HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1956-06-13, Page 5Tax AIWA-WA-SI POST' 1948 Allis Chat- furrow tractor, 4TATE. AUPTION PA4g. Auction Sale of Farm Stock and Machinery at Lot VI. Can, 3, Morris Twp. 2V miles North of Brussels- on County Road on. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20th at 1 p.m. Pottle 2 Holstein cows fresh. 8 Jersey news fresh and recently fresh. Jersey cow due Middle 4111lY. auer. nsey COW fresh, 2 Durham vows freslt, 12 Poll "n AncTusi Hereford. Steers. And Heifers 1 yr. old, Hallisteln Heifer 2 yrs, old, 3 Durham heifers 2 yes. Old. 1 Hereford heifer, YrS. old. 16 young Calves bred from Poll Angus, ' Pigs 2". Yip* Son's, brad, Machinery 1947 Ford tractor, suer R tractor 7 2 plow (like new) Spring tooth matt- vAter Allis tractor disc,2 sets diamond barrows, Massey Harris 7 ft. binder, sulky rake, "hay loader. 6 ft. mower. rubber tired wagon, farm -wagon, 16 ft. flat rack (like new) grain grinder, fa,nning cement mixer, 15 cedar post, 9 ft. -0—S ft. cedar posts, 1949 Dodge ID 3/. ton truck, 1938 Plymouth car, set., ,double harness, forks„ shovels,1 chains 4 chicken shelters, other • ' articies too numerous to mention Terms Cash prop. — Estate of fate Machan Auctioneer •— Harold Jackson. Clerk — E. P.,Chesney. Solicitor for estate Robert' Heth. Hetherington Lawrence TRADES TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES FOR YOUNG MEN OE SIXTEEN. Po you wont to earn 'while you learn a trade? Under the Canadian Army Soldier•APprentiCe Plan, start. trig 1st June, the Canadian, Army will accept a 'fruited number of young men, for training in 19 differ. eat trades, The training course lasts for two years, and thee the Apprentice serves three years with regular unit, Training starts in September, Under this plan the Apprentice receives • Half pay to the age,of 17 then full PaY • 30 days paid holidays a year • Medical and dental carp • Travel and adventure • A healthy active outdoor life To be eligible applicants must be 16, not yet 17, have a Grade 8 edu- cation, and be able to meet Army physical standards. As only a limited number of applic-ants can he accepted make your application early. Mail the coupon below, telephone or visit your nearest recruiting station. Army Recruiting Station, 59 Albert . Street, Ottawa, Ont. —Tel 6-1687' Army Recruiting Station, 164 Wellington St., Kingston, Ont. — Tel, 4738 Army Recruiting Station, 90 Richmond St. W., Torpnto, Ont. —Tel.. EM, 6-8341 Lop, 276 No. 7 personnel Depot Weiseiey aureola, Oxford & Elizabeth Sts., London, Ont, Tel. 4-1601 Lee. 135 Army Recruiting Station, 230 Mein St, W. North Say, Ont, — Tel. 456 Army Recruiting Station, 184 King St. 5., Hamilton, Ont,— Tel. 24708 oocw.0 56 - R I Please send me without cost or oblige-non the booklet "The Way to a Fine i Future". Name Address ' ----------.---.- City/Town Prey, I Telephone TEACHERS WANTED Mortis School Area Beard require two eaverienced Pi otestattt teach- ers. Schools No. 3, Township Hall, and No. 11, Walton. Duties to cont. mence in September. Minimum sal- ary $2400, Allowance for experience. Send applications to R. J. McMurray,"11,,R. 4 Wingham FOR SALE -- I can .sitill furnish you with the best seed corn yen can buy — PIONEER, While there is still a, supply -available, call me for the extra bushels yen will need to complete your planting requirements this spring. Bert Johntston, Brussels R. R. 2 Phone: Brassels, 28r4 4' phis CONCRETE- FLOOR PAINT = eiquals Yes.. you can even roller skate on PERMA4PLED with out marking the finish MAKES TOUR BASEMENT FLOOR EASY TO CLEAN; ATTRAtTIVE. DRY. PROPANE 19 Market. Paso $-tRA1 FORD, ANT. The Versattte dependent. FUEL FOR 14644 AND INDUtititil • RANtittif HOT '100Atkit tANgtt REFRIGERATORS, MADD Representsttic Eit. 014611 411. STRATFORD 4174 iittiL MOO' V CLASSiFIED ADS wANTgo — 141.wita kt). cultivate, Ted Stiles coact and.. ..g• Is 0,7 65X2, LOST 4,00 ; Dunlop, Tire On. lvhea 1. :Reg. tSro PitOne l4r4 • Enk.U.SIVE1 FOR SALE . MCCurntick COTS. settfCiM Will fit Other on H, or 1sT, internationNt Tractor. Hydraulic. controlled. Sam AloOok phone 861'4 FOR SALE 00o4 exte.nsieu, tabla, reiksellable. Mr$, W. Little Phone. 79x FOR SALE ..-,. I Pint dining room, table and. a chairS good couch, small cook stove, Brand new Renfrew zinc (hand) Washing machine, for quick sale, Ml's. Wm, Pawson Phone 14j5 1 Phone '17r16 FOR SALE , •g4a7e)ttty of Buckwheat, . 111cOanghe.y KAY,BY-PLAY Coverage, by KEN EI,13$ Sntur4Ay June 16th, 3:00 p4o,,P.S,T. Sunday, 4;411,o 17th 3;00 p.m")),S,T« BOSTON at DETROIT 'p TON at DETROIT i_ ------ — crirm radjo dal_ 980 FOR SALE 9 ohnnks Og Pigs grunt pure bred 3teek, Graham Work w Phone 12318 NOTICE The Sheriff1.s Sate of goods and dhattels, lands and tonarnents of T. George Galbraith, Brussels, to hays been held on the 19th. day Of June, 1950. has been oat-melted, Nelson Hill, Sheriff, County Huron, FOR SALE 1934 Cher. Coach in A-1 me- chanical condition and good. tire% Cheap. apply to PrenrY pent 13russeist FOR SALE — Eleotric Rangette, Stroller, Ladies Bicycle„ Hot plates, Kitchen cab- inet. Simmons bed and spring, all in A-1 shape. Robt. Patrick of WANTED Reliable man as Dealer in. Huron County, Ex,perience not necessary. A fine opportunity to step into old profitable business where. Rawleigh products have been sold for years. Big profits, Products furnished on 'credit, Write Rawleigh's DePt, : F-152_183, Nontreal, P. Q . Phone 28 S Rock of Ages Corporation TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by Grey Twp, School Board for painting inside and out of S. S. No, 4, and ,5. 5, No 10 until June 26th. 1956, J. Carl Hemingway, Sec-.Treas. Brus4els, Ontario, Barre ... Vermont I Is pleased to announce the "appointment of TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by Grey Twp, School Board for installation of a furnace at S. S. No. 6. until June 26th. 1856 3. Carl, Hemingway. Sec-.Treas, Brnsikt,s, °Marie. ellington Ronald FOR SALE — Highest. prices John Zwaan Monument Dealer FOR SALE — Bray Chicks in a wide ohoice breeds, crosses, avaable, dayold and started, Pullets, including Ames In-Cross (increased egg profits at less cost). YeaT round good markets from the right Chicks. Auk for com- pints list, Agent Mats. R, Barrett, R. R, 5 Brussels, Phone 54412; Wm. Glen Bray, Ethel, paid for old bens 1 Anne 11121 I FOR ALL YOUR AUTOMOTIVE I NEEDS SHOP AT THE MAC flAreKER AUTO SUPPLY Permanent Type Antl Freeze $2.75 per gallon .75 per quart rhermostats Flanging from Ethel' Energetic Eleven The Sixth meeting of the "Ethel CRAM-SHOOK Energetic" supper club was held on Monday evening, June 4. The. Sunday Schaaf and the morning president, Margaret Smith, opened servioe of worship were held at by repeating the 4-H club Home- the usual time on June 10, making Creed. Minutes of previeus There will be a joint meeting of meeting were read succeeded by the Ethel and. Craubrook Young lunfinished business. Cereals.and , People's at Knox Pres, March in bread Were disetsseed by Mrs. Rich- ! Crianbraok on Fri., June 15 at 7,30 ards. Mrs. Dorothy Filsinger, Home 1 The Tune meeting of the W.M.S. i geolxnist, outlined work for i of Knox Pres. Church was held ini Achievement pay in July, discussed i thelhome of Mrs. Fred 1Sr4alldoni Record Book requirements, and grave ,with nine in attendance. Mrs. , Pointers on, good tea. biscuits Home -Sdhnock presided and inttroduced), kesigmente are to make tea, biscuits 1 the theme "Along the Jericho Road." , i land, bring to next meeting; plan four I iScripture ,realdingls were given by i supper menues, one suited to each , Mrs. Gordon Knight and Mrs. Lynn Irecap and record in Record Book. [ Evans. A verse containing Love-was; Bring given In response to the roll call. . Record Book up to date. Roll t A Call to be ianswereid by one char- The bale for isupply wasda's°11'se- acteristic of a good tea biscuit, end depations 'for same will be , I brought to the July meeting, A re.- :Each girl' participated in Twee- 1 port on the Presbyterial held, IS, !lent work including assembling an ' al d Grace Lamont who also read a newsletter from clebmistrated tea biscuits. Delicious ; Lillianl 'Gordon, {Ma's. Alex Steles refreshments 'wf9re served by Pat- i and Mrs. C. L. Thompson read cur- ride. Ridhard, Jean Fraser, and i rent geeveonfts .bahued t-filse,Sacklin was in` Lunch iWas i dd, Mrs FilSilliger and Irene Noble I Grace Lamont, Mrs, Richards thank- served at the close and a ,social title, Wai *accompanist far "The Queen." Lisgtowel. Ontario TENDERS WANTED •-- Tenders will be received, until June 20th, 'for the bus route at S. S. No. 2 by the Grey Twp. School Board, J. Carl ttemingwta,y, Sec-.Treas. Brussiels, °Onta.ao,. As 'a Rock of Ages. Authorized Dealer Rock ,,.of Ages Corporation, manufacturer of the ;world's finest granite monamen0 lead memorials, chooses its Authorized Dealers not only' for their technical knowledge and ability tart also for their ch=aracter, personality and reputation. yy'e are confident that you will fin4, this firm qualified to serve you, C $1.05 to Sp.rk Plugs 56c to 69c each, Auto Light and OhawpIon Mufflers from $4.35 to $9.20 Tag Pipes from $3.98 to $4.11 Exhaust Pipes from 2325 to $4.73 Phone: Residence 25 - gutsiness My druseell, Ont. FOR SALE — "We would he pleased to fill your requirements for fertilizer and seed corn. *Kalhdin Potatoeiss from Certified seed for seed or table use. Stan. Alexander, Ethel, Phone85r13 MELVILLE LADIES AID, The regular meeting of Melville chavich Ladles Aid was held at the home of Miss Moses on Monday evening June 4th. The president was in charge .avid opened with a hymn followed by The Lord's prayer. Bennett read the scripture lesson and Mrs. Williams led. in prayer. The secretary's report and treasurer's statement were given, Roll call responded to by a Oen: ,adian bird. Mrs. Allen the convenor of Sunshine Fund read her reort oil i boxes and cards sent to the sick. The Meeting was then thrown open for business tascusSion, Helpers were appointed for the next meeting and meeting closed with. Mizpal benediction. in the social hem', MrS. King gave a piano .solo followed. by la reading by Mts. MatheSon. conteet, was conducted by Mrs. Allen then a sing song acconmani• ed by Mrs, King was greatly en- joyed by all, A delicious lunch was Served by Mrs. Matheson, Miss N Jardine, Mrs, Stephenson and 'Mis. Davie, ROCK or ' AGES ' fs individual a , Brussels was given by the Been .11moki.nkomer••••••imiminklia... eue51011111,MiallIOS '.1e2R is enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Cameron, Short i Hills, N. .7,, axe visiting Mr, and M. and Mrs, Wright, Gait, -visited' YOUR BASEMENT Mrs. Calvin Cameron, man, this is travelling! Inn,11.1011101.5 at the manse on Sunday. his. Gad. McDonald, 10th, con,- suffered a stroke Wednesday a l Mr. and Mrs. Piled KirkpatIrlick enjoyed a holiday over the week-;• lastoweek, ,end. FOR SALE Aluminum doors, windows railings and awnings. Also all kinds of altrininint or steel barns and .she.ds. apply to Jas. S. Cowan, Listowel Phone Listowel 527M TNOBRS WANTED — SEALED TENDEK$ will `be received sty the undersigned for Painting the windows and trim of the WaltOn Community' Hall. Tend, ere to be in icy Susie 22, 1956; work The date for the Garden Party has -ben .t for Friday, June 29. See ad, in this week's Post,. ELMA FARMERS MitirrtiA1 FIRE INSUgANCE Established in 1134 'INSENIINATION INFORMATION "For artificial. insemination infor. Motion or service front all breeds of cattle, phone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association ati Clinton Fl V,2 3441 or' Palmerston 498' between 120 ntiti 9,30 A, M. We have all breeds available — top anality at low rose. From TORONTO MONTREAL to to OTTAWA to supdthty Jct. NOM * BAY Mid thence to WIMNIPEG SasicAToop tbMoNTON` VAgeOOkit to be corthpleted by JuiY 31, 1906. '• Hcaa Of flee Atwood. Civt, Lowest or any tender not. necessar- Insurse lly accepted. Further particulars Perm Property, Private elseellfeam apply to, Anti Contents In ToWnri and Vinegar Stewaat I-IthinphrioS, Sect, Schools, Churches and de an "INSURANCE AT COST" bask PROMPT ADJU$TM!NT • CLAIMS eontaot your Nearest Director Agent R. W. (12110.1c) WHittriaLb R. R. ; 64, szWABS 13f16tetiviic4 a, arra yotit BeTtille lints Int in& toith ClOttled the Julio, i'*/ iiovo let trivia tnanbte, *Vine Slot tani Ehnen OW IllIeentolk Omit N. McDonald LIBRARY NOTES bitting the litentliS of Stine, July and A.tignst4 the etintiner hours Will be resumers'; Ttie,;qdtiyg-, 3 615. • 1,0 to 9,30 p m SattirdaYSI: 2 :MO to 1.6 p iii thO ittircin County ooltittobite) thaitti), its regular 0th:tinge at iltitSS, eI 4t nary' 'Ott TUeSday, at ttki, FtgoN itkLISB4S Wi MtIVitiktAi 5110 Thar tolili,tl4sttel 'teat* Atiwnii” iz THE ttittit GR~►1rMri r. *long tedNintittilli* 1014644 Moat 111444414610 ii4444-if Lettering 4 P A. tooi; wiornaitio, oak.% When you travel by the CNR Super Continental1 tWeell major Canadian cities Or the entire.tun,yott cal iivdtk, rest or play you take your choice. You call enjoy a snack or a delicious -meal in the coffee shop iat t~iice in the luxurious atmosphere of the dittlog at4' There is no additional cost to go by the Super Continenraj, and a wide range of accommodations is offered to st.dt every budget, A rented car, , if you wish, will await yoiit arrival at rhaibt points, - contact your Coriadlari Inforinatidil and raiontations, es