HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1956-04-11, Page 4Morris Council ,Morris TOWnship Golpell Meeting, APril 2, 1959. Tla Connell -met in the 'WWI:Whin 04, the abore date with all the metiUberS Pr0Slit. The milint*" 19f the last meeting Were read and adopted on Mptlea of Walter .Shortrted andr Ross Dttnean. Moved by §terWart Procter, secOnd- 'ed by Walter Shiortreed that Wins Ivi4rt9r ,1)0 APPointed '.a;cting Road, g,uperintgat,e4t until such time as lit ,Anther, Ity2a,a MeArter, jis able to take over Onbleet to the approval of 'he Distriet Mu.41901•Pall En.0119'etr.. Carried, Moved by inn. gl6ton, seconded by, Ross Dtutoan, -drat the Geneva SPraIng, Von-owned auto- 1M:bile "A 41Aclesr, Iteumailee be re. 14eFed wit4, General. modem In. sUrance Co.' through Bernard Hall. — Carried MoVed by Wm, Elston, seconded. by SteVart .Procter that the .tender Of Gee, Radford to clean and repair the Warwicir Drain for the sum of 4700 be .accepted. Moved by Ros0 Diinean, seconded. by Stewart .Precter that 'we charge five cents per head • for inspeetion of herds that have 'bean given the brush, treatment for warble fly. *Wed. by -Wm. Elston, seconded by 'Stewart .Procter that we • pay Addison Fraser $110.00 for 'making; -of Morris Township and -that A. Fraser pay for the . material used. • 'Moved by Stewart Procter, second. ed by Walter Shortreed that Addl.- son Fraser be Paid $200 on his. salary Moved by Ross Duncan, seconded by Steavart Procter -that the -Tme- neer's Report on, the Johnston Drain be provisionally adopted. — Carried. Moved by Walter Shortreed, sec, ,_ouded by Ross Duncan that the road bill as presented by the Road Sup- derintendent be paid, Carried. The • fallowing wore appointed as` ofemmissioners on the drains — Warwick Drain, Stewart Procter; 167.84 209,34 1.68 217.50 Relief • Addison Framer, Assessors Convention. Addison Eraser, 3 maps of Morris Township Addison Fraser, part salary Bruce Richmond, Richmond • Drain Ralph Shaw, -Centennial 500.00 BY-LAW NO. 9, 1956, MORRIS TOWNSHIP Bostnan Elstou; La- , 1_14914 Drain, Win, glston; Delo Drain, Bailie Parrott.; 'Spivey Drain, ; Bailie Parrott; Riehmend Drain, I Bailie Parrott; Breckenridge Drain, I Ross DuVeganl Jahuaton Elston; Sawyer ;Drain, Stewart. PITON". Moved by WM, Elston, seconded by Rosa Dtuican that Bylaw Na. 9, 3.956, re.Daying for tire trucks et tending tirO, be passed as road the first, seeOnd and third times and that it be -Printed in the three local paPers, Ad. No. 560813-3 cols. x 120 lines—T-3202--M nalar=srammaememmvsrg... sagair.r&nrevs~sW imillesrexscrir eanats iaw:nwerauccwomarratmanarawitanwasilasi varumfforvawtheA re,... Moved by Stewart Procter, second- ed by Walter Srortreed that we give the Finance Committee of the Cen- Unnial $500 for Centennial o'nenses,, — Carried, 'Moved by 1Stewart Procter, second- ed by Walter ,Shertreed that the meeting adjourn to meet again od Mal,' 7 at 1 p, m. or at ;the call of the Reeve. Carried. The following accounts were Veld; 'Mum World, sluPPllea $5.98, $Advanioe-rfintes, edvt. , 2.188 Th:':'10,. Pierce, fox bouritY 1,00 ‘,„, Town of Clinton., Debenture on school B,ernard Hall, Insurance Blyth Standard, advt. T. B. Mansholt Warble FLy Powder Mrs, E. Cummings, Indigent fees • 40.00 /11Yth Standard', suPPlies 8.50 Bel-grave CO-Operative, Warble Fly Fonder p1.4:50 Harold Walsh, 'Relief account 27.26. 30400 Carried. 5.00 1 1,10.00 I 200.00 2.00 A: By-'1.ialv. to authorize payment Hof Tire trucks for attending fires in i the Township of Morris, Whereas agnements have been made with the Town of Wisgham and 'the Village of Blyth' -to attend fires 4n the Township 'of Morris to which they are called with the Coin- munity Fire Truck is which Morris Township has a share. And Whereas the, ToWn of Wing- . ham and the Village of Blyth must cc charge a tee 'to cover the wages of men and the expense of oper- atisg the fire truck, And Whereas the Fire Insur- ance Companies will not Pay for fire .trucks attending fires and the iTownshiP of Monts is held respon- sible for payment for such services. Therefore be it -enacted and it is thereby enacted by the Council of i the Township of Morris that such 1. resident or owner halving a fire 'truck -attend as fire at his or, her plate must Day for the first hour of this service and *the Township 'Of Morris will pay the balance of said service, This By-Law Shall come into- force -and effect on the date :of the final passing thereof, Read a third time and finally passed this 2ftd day of April, 1956, First Reading, April 2, 1956, Second Reading, April 2, 1956. Third Reading, April 2, 1956, Bailie Parrott, RoeVt, Geo. C, Martin, Clerk, FOR SALE,— Brick. Cottage kyilto, 2 acres land in small village, near stcreN'Aird chopping Mill: Priced at $1900;00 cash 6 acre Patna Good tense, hydro, bank barn) on dontiltY read always ploughed. Priced •at 62500.00 General Store in good sized Stodk 4600.00'p ,etitilintlent 81000.00. Price Including Stkielfi ecniipinent and Building. storey) $5300,00 cash. • 1.0 ante Earth, Beautiful brick -§teirY NM* bath, And Pre4slire stys4em, diftettliOd, bark tarn, abise,§ husly..,. -Situated on county read. Prided 'at $9500.06 „ dotiati store —,-In good village • On highWay. HottiPthent $3500.00; stock at invoice tride.Rent for start- tnents and store $15,00 .per month; Phone 84 J.. tong, Realtor Zittdels,- Oat. CAFETERIA FEEDS ARE. YOUR, BEST BET FOR. PIGS Buy Them on Our Deferred Payment Pied at Cash Prices . • . No Financing Charges .• qh If you are Obeding p1ga, here's an opportunity you can't afford to overlook. We are supplying the famous money- making Cafeteria pig feeds to many customers in this area, on their agreement to pay when their pigs are marketed. No dovin payment, no interest, no financing charges of any kind. Naturally, we must reserve the right to select our customers, on a deal of this kind ... but we aren't tough to deal with.' Come in and talk it over. Cafeteria Suckling Pig Pellets are the best creep feed you can buy . . .- bar none. After weaning, continue to feed Suckling Pig Pellets for another two weeks, or feed Cafeteria Pig Starter. With good management, this plan of feeding will make you money this year. HENDERSON'S STARTED CHICKS Seaforth . Phone 615-il JOHN A. MACDONALD Mitchell ... Phone 2 111111111111liiiimilliNIIIIIMInollitipillookommullegotygiptigilimpingloiogiiitlliimiJOig„._„ 1011100111111111 1111i 1.,///,././///j//../o A§k§o4Nio , „• • • • - --- 774.. - . Illustrated above—Chevrolet Be) Air Sport CoUpe .t."P •kle It looks hi h priced .but it's the '56 Chevrolet! It 100a strictly "upper bracket's with ifs bold new Motor- - Antic styling , its longer, lover hood . . its proud new grille that spans the. full front end. But, even beyond its costly appearance, Chevy gives the high priced cars a .run for their. money. For it's one of the few great road Cars built today!' You'll see what that means when you take one out on the highway, fee' the added security of Chevrolet's nailed, down stability. "Vont thrill as the way it. whistles around ' tight turns — as footSUre as a ist on a Carpet! Arid When yOu need a quicji•sprint for safer passing, or a power inifich to flatten out a hill you've got it Horse, petVer hitg a neW top of 205 in the "Super TUrbc 91;t• V8" On extra-cost option). • „ So conic on in and highway-test the r;:r :hat puts Iliad' *At, tiro and safety in your driving. We l: looking for yo41 ....kit ,,,;.'3"--- .• .daititAL -Adititiiii, VALUE tftmel tpray f4,011714t • iotirotrootaririo.r. tro. ,0 " 4 1116 1141 -•"• ,Pistowel Transport -- refund Bell Televhone Co, -- pay Phone • , „ Sale of lot to Winglialni Hospital W. J. Gage alai Co. -- rtfand Sale of old school to Town of Wrigham Rent of Auditorium Tuition - 'Goderich Dist. Collegiate Institute $ 31290 Listowel District High Schlool 3112.90 4,07 4,5, • 240.00 9424 tog 04.0 $ 187699.62 Overdraft at. December 31. 1955 2825:68 I 190325118 $ 69339.36 4096.16 $ 65143.20 Night Classes s InStructional Supplies Transportation Administration Plant Operation Cadets Physical Education - ,Tuition paid — Goderich Listowel District High School Board of Education London Oarfetaria Salaries Debenture No. 1 Hot Lunches to April 15. 1965 Unemployment Insurance Stamps Refund of rentals W. Seddon for rentals Brussels Public School Board, — rental Cafeteria - Alvyance for 'supplies- Expenses for Cafertaria 1000.00 5091,23 436113.84 9151.18 14518.78 268.28 493,17 District Coll. Institut 1767.54 441.00 258.12 902.49 46000.00 662.75 42.72, 30.00 10.00 425.88 500.00 15.00 8190925,18 4,40,t4,1FO, THR BRUSSELS POST AVril Llttll, 659. „WINGHAM DISTRICT HIGH SOHOQi.., BOARD Statement for the year ended December 31, 1955 RECEIPTS Balattee forward from 1954 Grants — Department of EduOatien county of Huron Agriculture Cadet grant Municipal Levies Village of Brussels $ 3092.65 Township of Culross 6870.63 • Township past wanwanotit 6940.40 Township of Grey 2264,74 Township of Howiok 9178.97 Township of Kinfloss 1199.93 Township of Morris 1=0.41 Village of Teeswater 2924.98 Township of Turnberry 8668.35 Town of Winghalm 1166918 EXPENDITURE Teachers' Salaries Less Superannuation CERTIFICATE We have examined the books and records of the Winghara District High •SoltoolS,oard for the year ended 31st. Dedelmber 1955 and in our opinion the above statement of 'Receipts and Disburse. meats is correct, according to .the books and records ,and infer- ' mation received. -London, Ontario. March 12th,, 1956, Pearson Edwards and Co. Accountants and Auditors. Mr. Ernest Casemore, Dr. W. A, McKibben, 4 Chairman - Vice-Chairman Mr. W. A. Galbraith .Secretary-Treasurer WINGHAM DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL BOARD SPECIAL ACCOUNT — 'NEW SCHOOL Statement of Receipts, and Expenditures for the period from June 18, 1954 to December 31st. 1955 RECEIPTS From sale of Debentures — Face value premium Accrued Interest $625000.00 3193.75 958.91 IIRPow • Interest eaxtedr Refund on insurance $629152.66 838.63 229.00 EXPENDITURE Architect's FeeS Payments to contraetor Purchase School Site Insurance Bauk Charges and Interest *Town of Wingliain By-law costs Installation of water main Law Costa' Ftitniture Equipment $630472.37 $ 3293447 537766,88 7653.07 605.00 155.10 9,82.50 1790.02 291.76 '42317.17 Balance 'On. hand 1)6dd-inter 31, 1955 625534.77 4937,60 0,101E AOCOUN't . . , y3/4143iii t of Receipt and DXPeridattred fOr lrobtiatt 25tii 1950 ,te Meeeeinber 31st, 1965, AkdB1,16t6 $ 19793.93 103614.33 600.00 320,04 $ 62502,04 $630472,37 the ,Perloci front $84000.00 194.00 $64t.04.0. $21356.0 72837.,35, 0.0,04.00 Insittratie., Scrap Mild EXPENDITURE Replacknients, ,Plikeltated *lance on hand tWAnher 91Sti 1656 '