HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1956-06-06, Page 5' FOR SALE --- 1 foraege rack and wagon; 1 dump -rake tied 10 sucker;, Lincoln Martin Phone 30e24 ••••—•••••,* Rock of Ages Corporation Barre _ Vereapet Is pleweed to announce the umppoit>titmeat of Wellington Ronald Monument Dealer LisitoWel, 011Vario As a Rock of Ages Authorized Dealer Rock of Ages Corporation, manufacturer of the ,world's • finest granite' monumenits and memorials, chooses its Authorized Dealers not only for their leohnical knowledge and ability but also. OT their We are confident that you will find this) firm, olifaracter, personality and reputa.tion; "••••••14.1.44A•••n 1 or ',---...._ —... __—. ROCK AGES .444444mminmmoio. tHitivinost Hi* *Mad eittlit *Milt IM aiaYr *knit Oteatiod 1107 M016to triable. titian Oditoti. OK. Orifeteit, Ott • 4.:j;.%;,W doituty road. Priced at $9500.00 General Store — In good 'village on highway, Equipment $300.00; stock at invoice ptIce.iterit for apart- ments and store $65.00 per Monet. Phone 84 J. C. Long, Realtor • drttesels, Ont. SUPERIOR PROPANE 19 Market, Pile, STRA, FORD, oNti -The. Vetiatirl 660669914 *OEL...06i4 HOME' AND INDUSTRY • RANGES, HO? REPRIORRATORk. tit tVALT. .MAtititit • Rep5reetehdliii, #i401411 iiirkkrirOOLI 1.4 is l 41$ *ti TKO BRUML8 welproocty, 'ono 4:tx norTINI YOUR BASEMENT +ow; • 4 fPft SALE 0eed,lioreto.rd 41, MeKtimon 21.ione OSN EXCLUSIVE. oc~e FOR. $ALE 1.3. pigs, ready to wean. .jacit 'Pips Phone '511' 0' f ...WANTEO • Lamle to MQW.und garden' CA plow, Ted Stiles Phone CONCRETE • FLOOR PAINT equals FOR $ALE , i. White enamel, }hood .or cOal range with water treat. I'm. A. Bryans Plirme 12e1.9 KAY...BY-PLAY Coverage by KEN Ems Sunciay, June loth, 2:15 p.m., D.S.T. DETROIT at WASHINGTON ypir radio dial 980_ ..„..dc.,. i.„ Ira ADS. epeeeeeelee .NCTIPE 'T9 ,9.19.g.9119f14 4U PARSPN$ 441,111:g ,.0g40.1 4exatnEit. the Estate, of SAIi.ALL. V1,4,AVN.K(ri,ical.-„ late of the village .Brussels,. In the Oau4ty of ffarolch Spiutor, who died on or 'about the fifth day of April 1056, 0,re '4erel)Y notified. ,t,o send to the uederaigiled on or before the '9th. day of ,Tnne 1950. full particulars • of their cape writing, Immediately after the 9-tit day of me, 1056, the assets of the eatete will be distributed among tile,' piift' entitled thereto baying regard only to (claims of which the Execue ore shall then -have notice. Dated at Bruseels, Ontario, this 220. (ley of May, 1956. ' • Crawford amid Hetherington Barristers and Brussels, Ontario AUCTION. $A1-g ci-FARING At CTION GALE cc.nprim Ferm IMPlemente and Livestock to be held at the premises Let 14, Gen. 13, McKillep TeWnship 24 iniloe eouth Of Walten end 3 miles Pest, en WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13th at i p.m. An Excellent Herd of Holsteins II yr, old Hoisteitt Cew, bredaohiteltr,. 400 ,Tillie 27 7 yr. old HolSteln Cow, fresh. Apr, e O rt,. old Holstein Cow, ,fresh Apr. 26 5 yr. old Holstein Cow, due Julie 18 5 yt old Holstein Cow, due Stine 80 5 3'1', old Holstein Cow, fresh Mar. 28 5 yr. old holstein Cow, clue July 1,5 5 yr, old FroIaton Cow, fresh Mar. 19 Holstein and Hereford Heifer, bred March 16 Trobifeln and Hereford Heifer, hied March 25 Holstein Heifer, bred March 20 (The majority df this herd have been bred Hereford to the ,'WateelOo Unit) Young Cattle — 1 4 ITolstein aircl Herefard Steers, 3 years. 'old, 1 Holstein 'an'd Hereford Yearling r 1 HolsStetrr.and, Hereford Yearling Heifer 5 Holstein end Hereford 'Calves. Pigs -7, 4 nerebred Tarnwarth Sows, bred York, due fbegore. Fiala,. 1; Purebred Taniwortly Sow. bred York, duo at time et Slate. 1 Purebred Yeak Herd Boar 10 months old, Poultry — )20 :Sussex x Rock Pullets, 5 months old. Implements 1 Ceeksbutt 40 Tractor, starter, lights, P, T. C. land PUiley 1 Massey-Hanris Clipper P, T. 0. Conibine, pick...up and ,reels 1 Cockshutt No 11 15erun power d . rill, grain -and fertiliser e 14,aisiaey_in.i.,4ay,rris a_fureow Plow, dire 1. Coekshutt 7-foot power mower 1 Oeekshutt &bar aide 'delivery rake 1 Joint Deere 6_foot one_way disc, like new 1 John Deere tractor spreader on rubber 1 Beublerr 9-foot etiltivater on rubber 4 sections of Cocksluitt diamond harrows and Otiretdedr, 1 Seed_Easy P. T, O. driven grass sieeder, new 1 Faegulifer Iron Age weed sprayer 20 ft. booms, attacheble to either truck or tractor 1 Horndratilie manure loader with bucket blade and buck-rake 1 De Laval milking machine, two units • 1 McCormiek_Deering S..3 60()_lbs, capacity, motor driven cream ,separator t 6 milk cans, -awl strainer . 1 40-foot endless 6...inch rubber belt 1 grain box and 1 stock rack to fit 1/2 ten truck 1 .pig crate 1 500 capacity oil brdoder 29elli, pail of grease, puirm .grease gun Biewtoreh, pails, and many ether small items, Terms Cash with the exception of „the ..Tractor land Combine; NO Reserve Fred H.ef:Alenvilie, — Prop. Dennis and Wildforige—Auetioneeta. A. W. Corby — Clar k' ESTATE Auction Sale of ear'm Stock and Machinery ee Lot 30, con, 3, Morris Twp„ 2V2 miles, North of 'brussels on.aunty Road on WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20th at 1 p.m..l Cattle — 2 Holstein cows fresh, $ Jersey 1. cows freili and recently- fresh. 1. Jersey cow due" Middle July. Guer_ usey cow fresh, 2 DUrliani 'tows froth, Id Poll Angus, Hereford Steers and'HeiferS 1 yr, old, Holstein Heifer 2 yrs, old, 3 Durham heifers 2 yds, old. 1 Hereford heifer, 2 yrs. old. 13 young Calves bred from Poll Angus. 'FOR SALE -- 2.00 Suseex Red Pullets, 12 weeks old; 1200 Red Rock, 500 Red Sussex, 5 months old 22nd. of May. Andrews Poultry Farm Seaforth • Yes.. you can even roller skate on PERMA4RED with- out marking the finish MAKES YOUR BASEMENT FLOOR EASY TO CLEAN, ATTRACTIVE.. DRY, FOR SALE ,Once dining room table and chairs, geed couch, small ,cook 'stove, Brand new Reetoew eine (heed) washing Maine, ter quick sale. .apply to Mrs. Wan. Pawson WANTED — Man for steady travel .aniong con. 'gurneys Hunon Conehy, Permanent connection with large nianufaCterer. Only reliable hustler ceneidered, Write Rawleigh's Dept, P452-131 Montreal, P. Q. D. N. McDonald Bulldeek Supplies PHONE 77 BRUSSELS Pigs -- ,2 York :Souris, bred Machinery 1,- 1947 Ford tractor, 1048 Mal- mer B tractor 3 furrow tractor, plow (like new) Spring tooth .cults- eater, Allis tractor disc, 2 sets diamond harrowts, Massey Harris 7 It. binder, sulky rake. hay leader. 6 It, mower, -rubber tired wagon, fa-ran wagon', 16' ft, -flat rack (like' new) grain grinder, tanning mill, cement mixer, 15 cedar post, . 9 ft. 50-3 ft. 'cedar posts, 1945 Dodge 1/1 ton truck, 1938 Plymouth car, set double harness, forks„ shovels, . rebeina, 4 chicken shelters, other articles too numerous to reenticet, .4TermS Cash prop. — Estate 'of fate, Lawrence Meehan Auctioneer — Harold Jackson, Clerk — E. P. Chesney, Solicitor for estate Robert Heth. Hetherington CRAN.B.R00111 FOR SALE -- We would be pleased to fill your requirements for fertilizer and seei corn. potatoels from Certified seed: for seed or table use. Stan. Alexander, Ethel, Plionenr12 Anniversary ‘Serviesia were 'held in Knox Church on Sunday, Sune 3, with Rev. G. M, Lamont, guest ,prelecher• in the Morning the choir sang the anthem "His Mercy Endureth," and ENO. Margaret Perrie oont,ributed the solo "Jesus -the Very Thought". The evening anthem v,laS "God Give You Peace, Services will ba held usual on June 10 with Sunday School- at 10 e, in. (and morning worship at 11.15 The Young -People's Society will meet in the 'awn baeeineelit on Friday evening Stine 3. at S p.m. Mr. and Mds, Emerson Mitchell and sons, {abtended morning anniver- sary service and visited with Mr. end Mee. -Multray Huethen Mrs. Feed Kirkpatrick said Ptail visited last week in Mt. Forest. Sunday visitons With Mrs. Sea Noble were Mr. and Mrs. Stuart. Noble, Pat, and Mr. Jerry Barr_ Ones, Guelph Mr. John Menary is a patient in Winghtun hospital. Program arrangements are not complete fiv the Garden Party but watch for the date which will be fatteninced Soon. W1 FOR SALE — Ask us for Bray list available 'chicks. Mixed. Pullets, day old anti started, Including Ames IreCross (more eggs from less feed). Wide 'choice lireedie Prompt shipment Agent—Win. Glen Bray. Ethel; Mrs., R, Barrett, R, R. 5 Brussels, Phone '511.12. 'INSEMINATION INFORMATION "For Artificial insemination infor. maim or service from all breeds of cattle, phone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association at: e Clinton H V.2 - 3441 or Palmerston 493 between 7.30 and 9.30 A. M. We thieve all breeds Mallen° — top quality at low cost." .ilgill.11111111M111111.15 , -TEACHERS WANTED Moliris School ,Area, Board require tie° eeperienced 'Protestant teeth- e-0e schools No. 3. Township Hall, and No, 11, Walton Duties to cone maim in September. Minimum sal- Ary $2100. Allowance for eenerienee, Send applications to B. McMurray. R. R. 4 Wiugham FOR SALE -- I caa still furnish you with the-best seed corn you dan• buy PIONEER! While there is still a Supply available, cell Me for the extra, bushels you will need. to complete your planting requirements. this spring, Bert ,Tolueston. Brussels R. R. 2 Phone: Brussels, 23r4 "op...vary...or "pawnor FOR SALE -- Aintninunt doors, windows railings and awnings, Also all kinds of aluminum or isteel barns and sheds. apply to Jas. S. Cowan, Listowel. Phone ,Listowel 527M 4 4 4 1 A I 4 4 FOR SALE, -- Brick Cottage — Hydro, 2 acres land in small village. near school, store, and chopping mill. Prided at $1900.00 cash 5 acre Farm — Good house, hydro, bank bare, on county road always ploughed. Priced at $2500.00 General. Store., in geed sized village. Stock 4000.00; equipment $1000.00. Price including stock, equipment and Building (2 storey) $5800.0 cash, 100 acre Ferni — Beautiful brick 2 story house, bath, flu-nada, arid. Pressure system, driveshed, bank barn, 5 acres bush. Situated On TENDERS WANTED -- SEALED TENDERS will be received by the underaigeed for painting. the Windows an.d trim of .the Walton- Cominitnite Hell. Ten& 'err to be in by June 22', 1956;* Week Ito 'be completed by July.gle Lewest Or any tender not neeesSar- ityr apeepted. Further partiMilate 'apply Steweet Itientehriee, Sect. •••••••••••••41...... FOR SALE -- Highest prices paid for old hese John Zwaati ?bone lens FOR ALL YOUR AUTOMOTIVE NEEDS SHOP AT THE MAC DARKER AUTO SUPPLY permanent Type Anti Freeze $2.75 per gallon .75 per quart Thermostats Ranging from $1.03 to Spark Pings 56c to 69c each, Auto Light and Chawpleill MPtflere from PAS to S9.20 Tab! Pipes from $2.98 to $4.99 Exhaust Pipes from *1.25 to 14.7$ ReetdeOce 95 Business 1111 trusters, Ont. When you travel by the CNR. Super Continental, Iii 21 tween major Canadian cities or the eritie"run,e you cik#1 work, rest or play ---you take your choice, Yob. cg, enjoy a snack or a delictota meal in coffee tee? or' There ho edditiOnal cost to go lay the. Stipex tie iti tine luituriotis atMesphere et the 4tgli t and a wide range of accOmmedatiOqs is offered every budget. A rented cart if you Will await arrival at Major peinte. teat:fa your Ctitiadlen NiefiteielieweitoOdirliet, fiii,"infoiMiiltoit 001 ELMA FARIVIERSi MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. 10 laim Off cc Atwoodi tdauraa Olt otwon Property, A private Oe0001010' kiid:tottitento, and *MON' Schaal 01;u0ttiti aNd 1l • bit iitHELIRANdt Af Gkt$V'tYiiir iiittompT ADJUsTMeNt cLAitat t3bntat:t your itairsit Diratior P. W. (Men 01.tiiirtiiiiLit "WitidlitAM MtMORIAt MOO iotir SteindrIAI .ortittitioik Teat* THE BEST GRAMM*. • Muria' 11199 190914-6991.9trii WoHanirit919, iteastitaltie --141.440, A. tOOTTON Pimio *hi* Evening Auxiliary The Evening Auxiliary met at the home -of Mrs. K, McDonald Der hitch' May meeting with 16 members present fi The meeting opened with the leader, Miss Mina Baker, giving the call to worahip. A 'hymn was !sung and prayer was offered by Mrs, M. Iluethetr. ,Scriptitte, psalm 95, was read in Unison, Following hymn 261 Mrs. Megair read the meditation "Deep Silence ietel its Meaning. The meeting was then turned over' 'to the President, Mrs, R, knight, and the Minutes Were read and .approved. The business WAS ells- Vals,sed,, Mrs, S. FlisellOr explained to these who Were not pat the Bits- sets PresbYlterittl about tint all& cation, TOW for Mal, is $3K000, Treasnrer'S 1,0(0 wlaS gi*ein by tioolee elcleatrMt. W. S Maved by Isobel Hriether, Sec., I 'ended by Una Xoble Oat NO bd our lutictt tollettien, Garried, Plans Were Made tot the next Meeting to, lee held 1st the Virile 4 Betty Mrs, tart Ott-tm read the eliaptet frent bite SWAY hoop, WegfiK ttotg64 Atif.11, e Tt brit hid the Mizpwlt lletteAtatat, tditofwihrg this tetty tele. read ct &Pate KaciclreSs Mtn Oil ,of the AnOlary inenthera iiieSented, 17thel Campbell, who 15 leaving shortly for the 17..S. With a. 'Pair' al etitingise Ethel thank. nt4 thd . A defray Minch Wad Sa't'ed by' the liOstesS, Doris mcbolio1i1 611,4 Vitty tt6etlibi4, From TORONTO KO to 0 Slibititer Jct. gOli`H and thenc e to MANNitilio SASAirodil MjAittiaticOM At41 te• ER . • .