HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1956-08-15, Page 1era r Mar ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Harold. Swift wish to announce the engagement of their daughter Marie Louise to Maxwell , Pettit son of Mr. and Mrs, Byron Pettit, Ingersol, 'The marriage will take s)lace on August 31st. .t4 axtnan Salvag Phone 107'X Sammy Waxier as27 °"*".• Wednesday, August 15th, '1656 $2.00 per year - $2.50 4.1.. eSt lei autitorissi ss ;soma dams ,Post Publishing House W7tiSSA,1$ -COUNCIL MEETING MR. ANP MRS. g. POLLAFIP MARK •POL,DgN WEDDING P.PPPleg. WE KNOW -Harvey liendeeeon, who Ar4.8. A 'Morris Centennial visitor halt retarne ed to his hone at 14911 River, Seek. . Miss Mae Sifelton, has returned to her bome in. Toronto after spending week with friends in Brussels nucl emnettenity Nestle's Quick 1 lb. tin - - , . • • ,...,4 59 Aylmer Fruit Cocktail 20 oz, tin . , . , , . 31c Sweet Fruit Crushed Pineapple 20z. 24c Cheeze Whiz 16 oz. jar - - ......., - $9c Hunt's Catsup 13 oz, bottle , , • , 19c Holly Niblet Corn 14 oz. 2 for 29c To the Village of Brussels The Morris Township Reeve,. Connell and officials wish. to Sincerely thank the Reeve, Council, merchants, businessmen, .and •residemlis Of .l3rtiseels for their wenderful N-operation and the nee of •their ,facilities which all helped to make the Morris TOWee. ship Centennial such a sneeeses Bailie Parrett Gee. C. Alartin riseve Olerit Wednesday of lase week Air and, Mrs. Edward rolvd. ci 41.4 ti their golden 'Wedding with membere of their family 'ene seat . 10 join in the festivitiQc. :elms. qud aira,•PV,Strd Vero married in the Melhedlet Church, here, by ley, Ezra (1. PoWell in 1006. TbeY were reeidHlts nr Morris township, and following their marriage - they farmed in Grey township, then ro- Aired BrneSelfe rqz , 12 years. During this. time In BruSet 's Mr. Pollard became the fire' man tee: carry rural mail out of Brussels, which he Old fOr 15 years. They moved tp coneession 5. of Morris township, where 'they spent 25 years,; then moved to Londeshoro for about a year and have resided in Brussels .for the east six years. Mr, and Mrs. Pollard 'are enjoying' very good health, 'they have a well kept gardtin with a good sized patch 'of :strawberries and raspberries. August, 9114, 1951 1Lwts . IL, .4u meeting of the age Council was bchl 4nx the above duff' wit~ll all menthc: ,•pre -oent. The nli/1111,;•=1 of Jam. 25 and, July 7 Inev'iligs work road Il1341 adopted, on motiowi G. 100mq:won and. U. pear4ra, carried, Div Or,und) dftql:Issea dies painting. and orcq-ting of new signs, at the ,en. , trantc9 the The Clerk was- authorized. to write , a letter to the Morris TOwnship Comm.n ' ell. expressing 'their appreciation Of the prompt, efficient,' manner ;IN which. the clean-up work necessary .following Ole Monday celebration la Brussels was carried oat. Accounts as follows ware ..presented for payment And approved on inoltionF,, of H. 'Pearson and G. .McOutcheon, - Carried. Bru,sels Public School, ntr 1956 levy $2000,00 Post Office, unemp. insurance 5.8.4 13russels Hydra Com„ hydro • 109.76 'LEDGE GROCERY Aim. H. C. Harvey :of Winnipeg spent three weeks with Mrs. Walter Rose and her brothers Tom and )3pb Davidson of Bruseele. J. 0. and Mrs: Rees, and family of Ottawa and E. and Mrs. Bees, Alisa, Craig, were holiday visitors at the 'home .of. WM. Moses this week, - Misses Ann. Smith and Elizabeth Pipe of the 5th, line of Morris, have accepted position„; in London and. start work on the 200, of the Month. * *, The Rev, Maurice .Oldham. who wan rector of St. John's Church, 1942- 46, will be in charge of the services this Sunday Aug. 191b, 'Rev. P. E, and Mrs, Jewell are spending a short holiday in London, * Dr. J. A. Leadbeater, of Calgary, Alberta, as in 'town for the Morris Centennial celebrations .His grand- father, ebe late Thomas Leadbeater operated a general store in Brussels in the 1870's and Migrated to-the • wese in 1882. * • Visitors oVe'r the holiday week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Wm. H. Stiles and families were; Dr, and 'Mrs. Wit. C. Stiles and family, Holland. 'Manitoba' Mr, and Mina Wm, Easter and family Sarnia. Miss Alice Stiles, T,orentO, Mr. and flies. Stewart Stiles and family, London', Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thuell, Guelph, Miss Dorothy Speer and Mr. George Walker, Windsor. . . • ENGAGEMENT AN.NO.UNCIEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Edward Morrow, Brussels, ammuunce the engagement of their only daughter, Marion Evelyn, to 'William. Henry Young, only' son of Mr; and Mrs. Archie Young, J3lyth. The marriage will take place in Union United Church early in September. Not just to clay or to-morrow, but Every Day of the year; Phone 7 "Special" on an Electric Sewing Machine with button- hole and other attachments. Reg. $137.00 NOW $79.50 New and used Washing Machines in stock at.special prices. Big Savings On Coronado Freezers in 10, 15, and 20 cu. ft. Machan Hardware Brussels. Ontario We Deliver Pineapple Delight David Haeliugs,. Salary less unemp. H. A. Fischer. salary less unemp, C. N. R, express E. Henderson. cutting grass Mrs. L. jermyn, N, Lament, Sup, allowance Compensation Board, • Workmen's Compensation • D. N, McDonald, lumber Riverside Motors, gas and truck repairs Pollards Chain Saw, labour Brussels Motors. gas and. truck repairs • Fred Bull and Son, recharge Fire Ext. Meehan Hardware, paint & material ii., E. Johnson, paint, Brussels ,Coal Yard, oil for lanterno • J. C. Adams and Son, 'salt for streets Huron County, Indigent hospitalization Pearson and Edwards, postage • Melville Lamont, filling trench, Frank Kirkby digging ditch ;Huron County, suareying lots Post Pub. 93.70 2.50 106.00 192.92 is our special ice-cream flavour for this month, Get some from yorir dealer regularly. We are now distributing TROPICANA ORANGE JUICE delivered fresh daily from Florida. It is available froni Yotir milkman or your deafer. • . CREAM COUSINS ICE 44,36 63,61, 44.38 ; 14.00 8.00 , 31,95 11, They were, surrounded by their fatally. including, Mrs. (Esther) Braddick, Vancouver B. C., who came tate 'present for the occ- asion ; Mrs, Chester (Margaret) ,Rintent, Galt; Mrs. Mervin (Preda) Pipe, Morris township, and six grand. children, Mrg. Pollard. wes Margaret Ann Cantelon, daughter of 'Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cantelon and she has one brother, Arthur E. Cantelon, of Port- land„ Oregon, living. Mr. Pollard the youngest of a family of 13, the non of Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Pollard, has two brothers living: Joe, of New Westminster, B, C. and Benjamin of Seattle, Wash. ingtion. Mr. and Mrs. Pollard are faithful 'members of Brussels United. Church and highly respected . In. the centre- unity -They held open house on Wednes- day afternoon anvil evening. . The rooms were anractiyely arranged. beautifully decorated wedding cake occupied a prominent place in the dining room and messages of congrat- ulations and were evident, The door wale ',opened by little Dianne Haeleinges and Mrs. Bertram .Hemingway looked after the guest, book which Was signed by over 200 guests. ' They were invited to tea room by'. their daughters. 'Mrs. Margaret Rintortl. Mrs. Leslie Braddick and Mrs. Mervyn Pipe. Afternoon 'tea was poured by Mrs. Albert Pollard of Kincardine and In the evening by Mra Thomas Ellis of Wing'hn,m. Three e',rainettrughters ser- ved: assisted by cousins,. Misses Betty and Shirley Hunter of Ripley. Frier do from Istoosejaw. Sash.. Thoreld, Owen Sound, Kincardine Dungannon, .Stratford, and attended, Mrs. Wesley Pollard of Stratford, who le 00 years of ege, .S100r-in1aW, Mac Baeker Auto Supply and Fina Service 40.0.01•11, 3.00 Complete Stock of Mufflers, Tail Pipes Batteries, Brake Linings, Ignition and Tires Wash Jobs And Lubrication A Specialty All parts at Wholesale Price and in- stalled at Low Rates. Tickets on the Fina Car with •every purchase of gasoline. Phone 113x We Pick Up And Deliver 1 lb. pkg. Jewel Shortening ZZa 30 5 64.515 1 Doz. Mason Fruit Jars, med.,qts. 1.27 1- 48 oz. Tin Libby's Orange Juice 37c. 1.75 1/2 lb. Tin. Maple Leaf Sockeye Salmon 47c 2 Tins Camp. Veg. Soup . 25c Store Hours IVION. - TUES. - WED. THUR.. FRI. 8:30 TO 6 P. yr„.. SAT. 8.30 To 10 P. M, WE DELIVER G EWA R'S THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN pANADA Knox Church, CRANBROOK Minister: Mr. C. L. Thompson Sunday,„ School . 10 a. ni. MORNING WORSHIP 11.15 a.m. A warm welcome awaits You-COMB Let the mind of the Master be the master of yOur mind. * * * KnOx Church, ETHEL Minister: Mr. C. L. Thompson MORNING WORSHIP' .„. 9,45 a.m. Sunday Scheol 11 a. m. A. warm Welcome awaits You-COME Christianity is the best religion a man can halve, but the worst cloak.' Melville Presbyterian Church COMPETITION RESULTS The standing field crop coMpet- lion in Garry Oats, sponsored by 'the Bast Huran'Agricultural Society was judged on Weanesday August 8, by Mr. Norman Schmidt of." Mild, I may. The priSe winners are as FIELD CROP let, Williamf Dennis, R. ,R. Walton 2nd. George MenzieS, R. 3" Brussels 3rd, Norman. HoOver, R. 3 Brussels 4th. Wilfred Shortreed Walton. 5th. .Tames W.Smith R. 2 Brussels Stle, Williamu Turnbull R. 2. Brussels 7th, Tamee Bowman R. 5 Brussels 8th. Wilbur Turnbull R. 2 Brusssels There Were 17 contestants in the contention. DRIVE-IN THE: BROWNIE'S CLINTON 0 N T. ENGAGEMENT .ANNOUNCEMENT Mr, and Mrs. Archie Mann, R. R 1, Monleton) wish to announce the engagement of their only daughter, Marion Doreen, ho Harold Victor Roberts, only son of Mrs. Hilda Roberts. Listowel, and the. late Mr. Roberto. The wedding will 'take Place in the Presbyterian ,Church,' Atwood, at 3 o'clock on Saturday. September 22, 1956. NOTICE The Beauty Parlour of Irene Pease will be closed from, Monday, August 27th. until after. Labour Dap while on 'holidays. 20.00 a20.00 54.50 House, material and edvertieing na 32.50 Beams Ltd. office material. 27,07 Municipal, World, tax rate stable 10.22 Pollard Bros. Ltd., calcium 290.31 D. Hastings Jr. labour, 8.40 Doug. Maclean, labour 18170 Telephone CkLi totes 17.15 Posit Office. stamps 4,00 Doug Ma Chan, labour 7.65 A, MeTaggart, leb.eur 27,00 Meehan Hardware, paint and . brushes 6.75 S. Fox. ,delivering w. bills 5.00 Meeting adjmirred on Motion of W. A, 'Williamson and -Et R. Pelareott. It A. Fischer, Clerk SUS TRIP, TO BOBBIE A number of the members of Western Star, and Morning Star Lodges, Brussels, enjoyed a bus trip to Barrie. Sunday, When they toured the 1. 0. O. P., Home there. 3.20 50.00 .2.06 - AUTO - WINDSTORM - LIABILITY - PLATE GLASS - BONDS FIRE - PERSONAL PROPER1V BURGLARY TE'LEVIS'ION FLOATER' Thur. - Fri. W.E. Collins, Insurance Agent "aMARTY" (Academy Award Winner) PhOne .Brussels, Ont. Office, OVer 10.0Eerie PlUmblit YOUR PROTECTION lS . '01114 HBUSINESS Ernest Borgnine Betsy Blair (Two.Cartoons) eery Je, success, Mr. and Mrs, Edward ;Pollard wish to thank their lientily, friends, and neighbours for their gifts and cards also those who helped to Make the ; 'celebration 'of their 50th. anniver- MEM awasi mom LLASHMAR DRIVE-IN THEATRE LISTOWEL. ONT. 17 Thurs. - Fri. Aug. 16 - 17 lii-lEIDI •AND PETER" Elsbe(tCholSoirg)mund 10.00 a. m. Stmday Schnoi ' 11 a. iri, Divine Worship UNION SERVICES Preacher: Rey, A. Lane During the month of AugUsit the -.United and Presbyterian aongri3, gationS isill hold` a united service in Melville Presbyterian Churcii. Rev 'Pt- tbeieln. Organise D. Thompson R. M. T The United Chui'eh OF CANADA Minister:. Lane,. e. As nuking Alligiist tnion Servidei -Oil be held :with tiyi NEM Sat, - Mona Au g., 18 4 20 Sat. . Mon.* Aug. 18 . 26 "VERA CRUZ". (Color) Gary Cooper Burt Lancaster lillingagra Efeinhitraiga "KHYBER PATROL" (Color) 1 IqT11WL'i Richard Egan . Dawn Addams Tues.. Wed. Aug. 21 - 22 rive vont, Diva, Ai y I g.g.g,4 . 4: APITOL IBEA 1 III,„,.i..„,,,,i.....-„,,i,- .....,-.1.,,,,,, Feauturette: Mau Mad (Color) (AdO/it) WANTED litestYter.00; a>i rel•Attoa 14 114' Ofnircii CARD OF THANKS ,* They provided food and shared a' picnic luieoh with, the residents of / the home. Those who made 'the trip wer0: Mr. and Mrs, Rae Crawford Mr. and Mrs. Doug. HemingWay Mr. and Mrs, Hartley Fischer 11/41r, and Mrs. jack Losve Mr. and ',tire. David Hastings Mr, and Mrs'. Robert Gemmel Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Shaw Robert Fraser Ross Nichol John Conley Glen James Ralph. Pearson Adrian MeTaggart Mrs W, Edgar Mrs. Geo. Evans. Mrs, P. Kirkby J. Thynne Mrs. Hanenbries Itts, Orialt 2 shows nIg'etly 7.30 - 0.30 IN es. (Cartoon) Katherine Hepburn Matinee Seim-day 7 p. tee Aug. 11 18 1 ROGERS HT,HEGOLOEN STALLION" "NICHT OF THE, HUNTER" Church Service titislay Evening Auto3di ttintori. .m.066t.httori . CLOSING NOTICE The , Office Of G. ALAN WILLIAMS in Wingherit will be eleiSed trete 20th, kagnst until after ttavni, Day Two Sheets Nightly, Rain or Clear ,i§tir Office titan at 7 8O Plitt Sliotiv at btisic, • Chtlitro• trilder 12 its Para rede Cartotint' at Each' Performance Met,' GENE tittlY In "THE' MOUNTIES"' - ' • . Fri. -•Sat. Tiede.- =Wed: AU§. 21' •- 22, TKO. - •Orf., Aug, 23 - 24 . at4 A PTY" R OY • . • Academy AWerci Winner Robert MitehttiiiShelly Winters . tErnestBergnitie • Betsy Blair • (Two Cartoons) Anglican Church DO CANADA tallith of Doti..seta Rev: Frei d. "fleeter „tetieoe 11 aat. it otittiChi Hentry 2.041 tivenialifs George's Cherciii Walton d0 p.nr Livensong ikeee. Main•ibe Oldhaisi Tie Charge Of Ail derOdei Old Scrap Iron, 'Cars, Rags, Battprie4 Feathers and Scrap of Any Kind. Will pick up all orders, big or onli. Highest Cash Prjces PO4 C