HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1956-04-04, Page 5x.-- • .' t f••••••••.'•••••. BABARLEYGROWERS, Per best barley Contracts I3 avail- able contact Johs umetead and Wingham, Ont., Phone 466. FOR SALE -- DelKalb Corn, and DeMalb HYbred chicks. Seed corn in St400k, Wm. Bremner Phone 2642 ''.•••••••• ,•-•• •-•••• FOR SALE — Little pigs, apply to Walter "Rose Poultry Farm, Phone 40x. Anyway, your take-off Seems that quick! This frisky new c,hevrolet offers even higher V8 horsepower to make passing safer—and all driving more fun. • The new Chevrolet has its own special, brand of acceleration —,-a lightning-like power punch that can save you precious seconds for safer passing. And the brand name is "Turbo-Fire V8" ! You plant clown your foot — and out pours the power. Power in the form of dynamite-charged action! A gunflash surge of motion that seems to happen the very instant , you will it! And when you combine perfor- mance like this with Chevrolet's nailed-down stability and sure- footed cornering ability, you've got a car that puts more safety and fun into anybody's driving! Chevrolet brings you inherent qualities of agility and sureness of control that help you avoid trouble before it happens! You'll see what we mean when you wheel one of these beauties out "' ls on the road, You ve 20 new mode to choose from, with horsepower that ranges to a new top of 205 in the "Super Turbo-Fire vs" (an 'extra-cost option). So, come on in and let us lend you the key. C-1356C . t.T.4ezterm•--.„ A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE TEACHER WANTED -- Protestant (teacher for 5, S. No. 9 McKillop Enrollment of 12 pupils, Apply •104g OualificationS and - salary expected by April 13th. Wm. Dennis, Sec.-Treae. Walton R. R. 1. .. TENDERS FOR PAINTING =— Sealed tenders for the painting of the exterior of Walton United Church will' be received until April 13th. Lowest or any tender not necessarily •accepted. Bert Johnston, BrusSels R. R, 2, FOR SALE — ( , Bray Chicks. Mixed. Cockerels, And Pullets — day-old land started. Hatchery has full range broods, crosses, and specials (Ames In-GroSS etc). (May June broilers sholuld also be On, order', Let us know your needs, we'll quote prices, order lagenta — Mrs. R. Barrett R, it. 5 Brussels Phone 54-12 Will. Glen Bray, Ethel, BREipbtot4 ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used" Artificial Inaenithatien fierviee too all breeds of Cattle. For Service 01 liatortnatien Phone dAnton, Zet. rax Palmersten Co collect, netwe,en ( and 0.00 a M. on t 1.ek: daps ass 1.30 and J 30 A. M. on Sundatt. PROPANE • 14 Market-MAN' 0611b, The Versathti tieiidadidsid FUEL FOR 1407,11, AND. RANGES, HOT WATER TANK$V RE-FRIGERATORk WALT, MADDESS Riiireaintativit 'tittiATIRORD- •• lila- 4174 itiaT Mit • e Wednesday, Ap THE 131W88,E4S POST !!!•., AT, .1'•••••••.••••••P•P•IP. CLASSMED FOR SALE Highest prleeIl paid for old .441. John Zwaan • r#04.0 1.04/ ••••••••••• _••••••—,•••••••••PP!!!!IPPIMPPP 0mbeauty ihnothin Fpfi tone geed baled. hey, Allister Bird Phone, 7.511) FOR SALE — Mixed Olevor Hay baled, Sant Alcock Phone 66r4, P.g.AP -STOOK $3.00 tor dead horses - ,PQ.111, higher prices for cid, sick or .(1440.100, horses or sows, none Atwood Collect.. CRAN BROOK Mn 0, j„4, Thompson eondueted the regular morning sorvice on Sun,• day, Mrs, Ken McDonald c04- tribued the Solo "Open the Oates or the Temple," A Ispecial O404 'Friday Service was 'hold in the Athol Prosbyterian, Cluirch at 11 a. 1114 Mrs, Sheppard, Oak, wad gust soloist, Mrs. James Mc041114111, ixt, Thomas, spoilt several days with Mr. and Mrs', Lylle Gordon. Mis's ,Maxine itilaildon Visited with her cousin, Miss. Joan Hunter, Stratford, Mr, and Mr$. Prod- Kirkpatrick and 'son Paul spent Easter Sunday' in. Mt. Fore-,st, and Mrs, Winston McEaehern and daughter, :London spent titt, holiday week-end with Mr, -and 1Y1rs, Wes. MCEachern. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Stiles mOvee. into their new home in Brussels- on Monday, Don't forget to Gotne to the con- cert in the Community Centre on. Monday ,evening, April 9, A male chorus of abOut 50 voices-, from At- wood, are presenting this evening of song and mu-sic. FOR SALE — High Quality Pleneer Chick Starter Crumbled, aoMilable. Phone 20-12 I. C. Adams and Son, Brussels, FOR SALE -- 6 tone of baled hap' Wm. Ilremner FOR SALE Nice Tleiter, to calf of May, also red .00W. C4o, Cardiff 'about middle Phone 42r11. EARN $75, and more weekly, guarenteed neccessities in your stir. roundings, Wherever you may live therei is, an 'opening for you. Familex, Station 0,, Montreal, 01.1RPOSsa.. ilave Toni emptle ranee, mad aeon Pools cleaned Me sanitary Irv? noir 'A avoid troatme, Irvine. Qoxton. i'aOree 254: Milvertoat, ruin suitable for with ample supply n. FOR RENT -- 200 acre gress 60 head of cattle of water all seaso Phone 86x2 J. E. Brewer FOR SALE — Alfalfa, $17 a bas. Red Clover, $18 a bus, White clever, $5.00 a bus. Timothy $5.75 a bus. Kotler Bros. Ethel Phone 34r7 Brussels WANTED — Man for steady travel among consenneth In. Huron -coulnty, Per-- ma not connections with large menu_ taettirer. Only reliable hustler con- 'sidered, Write Rawleigh's Dept. FOR SALE — Good Used Beatty and Pedlar barn equipment at half price, Stall Stanchions and stalls, litter carriers, track switches etc. with. or without steel pole. Steel Post for barn supp onts, prestsure water - bowls, gravity -c'ater bowls. Apply to L, W, Koenig and Co., Mildinay, Box 31, Phone 50. Cora Crete and Steel. Stable Builders. Evening Auxiliary Evening Auxiliary met -at the home of Mrs. S. Campbell for the March meeting with Doris McDon- ald as leader on March 13th. The leader gays+ the call to warship and following this hymn was sung, Lena Noble then. led in prayer. The ' scripture readtig Pis lrn In Was read in. unison and the Lord's Prayer repeated. Helen. Cameron , read some current events. Ruby Kirkpatrick read a story "Punt]) and Pray, Pray anti- Pump," Meeting was 'then -turned over to ' Pres. Minutes were read and ap- proyd and roll ,answered. Several. letters• were read by Sec, Our next ting is to be held in church- basement on April 12 with Mrs, Glen Campbell; Seaforth as guest speaker and our guests Union W. M. S. Crenbrook W, M, 5. and Q, G. I. ,T. groups, Roll call, is an Easter verse and all Auxiliary mem_ bees bringing lunch. Ruby Kirkpat- rick, Laura Strickler, Mildred Per- riot are the Commatte in charge of lunch. fsobel Hnether then /gave a wiery interesting topic "Cry ot an Empty Stomach." The meeting closed with singing of a, hymn and repeating of MiZpah Benediction, A dainty lunch was then isertred by hosteSs, Ethel Campbell and Mildred Perrie and Betty Knight assisting..., P — Hy-Lines Feu. Less than hea breeds and at, the same time 10 More eggs. They cost leas to ratty: and eat less feed during the tarns period. For real economy when r1,1- chips are down, try Hy-Lines the efficient chicken. Bert Johnston, Brussels R. R. I Phone Brussels 28r4. TENDERS FOR WOOD — Sealed tenders for 15 lord of hard received for Walttin United Church.' Tenders to be in by April 6th, Bert Johnston, Brussels R, "2. $7.60 For your ,old razor, any kind, any I condition; on a new' Schick ZO Electric Razor or Schick 20, Bring us litet old beat up .79 safety razor, It is worth $7.50 to you at W. 0, Leach Jewellery Store Brussels • HORSES WANTED — For meat, farm ase or bush. Abe buggies and wagons, must be l good shape. Wilfred Nicholson, Mortlake. Riverside FOR SALE -- Hardwood, bodywood or limb wood delivered, Alex Pearson WINGHAM MEMORIAL SHOP - /our Memorial Creftimea Pas thirty-Five Years. Always east* TWEE BEST GRANITES Along With Expert Designing are wore:numb/go. ""iiiisimselor r Phone 85,r19 o rs Brussels, Ont. GREY TWP. SCHOOL . BOARD MEETING Stuart Lowe, Hot Lunch -supplies $0,23 W. L. Baeker and 'Son, Hot Lunch supplies $12,88 ISealontli Expositor, Adv. $5.00 Pollard's Machine Shop, water pan $ 3,5,5 J. Carl Hemingway. Prices Most iteasinAble Cemetery Lettering a Overeat R, A. SPO XTON Phere gee, WIngnam, Ofair""ks 17 I8 PLUMBING AND HEATING SUPPLIES Coloured and White Bathroom and Powder Rem sets, Enamel and Stainless Steel Sinks — Copper Gal- vanized, Black Iron, Soil, Plastic' No-co-rode Pipe and Fittings. Featuring- 30`Imp, gal, Stone': Electric Hot Water Heater. With a 20 year warranty =- $134.00 Lined Automatic Write Dept. Ii . P. for FREE cata- Vague S. V, JOHNSON PLUMBING SUPPLIES, Streetsvtile, Ontario. FOR SALE:— Brick Cottage — Hydro, 2 acres land in small village, near school, store, •and chopping mill. Priced at $1900.00 cash 5 acre Farm — Good house, hydro, bank barn, on county road always ploughed. Priced at $2500.00 General Store — in, good sized village. Stock 400.0.00; equipment $1000.00. Price including stock, equipment and Building (2 storey) $5800.00 cash. 100, acre Farm -- Beautiful brick 2 story house, bath, furnace. and Pressure system,* drivesited, bank barn, 5 acres bush. Situated on county road. Priced at $9500.00 General Store ---In good village on highway. Equipment $3500.00; stock at invoice Price:Rent for apart- ments and store $65.00 per month. Phone 84 J. C. Long, Realtor Brussels, Ont. .•••••••• •••••••••;•••••••••••••• ST, JOHN'S W. A. The Marcie meeting of S. John's W, A, was held at the home -of Mrs, Harvey Bryan with a very good tendance, . A by ma. was sung follw. ed by the Lord's Prayer in unison. Missionary prayers were led by the president Mrs. Jewell~ and the mem- bena prayer in UniSoli. The lovely passage] of sdriptitro, St. Jol&S chapt. 15-, verses 146. Was read by Mrs. DaVIS. The Seeend chapter of the study heels dealt with the Did, 't oese of Quebec of Which llishop Car-, ringtott is 0.4 TO)#‘911- tirb,O WAS a graduate of LjelitteXtille 0611.,1 ego, Quebec, gate an interestinge talk on the subject, 631ide as they were and as tbot a xe tiOW, Minden of the previous meeting Were -given*, and tOrrOfglitelltt .1504et- bY the 040, Ad 1i>Ivi> dtioli front the dilited We A. LO-grbygiiig ot. *tidy Robin 'Plid On' OM :Oat •'was aidro,•64.te(.1. A letter friom 1416 biodaell Trait, et, the 'W, A. ittndle aileitiTleg thank-orier., lag: and iut OPeati'VO explained by the Piostticalt oritit It Was a.greed to gelid for mute boxes. retell was immoil delegate to the W, ring in totidoo. in April. Itev. Jewell ] titosed %Ito ineettng With prayer', The, ilibStdas Was etdeOrded a liesrty vote of ~tltanlcs tor tar Mrs' tiadheti• aSitiated lier lit serving in :dainty at3 The Canadian Bank- of Commerce ELMA FAII1VIERS' mliTUAA FIRE INSURANCE ct). Eitablished '404— FOR ALL Yotik Head Office At..40pci. Out NEEDS SHDP At THE MAC- Bmenus AEI<EII AUTO SUPPLY Perin OrdpertY. PilPrivate °weigh*, Perttianent. Type Ant; Freeze Arid Continti in Towns and VINgw !Wheelie OhiiitihO atilt HI* en se oiNEURANDS Or& tiaMS, PROMOT ADJUSTMENT DO 4KAMSE dented,d your Neare !Waiter *0 Alidai W. (MO) WHITFIELD R. R. iniiisehi Ps& $2.75 per gallon 76 per 4tiaei thermostats Ranging' from $1.05 to *.10 Spark Plugs Siio to 690 tootio Autd Unfit and Chowolon .51.35 Mtnflera from 44'35 t° $900 not, U dimotehain, dad 48.76 Tai Pipes from $2.98 to St!' itoittui,eo Petrolelim Products Exhaust Pipes from $8.23 to $4 et 49.00 °11"161': Reildehaa business tilt ,qeforat §tofe, Hot Lunch GrtiSiefe, Ont, supplied $25.03 ••••••--'•••••••••• ••+.10. '•.... • •••• ••••A••••••••••••• • AtkrdiMititittt The minutes. were read and ad.opi,- ,ed -on motion of McFarlane and 13-ol.. ,ger. Carried. MetiZni ,of Bolger and Brown. that In, consideration of the petition recd. ed 'from the parents concerned that action the Bert Johnston case be postponed until such time as the court gives its decision. Carried. Motion of IVIcNaught that Bert Johnston be suspended -as bus driver until he, is cleared in cotift. Motion of MoNaugh and Brawn that the Secretary offer ,contracts tg the teachers of area 54 1, and 5, an increase ,oil No, `8 ha increase of 200,00 the other tea.cherc contracts at the seine Sal- ‘altriYotrliosn1. ,:ft Canal:itiM6dc,Naugh that, that the ;:zectetary write letter to Mrs, 'Dorathy Dilworth -aceePting her .reeigilati,M with regret ma express. log Mid uppreciatiOn of the Board .fot her work in No. 9 in past yeara. °a.111'llo'l:itie'n of MeFarinte and 0.0.1g6t that McNaught be given atttlieritY hire teacher ter 0, B. No, 9' ft he sees tat, oattleit of BrOVri 1n4 MeNatight that following bills be atcl. Carried, Ilruasela Pest Office, StanitiS $..00 Hydro 0, taiinter, labour 168.86 •••• V .A‘. totth, tti. opbzoi. totto the ,101001:14)