HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1956-09-19, Page 4PLAY4Y4LAY . Coverage by KEN ILUS ExCLUSIVEt • PolaRzm oaitto: wo,.400Ay, gogtkoker THE. BRUSSELS .Pc1$1. WALTON. "Speedy" by Riverside Motors An excellent Meeting .Qt: the Walton Women's instlutte was held at tare hoarse of the prestaent Mrs, Margaret iitnnplirles. 9n Mon- day evening. It was decided to alai the 'Sept. meeting on Monday evening Sept. 24th in place of followtng Thursday owing 13rupeels Fall Pair. Conveners for the evening will be 'Airs, Harvey Craig and Mrs. Doug Fraser. Lunch Committee, Mrs, Andrew Contte. Airs, Ronald Bennett., Mrs. Win. Flood and Mrs. Forest NeKay. The roll call to be answered by anything but "Present." Guest speaker for the evening will be Mrs, Harold Speirs of Brussels. "1 Scream Ki 4" • I I CART TAI GE A1.1.-^riecaE n-4, WHAT KIND °FA ' 11:-A05tAret'ittiGHE'TNI°INLILIPTR°LiSP°51-ATTIR' YOU P9OPOGE9 TO MY GIRL FRIEN2 UPTOWN AND' ,.4,.._,, 11/5 -F1-in4-wzi-Aitc'eR 101,4"11. AcCIL22:55 -- ...i. 9 9 NOW DO ..rek4Alr..Y CALL $1,1C1.1',O. ,,,EaD 'THING? ,,PlipoN,T ;11.- THeyp - --/.4. ' , ,,, $;' " ' ' b , .4.. 0 5 , ' ! '',0 , 4134.1T 'L NW CAR'4' KEPT IN PIKS CLASS cONOT1014 tor RIVERSIDE MOTORS' ' MP ITSURE 4E,T&AROUNP • I FA5T, -is- I I FEL.I..0WAIRE.YOU. %,eeDY? I, .1".- it , ' If 1r ' i .... . 149 Hu • - BEAUPFUL. COLORS! STRAWBERV, LEMON, ,SPBERRY, ORANGE AND OTHERS JUST I-IKE THOSE OF DELICIOUS ICE. CREAMS/ „\\-- SPECIAL : 1951 PLYMOUTH COACH, Heater delegate to ;Guelph O. A. C. on Sept, 24 and 20. it was decided to enter • a display. at Brussels Pall Fair, Yvonne MoTaggart, one or the pour club girls from, Huron County ehoSen, to attend the .club girls' conference ut Guelph in June, gatsite an interest- lug talk on her tsVo-day stay at the 0 A. 0, Mrs. 1Villcizis, ,Goderich had the motto, What is happening to-day is the history of to-morrow, which was very well given, Mrs. I). A, 'Rana, gave a .demon- Stration on making .alluminum trays- which was so interesting Mrs. Rana was asked to start a class and. teach the making of trays, Mrs. Jim Bremner thanked Mrs, Tiann and, presented. her with a small -gift. • piest speaker, Mrs, MaNaugh- ton of Wroxeter, gave a good paper on the W. L theme (For Home and Country). Mrs, Elsie Knight thanked her and presented her with a gift. • The meeting was closed with the singing. of .The Queen. Dainty lunch was served by Mrs. K. McFarlane and Mrs. A. MeTagart, CRANBROOK Mr. and Mrs, Fred Kirkpatrick and sot Paul spent Sunday and Mon, day in Toronto, - Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs 4as. Noble included Air. and Mrs. Stuart Noble and daughter Pat, Mr. Jerry Bermes, Mrs. Fursley and Mrs. Thompson, all of Guelph. Mr, and Mrs, Cecil Smalldon, 'Thomas, spent Sunday with.. Air, GeO. Smlaildon. Mr. /and Mrs. Wm. H. Smalldon. Indiana, were oalling on. friends in -this district. Cranbrook W. I. Te September meeting of the Cra,nbrook W. I. was. held In the Community Centre with the presi- -der4t, Mrs,v/Glen Huether, in the chair. A good lattendance of members and visitors was present. Guests from Goderich were 15 in number. The meeting opened in the usual manner wth the opening Ode /the Mary Stersvart collect and the Lord's -prayer. Minutes, of the last meeting -were read and approved. Mrs. Leslie Lake was chosen as YOU'RE NOT A GOOD DRIVER IF YOU'RE A SPEEDER Speeders don't really "get away with it". They just use up borrowed time. Accident facts prove that excessive speed always catches up with you eventually. All speeders are potential killers. . 4 Moved by Wm, E. Bishop, seconded by Archie Mann that the Eintgineer's report on the 0th Con, Drain be a- dopted and the Clerk be :instructed to prepare and serve 'the by-laws. — Carried. Moved by Archie Mann- seconded by Wm. E, Bishop that Court of Re- vision be closed on the North- west Drain and the by-law passed, — Carried. Moved by 'Geo. kutchinsten,: sec- onded by Wm. E. Bishop that we close Court of Revision on 'the Smith Drain and finally pass the by-law. — Carried. Moved by Geo. Hutchinson, sec- ended by Archie Mann that we In- struct the Engineer to examine and report on the Fulton Drain. — Carried, Moved by Win. E. Bishop, seconded by Amide Mann that we transfer $5,000.00 of miscellaneous Account to maintenance of roads, • — Carried. Moved by Archie Mann • seconded by Geo. Hutchinson that we author- ize the reeve and Clerk to apply to the Dept, ,of Highways for Interim Road Subsidy. — Carried. Moved by Wm. E. Bishop, seconded by Archie Mann that we instruct the Clerk to advertise for snowplowing tenders, staff* size and kind of equipment to be used at hourly rate. Tenders to be In by Oct. O. — Carried, Moved by 'Geo, Hutchinson, sec- onded by Wm. E. Bishop that we Pass Supplementary By-law No. 2, 1956 for the amen* of 22,000.00 bridges $12,000.00, Maintenance $9, 000.00. — Carried. Moved by Wm. E. Bishop, Seconded by Archie Mann that all a,pproVed ad- counts be paid, — 'Carried. Moved by Geo. Hutchinson, bee- onded by Archie Mann that we do HOW GOOD ARE YOUR . DRIVING HABITS? DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS - ONTARIO 15-6 MITCHELL FALL FAIR "The Biggest Little Fair in Ontario" SEPT. 25 andr6 $5,000 in Prizes The Right Power HORSE RACES — 2.28 and 2.22 Classes .to R. B. Consins. °NIB Campaign Chairman, Birtfssels' 0ntari 0 not, adjourn to meet again on Oct. 6th or at the call of the ReeTt1 -- Carried. The PellOwing aecolinta Were PaEdf The Brussels Post, ,Dralii: "cards H. D. P. C Office and Mach. bldg. County .Of Th.troii tospitaliatation. 192.25 Tames A. HOW*, survey etc. 9th. Cali, Praia `'=• • 356.o0 C. E. RoWiniiii;'"adalsti '.Stillye9 AthiCon.Drain I.6:06 Clitiferd Brat,,. 'aei§lat SuisveY'..,* tth.dentitain ' .. 16.() Lloyd Keifer, tiarSist SaittelY flth.CIAii,Dratit'.' ,,,,.' TIldWard Morrow, pullets killed Ale, Ste'isS, *Alfitiii sicietralkd :.;: .,4,,. ,,,,, • aidervteilke Neill MCGatin, Wiaitoilt . . t011iiii...1Dei!ivtiflaoi:to,Jiii914iit:e.,vtios, 37,5 Out, Vitie4111.111ciaria.4 ' T ':` ' &atilt fees 1.1.00 olio, irwin,., -a11.4**ii.00 . ,, , ' 4fri6Atilt it. fit Alif . . ii.gti Preirincial treas., Insulin 0.02 $i'lig6ela' katiori,11116,tht6ti tittoo t tit tiitittiei lsi4alit,i4; . - dii4estef- Baker and, *eat MoTaggarti, ?)rains .:50.66 ekiiit-ellaid1 '" 1- • ' .....• .i. '1' ' tit.tiO :,;c:. 1,-12,619.5-0 , 'n ,,, $15,720.07 tiiktiii6, U. bleak. Clerk 16,000 lbs, capacity' 16,000 Ibs, dapibity 235.5 6 cyllridets Gross torque 010 at 2000 RPM 261.0 cu, In. 6 cylIndeeS (gibii torque 232 at 2000 014) 2115.0 Cu. irl • VA (jross Wiwi 249 at 2200 RPM) 322.0 ea. in. Ve (gross Wolof 310 it 2200 OM) Twe•speed Ratio 6.50-9.04 to 1 SIngli•oOlid . Ratio 7,20 to 1 betiblo ioductIori Ratio 9.19 to 1 „ SInste4Sied „ ' .Rititi 7.17 to 1 two-spool , Ratio 6:50-6.87 to 1 iTilidipO Drive Oaf+) ifylia) ,} ,sjoiti..00ti Ruud ),Ii to 1 .. 3o,000 iii: tandlia siR414'sidi4 Naito Cii to t.. ,i,, capacity „... • 4-Speed HydraibitIt 9.,SOeed DoWaimMIC 3-Spead SYilObrableih Mooed Heivy.buty Syncbro.klosh 4-Speed Siichit-blosh 6-Speed !Raw pikeit” Spoh00-Mosh ,Single.sOeed 'Roe 3.0 to tel 3,300 *idly • Ratio 4.57 to 1 5,000 lbs. capacity ,SInale 7sieed Ratio 5.14 bit 7,200 lbSi capacity Single :speed Ratio 5.14 to 1 0,000 lbs. capacity Sintle-oied Ratio CO to 1 WOO kw, eat** riatiO 6.11 ki.1 13,600 Mk, capacity Rothil.20 b 1 11,600 Na, capacity tiiib•SOSIO iitIO 4.40-9.74 to l 14,000 IDI. capacity 5.rutow iktterilow.:„.„„ E'011Wil ctoiSIC HOTEL 1- . FRONT and SIMCOE TORONTO VON $411111:, otors • Saturday, Sept, 22, 3:00 p.m., D.S.T.CLEVELAND at DETROIT CLEVELAND at DETROIT Sunday, Sept, 23, 3:00 p.m.i P,S.T. ___CFplri radio dial 980— I (3.rey Twp. Council Grey Township Council 1VIeeting was held on. September 1st, Clifford lt. Dunbar was absent from the meeting. Moved by Wm. E. Bishop, seconded I by Archie Mann that the minutes be adopted as read. — Carried. MELVILLE LADIES AID Mrs. Robt, Getmuell's home was the meeting place for the Ladies' Aid Society of Melville( Church, with Mrs. George Evans, presiding. Mrs. Robt, Genunill read aeripture, and Mrs. W. A. Williams led in pray- er. Plans were made for a sale of Cbakilg and miscellaneous articles on Oc. 27. A quilt top, beautifully pieced by Mrs. George Henderson, one of the oldest Women in the church, was re- ceived for this ,scale and 'arrangements made to quilt it. Mrs. H. B. Allen offered to look after flowers for the • church during September. Mrs. D. C. Matheson thanked the hodtess for the use of her home. Assisting in Isenviing wene !Mrs. Charles Daivis, Mrs, H. •B. Allen, and Mrs. W. A. Williams. DONATIONS ACCEPTED A fund is beinlg collected for the family , of the late Douglas Smith. Anyone in Brussels wishing to. con- tribute may leave their donation at the H. B. Allen drugstore. Take Your Choke of Engine, Transmission, Axle FOUR GREAT 2 —FIVE STANDARD VALVE-IN-HEAD AND TWO AUTOMATIC 3 FIFTEEN REAR AXLE RATIOS AND CAPACITIES ENGINES TRANSMISSIONS IS NEEDED (Community Chests and Municipal Grants will provide $43,500) to train, rehabilitate and house the 475 BLIND in this district TRI-COUNTY CAMPAIGN HURON - MIDDLESEX - PERTH (Excluding London and Stratford) Send Your Donation Today. / to your local chaltnian or C.N.I.B., London, Ontario 'Convenience--3 minute walk to 'Union Station, 'closest' hotel to 'heart of downtown. .•Luxurious guest rooms r., luites. • Good Food—full course Jr riteals and delicious snacks, # - • Entertaininent—Home ;1..3 of the fainOlis Club Indigo 1 . featuring ikOiclWa)!,,, Train to Do Your I • ; •••••:, onry ' 44,45. • • "- A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE