HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1956-03-07, Page 5..1.11••••• WANteo Work- soon. oatkidnon, oftnton. Ont. TIMBER WANTED tiataVoo4 tit& 1otn, standing hard Manleaad IjasidiVOOd or In log, toe et editors dog ton Gash Ole(*) 661.1 434t, T; dealt Mid Sort, TEE f4t-vssEiz Pont Weelneently, gdox to Esdial-- tii Id AUCTION SALE Clearltin Auction Sale of farm/ farm gook and machinery at lot ,34-, Con, 13, McKillop Twpn 1. rnlie OeUth and 2 miles west of Walton THURSDAY, MARCH 22nd s. Pt 1 rm A full line of farm Machinery,, cattle and Pigs, also the property, Prop. ,.-- ,George Penn Auctioneer — Harold Jackson Clerk — E. P. Chesney. hick is, .•• 1;1 malt- ft them, and the -Western Farm...i ,l./NITgP- CliVil,Q1-1- vrs intend to take .Mr, Oardie'er'S 7,110 eeri es.. ou "'rite Way The ,advice, now will that etfoet the I mmt.ei.. Wen., ik. was continued on., Ontario 'Farmer? [ 'Sundnyi _March,. 4, The riTublect being 1' "We believe we .sbould irkaye !parity i His 1noenage." Tile text 'wee. -taken,. Prim for our e'01:41110(114"' 11-11° 4Y".from. Nark 1; 14,10, Jesus canna(wage fanner in not .1111 r 0440-401°, I nrenehing the gesPel of the .Klo m gno :Ntybilcoylee:re 'a fair minded People u§. 4,4.-of ,Ceti , , -and saying, 'Vile ton.n. Is I ,ifalfillexi the Kinalain of God ig at Tbo Principle of. the h-log. MariOte band, repent. -Y0 and believe the ing Board is good, Get behind it, 1 nonpel". As Jesus iereergen from The Gonerumeet eedny ie ready and I. His.. Iteinntation in, the wildwnese Willing to talk th inge over with farm 1. He .was.cortaln of two things — the delegations and I believe Some Maier' -4 KingdoM, of God Was not a worldly, -Oranges will be made la the policy ; power but a socletey -of justice .and eer agrieultero sooty, . .eve ,and that It was to be promoted Farm Union is making nrenreSS ' not by ,force but by a proem of Our ion is'en make this old world a . ,,,, in* htkal ,,griwth, ,amid 1 iitnifiunereele ,better place to It-YO in 'and (L11° k ninoendinn from •Ood, through 4,esua industry of Agriculture a better a nd . His disciples, It .w4 not An • • .- FARMERS VNiQN MEETING Ovur min hundred and fifty young ferinnre gathered Welton recently despite sternly weather And -driften' rn.nte to hear an ad l Q s on. farm problems by Mr. Joe Phelps, ' tamer of Wilkie, Sauk who Was past President -of the Sasnateliewen farmers Union — W110 is e Vern for ,epeaker, AMong those present w( re interest ed farmers from East We. wanosh, Stanley, 1\11CilloP, Tucker- smith and Ctoderien taWnshipe. At, wood, Clinton, Marne, Tavistoon and. Wellington County. Mr. Phelps naltn x am no strung.. er to Ontario, 'having been born here, but went west same 40 years Ago„ It 'any one nos any idea of making an easy living, don't go west, for of you want to make a living in that country, have to Work for it, We hear ort the prairies that the fannies down -east are rolling to wealth but I have found the farmers situation Is fundamentally -the wile! in ithe -east as well .as the west. We have a great deal in common because we are customers of each other." industry. you 10th,, 4ml" ,exdinislye Jewish nationalist King4 sloth but a universal ,one. -open -to men !.of .every nationality, A ,Kingdom that ,was a real. brothernoon - oe men for i the King was ,nre eminently a Slather — Kingdom 'of irighteneenese iand morality, horn out of love for Christ and -not becaunse it wins the safe • ithinlg ,to 4o A Kingdom of the • here and now 0,e well as of the future, The char Sang the anthem "You Must Open -The Door" by Ogden and Roaelmialver, . . HELP KEEP YOUR RED CROSS READY for this r bate Next time it might be, right here , in our own community, Or disaster might strike a thousand miles away. But some- where, some time THIS YEAR, the Red Cross will respond to the call -for, immediate aid. And, your contribution to the 1956 campaign is an important part of PREPAREDNESS. Help the Red Cross in its day by day works of mercy and keep it ready for every emergency. litter nth or ir barn bowls. support your APCTION! SALE Clearing Auction Sale of farm, and ,Dairy Herd At let 32 and 031 Con, 13 oroy Typ„ 2y2, §outb. and 1 miles East of Brussels od WED, MARCH 21st. at 1,30 P. Accredited Holdteln Herg 10 Good Pius Cows, #.o nin fresh, other due in Mama), and April seine rebren. 10 ,Regislered Cows fresh, _due to freshen lifter. Herd Sire, Spring Perin Exhibit Sire Spring ,Farrin JFeeurisden lixopige . Dam --- Credholme Farm — 200 acre farm, 160 acres of well drained Workable land 40 !acme of bush, large gank barn, 12 yrs, old With, Silo and good stabling Hen -penis for 1000 hens, brooder house for 1000 chickens, large Implement shield, a storey red brick 'Irensle With an modern con venience,s excellent water euvply. One oaf better farms in Grey Twp, Terms — nhattels Cash Property 10% down, terms can be arranged. Prop Van Alphen Bros. Auctioneer — Harold Jackson Clerk — E. P. Chesney, ROSS $5,810,723 IS NEEDED THIS YEAR We are 'here for a purpose, :time nee 'come, when we have to take another look at -the funda, :mentale of right living, justice and -equality, and forget petty differ, emcee.° In the qucetion and answer period. which followed the .address, the -summary of some of the (Mentions: was It was agreed the Hog Marketing Board Wan a "goon thing, but dins Olsten: non wee 'expressed with the persenuel, and set up of the Board, One- (Mention asked was — Would rarity prices be an incentive to over produce? to which Mr, Phelps renlied. "Then leek for new markets or have a production quota, Ttne hogs were imported in 1954 but, co operation is a two Way street; tend n,11 count remember we shipped . hogs land cattle to In S. when they -thought they hod enough -and they idierret -holler. . That does not present an unsur mountable ipiroblem, If the farmer is 'I to have parity prices on all 'pro ducts, how can they flood the Market with any one tiling," LEGION" LADIES AUXILIARY The Morn, meetnig of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion Was hold. In -the Auxiliary rooms on Karen est, with 22 members and 11 visitor present. The meeting was ensued with the president, Mrs, Mary Lowe in the chair, The secret any'S report were read with many Unlink you notes from Comrades who had received boxers while ill, ,Mils Dobson received the mystery prize. In was decided to hold the last euchre party of ithe season On i Mara -21st, in the Auxiliary rooms,. ,t Everyone is welcome at these Tart. dee. It Was .also -decided to ihold 'St, Paiericlee social on March 16th, The Auxiliary was' pleased to have Mrs. H. Keffen present at tbis meeting. Before mowing 'to Mailmen! ver Mrs, Keifer was a very active Member, Joining the Auxiliary when: it was organized end being the first; secretairy, Her -sunny idisnosition and; willinnnesis to help wars greatly missed when she moved laway, The meeting Wes closed with the closing 'ceremony followed by the Queen. Mr. Phelps was returning west from a. Conference 'with Provineiel eninietere of Agriculture at Ottawa and stated further "I think the time has come when farmers should work closer with organized lebotir, I'm not going to excuse labour for some of the things they do but-every one manes- mistakes, even farmers 'You often hear it said by tatmenn we wont have anthing to -do with organized labour but you might as well gay you wont have any "truck end trade" with care or aeroplanes or any other modern convenience. It is a silly attitude to take because organized labour 18 our best cult. omen tluy buy our ham and eggs and they must have money to buy it" — and a lot in the ranks of -or- -ganized labor are farmers sons and lieughtere for a lot of farmers have -ether been .shoved off the farms or beenme• discouraged and quit, "The basic problems of each group are the same". "Canadian fanners are .a liason in preparing a program of joint nation." "Some people in organized labor have the idea that the farmer lives the "life of a Riley" but -at the eXe-1 cutive lend they have had their eyes Opened and are worried bed cause the farmer is labor's customer , for most of nunie 'Pnoductei" The speaker went on — didn't come here to preach blue ruin, but We must ,search dilligently for a way Ito pull our selves -out of our difficul- ties". Never 'say "I'm just a farmer" — don't be ainologetio-nyou can't build a demoorarcy on -that attitude: producers haveset taken core of the business end of ,our business. We want a National Fairer Union light across Canada, If organized STARTLING STATISTICS The latest report of Ontario's Department ,of Reform 'Institutions contains ,startling statistics. During the ten years since the war, yearly convicions for crime have risen from 19,132 to 46,899 and from 478 Per 100,000 to 905., n The report declares these figures granted that an increase in "tire number end .efeicieney of the police force hes naturally resulted in a higher per cent -of convictions than 'formerly. 'Ph great majority of crimes were those against public peace and order And of the 35,276 convictions on this 'Score more than half (18,.253) were 'for drunkennesis, with ,arunk and impaired driving contributing anoint ier 3,182, Anti breaches of the Liquor Control Act accounting for an add Worm," 7,539. To sum sup, liquor Was a factor in 28, 974 .of the. 46,899 ic4anniotions registered. during the past year, 1 In a Word Ontario's crime static :tics prove concluSivelY that &a More liquor ptople donshinh the more work they make for the pol ice, the courts and Refbmr In stitutionis, id Co., Con heavy me lay o retie labs ten We reek tit* t, N Mee be it SE 156 redited of Age rith big n, good with rt. Theee BEEP. kg: , blood or Theta ".• Studientn nursery Snnday was observed in Knox Pres.. Church on Sunday morning, Mr. Kenneth Knight a student of Waterloo College, con ducted the service with ,Allan Dunn reading the Seripiture reading and Isabel Engel leading in prayer Mrs. Ken MacDonald slang a solo. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil L, Thompson i. and daughter, Ce.cilia, Galt attended, 'the morning service -aft, Knox church -on Sunday and visited later with nen, and Mrs. Gallon Knight end family. Mr. and. Mrs, Thompson expect to occupy the manse by the end of the month. Rev. W. A. Williams, Brpisnels, will be the minister next iStienlaY, March 11 and the following Sunday, Mr; Thompson will begin this work here as pastor On Thursday evening, March 16, int 7:30 a ,service to welcome Mr. , Thempson to Cratibtook end Ethel, will be held in the church et Clan brook, Mr. Charles E. Hackney celebrated Ms 80 th. birthday -on March 3, with a tunny .gathering aat nebringwille. Mr. Hackney is known here, before going to Sebringyille'he made his • home with his delighter, Mtn WilBred •Strickler and. -attended eirirch in Crianbrook, Mr. and Mrs. G, M. Leyonck Petty end Jonnie, Waterdo.win Were Stkhday visitors in Inritineels. e west of een WALTON yaced on tiVii za ta I electricity stome ; CENT FOR ALL YOUR AUTOMOTIVE NEEDS SHOP AT THE MAC BAEKER AUTO SUPPLY Permanent Type Anti Freeze, $2.75 per gallon 76 per quart rhermostats Ranging from $1.05 to $2.10 Spark Plugs 56c to 69c each, Auto Light and Chaniploti Mittflere from $4.35 to $9.20 Tall Pipee from $2.98 to 0.95 Exhauet Pipee from $3.25 to $4.75 Phorn Residence 95 . Business 119x nrinksela Ont. dab crime e TV tptiMiltit houia refriger hours aR , • h MELVILLE CHURCH W. M. S. The W. M. S. -of Melville Church met na the Churnh parlour on Friday, Mlarch 2nd,, with Mrs', W. W.' Smith in the chair, The Devet.i tonne part wise conducted by Mre. John Bowman who read the Scrip tune 4esson and Mils, Willianin, led! in prayer, In the businese part of` ,the meeting connibutione Wesel solicited tic complete ten doller which was -our allocation to cur Honorary Life Membersiship and In Memoriam for Mrs. MacWhinney, BeSsie Mohee was appointed a meinber -from the W. M. S of eine Miseionary committee, Hymn 401 Was sung. The guest Speaker. Mee, Leslie Fortune was introduc. -ed and she gave Gm addre-se en ateinailltip; isitirelne the 'Ong 'of our Time. our Money and our Talents. The ,sEkoond ispeaker was MrS, Mund-el. of Delmore who gone a flanneh.graph illustrated address of ihow 'our dollar for minisione is spent The offering Was foe the supply $ work24.66. of our -seclietty -and totalled Mts. Smith *naked the guest sneakere for two excellent neldrees..% een, Hyniet 470 wee sung and the meet. ing closed with -the Mizpoli bane', diction'. In -tube vOcial hour Mtn. Walter' Kerr eentribnbed a Diane sate and Mien IVIonee naYS a reading end all •, tan of tee, and delielona ' ninon. The March :meeting of the Walton W, A Met on Thursday afternoon In the Ciltarcli hagernent with 28, Maine Presest, The Meeting opened by -singing hyinn 124, Scripture reading 51st Psalm wins read by Men Ed, ntryaine. Tonin was teed by Mrs. Walters oil the Cry fni' Mercy. See, tenott Wen rend and (adopted alt-o thank you card Vein' Mrs. I: Beeman, `reds. tenpin, Watt igiverki lay Mre, Ai ,Cietitte, .balance oil bend 8.214.23, Mts, A (Soirtite thank ed the ladles )fort Annie Gorden, fOr. -the hook she tee-eine& Senora]: items of business Were dealt Winn The at. Patriek's social Will: be held eau Friday, ntateh 9th. sit 8 n'elenin A goodprograninie attd taifeh to' follow. the meeting doted wjth 'Moine Soiug, rfollotved by the th6to Prayer, Miss Teilia liesInital in Soafositli; vtioh slits` idmiektit, toofitd WEa1,664 t$Fitkinit $6:1 'With ',Mr. And lift& John Sifted amid Mit, 15:6 t1Ay nude - .8terittoi4; •(.6ttii IIncitWell And ether friends; Mtn Jaeininh lieWlet has' dielinennt of WM, detnent Exeter Will ink& inagenininti April r4. , i,' •4;4:1- '•• • • "`:4 PROPANE LTD, it Miricet Plaop 41100 FORD, ONT. The Virakilie FUEL FOR HOME AND INDUSTRY • RANGED; HOT *Atilt TANKS iiirrlit1ERATCH1114 trot, MADDlitt 'PHONE- 444' buil. 404- Ott Silt TUAL I, 0 pawl*. moo Ili pia , 4 *1 -.4 Lb. .; labour have all mod:opt conveniences — television nets and new cars, then, why 'eninisider it a luxury If farmers have the same Sane -People think': farmets should dO as grandfather ' did, Mit we are not lining in grand 'father's day, .this is 1956 and the ineekhillety is hete and we are going' to Wee It. ,A lot of farniets ,have a par'tne'r 1.n.rt, it is the Mortgage company but h lot of mortgage entirpenine won't risk their money on agincul- find on the Preitto any more." Mr. Phelps stated emphetieally "its tittle too do Some stock taking ne See if we have Mote Money In: Vogel& in nia,oliinery and entilpinent Than we have in the fatten "A lint of People iere living -on depreciation each think they Ilene a lot of Pioneer, hut today our noeVet (loge int a onneleindionie'amount malty, .%1O that's the main difference between now -end grreitliees day. "The 'insolent eainpaleies neve greetet interest in stir tarns to day that ne think, 'sib -tette eteekin "I have no let the Vett'' I etenleii Agrleuiture. tind I'M all fer tcnolne, doing the gnarl ion they kite net tip to do en hat 1t e .eilintild build tip, alit' tiitonig and tooti• it octieceollrig to itettiotiocem,to ,way'' "At the tenteretiide At ottop.;-4 nine Annie atenninei in NeViti, #cbtitine`e the Pakten drawers' in Nod' tritnentiCk -en' the Milted in lniteeted and .the Greriw Growers &tithe West ne. ell 'reported 6 hei Sri difitteulty. Mr: 1tei 's i!gtlatei darditierig advidel toe W°ter tititier'S' was to predttee snore' 'OW ,hi tatt14,, 10 'feed their grain to., ma