HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1956-09-05, Page 8... • .. •• ............ ... 404* ........ ...... *1.0”..” .. ... ......... . ...... ........ Robin Hood Pencil Pouches and School Boxes, Ball Pointed ink Pencils, School Bags, Lunch Kits, Scribblers and Exercise Books, Coil Bound Vote Books, Math— matical Sets, Plastic Rulers, -Reinforce— merats, Water Colors, Crayons, Diction- aries, Art Pencils,Graded Lead Pencils, Examination. Tablets, Shrip Washable ink, Paste, Music Dictation Books, Check- ing Pencils, Lead Pencils with •pictures of Maple Leaf Ball Players — collect them. Check this list for School Needs Everything In auto, mane power features ttit fIngroilip raises or leWerS front and rear v:+friclOWS. Power Stderieg,POWettitakes * YOU rialto Itl Chevrolet hat' ill 'C- 28560 Wednesday, Septeinlier SIX. POSTTHE :BRUSSELS Rieer$ide Motors ,MMOrMr•OrMaartcrr .. ro—rio•rroorewoor,,,,—, "I Scream Kids" by 'Speedy" ' Beilleinher a flay at Western Fair ! • Arthur Godfrey MUM, The inter, - national FollIeS prOrldeS a TXXV$1041 i and anteing treat you Will long re,. i. member. •• \ Write Western Fair .fOr reserved Seats. • Places. are $2, $1,50. ftp4. $1, ; • • Enploss .tamped addressed envelope 1. with mailer order or cheque payable , t , at par in London. I THAT X THINK log einisiccesimmeessismiminominosustffiziosimilli. 'SCHOOL AGAIN AI i...eA$T AC,Rgu.i ON OHS ritireta • Public $uhool High School. • Needs Needs Ilys ("DOD l,OOKINICs? IHAV5 A ..TOIGa tai'r RIVER1112E RIOT OPT. DO THE I3E5T AUTOMOgiLE WOi?K Ar THE MOST REASOHAI3.1-P. PRICE IN iv:WN? VANISHING CREAM? TRY A DISH OF FLAVOR PACKED ICL CREAM MADE BY 001.1514V5 AND WATCH IT VANISH!! ;) o. brats two days.anywheree I I I Mra, George • Cousins and' lifts 11 * 7 Blizabett Myers eitteirtained . 20 19.'uosts Wednesday' evening, of -last ! week at A miscellaneOtts shower in honor of M iss Elaine Kernagban whosie wedding took place last week, A number of contests were eon_ ., ducted by tap, hostess during the evening.' Following 'the presentation of gifts - \, n tasty lunch was by the THOMAS BAX„rEB Ni—c-ASTE.R ‘ 'hostess, A funeral service for the late The- 1- --....., BRIDE-TO BE HONORED ..... ............ ............ .. ............ 1. Great Line of Loose Leaf Note Books Including the newest In three hole loose leaf Zipper Binders and the refills for them in standard sizes, both ruled and plain, SPECIAL 2 — lb$0 Ford Half Ton Pick-up r. r. ► • ipaesenisrageriesumaritieein, VAI-ts BEAUTY SHOP Speolal $5,00 Permanent For book to school. From Aug, Gth, ment now. Phone 40X, Brussels. ; Presents 'rho Annual Summef Val's Beauty Shop will be closed from Aug. 26th. until Sept, 4th, served Waterman's Special — With their New Sky Writer Fountain Pen at $1,95, their is given free a 25c bottle of their high grade Fount- ain Pen Ink, 1488 .8.1't.er MeArtAer WaS' held from t the Tacker rutelitOrial. (-slit..%p el on Wed- I nesday, Aug.ust 22nd, at 2:20 p.m, COnaneted. by the•Rev.. Brea. deNries, I Rector of Trinity Anglican Church, Interment :followed in Blyth -Union CemeterY, EXCLUSIVE: D CI? Maid Gam& • Convenience-3 minute walk to Union Station, closest hotel to heart of downtown. 4. O Luxurious guest rooms and spites. o Good Food—full course meals and delicious snacks. o Entertainment—Home .Of the famous Club Indigo - featuring Broadway ShOws nightly. PLAY-BY-PLAY Coverage by KEN ELLIS Sunday, September 9th, 3:05 P. in. D. 'S, T, DETROIT at KANSAS CITY ► r. . t. ► :. 0 P. 0, a ► ► ► a ► 1. 0 . I• 0 ► 0 ► R. ► ► r • ► ► ► ► 1. 0' 10 ► L cFp radio dial '960 . I LONOON CA.A., • I i Following the family service at I the graveside, the Last Rites of the '.\Tasellic Order were conducted by i the officers anti members of Blyth ' No. 300 Members of Blyth L 0, 0. F. No. 003 acted as 'as flowerbearers. Pallbearers .were Messrs.. Albert Vodden. Walter Sbortreed, Allan Grant, Elwood Shortreed, John l'ohn- . sten, and W. N. Watson. Six mere, \ hers of Blyth 1\lalonic Lodge acted I are honorary pallbearers, • The late Mr. MeArter, Who was 1 in 'his 30th. year was stricken sud- i .denly at his home on Friday. and I passed away on Sunday, Aug, 19th. Born on the Sth concession of I. Morris 'PVT., north-half lot 20, On. i i Sept. 7th. 1870 he was a son of the I late William MeArter and .7anet 1. M•clKersey. With the the exception .1 I of some 20 years spent in Western 1 Canada, he had spent his entire life l I as a resident of Blyth. ATTENTION FARMERS ! Place Your Order for a 'Cement Silo, with HUGI'LL BROS., 26 Years of Exper- ience. HOTEL l& A FRONT and SIMCOE TORONTO PHONE: EMPIRE 3:410 SMITH'S Rexall Drug Store ELMER HUGILL Box 40 Clinton Phone 'Clinton Hu 2 — 9432 Brussels j He was r an active sriortsmani, in I his earlier years. ,and had played Num , f ootlitIll and . baseball for teams, in Myth, Wingham, Clinton and Sea- 1 forth. In later years he was an tar_ --"---,----_____ dent follower of local baseball. 1 For miiny years he was a photo- I grapher here, and in Brussels., Tor.. • onto, and several places in the West. He Wes also an outstanding p'en'- man, and gave his services freely in this respect. one such act 'standing as ia memlorial ;to his hand in the I form of an honor roll of' service 1 anembers in Blyth Masonic Lodge, I For many years, and up until recent- ly, he was an ekcellent painter and exterior decorator around the comm• i unity. ' • Prominent in local fraternal soc • lefties, he was a member of Blyth • I A. F, and A. M. No 30, and received special recognition last spring when when he was presented with his 50-year membership jewel. Had he lived until this fall he Phone 62 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111191113631111 4-\\ room spcirt LuggageExtra-low 'I" !runic so. bumper guards. acting and un- .1 makes lo Tw o loading a cinch. s et trunk lights ore safely, strategically n Extra safety--Chevrolot's new 13 Sealed-Beam Read- lamps actually add 80' to Your night-time seeing. Exclusive aiming lugs en-sure full benefits. A light touch of the toe commands Chevrolet s swing-type brake and clutch pedals. The floor is free and clear for more comfortable foot room. "Baby-Guard" rear door locks -with pushbutton down, the door can't be opened even from the inside. An important pro- tection-at no extra cost. Clean-limbed elegance memorable impresseiciovnel'o right to the fear! with pride -- ielroDireitv's° broad rear deck and high fashion taillights I • • ar Wax- Art I.V. would 'have been similierly honoured by Blyth I. 0. 0, F.. . On November 25th. 1939, he marr- ied Mary Elva CollinSoll. of Myth. The couple resided on. Dinsley Street. Besides his sorrowing widow. he is survived by a brother, Hugh Ales 'MeArter, of Hartley, Man., who II the last survivor of •a family of eight- also a ininther of nephews and nieces. • The late Mr. ATO.Arter was a Ilight rr.vncrrteci eitizen of this rommunity, and +he service on 'Wednesday after- s lgrrrely offended by friends an .relatives, TH E DREAM HOME rg'PeN' diaeuscwes se nose-dive"ng braking e rs oPpi st ops! Anti- D ive rt n, if freedom f flightt° 4 o Braking of ; safer, Control reev utp- Roads seernnew-pavedwii famed Glide-Ride Prone Suspension. SPfleric 113 loint design lets wheels 1, p" over rough spots- slop feel is the superbly smooth, steady Oriel (4 TOP TV PERSONAUT ES .1. • , A tompfele home erected on the grounds.Youmay be the proud evened .4A SHARKEY THE SEAL featured on the Ed Sullivan Show each afternoon and evening in front. of the Grandstand. ");,t," THE MARINERS formerly of the Arthur Godfrey Show — featured each evening in the "International Revue" plus B other outstanding vaudeville acts— Grandstand. Stylish secret! Left-side, taillight swings down to• uncover the Hide-Away Gas Cap-no more paint , damage from spilled gasoline. Panoramic view of the road through the magnificent sweep of Chevrolet's wide windshield! A wonderful view all round-driver can easily see all 4 fenders. t3ac:rfcinotrutodicifstseilshs:4-teiebenleeenYgixt:-..oatE, rt oclis_ 1 cur tly -thest roe,eclgriloddimdsottf.dproveobomnt orients cen t re tuneyh f amous Powerful 12-v i"; electrical system twice the . packs, 6-v u Of. 0 surer sta th e weat}1,, sgr"F ' Big gas savings withtvie ChnewvreolentgOinveeridoraivi ea-tlent r helper that g your o transmis sion, li- sC:mlaieonvoyrthalhaSt:'ylsen-scph_er ism iserly coi-c:PMr.easc Ge ar-shiftina h asure with quick, silk-smooth best-ilked gasoline is one ,es • ally cover while You re ... ground! Available with or VS engines. The new 140 h.p. Blue-Flame "6"-liveliest in Chevrolet history! Ultra high compres- sion ratio (8 fo 11) means more efficient use of gasoline than ever before! ' A flick of the switch, and the front seat moves to make you perfectly com- fortable behind the wheel. Chevrolet's PoWer positioned Seata popular power option! 111111111rda-- WESTERN FAIR IS FAMILY SHOW Western Fair, London, Sept. '10 it Sept. it, takes pride- in bell* a "family fair", because Western. has something for every member of the ' family from prize livestock and inclositrial displays, flower and grand.. stand shows to Conlrlin's famous Midway and the largest farm Mach- inery display in Eastern Canada. Another attraction on the grounds this year will be the "nrearn House'''. This you Must see. Ontario Hydro Is celebrating its 110•th. annivesury at Western. Fair this year with an onStaritling exhibit in the Confederation lInIldirit Fair officials State that every stall in the Livestock Pavillon will be filled and there will be the usual large entries in 'the sheen, swine and poultry divisiOns, The Oiltiatid Sheen Breeders' AsiFociatiOn will held a sale Sept. I lath. which protratisg to be an even ( greater success than last yeAt's successful sale. Western. Oritarie Holstein and jeraey Shows Will alai) he held at the fair again 'this year,. Western is providing setrietViag 'now In. afternoon grandstand per. I forillatees this year. Men. and Ines.. Sept. 10 ancl 11 will foottire 1 'the liklWestern Hayride Show With 1• everything from champion signer(/' dancers/ to neck and Roll and Sweet • harmony. Wed. and Thins.. after- noons will he devoted to 'harness r a ein fr, with the great 'Futurity ircttr4rs and pacers. Fri. 2nd Sat. Is really for the 'kids, "Kiddy Rapers:' have Lassie the famous Ffelbtv.-eld dog, and Silverman in Perason re' well as the great SiltirlfeY the Seal. The aveniort grondstana. perforitatiee it's, by the V arinerfre who Mlned fame Oil the HAYRIDE direct from the NBC-TV Net- work — Monday and Tuesday gei:41 afternoons — Grandstand. /IP "1 Lassie 11!1 /4 The Mighty Superman Wild Bill Cody, Joe Phillips and His Trained Horse, Smokey Part of the array of Kiddies' TV Favourites featured In "Kiddie Kcspers" Friday and Saturday afternoons—Grandstand. Special SatUrday morning show, Canada's Richest Colt Stakes, Wednesday and Thursday after. neans —.Grandstand. So sensational you've got to sample it-the record-stnashIng Turbo-Fire Vet Astonishingly quiet, Instantly responsive, it's easily the most Modern Vs of all! "sot out, Itgtelle th-r Ihseee:vei rrnoontg:tel'cirsto Rear springs t ou mounted wider aparrocit,. side the frame.- new steady cornering, security) A luXUriously smooth auto- matic drive with pep-that's Powerglidel Lightning-fatt getaway, automatic citivvn- shift for added passing safety: Available with V8 or 6 engine's. Jumbo-Drum Brakes hold the instant you teeth the pedal-BONDED brake lin-, ing (no rivets!) Eay-actig I bralces oh all 4 wheels for CONFIDENT STOPS. Rolm jaOpty door latches, help keep doors safely shut in emergOncies. Also, at slight extra cost, seat' bells, padded instrument panel, shoulder licitness- CheViolet offers tiiinn all. CHILDREN'S MIDWAY ';',GLITTERING HORSE SHOW • CATTLE SHOW • CONKLIN'S MIDWAY • HYDRO- ELECTRIC DISPLAY • ADVANCED ART SHOW • CANADA'S FINEST DISPLAY of Outdoor and Farm Equipment. StYc%ce, 641- 11),‘" o ur centiAiS. non 01A civre ws ce,--.At--.I.ek LIS tali LAW 1.100: tttaii-C IS )(I, 9.3-e. 4crk.A officl sure; q averc.t.ek . vs a cAti s:atn% ? svrtry, 10.10At. tient 6 ayY dy+>f r • • Wet Ve 11404SR-• ""dr1 tOn ATAATIM UStintly found only in high.Prteed cart,401- kiiie, steering. gear! Ball beciringSreduce friction to minimuma to make Weir. Ind smoother and: easier, 411' and to make the steering'. tohe more durable. ti fyy ociondite extra' SW' wai ',O., • SEPT, 1045 London, COnt rr W. b. JACKSON, Manager 4-S4 Brussels, iverside Mot IMEAMSS:501=ONKM=ZOMPMXIC=2W Tickets Now On Sale At The Brussels Post