HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1956-05-23, Page 5PLAY-BY-PLAY Coverage by KEN ELLIS SaturdaY, May 00th, 3,00 pan., D. S. T. Sunday, May 27th, 3,Q0 p.m., D. S. T, KANSAS CITY at DETROIT KANSAS CITY at DETROIT , .. .., , , .• . • . . . " _ ... d al. . ..„,„ • . ..:........ . .....,...,....... ... Pin. u, du .. .., .. 1600.400 '. • " . , FOR SALE — Aluminum doors, windows railings and navnings. 1 Also all kinds of I aluminum or steel barns and :sheds. apply to Jas. S. .Cowan, Listowel Phone Listowel 527M FOR SALE — If you; thought you had good corn last year; plant Pioneer this spring and discover a TRULY SUPERIOR seed corn. ,Call or see me now. Bert Johnston. Brussels R. R. 2 Phone: Brussels, 281.4 Spark Plugs 56c to 69c each, Autu Light and Champion Mufflers from $4.35 to $9-20 Tall Pipes from $2.98 to $4.95 Exhaust Pipes from $3.25 to $4.75 Phone: Residence 95 - Business 11Sr Cirussels- Ont, FOR SALE — Brick Cottage — Hydro, 2 acres land In small village, near school, store, and Chopping mill. Priced at $1900.00 cash 5 acre Farm — Good house, hydro, bank barn, on county road always ploughed. Priced at $2500.00 General. Store — in good sized village. Stock 4000.00; equipment' $1000.00. Price including stock, equipment and Building (2 storey) $5800.00 cash. 100 acre Perm — Beautiful brick 2 story house, bath, furnace, and pressure system, driveshed, bank barn, 5 acres buith. Situated on county road. Priced at $9500.00 General Store — In good village on highway. Equipment $3500.00; steck irmice price.Rent for apart- ments and store $65.00 per month. Phone 84 J, C. tong, Realtor 'Brussels, Ont. FOR SALE — Highest prices paid for obi helm John Zws,an Phone voixs 0)(itftist)tt Ofia0ANit Lit% Martinti: ?lie/ ttRAikiktii ONta The Vereattre OeOehitaillie Otitt. OCIR HOME Attit HOT litklititiiAti000, WALT. MADD tele/4,1'00kb , :kit 410 ink lit , TENDERS WANTED — Tenders will be received by the I Undersigned until 12 o'clock noon, Sone 2nd. 1956 for the building of a new brick Veneer dwelling, size 01' x 28' including garage, situated.) 'In the Village of Brussels. Contract-1 or to do all work, and supply all Materials, including, plumbing, heat- ing and wiring. Plans and rspecificatt ori can be seen at the undersigned.) Mlle lowest or any tender, not ndem. Sully ,aceepted. Selvlyn Baiter, Brussels, R. H. tiktiosoAtiW tin* your Ortitt,6 lanter all *hie l Cleaned lie sari r7 wry taleO to teetibie, Osicdest, TIC ilisi*sertt" Olt VOINdfrIAlle MEMORIAL &Si Steine-A-4j dittitainest ref thittiAitie *tit With tit-tart peettnifig and Orleite Meet teitittabiii t trierrt- ON PRUS$Z1AtS POST 1Vedui,isd-ztyf 4,1;ar .91117 '"r *11.11! r 414, *0,6 1r NOTICE TO TO ,C.REPITORE. All persons haying the Estate of ,Pearl .14.4•C late of 'rho of rinAssolo -4,1, the Oounty of Tinton, so-hool,,tooPker: it9m.,50 who died cm the let 414Y of. March, 1000, aro Hereby notified to send In full particulars. of their claims to the itudersigne,4 og or beforo trib. 2nd day of june.1956,. after which date the fuSeeiSts of the estate will be distributed haring regard. only to claims thou received. Dated this, 11.th, day of hay A. D. 1950 Oral.vford and getlierinston Barrister and 0.i Brussels. Ontario CLASSIFIED ADS. ST.RAYIED front the .farm 'Red and White fur° s‘ sing ter ivrocintwn I WANTEP -Cattle for pasture, .I.A1lelte 52r7 Lyle Gordon AUCTION SALE of Household Furniture .4ohn .Street Brussels SATURDAY, MAY ..g§th at 1 Fa, 'gam combination coal ond Electric Bono 0 hitOon 0440 an4 table nxtesSfOn, table, 4 ,0.inning Oairg R.itolieu stool Buffet Laundry tubs 'White enamel foot Weeds Deep Pree;40: 004telt a small tables. Chesterfield, hooking 'Obefrfi Occasional Chairs Bedroom 'suites including beds, Preasera, stands, spring nigresseS , (like now) Sheoto, Diap*ets Quilts Spreads Linoleum !floor. 'coming 1245, , Diatee, Kitchen ntenslis Sealers OrOnka Garden tools And many other items Terms posh Mrs, Leslie ,Switzer, Prop. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer - WANTED Garden to rant, Mns. P, Mari n. GOLDEN OPPORTUN ITY FULL PART TIME. PONDS COSMETICS AND VASELINE PRODUCTS LOST ,-- 7,Iiereferd Steen% ,about GUO Am Jack Wheeler 'Phone 12113 of Areltie 117InLis, spotted Cow' AilY p11:,-sse contact Phone 08X2.' FOR BALE Ren9rew Cook-lute Stove in geod eonditilon, lietvliv liamiltOn, Ethel, Phone 11910 This can be handfed by a, reliable man or woman, Work consists of DELIVERY and REPLENISHING stocks of these INTERNATIONALLY KNOWN pro- ducts in EXISTING RETAIL STORES established by the Com- pank. fit,t4 'WANTED AT ONCE Dealer iai Iture.n. County 7i/rite Rawleigh's Dept, 16-152-13., Men, treal, P, Q, NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the Estate of Eliza, L Ramsay late or the Township of Grey in 'the County of Huron, widow, deceased who died on the lath, day of October 1955, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 2nd day of June 1956, after Which date the assests of the estate will be distributed baying AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Sale' of Livestock and Machinery at Lot'4, Con. 2 Grey Twp. y2 mile East of Jamestown On TUESDAY, MAY 29th 'At 1 P. M. fort, moloilem .441././44410 FOR SALE — 2 (tows for colony ,house 'feeder. M, Grewar and one as 4 By CNR, you start your holiday in a luxury hotel on wheels. The engineer does your driving, and there are courteous. people to serve you. Phone 72; FOR SALE — 4 bags of pritatoes suitable for seed and 2 bags for table use, David Savage Ethel FOR SALE -- Weaned pigs, 8 weeks old. Phone 17r6 Henry Stryker„ former 'Harvey SohnIston Farm, 8th, eon. of Morris: regard only to claims then received.. Dated this 11.th. day of MAY A. 'D, 1950 Crawford and Hetherington Barrister and c., Brussels Ontario ABSOLUTELY =selling or, soliciting as;all sales are handled by the IIDAD OFFICE STAFF. I 4 a. AGE. ethic:titian or past experience is not important at Will training is pro_ vided for a pleasant, dignified and HIGHLY ,PROFIITABLE 'PBTERE. • A FOR SALE -- 2000 ,Sussex Red Pullets,"12 weeks old; 1200 Red Rock, 500 Red Sussex, 5 months old 22nd. of May, Andrews. Poultry Perm Seaforth Phone. 647 r 3 /yegmeemea... 'WANTED— Dealers wanted for supplying con_ sumers with line of household nec- essities. You can easily earn from $50 to $75. weekly, FAMILEN., Dept. 4 Station 0, Montreal, HOUSEKEEPER 51 CAN BE HANDLED in 3 to 5 hours a week without inter- fering with present employment. UP TO $75.00.a week income to START with immediate 'expansion if .desired. Cattle 2 Brindle cows freshened in, Jan. and March. 2 Durham cows, fresh in Feb. 1 Brindle cow, freshened in Feb. 1 Holstein heifer fre,shened 1 pure bred Ayrshire cow freshened. Holstein cow, 3. Durham eoW, due in .Sept. 1 Durham cow freshened I 2 Holstein cows, milking, 1. Durham, heifer and Holstein heifer freshened 'Holstein cow due in May, 3. barb= cow freshened 1 Durham cOw freshened in San, Durham heifer due in Aug. 2 Yearling Holstein heifer. 1 Ayrshire yearling heifer 2 yearling steers. 11 :Spring calves Pure-bred Durham. bull, 1 ry. Old. Pigs 4 ,sows, 3 due time of sale, 1 due in July, 1 York Hog. , Machinery Ford Tractor and' plow tandem disc 6 section drag harrows, 6 cut, mower, hay loader, !seed drill, FOR ALL YOUR AUTOMOTIVE 2 oultivators, 1 wagon with hay rack NEEDS SHOP AT THE threshing machine, John Deere MAC 13AEKER AUTO SUPPLY 'Manure spdeade Spreader, almost Permanent Type Anti Freeze new, All steel stone boat, i2 x 12 brooder house, January oil brooder stove, 2 range •istlielters, cedar $1.05 to posts, fanning mill, Some Household I $2.10 Effects, Other articles too mini-1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS' ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of SARAH. DLLEN KIRiBY, late of the village of Brussels, in the County of Huron, Spinster, who died on or shout The fifth day of April 1956, are hereby notified to seind to the undersigned on or before the 9th. day of June 1956. full partieulars of their claims lin writing, Immediately after the 9th. day of June, 1956, the assets of the estate will be distributed ,ambrig the part- ies entitled thereto having regard only to olaims of which. the Execu_ tors shall then have notice. ,Dalted at Brussels, Ontario, this 22nd. day of May, 1956. Crawford and Hetherington Barristers and Brussels, Ontario ' For home in pleasant location in , ,Seaforth, Ont. Duties will be light. talting care of house Soy eldtrly lady, In answering please state sal-) cry expected. P. 0. Box 50' i APPLICANTS must be in a position to POST $1,098.00 IN CASH for BONDED MERCHANDISE which is covered by a RE-PURCHASE AGREEMENT. te IF YOU have the necessary sash available immediately and desire a business of your own that will provide ,steady income with life-time security then write la once, giving your name, address and telephone number to: PERSONNEL MANAGER s Namerco (Canada) Limited 392 Bay Street TORONTO 1, Ontario, $2.75 per gallon .75 per quart thermostats Ranging from Next time you travel, go by train. More and more Canadians who are going places, go CNR on such famous "name" trains as the Super Continental, the Continental, the Ocean Limited* Where frio you k you're going BOUND FOR THE EAST? HEADED WEST? No matter where in' this wide and wonderful land you're going, by CNR you'll get there in comfort and in style. YOU'LL EAT, SLEEP AND BE MERRY — In the new CNR Dinette you can have a hamburger and coffee if you're not in a full-course dinner mood, At night, you'll sleep like a kitten between soft white sheets, And always by train, there's the stimulation of meeting new people. ALL THIS, FOR JUST A FEW CENTS A MILE—Before you decide how you're going, to get there, check CNR fares. Subtract the worry and fatigue of battling traffic Add the comforting certainty of train'travel—whatever the weather — you're on your way, and a rented oar, if you wish, will await your arrival at major points. lorttac:y:ur Canadian National representative for ca information and reservations. wo-ntlwrxis gicarmn,tdoggige MSRMarir 1444 • „AL_ to mention.' Terms Cash Geo.'Nicholson, Prop. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer '.4 4 , • 1,M•04,.• • Tr• • WALTON Cadets Attend Service The Cadets :of Seatorth District High School marched from Walton Community Centre to Duff's United 'Church here on 'Sunday morning to attend the church service. The og the school, under the direction of ,parade Was leg by the bugle band S. .Dungey. The service wadi in charge Rev. M. Thomat. Ron Scoins read scripture, and special music was furnished by the choir, with a duet being sung by George Late and Jan Van:reit. Mrs. 'H, BroWn Vat at the organ,( Many of the teachers from the 'school alto -attended alas service. FOR SALE --, 1 Oirl's Bicycle 1 Man's Bilyelei, 2 kitchen Cabinets. 1 Small Crib, also many articles. Robt. Patrick FOR SALE — " IStarte,d Pullets — Bray Hatchery suggests you order In advance of sIhipment ds.rte. Right now they can give fairly prompt shipment on mix.. led chicks pullets. In a wale choice of breed, cross, or some of the ilspecials". Ask for full informticni price list ikon, agents — Wm. ,Gleti Bray, Ethel; Mrs. R. Barrett, R.R. Bruissela, Phone 540.2. other Phone 28 4 4 4 4 4 ELMA FARMERS' MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO Established In 11194 Head Office ,.Atwood, Oat. Insures Farm Property, Private DiensIlleee And Contents In TOwns and Villages Schools, Churches and Halls on an "iNSURANCE AT COST" beet PROMPT ADJUSTMENT OF CLAIMS intact your Nearest Director -- Await R. W. (Dick) WHITFIELD It R. Z th'useele. Ont. A • A 1 A Farm U nion Pariii Union Walton Leda' 134 Was held at Winthrop Hall on May ].9th with 80 present, The meeting Wes opened with 0 :Canada, Tho inilinttos of the lea Meeting wete toad and approved: Presiddat Hugh Johnston then Called en Mr. Cortd.; ack to the officers. PreSident Carl Daltoit Vice Tres. = Mark tamilton tec.-Tre4s. Mat. IliaVia Educational Director Delft teglalatiVe Direeter PrOVItiCial OM ford ifaegf Federal. Soo. taboo& tteeteatititiat Oem. Convener' lItta. tale Hatilillon Mre„ Dorody lid. tori, 'Orville tore57, ReitclettMl„ Percy Dalton, Harvey Craig Carl Dalton then introduced .the, that npealtor foe th '6:Veiling Mr. Titania§ Pryde M. P. Tftireit youth Albert Of Attlittri list Of bittdito ij` rani gaging' wail 'eloW Stir tie tileett., With Wits terVcd, WOOL: JACKSON HOMES LTD., SEAFORTII id-oelleotitig wont for grading end sails en the co-operative Plan. Ship= • pert 'may :obtain: eadka. and twine free of Charge train, the abOve. .freni. their Lieettied Otteeatoe. • ANAblAtsi• to;OliERAtIVE Woot. olloWdite: LI MITED ;ifi Ray -Streets, Toronto •