, for the 'sale of the Village scales at the C. N, R. ,Station. Any tender not necessarily accepted. H. A. Fischer. Clerk, Brussels, Ont. (Oil will find other values just as great as these at At the meta on Friday, the entry list Was lesee than half of what it would be in a normal year, Elven. with Speedboy Ballantyne .as two entries, 'there were still only 17 entries in, the matalt; in a! year when harvet loperalions, were finished be- fore October, there would be 40 or more entrie. Tim match was plowed under ideal conditions, with the soil moist but firm, and the weather bright and warm, For !the competition furrows, Arthur Colson made available a 10-acre field in sod. As 'on many other farms in the district this year, 'the growth of grass and clover in the field in the late summer had been more than !the cattle could eat; the field was putt in, shape for the match with the, help of directors of the North Huron Plowman's Association, by Mowing the dead tall grass, raking it, and, burning the windrowls. Time result! Was a ehort, and even turf, which gave uniform plowing conditions, t .and a fair comparison of time skill of the plowboys. 41••••••Mmuir. Not just to-day or to-morrow, but Every Day of the, year. TENDERS 'FOR SNOWPLOWING Tenders for snowplowing in the Village of !Brussels for the 1956-57 season will be accepted by the undeesigned up to. 5.00 p. m., Mon- day, October 29, 1956. For part- iculars apply to H. A. Fischer. Clerk; 13ruesels, oat, Phone 7 Afternoon Worship 2.30 P. M. Mr. Thompson ministering, "Civilized man has learned how to FLY. hnt he has lost the art of WALKING with God." 1 superior ar Joan Ade,line Smith • This. community was ehOcked by the sudden brief illness and death Of Joan Smith, the only daughter of Mrs. Smith and the late Douglas Smith, whose death occurred on. the Sth. of Seneetelber. The child, who suffered, a sudden illness was taken to Wingiblam hospital, later removed 'to Victoria hospital, London, where her death WELCOME YOU TO OUR SERVICES .NOTICE OF COURT !OF REVISION The Court of Revision on the 1957 Assessment Roll for the Village of Beuissels will be held on Monday, October Oith, 1956 at 8 o'clock p.m. in 'the Public Library, BrusSelS, Ont. 24 oz. 'Jar Breakfast Club 2 Fruit. Marmalade 2 — 15 oz. Tins Catelli Cooked Spaghetti Pillsbury White Cake Mix H. A. Fischer, Clerk, Brussels, Ont, Melville Church 10 A, M. Sunday School 11 A, M. Public Worship Communion. Service Anthems: 0 Saviour of the World Goes Pkg. 48's Liptons New Flo-Thru Tea Bags 53c • Bread of the World in Mercy broken — Garland 3 Pkgs. Lushus Jelly Powders New Flavours • ..... • 21d E W Phone 5 11101.14,11.,"`.*•040•11.1•61•1•1111....6.1.1. I would like to express my thanks <1.1.111. Mon. - Tues. Wed. - Thursi. — AUTO — WINDSTORM — LIABILITY — PLATE GLASS - BONDS PERSONAL PROPS/17y Fri. - Sat. Oct. 12 - 13 " SHOWDOWN at ABILENE " Color . Jack Mahoney TV's Range Rider is a rip roaring adventure story. Comedy Cartoon 1— BURGLARY • Anglican Church 1 OF CA4ADA Pariah Of lbrueuiels Rev. Fred E. sidiktlit L. S. r Rector' Johne Chureli, brussela 11 A, U. Martinis7 Sunday School St, baVicioe dhurehe 1-lehfryti A:36 F itt, iivenSorig 11,14 !Midi& Selabol. St, Geong&S ehtirch, Walt*, Thanksgiving Seeded - TELEVISION FLOATES There. la Fri. Oct. - 11 12 iitIMBA0 (Color)' Matt4ail Adventure Dirk' illOgerde McKenna Saturday - October 13 "THE RAI Do (Color) Van Heflin Anti Bancroft Heron residents 'under 19, preVi- I outs winners belted; Donald, Perfie, I Contimied on Back Page 1 VAUt BEAUTY SHOP Mon: !, !rued. •.! Wed. October 15 16 .! 17 " COCKLESHELL HEROES Jose Ferrer treivor 1-16Werd Would YOU like a Brand Neve CAD I LLAC? ....We are diving a ticket on the Rotary Club oadilleo With eyery ' Adult admission to COCKLESHEL the dutlietitid aCtlen story Of ten British Matinee Who ad canoes to destroy enemy ping in Boileau Het-belie tiurieg, World War Adults 60d W Collins, Insurance Agent Thurs. - Fri. Oct. - 11 - 12 "MR SCOUTMASTER" Clifton Webb Edmon Gwynn (Two Cartoons) Mete Oct. 13 . 15 "GENTLEMEN PREFER BLONDES" Color Jane Russel Marilyn Monroe (Two Cartoons) 1. Wed. Oct. 16 'it VII`illiatri •Hdlcidti . Audrey Hepburn HumphreyBegart • (TWO Cartoons) The United Church OF CANADA • AllnIster: Rev. A. Lane, IS. A. B ANNIVERSARY XI M. Morning Worship --- Rev. Charles Krug /2.15 A. M. Chum& School "Give Thanks to God" 740 P. M. . Evening Worship — Rev. Charles Krug Monday evenings ;Oct •11lti. 'turkey?' Supper Preparatory Service; Thurs. $ p. m. "Most people. believe in something. The Christian believes in Chriet," Minister: Rev. H. T. Colvin, B. D. Organist: L. D Thompson, R. M. T. NOTICE OF COURT OF REVISION The Court of Revision on the 1957 Assessment Roll for the Town- ship of Grey will be held on Fri- day, October 2.6%, 1956, at 1 P.M', in the Clerk's Office, Ethel, Ont. Mrs. E. M. Cardiff, Clerk, Township of Grey, Ethel, Ontario. ._ BROWN7E'S • DRIVE-IN THEATRE .OLIN-row ONT. Box Office Openb at 7.30 First Show Begins at Dusk occurred. An autopsy was performed to de- termine the cause Of death, , She is survived by her metier end five beothers, James, Denold, Rae, Bobby and Larry, all at home. I The funeral service was coridacted front the ho1ne of Mr. and, Mrs. Lorne ele1th concession of Morris, at 2. p. ne On Wednesday, Oct. 10th. by the Rev. AndreW Lane of Brussels u nited Church Interment was ima Brussels cenietery. to all,those for the numerous cards, flowers 'and treat! sent Ito me while in hospital and since veining home. Special thanke to Dr. Stephens. Mnst aViOtree and staff of the Wing- hem Hospital. Mrs. Harold Kerney LLA51-1 M A R DRIVE-1N TflEATRE LISTOW EL. ONT. e CARD OF THANKS Mbt,r,ee eeturday C o m. October 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 Gina Lollobrigida "TRAPEZE" Cinemascope and Color "The Wonder Show of the World" !Burt Lancaster and Tony Curtis The show critics have raved about Adults 60c 1 OFFICIATES 30th, TIME For the 30th. consecutive time, Elston Cerdeff was secretary-manager of the match. Mr. Cardiff has, arrang- ed and recorded every mateh held since "theNI-IPA was organised 83 years ago; the only 'times, he has not been on, the job were in the three ' wartime years in which the match was`not. held, He returned Thursday' from Ottawa where his dutiee as M. P. for Huron had taken him, to be back in his home neighbourhood for the day of the inateh,and keen this record unbroken. The executive in charge of the 1956 match included Jack Eckert, Sealfortn, president; Win. ,Perrle, BietId,Sel?S, viee-lpeeelidente George Martin, Bruesels, faiesisitant secretary. DiteCtersi in charge Of clashes in- cluded Lorne Michel, Orval '.Baylor, George Feagian, Robeet B,ns- seill Gordon MeGavin, Will- tam .TeWitte and Bert Herningway, The match Wee' judged by Frank iBell Stilaittordi ISeieretetryqeeleserrer itee Pedttli. MloWineries, AaSodiae its A epeciel prize for the junior !contestant. front Hullett ,township making the belt score on his, PlOW- Ing Went to 'Dennis Jewitt, Clinton. A Claes, Wee provided in the prize list fer hersedertwe but there were no entries. JUNIOR ktsULlt $.00 CAR Itegrirdlese 1 of number' of PaseerigerS, en the following Tuesday's: Sept, 4, Sept. 11, Sent.q8, Sept. 25, Oct. 2, Oat. Every Tuesday Night Until End Of diaddli is SHNight GIVE DOLLAR ADMITS , CARLOAD Phone 47 °russets, tint, Cutting Styling COldeWM04 A Specialty Phone "40X Brussels tithed Over Ktduided,,,?tutniiiiii- VdtAt iifidirkertb-N tS OUR OUSFNESt