HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1956-04-11, Page 1THE tI.].EII.,..USS,ELS POSE'
Post Publishing House
6411•'` 14e°734 dMil 42141' x . °°°P DeP"tx4.414 ("114, Wednesday April 11th, 15.556
$2,.00 per year - �► . ' . .
St. William's Plum Jam 24 oz. jar ' 27c
Carnation Milk '
Schneider's ;Shortening
Delmar Frozen Peas
Aylmer Cherries 15 oz.
2 for .27c
,,4,444 22c
You will find other vales just.ab great as these at
Not just to.day or to -morrow, but Every Day of the year.
Phone 7
We Deliver
$RAY — To Mr. •and, Mrs. Kennett;
Bray at Dr, MyOes Niursing Home
on Tuesday, March .27th, a daugh•
ter Shirley Jean, a little sister for
Cutting Styling Cold Waving
A Specialty
Phone 40x Brussels
Come and hear your favourite old
songs by Atwood Male Chorus of:
over fifty voices
In Cranbrok Community Centre. on
MONDAY. APRIL 16th., at 8.30
Under auspices of Library Board
Admission -50c and 25c
Modern and Old.Tyme. Music
With The
And His Entertainers.
At the Brussels Town Hall On
° FRIDAY,. APRiL 20th
Admission 50c
Come and have a good 'time 1
Ausplees of L. 0. L.
Melville Presbyterian
10.06 a. m. Sunday School
11 e. in, Divine Wors!hiii,
"Mixed SUtarriage"
Pfeifer ; M'arks CRASH INJURES, ,
8131486E1 -S ,SOY.
l�.asi,er .!.!lies tudot'rti cl St. Jaliul'S;
Anglican Church, Brusneis on .Sat,
March 3let, '11104 the marl+iage of 1\1!1
dred June Mark* eldest de/ughtar'
of Mr, and Mrs. Clifford Marks, lith
lino aIOrris Twp„ to Lloyd 'Wilfred
Pfeifer, 'younger won of Mr, and Mrs.
L. A, Pfeifer sof I3roadhtagen. Ont.
Tim lav, F, T. Jewell, rector 4 St.
John's .Cauroh, Brus,sctla araciated:
'!,'iia wedding; tnttsic was p1aYad by
the wrga.nitt, Mrs. S, B. Elliott,
ate bride -given., itt marriage by
her father, word, + , w1Fitp gown ate
!tiered net and lace over Satin, in
ballerina length: ieatutiing bouffant
slttrt with lane 'bodice and jacket .ot
not with Peter Pan %collar hull lily
+,point ,sle2+ves, Shewore an ent-
broielened veil held ));y a ha1'o Or
c ue
pearls,. and carried a 'bouquet i,et of
Ited-rosebuds surrounded by calla
lilies, and wore a motJber_eapearls.
riecklacet end earrings, the gift of,
'The brideC•tuaid Ovals Mita .hath
Marks, Toronto, wearing a bailer-,
ina length gown of ;!hale yellow en1-
Lbrok1ered net over taffeta„ f atur-
irUg a fwll iskri t .strapless bodice
SUPPER ;CLUB and ':a Picture.. collar.. A1sa a yellow
!halo and gloves,, and carrying a
A1r'e first meeting :of .the Supper t bouquet of yellow roae,s encircled
Harriston *-� ,. 10.. ear aid Trus„ E
sets boy, Joie CorrX'e, suffered a
broken, ,at m, facial 14Ceratio,nS e1
.shook as a retittlt o! car ao'cidOpt
A ear' rlrivog .. �§ ills farther, k
Donald Cur +ie, 34, „pi;ovinoial pollee)
said, .struck the I a riston. bridge, f
one and a half iniies; West of Tiate t
lawn c n Higltiway St 'He received
facial lace+' tons ,a t't1 Warta to.
his left leg; '
".Another pa,ssen.ge'r in the car,
Albert' Densmore, o Brussels, tres-
4141 _ injury,. The ear was wreck-
r r: 2 W,
Dr. C, A• 1VIyg s 'and D I . 1
The Sacrament •ol{� The Lard's '•
Supper was :dispanisect on Sunday, l Step!hsns, coroner, were caftan rc �.
April 5t in the IA/ailed Church ; ttha scene , of 6kue1 Crash, a
i Mr. Hunters tragic .dead! was the
'Hitler ann itrecss5wel aernnaicei ail; >
Beconseeraition• !!give mttiir ilei, +fifth in the }t inter faiu1Ly in Less I
spolce ,about, Jesus question to reT
than a year;
or -- " Siatt+oiis son or .Janus 'west i He lived in this comnivarity, whore!.
twat me" — loves! thou me morel he was barn. until going to Stratford.;
than these," Do we really'l Be is s+urv]+ved by This wife, 61i,e 'for.;
put Jesus. ;
We community was S'ocke'd b>
the fatal cantruQ1 eollisiou
claimed the »iG of ;?, former a'esidonat'
of the dietrdct. A :vin I�, Humor u: `
Stratford, and ,scut, Win, McWiirtear
of »russet's to hospital in; seriotr<
co action.
accidert occur.•, dd Sa.tu gday
ai;tfdu100n a.1ia'if Mile south of Bxusa.
cls. ;C� r, Hunter was Itilled �i'itei bis
W. collided with a truolc ,driven by
1Llr, MOW:1, 114er, Both hien were aloin:
At elle time.
Mt.. :goWthirter^ is in lst,owell
hospital. IJs ,suffered a•. triple arm!
+fraotbre, broken, cheek tone anti. nose; i
Co'lSonSsion, :arid, deep Racial cut ea,
well et shock, Hit taondition; retnai:ns l
first? Do we really < lave Him? Is mer Margaret Pride, .daughter Joan
!phis tare motive we have fn onitivat- I 21 Ile"' !bone' tour Sisters, Mrs, Ann
,ing a personal relationship to Him?BeslieY. Pasadena, Calif, Mips. Mary i
to love Him? ,or to::get something I Baker,, Listowel; Mrs. Emma Mc
Club will be held in the Biuslsels by mauve pompon, m.umi,s,dub of Him' : Galina St. 'Thomas; Mrs. Tyle Goa.
,r ibrary vt '2,30 on Saturday, April I The bash man was Mr, .Rey Wickie i don; Ciambrook, and "one brtrtlrer.
141h, under the lealc1eashtp of Joyce' lot ,Stratford, Ont. The ushers were The anthem fol• the, daydwas "Wo i William of Oshawa,
Miller and Marion Hemingway. All ' the bride's two brothers, David•and ` _'Will Serve The Lord" by Roger 1 Fuwert1 services were !held from
girls interested in jdLnimg i?letuse Stanley Marks. Wiisoga, Malian Hemingway, Agnes a61te D. A, Rant Funeral Ronna on
* *
The recel>Gion Was field at the I ane and Joyee Miller sangthe trio, Tuesday conducted by the Rev. W.
F home of the bride's parents Theme a "Were You There 'When T1 ey s A. Williams. Initerment was made
wedding dinner was served by Miss Crucified My 'Lard", itn iirnssiels ,cemetery.
Clara,nna Smlith, assisted by Mrs.
- G. A. Wilkinson and Mrs. tar(
Bernard. 'The dinner, table was tent
Mr, and Mrs. Louis D. Thom/peon red with .a three-tier wedding cake,,
s einit Baster week : at 'W'es!tan, and,' 'decorated in white and pink and
Toronto, and: •atttended the annual topPekl with bells,
performance in 'MasseyHall: of Guests included +the bride's- two
Bac1a's great weer, The Passion of ,grandmothers aiid Mr. and 1Virs•
Our Lord, according to St. Matthew, t Dittmef of Br'odhagen.
;sung by the m,endels'otia Choir, Sir The honeyngoon• was spent i11
,Ernest • M,alcMill<aw conducting. Buffalo N. Y. and Niagara. Falls, The
Miss Helen Johnston, of ,Brussels.
wasono of four Junior Farmers from
Ontario- who attended the sixtah.
Annual Tri.State Extension Con-
anference for Young Men and 'Women
sat Pocono ' Mailer, Pendelylvaaia,
Aipril 6.8. Helen is a member of the
Seaforth Junior Farmers Club and
Huron Comity Metter on the Prov.
lmlcli' Bogard,
,,.Yeur old Watch Strap Or Bracelet
is worth $2.00 on a neva type type P
ston Bracelet made, in Canada, no
rivets to break,, comfortable .to wear.
W. G. Leach' Jewellery Store '.
Anthem kioay ,Art Thou (Ilandel's
tiniater• Rev. H• 'C. 'MMn, IL a 1
Ors.nist: L. D: Thompeen R. M. T
• 44.
linked Church-
The LI
Minister; Rev. A. Lani, B. A. III!.: .1
Dlvitae Worahi 11 CO:ibeL
Spiritual D9lseli�line"
antral Schoolo'cso�eit-
"Come and let tis weraSufp,"
Anllican Church
y'aetsh of rirtleselle
;Rev{ Fred' E, Jewell, L. B. Tc hector
. JOdh►f
Womb*igru A4i :'
'latrrsa3� i> 5k9. '
rildttct1OJ1 S`erv1e
11 a. hi, M6riiing AVM'
f I iiiidey Se/Loof
at. Dairtd, Chl,rch, ildntrls%+ ,"
130 lila, mitt 13-t4fai MOP
Seatortb Ont
* �k *
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
Double 8111
Paul Hendried Patricia- Medina
Ste the underWater fight for sunken
treasure, See the 'sack of a whole
cjkty See the armada 'sink in flames.
See the theft of_ a Prineess — •then
most dangerous game of all.
Bill Williams Alex Montoya
Apachef111'y. 'tliesthe top to Alii
leve: Jattektng thrills iii the wild
est Indian raid of the wild frontle
est lndian rata of the wild frontier.
e * *
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
Rex Ha'riton Virginia Mayo
Prom the farthest Berner of ths.
western world tumttttuousi thous'+
and faced the eastern horded behind
thele lion hearted Shiettts, !`lie epto
pages of Sit Walter Scotus "'Che•
1 aiisman'' flit the nbreetg With We
and adventure.
., .fi'
> `ri a. and Saturday
Thut'sday, d y y
Del Martin ' . Merry t,ewls
Co`ti'tiri'g' .
bride wore a. beige shit with green
a.nd white acce+stOrles, They will
reside in Stratford, Ont;,
The Women's, Missionary_ Society
of. Meaville Eirelsjblylterian Olunrelt
met in the ciiuseh periour on. l±ri'day
)afternoon with. true. ;president Mrs.
W. W. S+rhrith, in the chair. AaS,gist.
frig in the delvlottiona1 period, were
Mrs. George laaans and Mrs+..Pais, S.
A,rmabrong. Mrs. William McInnes
read an 1Da,ster meditation, which
had 'been "prepared iy Miss,, Besele
Moa es,' Seinen, calls on the 'sick
r �
were reported.
Niro. Orwell Hlliott outlined the
fourth ohap'ter in the tsltudy book
"They reach for life", It was the
story of a boy growing up inr a
Isnieil 'village in In'd:iia. Atter be.
acoming a Christian he had a 'dream
of a college education ,aunt it be -
canna a reality witt4h the founding of.
the Tinian Ohris,tian' College for
Tine meeting closed with prayer
by the ;president, ,arid the; bened#c.
ahogus rile* 7.30. g3O p. m.
Matinee Saturday 2 p. m
Wed, Thur. Apfii 11 --a 12.
In Cinernascope
Raymond Massey
at. April 13 ... 14
Roy Rdgers
q.,aaaaa aaaaaa : ti14r1a4a :
MOW. a 'rated, a Wed..
April iii
15U10LB' "MA31C1t`
o'n"Y Curtis
n aro action, !died story of •a ititari
who deflect iNapoiearF..,f
Tho +Sacraltnten1 or the Lord's
Supper, was nlbseiived at the rwarmna
service at Melville Church on Sun- t
!day lash, Rev. Harold Collvlln nosed
the word's This do inarenenabrance of i
Me, as the theme for hit sermon. 1
Quoting the familiar text, Sohn 3.16,
.Mr, Colvin stated that tints verse is
Mho/ Ivory Cor, a rove, and we n ie
very well tall the Sacrament +of the
Lord's 'Supper, a love feast, Howiieiver t
he warned that if we come to this
Sacrament witlioiut lave and eat this
bread and drink the ' cup of the Lord.
unworthily, we are •eaiting .and drink'
lug damnation (judgement) to our-
seLveis, 1 Cor. ;Ll. Our Lord. selected
for this memorial aonnethin,g that w'e
.all know. The simple elements of
bread and wine, We halve to be
humble enough 'to ,admit and confess
Our stns. To recognise we are un•
worthy to be God's. Children.. If we
have experienced the joy of ,sins j
pardoned, we cam be thankful: Have
We ever ,cried, Lord same me froin.
my sine? Are We :able to toy, Thank
tyori Loi*1 for salving my soul. This
Sacramiien,t, received in the right
,spirit, brings us fade „to' fiice with
The choir rendered •the anthem,
what are ttihesed that ,are arrayed in
White robes, by Stainer.
"Blest ;Be The Tie That Biirds,"
,aliened tate April 4th meeting of the
Frieudsbitp Circle held in the Cliureh
iivarlour, The minutes Of thud last George (Burtvash) and Frank, Torn,
meeting were read and adoluted, The and Bob sof Talton. Plower bearers
roll call was answered by an,Eastar were, Ian Ittrkl>,y, BgirWttell Herbert
verse or thought by +edght'oeu mem" . J. Kirkby, Waliiari and Hobert Watt
hers followed by the Treas. report of Blyth.
laird the lSttiistiiii,e ,retpgrt. Agnes,
3oycc and Marion isang the Ilium 1
Miss Ellen Kirkby
Miss 'ILirkby passed peacefully
away in Mus. Muir's Nursing Home
•in Seafoultk on April .5th. She was
the third daughter of George and
Margaret Kirkby and was born in
Blansih;ard Township,and meivwe'd with
!hie family to the 16th,, line of Morris
She 11873. Miss Kirleby was in iter 88th,
Year. ,she learned the tailoring, in
Brussels with. the late D. C. Rost and
iilvled itt the Ross home mntil-she.
took e. ,petition with a Toronto !Irian
and tv'or,ked tthere on lathes suits, but
for the last .!thirty years has resided
iru J3russels AM till last fall when, on
account of lIL Health she entered +the
Muir Home in S'eaforth. She was a
'valued member of Brirsisels United
'Church and wets actiivte in Red Cross
Work during the two World Wars..
T1re•funertal serivtlee was conciliated
from .tike Waileer Funeral Hanle in Wags, Ceilings -in Gyprock, Tentest. Plywood in Board and
Brussels by filter pastor Rea. Andrew
Lane, She will be *rely mieS+exd by
family and friends W1io ha -ye only
happy meniiorit+s Jot 1her, her Christian
ministry was done hi a quiett cheer.
Dui seiivice of unselfish devotion 'to - Fending Gates, Barb
helping others. She Is surlvciivecl b3:
thirve.iststers and two brothers:Wire.
T. C. McCall (Lizzie) of Toronto;
Mrs. nett. Watt (Millie) Blyth; Mrs.
J. W. Sihiortreed ,Alice) Vandenitoof, t
B. C. Henry V. 'C. CIinton and
Herbert :of Walton. Floral tributes
testified to the esteem inwhich she
was held by ,Family and: neighbours
,She was carried to her Iast resting
place by six. nephews: John Me.
.Artli.tn', St. 1VPary4,s
!George McArthur.
Walten; ,and four of the Kirkby ,boys.
Melville Ladies' Aid
Bake Sale and Tea
In the Brussels Public .ibrarY
Saturday, April 14th
Gov't forget the '.Paper Drive to be held
W alaNE$PAY, APRIL 18th.
at 1,30 p. m. Sponsored*by your local Lions Club,
Twine for packagttig available from Wood's Store, Martin's
Barber ShoporO1dfiel .Hardware
Fertilizer and ,Seed. Bags aoceptable prevtding they are ?kit
tar lined.
ca use.
Your co-operation will be much appreciated and put to goad`,
Parade Time 12 P. M.
Best Decorated Float
Best Pioneer Covered Wagon
Oldest Buggy
Oldest Car
Oldest Farm Machine
Best Decorated Bike --
Public School Girl
Public School Boy
Best Comical Entry
$25 $$0
Best Clown
Best Dressed Pet Accompanied
By Pre School Child
$15 Sl0..
$15 $10
$8 Y —
$10 is'
$10 $r
$3 32
33 $2
310 38
$10 $8
McDonald Lumber and Builders Supplies
We have much the largest stock we
in business.
Lumber,,, Shingles, Siding,
Roofing, Lath, • Plaster, insulation
have had to our 28 yearn
Steel, muminum,, A;sphait,
Siding, Out Siding, Inslding
Blocks; Trim, Doors, Sash, Flooring.
Ail lengths In Hemlock Barn Siding, 2" and 3" Barn Flooring,
Cement Blocks, Cement Chimney Places, Brick, - Ltie, Frost
Wire, Loft Wire, Staples, Naris, and etc.:
"Were You. Phrr e" which was en-
joyed greatly by' all Coliectiious
were then taken. Business was+ ills. I
etisaed and it 'tvka.s deeided to begin
tiie Maiy anci ,]'nine meetings A11
half hoar later at 8.30.. :hymn 106
Was' +sung followed by the Scripttire
readings frein the Book •of I3sther •
given. by 1i'dtici. Pearson., Margaret
Tyertltarr led: us iri pra er, The mem-
bers Were !deft faVeti.red by tt coin
by Ltota Sltuvison. E,le,ai ler !Tenn.
ihig\ ay had the toista, based on
irPstlrer>' ai blit wheal One of the
.oi f time Bible ryas Written and t
�� of
Ttclea df !'lite to`ihie! 'were, :sli,own. Ti
wigs! viii 'V'et'V Interoatting Story and otte
tidal Ova hili he 'reinenn1iti'. "Pejo(e
Alio. /writ is tlig"' waa ming follow.'
ad by' ti 41zliait I'ened%etito. ,A
•riui leased<;0ir tiny topic; tits ;Twin.'
,e .:. _ d
ttt4�o. * tutt�io," .t�eri TWA Baa , �e
b til art' riai tillta •
Geor:de 'Kerr
Geoe ge Kerr, 75," ' ' wjio died on
.April Stili at his !home, at Ehhel, SPas
Morn in Ireland, hull tarifa W 'Gills
district 51 yeas ago. 7i
tie wee tmgihtarried', and'
farflied for lila:1W Ye11i
gurviiri,iilg tare trete, brei 0t11Ar g,
Thomas, ',tlenfrygty pelt, iI ittioi;
tho Ile *. 3n1rn Merl', t1l1 n M
tit'.o SlStoi C, I>:nina, •t5i` tog,- 0101
Ntrrvi. Rt?;'. N'eai, in 'Western ii CKen:.
'1111.4 !!:itis- tt*'stbc .tit tha family
,raeaidenoo until MfonditY; 1.11 O. in..
thee at SIR e '1i1t s f ttii.artt1 tette.,
Atwood. ood. 'tv'tvdre eeis�iooa! Vol'( Choi .I
&doted Alt 1``itest`ta'y at t p. 131. Tria t
r wat liiati'.e in omit 'Centre
te�ltgel t
Cement And Roofing Is Scarce. Order These At Once.
Our Motto Quality, Service and Price
McDonald Lumber and Builders Supplies
Phone 77 Brussels, Ont.
- 4444. „�•
Chico Valle bongs` 3'oit Music front nnifiii Ikt&iitillI ttCriterwitstIZ "yid;
fire (1110 radio netiv'8xSts. iitniselfi '1'ttfto
r ii��•enlP.ai'tr. fleitiffil "hiht i� 1 aptly`
'tsr+rTiestrrl 1n bin •otc'i5; authcirtic is :, n.
I3erni with out of the moat 'urrus'UaY iti.,ir uruents they usv In the;
gxdtt) toil, iriiliel Din, itOtt
fend' fs litataxtby i'ltiviliug ti 'NWT i1i honed arcing if Maio!' 0