HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1956-05-23, Page 4POST WvAnesaok Ma)! P4d, 400
Anyway, your take-off seems
that quick! This frisky new
Chevrolet offers even higher
V8 horsepower to make passing
safer—and alb driving more fun.
The new Chevrolet has its Own.
special brand of acceleration —
lightning-like power punch that
MI save you precious seconds for
safer passing, And the brand. name
is "Turbo-Fire VS"!
You plant down your foot — and
out pours the power, Power in the
form of dynamito-eharged action!
A gunflash surge of motion that
seems to happen the very -instant
you will it!
And When you combine perfor-
mance like this ' with. Chevrolet's
nailed-clown stability and sure-
footed cornering ability, you've got
a car that put$ more safety and
fun into anybody's driving!
Chevrolet brings you inherent
qualities of agility and sureness of
control that help you avoid trouble
before it happens!
You'll see what we mean .7when
you wheel one of these beauties out
on the road. You've 20 new models
to choose from, with horsepower
that ranges to a new top of 205 in
the "Super. Turbo:Fire V8" (an
extra-cost .option). So, come on in
and let us lend you the key.
Riverside Motors - Brussels, Ont.
Nelson Hanna, hoer b'othity
'Robt. .1-lattna, fOX. 'bounty .
Winn. lboy, fot bonnt'Y '
:3io'bn 'Petrie, fox. bounty
E. M. Cardiff, Clerk's reeik
fox bounty
Fred Sirlaildon, Warble fly
isispeetor . 267.00
Geo. WeSenberg, equalite -two
trniidt •Shoots • ' , 16,60
ow. Wdoettiyerg, 30 1.4.6 7777.arble
1010 Or . 108:0.6
Town of 'S'eatortli, 'fiebelitiite iitty.,
inert SeafOrtlit Trigh. Sclioel 1,200.18
Rebt, Cutiiiinghatil) stove oil 0.21,
Ethel Libra-it, nthel. 'Viirege
'C'ecil Battinain, Brueelleafe,
'Missal itnigivt, t rtteellosia
Wm. d. Harrison Britcolteeis
HUaon County gab. Officers
lVfettherShip, tees 1.5'.00
f.ftatiortt Beacon-letiald ad:V.
itheteliet Braid "7.Z0
the Liletowal Banner, actin.
It net:elle]. Drain 3'.20
the `iVittnielpai World, ,Stipplie '0.3,1
Ontario IllunieiPal Board, '
tatitt fees 7.00
B. M. 'Cardiff, elarlee red,
dtaitis 10;06
Stanley Met:ander, refit tor"
rdtfiAii tt,tik
"The greatest thing about ClAtArio is it? iminense diversity.
.tts southern extremity is on the same parallel of latitude as
rthern California.
et ot Cape Henrietta Maria, Ontario touches the Arctic zone.
n the south, an opulent agricultural and industrial domain in
nil stride with the best on the continent, 4.nd in the north, forests, rivers, nameless lakes into which the
pioneers have not yet penetrated.
Where else now can you go for such contrast? Name two?'
onuconz' CLAIM
Fnoln poaches to polar bears program means safer ) more , in a few short hours you can pleasant travel. Ontario's
e both in Ontario! In an even highways, plus excellent bust
oxter time you can leave the rail, water and air services
keart of a bustling metropolis make every part of the
Anci reach the quiet and peace Province readily accessible,
ief the virgin wilderness. Please use the coupon for X m xceliont aceomodation is colourful literature which will icady You. And Ontario's' help you to "Know oNriquo
evor expanding highway Better!"
— Carried
Moved by Geo, Hutchinsien, sec.
(ended tby Clifford. R, Dunbar that
we now adjourn to Meet again dune
2nd or at the call of tre nave.
— Carried.:
The following accounts were Pia:
Leonard Ward, ;box boit* $1.00
Gab. Gill, roX bounty 26.00
of Main .Street. 50,00
Our town is here to.stay. We ship thousands
of cattle by rail to all sealods of this country.
We are aniroportant spot on the rolling prairie:
tattadiatis depend bittOWns Bite ours for A
steady beef supply. We depend on services
within our own community to keep that supply
O'o'listarit, One of these is your bank—The ConitrierCeo • ,
Yes,. our town is here to stay and so is
tte Coinnierce branch, The men and vitornell there
are goon peopld to know.
The Canadian-Bank of
• "The Coririthottou
'toads 1;625,7G
0a,tiditie; DdYthe
Exhaustive tests have proven that the new Magic
Action Faucet will not drip or leak. yet this
EMCO-fashioned tap costs no more than old-
fashioned taps.
* no more drip-stained basins and baths
* no more hot water waste
* no more washers to replace
*Easy To Turu
* Easy To Clay)
* Easy To Look. At
Buy Matched sets for Basin, Bath and Shower
Come in, and see our full hue
of EMCO Plumbing Equipment
Brussels Ontario
Erripiro Brass Mfg. Co. Limitecll
on Sunda' eveta.n)g-, l'.lay g7, 04 7,30.
tills% floswr "Soliviee Or eohoOls, Will
1:::::t:111. 1 3.C.AM,,C Presbyter4M Vellrell,
Miss 0MriPhell, oOlsieal supervisor
is prepulug the program .,, with the
)4r. Pftve 13rowa, 'visited With
Norman Ana Mrs. 'Pfeifer,
Mr, and Mrs, lim j'amiGsont Kit,
chewer.. were holiday visitors with
Mr, and Mrs, Stanley Fis;iter.
Mr, and Mrs. Komieth Luddiagtou
and daugliter Doris were Sunday
visitors with Mr, And Mos, L. H. Gor-
11911' K N B P RE:B V IT AENR*IA: X 0NoO, ti RO e H
Minister; C. L. ThompsOn
7.39 p.m. Flower Service
YOU are warmly minted to attend
our Services
Josue did not come 'from heaven to
take our. PART , . , He came to
take our PLA.CD.
Grey Twp, Council
Grey Town= . Council Meeting
Wag held on: May 5th.
Moved by Clifford: R, Dunbar,
seconded by ,Geo, Hutchinson that
fthe minutes be adopted as read,
— Carried.
MoVed by Geo. Hotel
(led by Winn. E. Bishop that we 1
'award the contract for the Kneehtol
Drain to Ross Hamra,.
— Carried.
Moved by Wm, D, Bishop, second,
ad by Archie Mann that Geo.
linitobinson be appointed Cora- 1
missionor ,on Knechtel Drain,
— Carried.
MOved by Win. E. Bishop, second.
eit by Archie Mann that Court of
Revision. on 'the 'Silver Corners Drain
' and 'Rayuland Drain be closed and by-1
laws finally passed,-and instruct the
cleric to 'advertise for tenders.
— C Moved by Archie Mann, secaorrinde. edd
by Wan. E, Bishop tthoit we instruct
:,.eae reeve solid, clerk to apply for Prov-
vincial Grant on the Silver Corners,
Raynard nail Kneehtel Drains.
— Carried.
Moved by Wm. D. Bishop, second-
ed by Geo. Hutchinson that we in-1
struct Engineer Howes to examine
!and report on Lave Drain and hove
Drain Extension - land Clifford R.
Dunbar be appointed Commissioner
on same.
— Carried.
Moved by Clifford R. Dunbar,
Seconded by Archie Moan that we
ianahorize the reeve to place the ord-
ler for the fire fighting equipment a-
greed upou by Council, with Gordon
— Carried,
1Vioived by Win. E. Bishop, Second-
ed by Archie ,Mann that all 'aCeentits
be paid.
few men know Ontrtto better
(ton "Gres" Clark, noted odltOr
and outdoors authority.
ONTARIO' wolai 66ohr Mien of -111V6i Rooth 399, 6' tolikte 5t., Will Wd1Cotifd your
tncridilrt atinut OntAtle. TtirOnib, 'Ortfitria. BRYAN L, OA-Mc/tin;
Plbasc set ct via tied litekalk•te CliiritCad cop bt dritcitick
Pest Office,
ontario bepailitent of frost oild Publicity, lion: irydn L Cathearti Mintitor