HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1956-06-13, Page 4 • Y. • WeOrescia, 1.44? MS. k ITE .13BUSWA Pwr - U At Victoria " or. FAR-AWAY FIELDS MAY .LOOK "Far away fields only look greener to those who cannot see, .Uere in Ontario we haue. the 'green fields' that are the envy of the world, .In these green fields are everything that the vaca- tioner could. possibly desire: mighty waters and quiet , ones, rugged hills and peaceful valleys,. history and progress, romance and rest,,,fish and feather, fur and flower, To Know ONTARIO .Better is to find that it is best—and it's just outside your garden' gate:" • rErs :moo:m[4w.; Cash in on the rich dividends 01 sight-seeing so amply spread across the countryside. Choose your pleasure ... bait lazin in the Sun, fishing, golf or sharing in the zest of a holiday resort. Yes! "Know ouerAnto Better" could well be the theme for your family holiday this year! 4 To noxinzi&v in Ontario can be a rich, exciting experience for every family. How much do you really know, about your own great Province? Here is family vacationland, abounding with interest arid variety, and excellent accommo- dation even for an overnight trip. Parade to Park at 8.30 EIGHT BANDS Exeter Legion Pipe Band Goderich Pipe Band Centralia Air Force Trumpet Band Listowel Legion Pipe Band Palmerston 'Legion Pipe Band Seaforth District High School Bugle Band Brussels Lions Club Boys and Girls Band Brussels Legion Pipe Band Refreshment Booth on Grounds CHILDREN UNDER 12 FREE DANCE AFTER In Crystal Palace Ballroom is Music by Geo,,Smith's Orchestra ADMISSION: 50c PROCEEDS TO BE USED FOR PURCHASE OF fiAND EQUIPMENT GREY TWP. CENTENNIAL LETTERS RECEIVED OUT FISHIN° 'Dollars and Sense" One of the best ways to S or A fellow isn't thinkin mean, out fishin'; His thoughts are mostly good and. clean, out ,fishin!; He doesn't knock his fellow men harbor any grildgeS then: A fellow's at his finest, when. Out Winnipeg, Man, 327 Grosveneu Ave., Replies To Invitations ,leert:gary, grey Township Centennial, I am writing to thank you for the invitation to attend your celebration. I have still fond recollections of the creek and the little old schoolhouse beside which I spent the fist nine teen years of my life, and though I halve been away for over silty-six Years many pleasant crnemorles remain. Although at the menient it is Un- likely that I may be able to Join in :st•.oirr activities, I hope that, the Occasion May prove as satisfactory as you have Plarineld. 'nitre truly, T, Turnbull. ik to collect my thoughts. lout will My • I sent your card on , to Aunt Clara Clara is the last living member of Clore -IS the last living member of the late "John Darker" family, who the old "Barker School,' is, named •after. If I can be of any assistance to you in compiling a history of the "Barker'' school woad have to look up old letters or the descendants of the late John Barker and their addresses, as I Must have most of them or know them by heart, thanking you lagainn 'Pours truly Ward Barker, Poswegin, Dear Mrs. Cardiff: Am very reused indeed to have received your kind invitation to Zia presient at drey Two. Centennial Silty t And 28• and thank you very much for the shnie however fear I shall not be able to he with you in tiensen because of a 'health condition which t have a con ire& this disability Will not be such. hOpe, aS to keep Me from being pre- sent in spirit anti to Meet thus With the many good frIonds of the tlistant nag. thilikine of those Who are forttintite enotigh to he in 0. position to he there and hope trait ryknocit all to TurVe an unfergotahly nlesmatt milt' prOtitahle fine 'et,•, //7*- - you reach yont. savings goal—then you start saving for the next mid, Why not opera a savings Adeount witil its. totteiy`t .. 4 ,... i Perk up warm weatherT appetites with refreshin§ Dairy Poods, They tastoeo gem!, look SO gooai So good for you. The vatiety is wide sod weacktfin so you cv enjoy thorn in counties tempting Ways throudit alt the simmer dayst S firite for ,youe free of Made Frciser's Foods' Recipe iloaclet4'. encourage good sound sleep q; • • . 101,, 18 to have a good sound bank balance, Regular ,77. savutgs can make life a lot pleasanter in a hundred and one other ways, You may want the down vayment on a home of your owns• a TV set or a car . .,pethaps the children's education is on your mind nor a leisurely retirement .someday. Whatever itis that you want or need, you have to learn the secret orptitting something by reguldriy. Pay by pay you te, Atott. away the rhotidy tt except in emergencies ti AIRv 00-Ont SOitviet tifitEA' ..„ batten, 8, April ZOr 10i0 To Mrs. tdythe Cardiff Dear Madarri: Thanks a. lot for your invitation to come for "The Gay iteunielf", tVhich. If possible at all, try ,aild get tip. f should 11,Mie written 'before no* but on account of the passing et My hotored Wan last Week% and to laid tier to tea lit our fild "hotel6 to*n, DAIRY FARMERS OF CANADA 1111Or stowel, I really hare bad no time bit:CANADIAN BANK ti f COMIdtftiCt t 1J Si L$ BRANCH',66;1, MAkiStittt stricerety, iNser McDonald. PETE WOMEN columnist, author... Polo MsGillen knows Ontario as the 5P4rISIIMI'S P00 0,1110 *NW ► s... ► ► *KNOW BETTER IN 5 We, at the Department of Travel 8 Publicity will welcome vow enquiries about Ontario. BRYAti L. CATHCART, MlniSter ONTARIO TRAVEL, Room 400, 67 College Toronto, Ontario. Please send me free literature and road map of Ontario Nome Address Post Office ••• a_ Ontario Deportment of Travel and Publicity, Hon. Bryan I‘ Cathcart, Minfifer ADMISSION: 50c .39 on summer days in many ways serve Dairy Foods! • The rich are Comrades to the Poor, out fishin'. All brother's Ito a common lure, out fishin'w The urchin with .a pin and string Can Chum with atillionajre and king, out fIsillitf' A fellow's glafi to have a friend, Tit fishin' A help s' -hand heilt always tend, out fiehitt% 'like brotherhood of rod sand line And sky laidit stream isl always OMB Men come real eleSe God'S detign, ,out fiShitt% A fellow plotting ,scliernes, oitt , , tie's only 'busy with his &OA'S, of t. His "livery's u, Coat of tan; his creed: to do the hest lit ieatir„ A felloWS alWa .' Mitt 't I. fishin't