HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1956-08-29, Page 1e. r ••••••,,...t!"..!..MR, 1. r , 11.0014 elia poi]. lost otoo• oKkiortiagnit, Ptteflis. Wednesday, August 29th, 1956 .0•-•••0000.0 ., Post PubbshmgHouse ••••00,00000•••••:0,000110,0000 13RIPE-TO,Dg HONORED : AT SHOWER Aries Audrey McCracken enter- tained 2.e friends and, former elee.s- Malee Friday 'evening at a miscel- laneoes ohower in, honer of Mies Marion "l‘Torrow. Whose marriage to el William, young of Slyth will take place, early in September. During the evening a number Of !'different contest, were :conducited by Gordon stiles Of Bressels, ji *Mock wedding was alert performed ! with Marilyn Evans as bride. Marton' Mann. groom, Jean Stiles. best man, eetarioe Reed, father of 'the bride,: eMildred 130yne, maid of.herter, and ;Audrey IIcCrackeu, as mi Meter Helen Valance 'then read an adcle: !rese and the many beautiful gifts' were opened by the guest of honor, essiSted by Mrs. Gordon Stiles and tMiseBetty Young. After the bride-to- he bad expressed her' thanks, the evening 'was brought to g cloSe with 'the serving .of refreshments. .109.,00,0;00.00,100,00 .10•0 0••• 00000 01 o 440000. ** ... I .... 0.• .......... ......... 01;• 00 • ... .. ••• vv.( . l• 40•14 .•.. 0 I. FRIDAY, AUGUST 1st. 12 Regular Games $50. each 3 Specials $200 each‘- 1 Share the Wealth GRAND SPECIAL MUST GO $1000.00 ADMISSION $1.00 - ADDITIONAL CARDS 25c 5 FOR $1.00 Extra Free Chance on the Car (1 Coupon per Person) GAME STARTS 9:00 P. M. SHARP - Carried. Mored by Stewart Procter second. ea by floss DunCan 'that lly-Law No, 14, 1950, appointing William, Mc- Aetee es 11011 Superintendent to fill the vacancy caused =by the death Of Ibis father. Ivan MeArter, be naseed as mead the first, :second third 'times subject to the approval of the District Municipal Engineer, - Carried. moped, by Waiter ,Shortireed. sec- ended by Wm. Elston that the meet- ing adJeurn to meet again on Sept. 4 P. Ili - Carried. The, following accounts were- paid: Jas. A. Howes, fee on Beeman Drain $ '35.00 WM. Elston, fee on 13dsman Drain. Glenn Seller% fee on _ Beaman Drain Prank Kirkby fee on Homan Malin ..Tas. A. Howes, Campbell Drain Frank Kirkby, Campbell Drain Middle Maitland Conseneation Authority 163.19 Belera.ve Co-OPerativo 38.90 Bailie Parrott, Beeive. Geo. C. Martin, Clerk. 3.55 1.50 535.00 40.00 645.65 CR A N `if? Miss Alice J. Forrest, London, is (spending a couple of weeks at her home there. FREE DOOR PRIZE 1956 DODGE SEDAN Equipped with Spare Tire - Air Conditioning -.Tank of Gam Licence Plates Bring This Coupon With You, for an WINS FELLOWSHIP Word has just been received that Mess Isabel Stephens of Boston. daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Stephen% Brussels, has been'awarded a $2400 'fellowship •to Harvard UniversitY. This gives her a year's study to obtain her Masters degree. This is she fourth scholarship that Isabel has. obtained. ETHEL Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Kreuter and t/aughiter Sicianne, Timmins, ere risitors with his brother, Welland !and Kriauter and Mr., and Mrs. Wm. ,Campbell of MidesWcirtht. mr, Eieuter manager of the Bank of 'Montreal in Timmins. WESTERN FAIR TICKETS NOW ON SALE HERE AT THE BRUSSELS POST . 111111111111111111111111311111111111111I LLASHMAR DRIVE-1N THEATRE LISTOWEL.. ONT. -THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA Knox Church, CRANBROOK Minister: Mr. C. L. Thompson Bujn.day School. . 10 a, m. MOANING WORSHIP 11.15 a.m. "tintil Christ is born in your heart, • religion ie only a habit." * * Vurs. - Fri. Aug. 30 31 Thurs. - Frl. Aug. 30 - 31 '.PEARL OF THE "THE KENTUCKIAN" SOUTH PACIFIC" Virginia Mayo Dennis Morgan (Color) KILLED IN CAR ACCIDENT', -• Ward has been received here thattl IVIre. Cardief Best' ',of Birmingham, Mich was killed fit a car acciden on Saturday, Atigust 26th. Mr. Best, formerly of 'Brussel% is in hospital with serious injuries. lif-eteine Pres)yieticitt Chltil"-Ch • 10.00 061.,0.11 Ijielite Wetithip' eirgaiiiiit L. D:thenipeon 'Pt T 4 ei 6 4 POS US $2.00 per year 5 it oin• Do..,orris Council be Procter lflorris VOwn$11.1p. (104110I1 Meet-, lug, Ai4ost .12,* l000. The Council xiiet in the Township. Hall on the above date with all the members preeent The mingles of the last meeting were read and adopted On motion of and Wm. Mean. Moved by -Walter Short:reed. eec- by Stewart Procter that Bye Law No. 13, 1956 Setting the Town^ shill .tax rat.Oat ten Male PaSsed '‘ii.RUS6g1-.S. COUNCIL The i'egular Meeting a the Age Council was held on August 1 27th., et:1111141w H. Pearson was abeent. The minutes of August 9 and August 17 meetings were read and, adoPted on ulotila of W. A, eoe and C, L. Workman ,Accideet Aswurance ComPaey were and, Ali. pCerarciled Mr. W. 1, Collins , an represeneatives of the General present to outline the rates of Lia_ Witty Assurance for the Village, The Clerk was instructed to contact the other Insurance agents of the Viii age ,to compare Policies. T, L. McDonald attended the meeting requesting that 'the Village repair the Scales et the C. N. R. Station for the public use. This was left, to 'the Prone* Conunittee to find out the cost of repairing the Scales. Accounts as, follows were preeented, :ed for payment and approved on ?illation of G-. McCutcheon and C. L. Workman. Carried D. Hastings. salare,: $192'.92' Brussels Hydro Electric, Hydra 170.52 Brussels Morels and Grey telephone loan, , 10,,000,00 Post Office, Unemp. stamps 13.52 H. A. Fischer, salary 98.70 Tem. of Morris, dragiging roads and, filling ditch 70.00 4,700 CA Stewart, es reed the first, second and third times: Brodies White, Chocolate., Cake Mix SSA' Tip Top Pork and Beans 20 oz. 2 for 314. Black Knight Cohoe Salmon 7 oz. .09-d Tip Top Tomato Juice 48 oz. k 29d . • ... 400 ...... ...... .. . 000,00 000..0 0.00.•0•004,00.•.040,0 00 .. • .. •• ,eou will find other valuee just as great as these at UTLEDGE CERY • Not just to-day or to-morrow, but Every Day of the year. Phone 7 . We Delivet ATTENTION FARMERS ! Place Your Order for a Cement Silos;. with HUGILL BROS., 26 Years of Extiet- ience. ELMER HUGILL Box 40 Clinton - Phone Clinton Hu 2 - 9432 Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Giessler and Miss Betty, Detroit, ,visited here "with Miss• Martha jesehe. Miss Marie. Wagner visited With , Miss E. M. Stem Mr. and Mrs. Will Moffatt, Chin '', ton, were Sunday 'visitors with Mr. I and Mrs. Mac, Engel. Evening Auxiliary On Tuesday evening. Aug. 21, the Evening Auxiliary met at the tome! of Mat. M. Ilnether with the prese, dent, Mrs, Rose Knight in the cetair and 13 members in attendance, Mrs. C. Thompson was leader for .1 evening and had as her theme ii "Forgiveneset'. Hymn 483 was sung. ! 'chewed by prayer by Mrs. Thom!): I son. She also read a meditation eporgive and you will he forgiven." i mho Tooting was turned aver So the president who waIe in charge,of the regular business. The minutes' *ere read and approsted and the roll., Brussels. Coal Yard, Oil A. Higgins, !gravel F, Rutledge, gravel. A. Oakley, labour County of Huron, Indigent 'Hospitalization 1 67.50: Mac Meeker, Tires and truck repairs 140.82 : The meeting adjourned on motion .of W. A. Williamson and O. Mc- ,Cuitcheon. H. A. Fischer, Clerk. 1.25 25.00 20.00 53.55 Superior Market NOTICE There will be NO Milk Delivery ;on MONDAY, SEPT. 3rd i But the Creamery will be OPEN 16 oz. jar Ellmar Pure Peanut Butter 1/2 lb. tin Gold Seal Fancy Rect Sockeye Salmon ...... • • • .. . 4 - 15 oz. tins Champion Dog Food • • • 3 -10 oz. tins Mason's Soft Drinki • • 24 oz. Giant Jar Yo-rk P-Nut Buffer from 10 to 12 Noon. COUSINS DAIRY R. B. COUSINS, LTD. .110m101•0= NEW BARBER SHOP RATES `I,lad following paitele are. Now in • effect in the Barber She-is in A.4. Cut *Ash Cult 001dren'e Hair *frn bildren Rub LETTER TO THE BRUSSELS LIONS CLUB The following is a letter received by the Braseels Lions Club and is published alt their realest. The Brussels Lions Club, Brussels, Ont. Dear SITS: Now that I. have been accepted, and am at Ottawa, in basic teeining as t member of the Royal Mount4 Police Band, I 'am writing to extend' to every member 'of the Brussels Lions Club my sincere ;Madre for the oPPOrtunDY Your club made 'available. . It was als a member Of f6V, eriginal Boys' and Girls, Band that I began playing the clarinet and became interested in Band music, so that it, is now possible for me to (become a bandsman in one of the world's most widely knOwn, and highly respected sermices. I know you are doing a wonderful work. I know that it is emensive, and, at times, discouraging, you may not realite what it has meant, and will mean, lto a number of the boys and girls in whom your efforts MacDonald. have instilled a love of good music. Again "thank you" and I wish your new Lions Boys' and Girls' Band every snetesa, I hope that when I come home next year I will find it flourishing. Keep tip the good work. Gratefully Robert C. Kennedy. Mrs. Fred Pegelow Uargili - Last rites were held Saturday for Mrs Fred Pegelow, Of Cargill, with isiestitce conducted, In Cargill Anglican Church at 3 p.m The Rev. Albert Tompkinson offic- gated with ,butlalheing made in Wilt: erton Cemetery. Born in Brant Township, she was the former Elizabeth Gunder. Surviving besides her husband are three .90ne. •Claalenlo4, !Brueseils: Wilfred, Cargill, and Norman, Dun. Ville; three daughters, Mrs. Fred Haas, St. Catlierinee; Mrs. Roy Barrett, Brutsels, and Mrs Lloyd iShimens, Kitchener. Ste 760 86e Cat 40c On Sat. 60c 15e Sea 20c Store Hours STORE CLOSED ALL DAV MONDAY SEPT. 4th. 514140 amerivered. with a verse, contain- ing 'the word "Grain". Collections were receiVed. The treasurer, Mire. W. Striektler t was authorized to send $7.00 teanet i also buy a gift for a hospital /visitor, and a pair of wallet mitts and so ; meet the bale requirements of !Me l Mrs..E. Mitchell read the topic for :evening "Ohl Wine in New Skins", 'Scripture Reading was read in ,unison. Luke. Chapter 7, verses 36 to end of chapter. Hymn 410 was sung. Mrs. R. Engel thanked the Mean- hers for the gifts she had received while ill. The meeting closed with 'the bene- diction. Luna. was served by the hostess, Mrs. F, Kirkpatrick and Mrs. K. GREWA Siege Atmlown.nom.u.. BUS TRIP TORONTO C. N. E. :WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29th SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1st Bus Leaving Brussels 7 A. M. EPS Leavisng Etnel 7.15 A.M. Ems Leaving Molesworth 7.30 A. M. Bus RdturnIng After Grandstand Show 11 A. M. Sponsored by Ladies Inter. Bail Club' Adults $4.00 -- Reserved Seats Public School Children $2.00 Phone 11 or 48x4' FALL MUSIC TERM Mr. and Mrs.", Louis D. Thompson, of Brussels, will resume teaching on Tuesday, September 4th. Pupils prepared for examinations of the Wedteetz Conservatory of Music., London and the Royal Conservatory of Music, Toronto, in Piano, Singing, Organ :and Theory. ,Phonie 79x, Brus- sele. - AUTO --. WINDSTORM -- LIABILITY. - PLATE GLASS -- BONDS FIRE ••••••0040..0•001.00•••.0001•••••• ...•••••••••••• BROWN DRIVE-IN THEATRE CLINT*Orl ONT. - PERSONAL PROPERTX I-- BURGLARY' TELEVISION' FLOATE_ INIFEINFIESIMUMMINEMINIP fllEATRF 12ISTOT (Two. Cartoons) Burt Lancaster Diana Lynn Diane Foster 2 sho'rt's night!), 7-1m -0.30 p. Matinee fla.tureay 2 n. its- .W E. Collin's, Insurance Ageht • Saturday Only September 1 4 iSHARK RIVER" . Saturday Only . Sept. 1. (ColOr) Steve eardie "THE LONE GUN" Es Fri. - Sat. Aug. 31 - Sept. 1 " R 0 D E 0 " (in Color) with John Archer and Jane Nigh Sun. Mid-Nits _ Mon, Sept 2 - 3 Also Knoic Church, *ETHEL Minister: Mr. C., L: Theitipson MORNING WORSHIP .... 9.45 a.m. 8u day . . . . . . . 11 a., in ' "God's Weill of Salvation is deep and full, but you have to lower the bucket Yew-eerie' Phone 47 tIrussels, Ont. Office Over kraute% Plumbing • YOUR PROTECTION IS OUR BUSINESS Oechran' Matthews (Color) (Twe Cartoons) . George Montgoinery, DotOthyMalcitie Sunday Mleinite 4t, Monday September 2' and 3 hiduk Nancy Sinatra Kelly (TWO Cartoons) I roignoonwromemswe04=114‘0411a, qttop RtpORt MAGA6/1 dIDlidt OOkMia? 1,iN tHE Atiki, buring this week very little litot, Ausso, Robert Mitchnin kegs Wits made iti hattooting olio. WiPiain tientibt Leet edniplete thew 8.50 WOW:, Approeintaiely ene-third of ' the genitt &Op itt the Comity has Sunday Midnight Sept. 2 now' t.)611. gItallOd Or .gtOokedi at urr oAlVit '146(1,1 thie, Much will be damaged "%, bENtAYtt 11-it 6t,,A sprouting and will be refy dairk ia 4SO dOtOt WIlOrt ItlirOIStiecl. A isniall nett. 6t604k. dOMEbY age of t000lut out bay 13.6s 'boon out ;bid vuits Tte lielee tley Weather it Will be inipeSeible to hatteet Wend Melt ' 'Nee. - Wed, Sept. a' - 4 - ,&.lit hay .0k 064 tituitio. ""THE 7 YEAR ITCH" A ntimbee et tututeita hi the .Cohnty have lirepared 'land for tail at I Yr Mun e • t tini Ewe " vilest ,anil rye wIffio AvtiltIng tot tho , , Cirient4ecope' other groin te, dit, .., • ti WANTED Jane Old Scrap Iron, Cars, Rags ) aatteri Feathers and Scrap of *Any Kind. Will pick up all orders, big or aniall, 104.00.o Tues. - Wed. 8opt 4 - 6 BAIRE0'0Ot ON-rEt,6A/t (Color) (Adult) Humphrey Bogert Asia. Ednitind Otrlen` teed: Wed. Sept. 4 z 6 4it6bkOt tc5,, BURMA" " (Color) Barbara StanWyck kyeri (Two Cartoons) The United Chueeh Or CANADA Welker: EleUr'iL Lane, B. A4 - Iligh6st CAA Pite6s, PAM -4 • Two sbdwe Nightly, Rain br Clear Box Office (hien& 7.30 First Shea- at Dusk ohildrkin Under 12 in. Cars Free Caribetic at Each Performance Clitireh Service EVerk Sunday-. EVOnind AUS.pteet .ax.man -PAO& 1.0tX; 1115. 1,.1110 • WO1'31111) tilkk own Chtir011.• SCI1001, Will begin Oft Sin- "'day 'Sept alt d trent)! WatIslit