HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1956-04-04, Page 4ON (AFETERIA. FEEDS THii ril. POST Wednesday, April 4(.b, 1.954 voie ••• off.....-r!teiteittf Household ,Affeoto , Electric, Clare Jewel 'map (3 .00, 0 radios, dining room Ohl% .04tra, ,PIKOterrOK :and. .o11.41r, Thor Electric WaShing ,machine, .40141 Air 'Vanellin -Vienne; Blonde bedroom suite, ,spring filled mgt., ,ress, dressers, wash stands, (Mims Weir, sowing cabinet and Stool, chrome ‘wtcbcp, Stool, mootrto kettle, Elecltri beater, Meade lamps, tri light lamps, step la4der, ceirIpItte dinner set, other household items, WINGHAM DISTRICT HIGH SPH.P91., SOAK! $ 19793.92 103614.33 500.00 320,06 No reserve farm sold, Booth on grounds. Terms Cash Stan. Campbell, Prop. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer, E, P. Chesney, Clerk, Statement for the Year ended December 114 1959 RECEIPTS Balanet. forward front 1954 .Grants Dolpirtniont of Alttotklion County of Huren .Aoriculturo Cadet grant Municipal Levies Village of Brussels $ 3092,00 Township of Oulress .6870,63 Township East Wanwanosh 6940,49 • Township of Grey 2264,71 Township of IlOwlok • 9776,97 Township of lcinloSs 1193,Q3 Township of Morris 1,1230,41 Village of Teeswater , 2024.98 Township ,of TOrnberrY 8568.35 Town of Winghain 11659,98 $ AUCTION SALE clearing AtAction Sale of Farm Stook Machinery and Household Bffecti at Lot 15, Con, 12, prey Twp, at the Village oc craPoro.ox on .1 THURSDAY, APRIL la at, 12,30 pa! C4ttI l 49 Head of Cattle all, T, 13. tested.' and vaccinated. Reigi)stored Poll Hcreford B1111 1,4 .4101411 old, 1 $40gt, horn, cows 4 yrs. old. .fresh,. 4 1191- stein cow, Q yrs. old fresh, g Ayr- shire cows 4 yr, old fresh, shorthorn heifer 2 yrs. .old. fresh, Z shorthorn cows 4yrs, old tine in 'May, 1 fil.ort.• horacow — farrow, shorthorn heifer 2 yrs, old. duo in May, 2 shorthorn heifers 2 yrs. 'old *with calf at foot a shorthorn, cows 5 yrs. old 'with calf at foot, 6 spring calves, 1 steer 2 yrs, old, 2 heifers A yrs. old, Year, ling steers and yearling heifers. Poultry 300 Sussex Red Pullets 9 weeks old. 625.62.04 Bill Henderson is raising MORE Pullets with LESS Feed turned out Tuition - Goderich Dist, Collegiate Institute $ 312.90 Listowol District High School • alto 14Istowei Transport — refund 4.07 . Bell Televlione Co. — pay phone 4.56 Sale of lot to Wingham Hospital, 200.00 Gage mil Co. — rtfund 9,24 Sale of old school to Town of Wingham 1.00 Rent of Auditorium 64.50 187699.52 Overdraft at December 31. 1955 2325.66 and they're the best pullets he ever You don't have to ga far front home to find convincing proff that Cafeteria, feeds are the best you .Can buy for starting chicks and raising pullets. In the first three months .of this season . . Decent. her, January; and February . , qlenderson's Started. Chicle raised and sold 8,000 MORE pullets than in .the same three months (*last year . and they tactually used less feed, This year, they fed Cafeteria . last year they fed a different brand, On Cafeteria,• the birds were satisfied With less feed per day, and at 12 weeks old, they were ,stronger boned, better feat4hered, and mare uniform in all-roun,d development. One let of 4,800 SusSex-R, I. Red, crossbreds went through to,712 weeks old on 16 tons of Cafeteria Chinks Starter anrd Chick Grower crumbles, plus a small amount of scratch. grain • approximately 8 lbs. .total feed per bird , • . and their average weight was right"areund 3 lbs. One lot of Leghorn X Red pullets went to 12 weeks with a loSs of only S chicks , . , and another lot of 1,025 Leghorn X Rock chicks, plus extras, gave 1,028 saleable pullets at 10 weeks. When you ,start good chicks and teed Cafeteria, you can count on Profit-making results. Come in and let us give you further uarticularS. $ 19030.548 EXPENDITURE Teachers' Salaries Less Superannuation $ 69239.36 4096.16 $ 65143.20 I .„., SO NI S; STAFTE CHICKS E Seaforth .................Phone 615 - J 1 .0i4 A. Mac wo. AL Mitchell .. • ,,, • Phone 2 Machinery Allis..Ohalmers W. D. 45 tractor (terms 1/2 cash), Allis-Chalmers 3 furrow narrow bottom plow, Chalmers 10 ft. disk, Allis-Chalmers 10 ft. cultivator (all new in fall 1954). Allis_Chalmers combine (like new), Minneapolis Moline tracitior, Manure spreader (like new), Pair- banks..Morse Hamer Mill (like new), International side rake, InternatiOn-,... •al mower, Cockshutt 13 run grain and, fertilizer drill, Massey Harris drop head hay loader, Massey Harris Swather, 4 section drag Harrow, Rubber tired wagon with rolling. rack, Steel wagon. with 125 bus. grain bin, 1200 lb. set of scales, fanning mill with motor, 100 ft, drive belt, 50 cedar' posts, leg vise, bench vise, 2, electric fencers, -emery and saw with motor 12 x 28 heavy tractor chains, 18" hydraulic cylinder with hose, square 'timber 34 ft. long, New' Electric chick brooder, 1/2 barrel molasses, logging chains, forks, shovels and tools etc. Feed — 5 ton tnixed baled hay, 300 has. mixed grain. gleildrlaigtftkialtiefaitl =Rae Night Classes Instructional Supplies Transportation Administration Plant Operation Cadets Physical Education Tuition paid — Goderich District Coll. Institut /Listowel District High. School Board of Education . London Cafeteria Salaries Debenture No, 1 Hot Lunches to April 15, 1955 Unemployment Insurance Stamps Refund of rentals W, Seddon for rentals Brussels, Public School Board — 'rental Cafeteria, - Alrvance for supplies Expenses for Cafertaria 1000.00 5091.23 43613.S4 91.51.18 14518.78 268,23 493,17 1767.54 441,00 258,13 902.49 46000.00 662.75 42.72 30.00 10.00 425.88 500.00 15,00 many I $190325.18 THE VILLAGE61,ACKSMITH AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Sale of Farm !Stock and 'Machinery at Lot 2, Con, 16 Elma"Twp,, 2 miles east of Moncrieff on MON. APRIL 9th at 1 P. M. 2 Durham obws fresh 7 yrs. old 2 Durham cows due time of sale 5 yrs, old 1 Hereford cow due in May., 1 Durham cow due in June. 1 black cow fresh, 1 fat heifer, 300 lbs. 1 Dunham steer 800 lbs. 9 Hereford steers, and. heifers 1 • yr.i old 3 young hereford calves 1 reg, herctord. bull, 2 yrs, old. Machinery ' M, H. tractir 101. Junior in good condition. M. H. Clipper combine' Good rubber tired wagon 16 ft, flat hay rack Hay loader, 13 disc seed drill 32 ft., e4ension ladder, like new. M, H. 6 ft. mower 2"Wheel trailer M. H. 8 St. tractor' disc McCormick manure spreader No. 200 (new) M, Ii, 2 furrow'plow on rubber Spring tooth cultivator McCormick Deering side rake 9 ft. 3 drum steel roller Stet1 water trough (new) Bag of timothy seed, fanning. mill 300 !bales of oat straw Forks, shovels, chains and other articles, Terms Cash — farm sold Harold Jackson, Auctioneer E. P. Chesney, Clerk Basil Struthers, Prop. Chairman CERTIFICATE We have examined the books and records of the Wingham District High SchoolBoard for the year endrid 3.1st Decdmber 1955 and in our opinion the abqve Statement of ReceiptS and Disburse- Month is correct, according to the books and records, and infor- mation received, London, Ontario, March 12th.., 1956. PearSallf Edwards. and Co. Mr, Ernest Casemore, Dr. W. A. ;t:IliMbact baonnd., Auditors. Vice-Chairman Mr. W. A, Galbraith Secretary-TreaSurer . WINGHAM DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL BOARD SPECIAL ACCOUNT — NEW SCHOOL. Statement of Receipts and' Expenditures for the period from Juno 18, 1954 to December 31st, 4955 RECEIPTS From sale of Debentures -- Pate value Premium ACcrtie4 Interest $625000.00 3193.75 9158.91 $629152.06 838,63 229.00 ewes, 2 lambs CLEARING AUCTION SALE Livestock and. Machinery at Lot 31 Con, 17, Grey, I mile south of Moncrieff, or 5 miles west of Monkton WED., APRIL 11. at 12 O'CLOCK Cattle — 1 roan Shorthorn Bull 2 yrs, old (Jim Smith's breed) 2 rod and White farrow cows, 5 yrs. old, 2 black cows, fresh, 3 red cows, fresh Registered Shorthorn cow, Hereford cow fresh, Registered red cow, 2 Hereford cows due time of sale. 2 red heifers due in May, 6 yearling steers, 6 yearling heifera 2 purebred Shorthorn calves, 2 Durham calves, 8 Holstein calves 125 to 200 Its, Pigs 1 York hog, 3 sow's with. litter, 2 sows bred, 2 sows bred 4 to 10 weekS, 20 chunks. Sheep 3 Registered Suffolk Mlacellaneous— set of scales, 12 ft. grain auger 3 range isheitena. Chicken ,equip. rent, Stone beat, da,S barrels Quantity of grain. Pew feet of en.. Implements ,,,.. Allis Chalmers combine, Model 60 all crop, equipped with motor, flax rolls and pickup, used three seasons, International. Harvester Tractor, Super C. three yre., old, D, Allis Chain-tens Tractor poWer take 'oft, hydraulic etiltiVater,. heat heitSer, umbrella. 3 farrow Plenty 'Natal Pie* on rubber. 6i:betel-hitt One way 6 blade, Rubber tire 'wagon, 16 .ft. flat fa& (like now). 7 kii!SObt Mctsto (nearly ifeiV), Trader Spread er,. 4 Section McCormick poring. drag elljtitater, it ft, Massey' `tames power grinder 13 disc IVItied4 tfartit Seed drill 3 fe.-rilo6ornitok thserlift packer. Mcdorthlek Deering' side rake', •Mederriiicle Deering Aron aimd hay leader, 4 ieetiett tiarro~t a; tub461'164 Cash ' iste reserve r Meg slid, Molikton liirOpketo• kerad leadoff,. ,Atietteriber,. Chesney, Clerk, Interest earned Refund on insurance ago, And who can say What future applications will be developed? $630472.37 EXPENDITURE Architect's PeoS $ 32984,27 Payments to Contractor 537766,88 Purclia.Se School Site 7653.07 Intkirance 605.00 Bank charges and Interest 1'55,10 TOWn. of Whighain costs 982.50 Installation of wafer main 1799,02 TAW: defile 201,76 Furniture ,acid Erktipitient 43317,17 6255434,77 Balance bit hand — December 31, 1955 4937.60 ..*111077ii1C0.0'.." $3047g,37 `MAE ACCOUNT' Jtateent o 46 cet11aldli3Pentir for the Period from at l5ti,ft 55,to06ei)ergioiy 1075. ttEOE1,PTS 43400.0 0 104.0 EAIS, OP..tikbakt$-/ • $34104.00 smith a mighty man ie he, arge and sinewy hands . . ," $ how Longfellow Saw him, ow hew sa regarded by his itunIty. Today, he doesn't to be a physical giant, for the has a new kind of muscle. an't describe it, for it's le. A wilt We know as a 9 watt hour", muscle-power wfthdtit an equal. Today, the roar of the betiloWs an4 vibrant ring of the anvil are revaced by the 1101 of Mo•tors and the dull thud of the forgin hat)q. p Met, Bleettidity, ACQ011110 Shilig Wks thought itiipOSSible 5 Yaks Serb 'Ma A4A'Aaoii•oitio.t-iiftioavaerow el100,5r4T111 'tr. • • EROANI611-1111t, ),f Would you venture to., elstinial how much electricity W:711 be tii to power machinery in, Se. , 197 4 Ontario 1-Tydro endeaVo ' 'to 0 that every day . . look 4to t future . . . antic ipate eleetr requirements. rromorrow'a living ea well ..,.a$ today's Will more and More be measured in kiloWatt-lienta It N the aim of Hydro to lor9qde an adequate supply Of lark' y . , $o vital to iltatiO's arrdat hothee arid induStr ea Aolite-Offied\ta tAroliNs64 balaved ott hatact neconibor 1et5 $btala.dt, .• O'N'E HYDRO' FAMILY ASSURES YOUR L OTA: t A t FUTURE $24464,00 1 4 •