HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1956-09-12, Page 4THE BRUSSELS POST Morr,:s Council norris TownShip Connell Meet*-1. tag. Sept, 4, 1050. The minutes of 'the last Meeting were read and adopted on -motion of Boss Duneaa. and Walter Short. reed, Moved by Walter .liortreed. sec.". Waled by WM. ElstOn that we 'take Steps to prepare, n 13y-law Pg Tile. Drainage tip to '$109,000. Carried, • I MorpiL by 'Rewart. Procter:, ..geo• onded by Ress' Duncan that the .1'. ,c0401 of Revision on- the .19•5.7. Ass, essment be held Oetabor 9, 1956 at 10 a, m. Moved by Walter .Shoi7t.reCed7::::.,•! ended by 1S tewart. Procter 140 taw ., , road accounts" as presented. by the Road Superintendent be paid. Moved by .Stawart, Procter, oude_d 'by Ross Duncan that the meeting .adjourn to :meet again on ()etcher 9, 19,50 at 1 p, • . ••••oruuw!“... EXC LUSIV Et VE@RI;;Ig: 01(1*4.T PLAY-BY-PLAY Coverage by KEN ELLIS Sat, Sept, 15, 3:00 p.m. DST Son., Sept. 16, g;30 p.m. PST NEW YORK at DETROIT BOSTON at DETROIT • - TRI-COUNTY CAMPAIGN HURON • MIDDLESEX - PERTH (Excluding London and Stra tford) Send Your Donation Today t• your la*, dolmen er leaden, Oatorio. . • $55,500.00 IS NEEDED (Community. Chests and Municipal Grants will provide S43,500) to train, rehabilitate and house the 475 BLIND in this district to R. B.., „Gamins, CNIE Campaign Chairthan,cEriussels' Ontario >-- ...rm,r••••,! MELVILLE CHURCH. The ,:,ernion subject OtOien bi Ray. Coli'in la,,A Sunday morning was the dit'toreuee between nloiv'ility and holiness.. We should understand what is meant by morality, and Nybat God Means by holiness, The so(inrce Of morality is evil but ,the somo of holiness is God. There were =my .03001 AViug people in Christ's day, What was wrong with the righteousness of the scribes and pharisees, was that It was Man. made. It. yvkas Dotwumi and not of the, heart, it Was holiness, the scribes and pharisees: incited, 171(Ainess ,can 'only come from God, It says that such sins as adultery land forni -cation are wrong, , although there are people whc condone spell sins, There ,are many otherwis*, moral, people 'who have no real: love for God who go about to establish their own righteousness. Mr, Colvin spoke About holy speaking, also of sett-lag our hearts: upon the 'treasures and things of this world, of judging others, all this is not holiness, mere Morality is filled with deception but holipess leads to ".God. The Bible states that without luiliness no man shall see the Lord, Mrs June Baeker, of London, was 'the soloist and sang. How Beautiful upon the mountains, by G. Harker. June's' Aolo, was very much enjoyed. The NalwiaSplowlored .r5r-s••-e-weresseememeemene AliSSES f • ,X•• , •••••;i0 xs; 04, ENJOY RUNNING WATER as you pay for it on the. Eilco budget plan!- • KnalEN—running water ads kinthen chores—laundry ond dime' ore done In half the time. BATHROOM—ail the corms's- lence of city home to protect your family's health and add to your comfort, Why lug water by hand Any longer? Install st Duro Pumping System now and enjoy running water as you pay for it. Save time, save !about cut'operating costs, AS LOW AS 10% DOWN UP TO 18 MONTHS TO PAY for pump, fixtures and installation, too The EMCO Budget Plan will cover your •comi, piete water system—pump, tank, pipe, kitchen and bathroom fixtures, taps in all buildings and the cost of installation. You can have the whole job done NOW—and pay for it over the next year and a half. Ask for an estimate of the cost of labour and material worked out on the EMCO Budget Plan, Visit Or Phone Us Without Delay .. err)!1 •Q,41,0,4 c4A114, radio dia198 BARNS—So much easier to water the dock and so mods extra protection against fire. C. & G. KRAUTER CO. Brussels Ontario re Braes Mfg. Ca. Limited 1144 Rev. The following accOunts were paid Thos, Henderson, lambs Injured $42.00 Herbert Garniss, *valuators fees 6,20 Mum World, supplies 4.22 John Clark. fox 'bounty 1.00 Elmer Younig, fox bounty 1.00 Ceo. Martin. hydro for hall 6.07 Prot, treas.. insulin . 1.19 A. Fraser, part -salary 50.00 N. Higgins, audit and stamps Relief account Bailie Parrott, Reeve Geo. C. Martin, Clerk. FALL FAIR DATES Arthur Sept. 25, 26 AYton Sept. 21, 22 Bayfield Sept. 26, 27 Myth Sept. 18, 19 BRUSSELS Sept. 27. 2b Chesley Sept. 7, 8 Clifford Sept. 1.2, 13 ref? A NrriRP(*)(1K . Women's Missionary Society The September meeting of the •Vi-romen's, Missionary Society of Knox Pres. Church was' held in the home of Mrs. John ,Schnock,- with an at- tendance of S. The meeting was pre. sided over by Mrs. Schnook, who gave thelopening remark on the topic "what is the church doling?". Hymn was sung with, Miss A. J. Forrest -at the .otigan, Mrs. Cecil Thompson ,and Mrs H. .Tacklin read portions of Scripture with Menitationa ion each by the Mrs. Lynn Evans led in 'Prayer, tollOVed by singing of Hymn 471. Roll call was 'answered with. -a, verse containg 'teach", a. list of contents of the bac) for supply was gi'ven by the,Secretary. iCurrent ...events were read by Mrs. Jacklin and a financial report pre- sented. Mrs Mac Engel Was in charge of the topic "The Growing. Edge." Lunch was served by the ;hostess. On Tuesday evening of last week a pleasant time of iganiess and music 'was enjoyed at.•,the- home of Nir, and Mrs. Wes. McEachearn, when a number of former fellow workman of the Blyth wind Walton district, accompanied by their wives, gathered to honor Wes, on the completion of thirty three years as an employee -of the C. P. R. Dar-. big the ewening, Mrs MeEachern was given a boquet of flowers and. Wes 'was made the recipient of a, well filled wallet. . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mitchell and family, Toronto, were recent visit- ors with Mr, and Mrs, Duncan Mc- Ta ggart. Recent 21.30 15.00 Palmer8ton Oct. 1, 2 Ripley Sept. 21, 11111 St. Marys Sept. EL 11 Seafonth Sept: Stratford Sept. 1,74/ Tavistock Sept. 7, .11 Teeswiater Oct. . 2,1 Tiverton Sept. 27, NI 'Walkerton Oat. 21. Not;.. Zurich Sept. 24, Lif Intennuitional Plowing Mach. ,C$13* aria County, 13rooklin, Oat. 9.n. Forest Sept. 18, 19 Hanover Oct. 5, 6' Harriston Sept 19, 20 Kincardine Sept. 20, 21 Kirkt on Sept. .27„28 Listowel Sept. 24, 25 London Sept. 10-15 Lucknow Sept. 25, 26 Mildma,y Septt. 10. 11 Milven'bon Seprtt, 21. 22 Mitcheell Septt, 25. 26 New Hamburg ,Septt. 14, 15-, Owen Sound Sept. 24, 25 Drayton Dungannon Durham Exeter Fordwieht Sept. 15-17 b'opt 27 Sept. 28, 29 Sept. 19, 20 Sept. 28, 29 Conyenience-3 minute walk to '• Union Station, clo'Sest hotel to heart of downtown. • Luxurious guest rooms and suites. • Good Food—full course meals and delicious snacks. • Entertainment—Home of the famous Club Indigo featuring Broadway Shows nightly. HOTEL FRONT and SIMCOE pr TORONTO - PHONE: EMPIRE 3-415i Ateamitimilellr Go ‘0 TIME 1F4:1 TRAVEL • • • moment you proudly take posses. sion until that distant day when you decide to trade it in on an even more exciting. Olds of the future, you'll keep discovering new splendors in this unusual car. And you'll keep reflecting all the while how wise you were in 1956 to step up from the ordinary into an Oldsmobile. Splendor is everywhere in Oldsmobile. There's the splendor of distinctive Starfire styling—fresh, dignified, .but so alive. There's the splendor of rich, custom-tailored interiors —luxurious, gracious and so coin. Portable. And there's the splendor of mighty power, tamed to go quietly about its task of producing swift, smooth motion. And this Oldsmobile splendor is not a sometime thing. From the .,..:- 4,,,r,,,„,,itit L„ r,,,..4,,,,, ,/,•„, , A.,. •• -..,, The, delightful, mellow weather of late summer and early :fall makes for pleasant travelling. And this is an ideal time for that adventurous sightseeing trip fa interesting places in Canada and the United States. A wider choice a accommodation is available when the mid-season hubbub is over. Now is the time to travel .. , by train. Canadian National Roilwoys stiggeSt: '7,;':.•t''....1r-;.:•AIni:•ir,,,- Where to go ... .,' 7,.1,'.4.,,,,, ••••., Picturesque Muskoka, Lake of Bays, Georgian Bay Bracing Ontario Highlands Distinguished Laurentian Resorts Glamorous Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle* • Scenic Jasper National Park Pciicinating California * IstOTric#ontredili Quebec, C)ttawct * is. Xittir(4.New York City, Montle City ustlinj Detroit, Chicago . fit .-....kssii0.04i/..4 lionle Leal Package TOurS avciilaVe to those points : Ask for des alp. • are booklet.; Economical Family Fare Plan ciVailattle to FiacItie 490 ntl: travel Wise people agree the train way Is the' iithiforiablei telexing way ttitrovei: Give" ,,, yourielf 'a treat a, ! i • . . and go by itatn, , go C.N.itk . ,,,, . 14 44,.i, „,_,. , 'Contact your ciiiiddion Ncilkinai 044.6;00604 , 6 for Informafion pnd 161;61'1'6066Se • visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Thompson at the manse Were Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Rennie of Galt, who were rettan4niing home at* their lioneynroon in the north. Miss Alice J. Forrest, returned 'to London on Sunday, where she IS. with Mrs. I-I, Cameron, Who it not in good health' Mr and Mrs Fred Kirkpatrick and sob Paul spent Sunday in. Mt. Forest, Workmen have commenced work on, the new bridge north of the village The old bridge has been itiloved east of fanner location and a detour' road bait to it, This inad.e I" i.eceiS, sary the closing 'of the road over the Week-end and rains have made the detour almost lonassahle, W A I ''rnlVt: Mr. and Mrs. Earl WNW= halve retitrried by T. Cl.' A. after SPehding A: very enloyable trielith's -Madation With their ,daninbiter t Leonia, Marie. Walton W A, The September Meeting' of the Walton. W. A. Met on 'PlintailaY after' noon with 19 ladies present. 'Vice iitesddenit. Mrs. Ken MCDMilald( in fihe Chair. The meetti*of n,ed With the -singing Of a' hymn. "the s.laritiliire. ;the. -23aid. psalm. WAS read by Mrs. T. Leietnling- 'followed by iptiaiYer, The Serefetary'S report *as wad naiad and 6.004.616cl ,and Yet note trent MI* Sbinera, Trot* ‘tireen report us (givel by Mi'S`..!' tnitttq, rtiin, hand $2130.9.4. The C.G. T. kadiiatitin Will held 22M, hi' the eitiffetict retreiM4tts: Will be ;',Oretied"Iry fide W. A„.410Atri, The fluAtoy :will be 101(1 Wednesday, Oct. 17th.. supper friOtt,i 5.24, • ;;'. \ L Mill • 4 • • • •••••.'••••.:ft.,.. • A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE CANADIAN NATIONAL ili4,1,01,1"..fit • •- • irk At5isied* ,fp1,1„,ptga14, A,10 41 3 I Y