The Brussels Post, 1956-03-25, Page 1THEATRE I 16. S W E CAPITOL
EASTER WEEK , Thurs, .,-- Good Friday --- Sat.-,- Easter Monday
Tues.— Wed. March 29 —1.0 —al —April 2 3-- 4
'The Palm Sunday ,subject ,of Rev.
Harold Colvin's .seirrierwas, "Christ
the King." Mr. Colvin stated, in part.
that today we look upon Christ as the
,Saviour of the World. andeour main
oonception of Christ is^ as a •Saviour. I
However the Jews, expected Him to
'set ub an 'earthly kingdom, and to '
bring every nation under the subjecte i
ion of the Jews. Instead Jesus came
ta change a sinful world. into a
world like the 'heaven above. He is
ettly recognized as' king by Christ.
Modern and Old.Tyme Music
With The'
At the Brussels Town Hall on
Auspices Charitable
Admission 50c
Come and have a good time I
Melville ,Presbyterian
10.00 m. Sunday School
11 a. m. Divine Worlf/IAP
"He Is Risen"
Special Easter Music J
Minister: Rev. H. r. OeMn,U. D.
Organist: L. D. Thompson R. M. T
The United Church
Minister : Rev. A. Lane, B. A,. IL ;*
Divine Worsen, •-• 11 crewel,
"The Way fklie :11aster 'Went"
— His 'Resurrection
°Minh —; d'clesk
Good PridaY service'of worship and
Rentembrande MelVille PreShY.
4terian Church at 8, p.m,•
• ci
The faintly ,ot .'Richard iamea
Ratite Sihcerely thank ell for their
meet, expressions of Sympathy and
acts of kindness at the time Of his
Aoath, ft Wee gr de Ily appreciated.
E ra
etkoctes4 am Iseastg dogs nail. Poet Mee Dipartaseit. Mews Poet Publishing House
Wednesday, March .March25th..1856.
Melville Presbyterian Church sk‘
PRIOAN3FE,11. it IiV. ITAli.01.4) COLVIN, B A, B
,A,NTFIEMS: Christ The Lord Is Ricers Today itlti4sou
Open The flates Of "The Teenple -- Knapp
MALE CHORITSe Christ Arose
ORGAN PRE',IAITIM: Resurrection Morn by Edward Johustene
(with ,Ole Easter hymn) Adoration by Borowski
Organist and Chair Mester Louis D. Titompson; .74
, sl CA r
Iii. LE
T he Hord is Risen
Easter flowore are blooming bright,
Baster shies ppur radiant, light;
Christ our Lord is risen in Might,
Glory in the highest..
Angels carolled this swect lay,
When. in manger rude He Jay;
Now once more cast grief away,
Glory in the highest,
He, then born to grief and pain,
Now to glory born again,
Calleth forth our gladdest strain,
Glory in tire highest.
As He riseth, rise we too,
Tune we heart and voice anew,
Offering homage glad and true,
Glory in ttlie highest.
Adult Admission 60c
"4a.01.9/3 Night" was ,held be bt.,
J0141i15 Lodge, A. is,, and. A, M„, last 1.
Wednesday" :when almost 100 mas.1
ons Y.Itlx their eirives and friends,
sat down to a banquet, served by
the Friendship Cirele of the tlni
tod Church, The school room liras
SUR:ably decorated,
R, B, Cousins was toastmaster. :
,Following the toast to the Queen ,
Rev, W., A. Willams .said grace, '
Between courses ot tire dinner
community singing was led by F.
W. Todd with Donald Dunbar at
the Plano. A welcome to the yielt-
ors was extendie.d by Rose Duncan.
( master of the lodge. Jame,s Mete-
ineroduced the guests at the 'bead
table, who included Rev. and Mrs 4,
Cordell' Haelewood, Mount Forest;
Mr, and Mee. Gordon Kreuter, Mr,j
land •Mrs. Allan MeTaggart, Mr. i .
and Mrs. R, B. Cousins, Rev. mid ' home are worth money. Don't burn them,
Mrs. Andrew Lane, Mr. end Mre.t,
Calvin Kreuter, Mr and Mrs.
'Ross Duncan, Mr. and Mrs. Adam ,
Dodds, Listowel; Rev. Harold
Smell and Alien Fraser, Exeter;
Mr, and Mrs. Norman 'Hoover, Mr..
and Mrs. W. J. Turnbull, Rev. and .
Mrs, W. A. Williams, and Mr. and
Mrs. James Mair,
It, 1%
Formal Dance
In Cranbrook Community Centre
Thursday, April 5th
Music by Wilbee's Orchestra
Lunch Provided
Admission $1.00 each
Sponsored by Cranbrpok Hall Board
Everybody Welcome.
Sponsored by The Brussels Lions Club
e For local welfare work
These old papers and magazines you have gored away in yeAr
There will be a truck call at your door Wedeesday afternoone
April 17,th- to pick them up, eeekiee:
Please 'halve 'Papers bundled,
with magazines and newspaper;[
7 -7
On Mar. 5 a meeting was held at
S. S. No. 8' Grey to decide what the
community wished to contribute to
the Grey Twp. Centennial.
The chairman, Allan McTaggart,
put the matter to as vote and it was
decided to hold a reunion at the
school on Sunday July 2.2,
The following chairmen were app.
Programme — Ken McFarlane
Finance — Lawrence Meehan
Invitation and Registration — Mrs.
Robt. Houston
Lunch — Mrs. L. Jacklin
Decorations — Rosis Knight
Grounds -- Russel Knight
Citizens of Cranbrook, Ethel Walton Please take notice. and Tenders for the contract of re-
pairing of the Warwick Drain in
Morris Township will be received
np until 12 o'clock noon, April 2,
1.956. This contract , consiste of
3585 lineal feet 'of open drain. Plan
and profile may be seen at the
Clerk's .office.
A certified cheque for ten per
cent of the contract price must
a&ompany eacrh, tender. Lowest or
any tender not necessarily accepted.
Geo. C. Martin, Clerk. ,
Come and hear your favourite old
songs by Atwood Male Chorus of
over fifty voices
In Cranbrok Community Centre on
MONDAY, APRIL 9th. at 8.30,,.
Under auspices of Library Board
Admission 50c and 25c
UNITED CHURCH For additional information contact Ruesel Knight, Cliff Dunbar
or Max Oldfield, On Sunday, March 25 the series of I
sermons en "The Way The Master I
Went" was continued the :subject be-;
lag "His Cross". Three things are ,
revealed by His Cross'— the love and
trustworthiness of ,God, thef infiete
worth and value of men and h
terrible is theireality 'of the sin that i
curse's men. In the eyes of God men
are worth living for and dying for ;
if only they can be redeemed from I
sin. Christians are meant to be re. I
deemers under Christ. How do we '
measure up to this standard revealed
in °lyrist? The scripture text' was
Mark 10; 28 "Are ye able to drink 1
the cup that I drink",
The anthem "JerruSalem tEle
Cometh" by Elizabeth T. Van Woert ' I Was rendered by the choir.
ele, Procter, Chairman Publicity
and Invitations)
The Executive Committee met last
Monday in ehe Township Hall with
a full attendance. Everything seems
to be progressing favourably for the
Centennial. It was decided to have a
Sonv,enier booth at the Centennial.
The Invitation and Publicity com-
mittee met and let the printing of
PoSters to the Brussels Post and
the car stickers to.* the Wingham I
Some 400 names have been sent to
Mr. Jas, E. Nivins 'of the C. P. R.
Transport and Traffic Department ,
at Calgary who is trying to make
up a coach load from the West.
to attend! the Centennial. It is Mr.
Nivins intention to hafre thein
through to Blyth onWingham for the
.*• *
North Branch, Mich.
March 10, 1956
W. J. Turnbull proposed the
toast to "The Ladies", which was
responded to by Mrs. D. 0, Math.;
eeon. Musical numbers. included
piano selections by Donald' Dunbar,
and solos by Robert Cunningham,
and Donald McDonald.
Introducing the guest s peaker
Rev. Harold ,Snell of Exeter, feral-,
erly minister of Ethel United
Church. Rev, Anleew Lane, min-
ister of Brussels United Minot-LI
welcomed those present on, behalf
of ,the church' officials and recall.
ed frieladly relations with Mn
Snell as neighboring ministers. "%el
subject of Mr, Snell's aldrese was i
"Today". Rev, Gordon. Haziewoocl
expresSed the thanks of the as_
selmbly to the' guest speaker.
The toast to Grand 1,91%e Was
proposed by Norman Hoover, and
responded- -to by Adam Dedda ,of
,Listowel. Calvin ,Keauter express-
ed the appreciation of the. lodge
to the women of the church for
the dinner and decorations. Mrs.
Adrian McTe.ggart, replied. Ross
Duneen expressed thanks to the,1
toastmaster, the committee in
charge of the evening (Calvin
Kreuter, , James Mair, R B.
Cousins, and Allan MeT,aggett)
and all who had made the event
,outseanding success. The junior
warden's toast, peopesed by Gordon
Kreuter. brought the evening to a
``rmare3Sism •
Seaforth Figure Skating Club
6th Annual Ice Carnival
Will present Their
Saturday, ,,March 31st
Seaforth Arena at 8.15 P. M.
-.Featuring: Soles, Choruses, Dances, Precision Drills, Animal Actse .
Clowns, and Comedy Acts by members of the Seaforth F. S. Olyk
assisted by members of the Stratford F. S. Club under the directiork
The 0. G. I. T. group had as their
,guest speaker, Mrs. Gerald; Gibson,
who gave a very inspirational Easter
m.eosage at their regular meeting
in the church en Sunday afternoon '
Mrsi. Gibson read condensed pass-
ages from The Robe and The Big
Fisherman by Lloyd E. Douglas.
The Dresident, 'Sheila Black was
in the chair. Elizabeth Pipe and
Sharon Heaningveay lad in devotions,
Plans Were made to send Easter
:cards to shutins as a community {
*Meet, and also for Mother and
Daughter banquet.
The next meeting will be on the
regular date April 13th, when the
of Mr. Dennis Silverthorne, professional. Guest Skaters:* .L1ktifs:
and Jeffery Johnson, London F. S. Club, Fraser Lawson, Woodstock
F. S. Club.
Admission — Adults 75c, Children 50c
Sanctioned by the C. F. 'S.
Shop Here and Save Money Dear Friend:
Thank you for your kind invit-
ation to your Centennial, if we are
well we expect to be there. But you
newer can tell .at our age what will'
happen from day to day.
Tree-Sweet Grapefruit Juice 48 oz. •-• 27c
Royal York Peanut Butter 16 oz. • • • • 33c
Robin Hood Pie Crust Mix Special
15c off 2 pkgs. reg.51c Special 45c
Robin Hood Choc. White Cake Mix 45
Sunjoy Cream style Corn 20oz.
study of the Disciples will be 'con Hope you halve a 4 good time. We lams, The day is coining when Christ
tinned. The meeting closed with had 'a Centennial here last August is going to claim Ills Kingship over
and we had three deers of fun nearly the world. It will be the day when
,eiv:ery man had whiskers. My wife He will judge the world, When He
got first prlie for the oldest dress, ill t til sh f th
, The prize, was $30, The dress was ,
elmet 80 yeere old. . - ,
--TO Margret and Edwin Elston, at rout
It, R. 1, Arva, Ont. at Victoria I don't ,suppese there will be many
:Hospital, London, on, March 21st. ' I know except Jim Clark 'and Mrs.
1056, a son David 'William, Thos. Walker (Christy Halliday).
' Thank you again ifee yonr kind
w separate to eep tom e •`••••••.or FRIENDSHIP CIRCLE
The March meeting .of the Friend-
ship Circle opened with the singing,
of time theme hymn No. 376, verses
1 and 2, The Lord's Prayer was
then repeated in unison, The roll call
eonsieted of an Irish joke or the
wearing of something green. A hymn
was then Sung. The program part
of the meeting was taken by Shirley
Wheeler and Jean Bridge. Hymn 98
was sung after which Jean Bridge
led in prayer. Helen Wheeler read
the scripture-trot. let Samuel, chant,
25. A. lovely dttet, contributed; by Aud-
rey Wheeler and Maxine IViachan ac-
companied by Mrs. E. 'Martin was
The topic taken from the new
study book, Women of the Bible".
theegbey o Abigail was .ahlY
given by Alma Watson, and the
eetening finiehed with a delicious
served by Heleh Wheeler
end Pella Cousins:
2 for 29c
You will find other values Just as great as these at
BORN • G. A, Hood,
Mazenod i `Sash,
Feb. 6 1956
goats Those who have done geed
front those who have done ,evil.. How
could Christ set tip a rule or right, ,
dotieneee, unless He sifted the geed
froni the bad? Jesus came not to set
up en earthly kingdom, but le 'sleek
and to save the lost, ere told the
,people "My Kingdom, the Kingdom
of God, is 'within yottr hearts," The
Jews Of our 'day still think the
Messiah is yet to come. The present
day Zionist neolvetilent to bring back
Jews to Palestine, is a political
inevernetet, to weld Israel into a
retiLg nation with a dictatorat their
0hrist. Oar Meg is someday etim,
Ins to sinnmon all of its before His
judgement seat,
Thee Choir .rendered eine etithein
0nWarct Christian Soldiers by 641? •
necker, and the male teliertie sanf
the iittelbele, P11 sing the Wendrotte
ttory, of the blitist who died for me,
Organist, Lett§ 1D. Thompson played
(the tong "Vii,e Palnis" as an. offer,
tory organ solo,
Phone 7.
Not just to-day or to-morrow, but Every Day of the year.
We Deliver
To Mr, and Mrs. Alerson
oil Wed., March 14th, son, Roes
Emerson, a brother for Gordon.
• `—`,..."` ,
Dear Sir:
Seaforth, Ont.
Thursday, Friday., Saturday
Dale Robertet;h Rotry Calhoun
The sii.sheeter Wed the west; The
rifle defended it end now the crack-
ling Itteh driete, it to geeletneee,
Monday, tastiay and Wednesday
Robert Newitin Angivectri Cli ttech tilynis Solins
front the novel by Sbiliefeed, Mang" f t, '0': CANADA halt troth the ,eibtio ISIttlids Of the
otitteti, of stotaidi , Indian Oodaii CoMeiS MI: ttal'Y of
pegelon, oid adventure thatlirele, the
Rein Fred Ee -Jewell, le S. Ti fleeter ' 6is6,-611 With eirditehient —
Ilk johiVii,'OliUk*, ilriiiiNtil ='-ii , ' ---**-.--. „, * ,,,„„, Saturday Thursday, Friday, , tigoet kridaY — II 4.11,' . ;ABOVE tii6 :tilE WAVES
gestee Day .,::,, 6' 6,,, in, :tiiid it 4.,„ iii-,, Bohn Mills .. bonaid Siedeli
SiiiidaY SChtl4, ' A 9.z ' 1:i, , . .
8ay it with a itust Craft Zit,
Mark davit from tho Store for
Beautiful Gifts, Urge: tasted'
W. G, MA.CIT BAT1,5..StfA
Jeweller WO obit ake
I received YOut kind hileitatitin to
be present at the Morris Tvit. den,
teiinlal celebration Aug, 4, 5, and 6,
There are many More in the West
if only diet' 6601 be located. I cot-
tatty *mod like to celebrate with
(you can't definiteteeleay at present
that Will be possible. While I wait
not there for the inauguration of
Mettle I elenietitneS feel. like, it, YOU.
Wilt not likely hottiro Richard Pre.
titer I ittlete bet perhaps Iris, See,
Thettite for the effort of locating
the and I Will try and lot yott know
later, I May he able to make it.
Yours belly,
VALY6 tatALlt-V 3 140 1'
Cottind Styling doid Wavitig
A specialty
40x Brushers
slailew., *ml; eircry. Stindiw ort
Television's vaekly tarletY "shoif.,
tftdo, featuring Shirley Hamner and
Don &mil,
though itts Reiter. We've got
work to de' ;sd.Ys Zetter-Ihni-nY
June 8ampsOi3, and Connie Deverell
itneWS She'd hot fooling, Theee two
Iii. pavld'it Pfintoli, Hcrar.xn--4*, . ,. .. ,,,,,,,,..,......., Coining ' '''
11./16' p.m tveiiing Prayot .,,guisci.: 61".t.A.VES OF BA.BYLoN
t- Stiriday 'gellool '." 91' . , .