HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1956-08-29, Page 5°I Scream Kids" *Q.v ARE THINKING OF ICE CREAM'" THE VERY FINEST( • Also the identity of some• wise winners in thei parade is not knOWIS 'to the oonitnftte'e, please send your ;missile at once to the treasurer. 1st. Prize Best Comic Float. No. 7 1st, Prize Beet Clown * 5th. Prize Best Decorated Bicycle llst. Prize also Sea. Prize Old Vehicle running on tte 099111 power, No 10 and No. 37 = Ralph Shaw. Treasurer. WESTERN FAIN TICKETS NOW ON SALE HERE AT . THE BRUSSELS POST Here's your Springtime piece-up, dairy fresh, and brimming with nourishmen In every glass, you get Togs for the growth and rep* o "body tissue; calciR, ie tooth and bone builder; riboflavin and vitamin A'for bright eyes and clear skin. Brighten up! Drinlc three glasses of`milk every day. For deltatous ways to zife write for Made Fraser's nets) Milk Recipe Booklet. ipRIA gitl Of :CANADA To ro ifo' HELP WANTED' Smart and reliable Saleslady. Ready-to-lwear' sales• ability, Pleasing personality desired. Sewing helpful. Wood's Store Brussels, Onte *SWAMI: OMPOsita., Have your Seotle 'AM tad aeon odds cleaned the mar/ inky um to avoid tuadds. Irvine Cotton, Plume INC lelhartak, o 1" far COUNTER CHECK BOOKS AND PRINTED GUMMED TAPE MAD( HY 40/4cruill'APERZPandlieit+ Styles for every business Various colors and designs Samples. suggestions prices sviihout obligation weduesday,, Moot A91tat "r1; THE BRUSSELS POST .-;^. ► si.S.. r. e-. "Speedy" by Riverside Motors EXCLUSIVE T-c[i3 vo@g Go ANP YOW INVESTED IN 6001P PePorzMANCE 70 E3EGIN WITH, E5056 THAT .I. HAVE MONEY LEFT FOR COME QNVESTIY1aNT. RIVERIIPE ck MOTOT29 HAVE' SAVEo Mg so MANY DOLLARS ON. M AurompuiLe REPAIR BILLS arra PLAY-BY-PLAY coverage by KEN ELLIS K A NSAS CITY at DETROIT KANSAS CITY at DETROIT Sat., Sept. 1, 8;00 p.m. 0, S. T. Sun., Sept, 2, 3:09 P.m, D. S. T. .L; Clifford. Drayton Dangannoll Durhaln ExeOr rtr'i FALL:,,. FAIR DATES Arthur Sept. 25, 261 Ayton .... . ... ....... ........ Sept, 21, 22 BaYfielsi Sept, 26, 27 ! M Ytil ...... „„,„ Sept. 18, 19 BRUSSEI4 ......... . .. Sept. 27.3 Chealey Sept , 7, 8 Sept 1.2, 13 Sept. 15-1? ;,,f3spI, 27 Sept, 28, 22. -,. Sept. 19, 20 Ford wich sept, 28, 29 Forest Sent. 18, 19 FlanolVer Oct. 5, 6 Haradstou ;Sept, 19, 22 ISIneordine Sept. 20, 21 Icirkton Sept, 27, ;LisltaWel . . . . Sept 24, 25 London —.tom, ....... Sept. 10-15 Luolcznow.......... 'Sept, 25, 26 Mildmay .... lSeptt. 10, 11 Milverton Septt, 21. 22 Mitritteell . , . . .. !Septt. 25. 26 i New Hamburg ;SePtt, 14, 15 Owen Sound Sept. ;24, 25 Palmerston Oat, 1, 2 Ripley .„..„, .... .. Sent...21, 22 St, Mary,s ......... Sept. 6, 7 Seafolrith .... . . ..... Sept. 20, 21 Strat ford Sept. 17-19 Tavistock .. Sept. 7, 8 I T e esavlater Oct. 2, 3 (Piverton ""' Sept. 27, 28 , Toronto — (O.N.E.) Aug: 25 - Sept. g (1RoYal Winter Fair) Nov. 9-1T f Walkerton Oct. .31. Noy. 1 f Sept, 24, 25 I Intennettionel Plowing 1‘11atoth. Onto ario County, I3,raoklin, Odt. 9-12 0 LOCAL NAOLLIAIOLL. I --CFPILradio dial-980 I ..195$ Dodge Sedan, Radim. and Heater $.179$.00 SPECIAL CLASSIFIED ADS. HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT 114 storey 'pottage in good repair, 3 niece bathroom and furnace, Phone 70r23 Richard Elliott WALTON (tatended tor lash; Week) Gerald and Penny Hamilton of London, lia(ne 'been holidaying at the come of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ham- ' HELP WANTED Ono Who would like to grade eggs and part time truck driver, G, (limy Phone 16J10 FOR SALE —Quebec Heater, medium size, A-1 condition. Reasonable price. Edwin Martin Phone 87X Mr. Harvey Johnston .of Clinton, , was in charge of the' service, in ; Daff's United Church on Sunday Mr. Jack Bielby 'of Bigger, Seek. ;has been visiting at. the home of Mr. and mir,5 . Emerson Mitchell. Residents of Walton and district were shocked to learn, of the death 'of James Murray, a former resident. of Walton, who was killed in a car , !accident near Ehnivale when s car he was driving crashed into a tree. Relatives from, here who attended be heard interviewing personalities the funeral lin Aurora were, Mr. an Anyone haviing ,a bill against& Oh this 'Saturday radio feature. Mrs. Gordon Murray, Charles Mur- Morris Centennial Conimittee is "Who's Herb Gott?" an the Trans- ray, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Murra3t. asked to submit ft' at , once so that fall ; Canada network of the OBC, / ;Douglas and Katharine, Mrs. Glen accounts may be settled at . September meeting. For SALE Gerard Heinitzman Piano in good H. A. Fischer Phone 69 - WHO'S HERB GOTT? Herb 'hasn't gat anybody here, but ;in ase you ware wondering ju.9it. 'who is Herb Gott, ,tlhen the above, picture should Settle that for yen,. Herb can FOR SALE — House on Mill Street. Water and bathroom. 6 rooms. For further partidulars apply to Mrs. jag. S. Armstrong Phone; 23r19 CUSTOM BALING Big firm New Holland Bales. Cost loss per ton. Stan. Alexander Phone 86 - 13 Ethel FOUND — A wonsan's wrist watch. Owner San have same by identifying 2fits. Thomas Miller Phone 31r2 ' MORRIS CENTENNIAL CREDITORS Hasse, Mrs. 11,„ Adhtites and Mrs. BELGRAVE Walter Davidson, who is visiting in the vicinity tram Calgary. - -; • — Mu'. and Mrs. Ed. Hardin and, family, Chatham, N. B. with Mr. and Airs. Earl Andersen. Mrs. S. Possyth, Regina, Sask. 'width Mr. and. Mrs. James 1VIirfhie. Mr. and. Mrs. ,.A. M. Henderson,' An :Eastern newspaper recentlp Sydney and Dawn otf Bruce Mines.: published this announcement: with. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Procter. In case you find mistakes in this SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE FRINGES THE COST of an hour's work in businests 'includes some monley that the employee does not get immediately. In, addition to the hourly wage, there is, the money the employer must set aside for vacations with pay, for statutory 'holidays and for unemployment insurance; in the case otE many companies there is .also the money Teanired for hospital and medical core, far pensions and, other "fringes",. Many people, including those self-employed, must thernSelves salve for their holidays and their future needs and desires. On. the other hand, people who work in some large .enterprises for salaries or 'cvlages apparently prefer to have their employer set aside for ;them money for such Purposes. Minge benefits are savings tor The benefit ee the employees and a substiantlia ,,expeinale for the employers, They are paint of the cost of an hour's work which must be recovered from customers in seeing .prices, NOTICE Casts paid tor dead, old. sick or Striabled horses and cower. Shone Atwood' 153, collect. newspaper, please consider they were put there for a PerPose. We 'publish something for everyone, and Some folks are always looking for mistakes. T • STEEL COMPANY OP CANADA LIMITED MONTREAL GANANOQUE HAMILTON , „BRANTFORD TORONTO—. FOR SALE — Radio. Electric stove; 2 dressers; couch; sewing machine; tsmall table; ex- tension• table; platfoT in rocker; bed and •springs, Mrs. Annie on,parammuntiptrowowelowes......... FOR RENT House ou. 8th. at decor Water pressure in house. House on 4th, of Corey, bathroom, 'Water softener etc. Phone 3 Ian McDonald FOR SALE -- end( Coitagsv= Hydro. t nays' lead '11 Sara1 Ye*" near school: itera and Chapping mill Priced at $1000.00 cash 6 acre Farm — Good house, hydro, bank barn, on county road alwaysi- plonghed. Priced at $2500.00 General. Store — in goad sized village. Stock 4000.00; equipment, 51000.00. Price including stock, equipnient and Building (2 storey)! 85800.00 cash. 3110 acre Farm -'- Beautiful brick 2 story house, bath, furnace, and pressnrs system, driveshed, bans barn, 5 :tore,; bush, Situated on county road, Priced at $9500,00 General Stare — In good villas"; on highway. Equipment $3500.00; , stock at invoice price.Rent for apart- ments and store $65.00 per month. Phone 84 J, C. Long, Realtor Brussels, Ont NOTICE RE MAGAZINE SALESMEN Reside/11ES of BrUssels, Morris and Grey' take; notice that Britslsels Branch 218 Canadian Legion is in. no way connected with the proposed ;canivas of this area by magazine Salesmen representing themselves as Legion representatives, Ralph Shaw Secretary INSEMINATION INFORMATION "For artificial insemination infor motion or service from all breeds of cattle, phone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association at: Clinton H V.2 - 3441 or Palmerston 498 between 7,30, and 0.30'A, M. We have all. breeds available — top quality at loW coat," ALLLANAOLIANALLEMALILLAILA Morrow. FOR SALE Purebred Beaglo pups brown and black. , Thee Kirkby Walton O GOOD MECHANIZATION PAYS BY GETTING A LOT DONE WHEN CONDITIONS ARE RIGHT ,, A big advantage of good mechanization is itS' ability to get a lot of •,„..1,,l Work done in a hurry once you can get on the land to put the crop in .!... • ", Or into a field ready to be harvested,This, work Output of good equip, '''. '14' .. .,. ment pays off iii two ways—it enables you to offset or tOregtail t4,0' .. effects of unfavorable conditions and With it you eau halite the. coos t , _,,, of the ,period when conditions are most favorable. You stand to . i benefit the most when you can do a lot of seedfug a harvesting l' . .,,;,,+''.11 When the time le tight, ...4.4,04,4440. AI From' the 1956 Massey-I-Torii allti. Ferguson Hoop of equiptheut. ''' . ..:,:l eligitiedita to' meet the needs OiferpillingtOclat: Ott eau select machines ''i: '; that wi ll enable you to gaiu the tidylitagee ooctot mechanization 1 : .your .localdealer*ill be .glad to give you tiattfeulati... . . .....* .is....e.• 1 iiiiittithtik PROPANE L'ti*, if Maktit, Pistil • -STRA1Forio, Ortr,„ The VersitRidiependitin , • FUEL FOR NOME AND traitittAV RANGE!!. •HOt. itektit MADtlik* RePritientitlet, PHONE' NTRATKORD =+ OIL .41r* • *it* MOO ' " " „ r MASSEY-HARRIS-- FERGUSON ,. LIMITED Maketsdf kitoh Quality itatiri l riipl m nfs Siitoi)'"184