HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1956-09-19, Page 5FOR SALE • ,Figs . weeks; Wm, Blake, Phone 42r8 FOR E---- 13 --- goOd York Pigs, 8 weeks old. John Perri() THE BRUSSE von' WOO•49adaY, SepteMber 10114 Ulf K . CLASSIFIED ADS, 1. FOR SALE 4 Fea4.r. _$teArP. Selalz tlrecitenridge Phone 20x'.6 fV1 .4.Y114,..g PHUFICH although he had forntalli lrePt all tale eonlinandments.' The sermon sublect at igeivilie Church Sunday morning iNst '+ ,;Mr Colvin stated Oat if.'the loVe Do Le.ve Christ, Rev. Harold COY^ of Cod is really shed abroad In our suite a 04 11* relatteaShIP hearits, tine Palma fall to love 040 of Chris!, and His people, was like .4441: Aber. and 911V ro.ngtoo will not that of husband and wife. If we be Lk cold forrual thing. never speak 'to God in, 'Prayer, our relationship with Him is Ivory cold and Impersonal. For SALE 22 ,q14141q4, average 50 lbs, each. OraitiAra, Work Phone 12J18 FOR SALE DISPLAY sporlooltarit py FAIR BOAR!) op,E.N rTthlOdaNyB Grandfather's . Decorated Birthday (lake. Home-made shirt Home-Tnaaddce rupyltaamas Home-mode socks table. • 'tors desire.. Please bring your Table may be decorated as One. .eriginei gift. • PRIZES One medium sized stove. icon, Jgaalieslorr Coleman Brussels FOR SALE 6 Chnnks apply to Henry ITarvey Johnston Dorris The story of tbo W9r10141 1,Y•010. •ex,- presod her warm love ,for •Christ by pouring ,ihe mlabeetey box or 4n.t. meat upon 'her .Lord, wee quoted. This sinful women thert received forgiveness from -Ohrkt, it w,e da not forgive others God wvlll ,not forgive up.. The •anthem by the choir was the Prd.. Psalm, set 'to the tune Crintond,. 41110ilt 000 .00001.00 00000,0000,0 Stryker. former farmi 3.thoon, of Phone 1,7r6 1 .619T.19.g TO .CEP. irpRp. AhL PORSONS baying .041 XV against the estate Of MA t.r.4 .TANg. Ross, late of the 'Maze. ot .:PrusSels., oil in the County of Huron, Whinny, who .41eu on or about the 15th, day of August, A„ D. 1956, a:re notified to aend to tare .undersigned ,on or before the 29911. day of September,. 006,. particulars of their olaims in writiag, immediately after the said, 29th, day of September, the a.ssests of the said, maria Jane- Ross will be distributed antang• the parties or which the Executrix shall then have notice, Dated this seventh day of eptem..- ber, 1956. Crawford And ;Hetherington russols. Ontario Solicitors for the Executrix, 0000000 /4011/U 00000 000,0 oo o o 0,01„ Mit110.10.0i ... . ... ROO tl 000,1p0 When tate rich_ young ruler who C41110 to Christ was told to sell all that he bad, and 'follOW Christ,: iris Is where Iris religion broke down, To ciontraSt with ZAP* seus whose r.eligton was: warm and personal, (for 7aechaens had :given his heart .to Gad) the rich young -man's' religion. was ,cold and in:iler* let. 2nd. 4th. 1,4)13 'Britt 1.4.4ngtr t17-: gydro„ g acres, bud, in Sloan vilisge., near !Opel, store, and chopping Mill. Priced at ;190.0,00_ cash acre Parro C,-994.11 944a,•'.hydr9A. bank barn, 94 county road always ploughed., Prieed at $209()..90 General Store — in good .sized village, Stock' 0040; eggipmfmt 4000,0. Price Including stock,. equipt. Ad. Building; (2 49E07) $5800,00 100 acre Farm Beautiful brick 2 story house, bath, taraac., and pressure system, tirlyeshed, bank barn, 5, acres bush, Situated on, county read,. Priced at ;950.0,00 phone 84 J. C. ieeog, Realtor Brume* Ont. CLEARING AUCTION SALE of 70 Head of Registered and Grade Holsteins, and Feeder Steers, For GEO. A. WATT, at Lot 6, Con, 14, Hulle' Township, 5 miles east of Blyth or 3% miles west of Walton. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27th At 1 o'clock, consisting of 17 Registered Cows and Heifers, Vacinated; 6 Grade cows., 5 Holsteins steers; 14 Angus Heifers, and Steers; 10 Angus steers, 10 to 12 Hundred lbs.; 19 Hereford Steers, averaging about 800 lbs. MA,CHINERY — 2-furrow McCor- mick-Deering plow, Ace bottom; 1 1, stable ventilator Pap, new; elecitric cattle clippers; Wood's milker, 2 units; Electric dehorner; Wood's Z. 1. electric .water heater; 1 pig brooder; IA.horse heavy duly elec- /trio motor; 1 McCormick-Deering 1% to 2% H.P. gas engine; 1 set of scales with crate for weighting hogs; 2 milk carts; 2 milk cans; 1 set ,breeching harnessi; 13 acrels of silo I corn. PIGS — 1 sow, with litter 5 weeks old, due Oct. 4th.; 1 sow, due Oct. 8th.; 1 sow, due early in Nolvember; 1 • 1 York hog. Other canticles. too numerous to f. FOR SALE Sprayed Apples. Blake Bros.. Phono42.r8 ',FOR SALE — Young Hereford Cow, spriniging. A. McKinnon Phone 68x2 FOR SALE -- Bench Cook Stove, also nearly new International CreaM Separator. .Win. H. Speir Rhone 25r12 'FOR SALE — 75 pullets, laying, also a Of hard wood, Mervyn Pipe FOR SALE — 100 'white leghorn hens, 1 year . old, .Sitanley Fisolter Phone 75r12 FOR SALE — A large Fess Oil Burner, with 'fan, in good condition. 'Ian Wilbee Phone 90r13 'FOR SALE — Motorized Bikes. Priced Reasonable. Pollard's Chain Saw. FOR SALE — A quantity of body and limb Wood, all bard maple, also 4 good feeder steers'. Claire VanCamp TENDERS WANTED The •CraqbroOk Cemetery Board are asking for tenders for grave digger. Anyone interested write to W. J. Schnook, 'R, R. 3 Brussels or Phone 551.26 FOR SALE _ Two Instinctive Metal Nameplates for Rural Mail Box, Truck, or gate. Easily attached. Send 50c with Name and Address to C. Wyse, 125 Briscoe St. E,. London, Oat. STORE FOR RENT — Large store for rent, or can. be divided for two business offices. For particulars apply to J, H. Stretton, Brussels, Out, Phone 5x or 39 NOTICE Cash paid for dead, old, sick or disabled horses and cows. Phone Atwood 158, collect. PLOW POINTS 10% off list price when ordered in advance for all makes of tract- or plows. Otaco wear longer, • We also halve space heaters new and old. C. I. L. Fertilizers. and Seeds: Geo. Viresenburg Phone 15J9 FOR SALE — Highest prices mild for old ham John Zwcuta 'none leixt WINGHAM MEMORIAL SHOP /our Memorial Crurtimex P",ri ehirty-lriye Yeart,. s_rscuys rHE BEST GRANITEt Along With Expert Designing ere Workrrtsristlip. Prle Moat Ruszy,,h.otto Zamotery Lettering a froetream: - R. A. SPUITOT, Frti,ne 288.. wingharn. contr.,. ELMA FARMERS ?.-./131* FIRE INSURANCE Established In 1894 • Head Office Atwood, Oot Insures Farm Property. Private avrisiiiww. And Contents in Towns and vingswo schools, Churenes and Ho f% on an "INSURANCE AT COST" been, PROMPT ADJUSTMENT or CLAIMS tsontact your Rearm, Director Agora R. W. (Dick) WHITFIRLO R. R. 2, Srusser, 0.4. Two Bands Brussels Lions Boys and Girls Band Brussels Legion Pipe Band Two Horse. Races—Purse ' ,$.400•00 .The Fair will be Officially Opened by 0, D. Graham,. Deputy .Minister.of Agriculture for,Ontario at. 2 P.Mii. Livestock Parade S INSEMINATION ,NFORMATION "For artificial insemination infer- tisation or service from all breeds of cattle, phone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Aneociation at: Clinton l V.2 - 3441 or Paimernton 498 between 7.30 and 9.30 A. M. We have all breed. imitable == top Quality at low amt." Phone 15J18 Brussels Phone 51r11, quantity 1 mention. TF/RMS CASH Catslogue'on Request to the Owner GEORGE A. WATT, Proprietor HAROLD JA=SON & GEORGE NESBITT, Aucitione.ers. Gordon Bell; on Pedigrees. Geo*e POwell, Clerk. FOR SALE :Registered Suffolk Ram L.arohs. Apply to ',John .Topham. Lot 30,p 11c07.; ..,54103.1-Towlo Forka.wTiewbp,... Huron County's Foremost ilgricultural Fair FEATURING Light an Heavy Horse Show, Pure Bred and Grade Cattle Show, Two Commercial Features and th usual inside exhibits. TWO 4-H CLUBS 3russa5s 4-H Calf and Swine Clubs FOR THE CHIL RENT School Parade, Children's Contests Pet Show lidway Rides Speci 1 Attractions ANN MAY - HER MINATURE RODEO n at 30 P. M. Wm. Newton M rt by Perth Jr,Faimers r rya-ay In Brussels Town Hall P. IN.. Dancing After in Crystal Palace Bal r f. SOP1011081 :ORORAllii , 10 Miarlcit Plass ORO*** 000TEI The 4sirseeit. tl soak PURL POR MOMS AM) INDUSTRY OtAtiaiti, NOT *AMA TAB stininesintxresie, art WAL1N MAIDDIMI thipiassolintat ***Ai*** :'"z, AIiis. , 404 Ai* Refreshiment Booth lifnderion's ..Orchostra i.Sontethint16:e Eveepons At r he Arusseis Fait,. Conte and Spend.