HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1956-03-07, Page 3"NOW,' YOU LISTEN TO ME"—There's nothing that irritates a stuffed shirt more than another stuffed shirt. Irate King penguin in the London, England zoo, isn't telling off baby. He's voicing his inclignatidn at an impostor—a toy penguin—which was slip- "toed into the'ca"ge. Other members of the soup-'n-fish set, back- Vound, are ignoring the whole thing. esseseesseiseefeea' 200 Yards $1,00 postpaid, Assorted Pets ton braids, hies tape, sou ache, trim, liSs. Free Pieria list, Schaefer Sur, Plus/ Rrummendylile, Quebec. MEDICAL GOOD RESOLUTION — EVERY SUF- FERER OF RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY, DIXON'S REMEDY. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 Elgin Ottawa $1.25 Express Prepaid lifafil CHICKS LIMITED NUMBER. started pullets. Dayold pullets, mixed -chicks. Cocker- els, Order now your April May broilers, Also have special strains (Ames In Cross, etc), Full particulars, ERAYLTON. 12t) 'JOHN N, ilA MI F.GGS by the Carload! Meat by the Toni Arbor Acres White Rocks! Egg. famous Foreman 'Leghorns! Other breeds to suit your needs) LAKEVIEW HATCHERY increased its setting ca. pacity by another 100,000 during Janu- ary, 1956. Ord& your February or Margit chicks NOW. For "Quality Um excelled" broiler chicks, or egg-pro- ducers. 'phone or write: a THE LAKEVIEW HATCHERY LTD. Phone No. 7 Exeter, Ont. 13e BABY CHICKS 130 CANADIAN Approved. Production breed. Hemp X Sussex Barred Rocks. Red X Rocks New Ramps. Reds. Sussex and White ' Rocks. Mixed $13 Per 100, Pullets $19 per 100. White Leghorns Red X Leghorns Brown Leghorns and Minorca X Leghorns. Mixed $13 Per 100. Pullets $27 per 100. Guaranteed 100% live delivery. $1 down. balance C.O.D. Sun Valley Hatchery. Chatham, Olitario. STARTED COX CANADIAN Approved Heavy Breed Cox. Day old 66: 2 weeks old 1241 4 weeks old 20e. Leghorn Cross Cox. day old $1.50 per 100 Guaranteed de- livery. $1.00 down. balance 0.0.15, Maple. City Hatehery Chatham Ontario BOOKS SENSATIONAL OFFER: 2 FOR PRICE OF 1 THE 11 MASTER KEYS TO FAME, FORTUNE & POWER. Keys to Dreams and Visions, Black. Magic, Love, Health, Good Luck and Prosperity, Power, Af. ter Death, The Future, etc. Amazing nook, PLUS FREE with every order our Big Entertainer of Fun, Magic and Mystery. Both hooks sent to you In plain, wrapper Postpaid for only $1.00, Send Your order to; WAL TRADE, 111 King Street, West, Sherbrooke. Que. bee. MUMMIES, Jewels, Bars of Gold, Buckets of Placer Gold, Historical Data. I've handled some of it. Amazing! Thrilling! Read my book, "Cortez Missed The Bus." Edition going fast. Send quickly. only 5 dimes for your copy to: P. L. Howland, 1613 West 84th Place, Los Angeles 4'7, California. DOMESTIC HELP WANTED GENERAL for 5-room apartment. Doctor's residence. All modern mall- ances, Own room. Two children, one school age. Good wages. Will ad. vanee fare, If necessary. Mrs. H. Woods, 5135 Bourret, Apt, 4, Montreal. FOR SALE DURABLE, Washable, Plywood Jigsaw Puzzles, 8x10, Postpaid $1.25 each, cash. State selection, Clown, Elephant, Tractor, V.L. & G. Products, Sheffield, Illinois, U.S.A. CHICKS loOk alike regardless of, wile' tiler they carry a high egg proeuction inneritance or not, The real they is in the laying house alter they arc grown, it is then Lou late and tou bad if they carry poor or ordinary egg Kean:Hon qualities. Be sure and buy the right breeds, We hay(; six 4pecial breeds. They lay more eggs on less feed, Foil details. Catalogue. Also Indian Ritter Cross and Arbor Acres. White Rock broiler chleks. Turkey pousts. TWLDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES urn. ifeacut ONTARIO. STARTEti SPECIALS CANADIAN Approved. Barred Rucks Red X Rocks, White Reeks, New Hampshires, Light Sussex Red Or Ramp X Sussex, Colambia Rocks and R.1 Beds. Pullets - 2 weeks old 532.00: 4 weeks old $40.00: 6 weeks old $48.00 per 100. Mixed chicks same ages $10,015 less per IOU. White leg. horns Red X Leghorns, Danish Brown Leghorns and Minorca X Leghorn pal- lets 2 weeks old $36.00; 4 weeks old 544,00: 6 weeks old $52.00 per 100. Guaranteed 100% Rye delivery $1.00 down balance C.0.0 Order early. Kent Hatchery Chatham Ontario, GOOD pay, making scented. Orchids at home, Easy. No experience needed. No canvassing Free Sample Write, 13oycan, Industries, Sharon 21, Pa. SPORTSMEN! Birthday greeting cards for men. Beautifully illustrated, Ideal gifts. 14 cards $1.75. Guaranteed to please, Mary-Kay Shop, 1150 Garfield N.W., Grand Rapids, Michigan. Pains??? stopped mine for 10¢, Send 51-00 for "old fashioned Formolu" to; Roy specht, 10 5/141‘ Road, Miensliorg, Wasinnoion. posrs ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin .trouhlee. Post's Eczema Salve will not disap, point you, Itching, scaling and hum. trig eczema, acne. ringworm, Pimples and toot eczema will respond:readily to the stainless, odorless ointment re- gardleaS of hoW Stubborn or hopeiess they seem. sent post Free pn Reeeip) 0) Price PRICE $2.50 PER ,,IAR POST'S REMEDIES 059 Queen St. E., Corner of Logan TORONTO OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN AE A liAIRDRESSER ,,, .101N CuAhING4AtrrepaaAtte'cISOpeLpaEotArat:IngNitGryreSeCHOOL Pleasant dignified profession, good wages. Thousands of successful Marvel gradu America's Greatest System ates Learn Hairdressing Write or Call MARVEL RAIRDREsSING SCHOOLS 358 moor St. W.,. Toronto Branches 44 King St., Hamilton 72 Rideau St., Ottawa FREE TO ALL GARDENERS DE JAGER'S complete Catalogue of Anenornes, Begonias, Dahlias, Gladiolus, Lilies, Oxalis, Renuncules, Seeds, etc. Bulbs sent prepaid. Flower-Bulb Spe- cialists Since 1870. Write today P. de Jager & Sons (Canada) Hamilton Rd.. East, London, Ont. RING - VALVE JOB — S8 IT'S TRUE I I I MOTALOY DOES IT I I I In amazing and proven process, that gives you a ring and valve lob through tin plating process while you drive. Effective for life of car. PHONE: MOTALOY SALES CO. West St., Gotlerich, Ont. (2401 "300 WAYS for Women to Earn Money at Home". A . valuable publication. P$1.00 Box 863-X, Springfield, Ohio. rvi ce, WHEN In Chicago, stay at Walton Hotel, 1019 N. Dearborn, Telephone, SUperior 7-5760. Walking distance to loop, parks, beaches, zoo, entertain- ment. Quiet residential location. AMAZING PLAN! Tremendous profits, no investment. Doing Just what you're doing now, reading newspapers, 90% profits. Details $1.00. Grantee, Box No. 89, MPO-6, Niagara Fails, New . York, PATENTS PERSONAL 51.00 FILIAL offer, twenty Bye deluxe personal requirements. Latest cata- logue Included, The Medico Agency. Box 124, Terminal "A" Toronto Ont. Wahl ED NEW GOOSE AND DUCK FEATHERS. We Pay $1.40 per pound for. goose, 65c per pound for duck. We also buy horsehair combings 51,10 per pound. Ship collect. We a 1 s o buy used feathers, goose and duck, ZENER FEATHER COMPANY, 97 Baldwin St.. Toronto. BEAR CUBS WANTED 1956 bear cribs, Send full particulars to DON McDONALD. 28 Wellington, Bowmanyille. Ontario. I T C 114 STOPPED IN A JIFFY or money back Very Cast use St soothing, cooling liquid 0,0.0. Prescription positively relieves raw red Itch—caused by eczema, rashes, seglp irritation, chafing--tether itch troubles. Greaseless, stainless. Pe trial bottle must satisfy dr money bark Don't suffer. Ask your dtitggki tot 0 0 0 PRESCRIPTION, • ONE DOLLAR AN. HOUR —If you live in a small town,. large town, or any town at all, write us, We want. to. show you how to earn one dollar per hour, working for yourself, Noth- ing to sell. Lewis. Enterprises, Stirling, Ontario AGENT-Telegraphers wanted on Rail- ways. Very practical career with good wages. Train at home or attend School, Free book describes. ABC Shorthand trains for Stenographer in 10 weeks. home study. Free Lesson. Write Cassan Systems, 50 Spadina Road, Toronto, ATTENTION Painters! Yourhard, use- less brushes cleaned and softened like new. You s t the price. We guarantee satisfaction. Specialties, 514 William Street, London, Ontario. FROM The World's Sunshine Capitol! 4 picture postcards 25a, remelted 25fl. Information Personal Service Remits 1.11g, Williams, 715 „E. 3rd, Tucson, Ari- zona, USA. FETHERSTONHA UGH & Company Patent Attorneys, Established 1890. 600 University Ave. Toronto Patents all countries. AN OFFER to every inventor. List of Inventions and full Information sent free The Ramsay Co.. Reaistered Pat- ent Attorneys. 273 Bank St. Ottawa. The Coliseum—Toronto Fri. Mar. 9 thru Sat. Mar.17 1956 Twice Doily (Except Sunday) 2.13 parte-8.15 p.m. ,,PRESENTING the only stage trained SEAR STARRING • Sensational Y- 'Australian Yeoter-nct.tied Acit-43,0, ARk ye SERI: MERRY MENAGERIE SIR AWO P 0 1 174.1 "Droll Is there any kind ofjam that kid hasn't gotten into?" N Farmer Nuns Raise Goats Almost everyone is acquaint- ed with cows called "Betsy" and "Clara," but in the moun- tains north of Montreal are some goats with far 'more im- aginative' names. "Cascade," "Blanchette" and "Nougatine" are members of a herd' carefully tended by a young woman who wears a blue,, cotton apron' over the habit of a nun. The cloistered sisters of the Benedictine priory at' Mont Laurier, Quebec, make goat- raising a profitable enterprise. The milk is rich and provides good butter and cream. Light, digestible cheese ,is being made on an experimental basis. The Benedictine order isalready famous for chocolate - making and some day these cloistered sisters hope' to develop a new chocolate made with the milk from their goats. Quite apart from milk, the meat from young kids is delicate and the resourceful nuns hope to be able to tan kidskin. Behind the main building of the priory at Mont Laurier is land running back to a river- bank. There, this progressive group of women turn from their prayers to operate a high- ly efficient farm. They keep about 500 hens, grow fruits and vegetables — and raise roots. The priory's meticulOusly- clean goathouse has stalls for 25 milking goats. In a corner, a wooden platform equipped with a neck-yoke is where "Nougatine" and 'her sisters take turns munching from a pail of oats while being milked. On the wall hangs a chart re- cording the milk given by each member of the herd, for these nuns are business-like farmers. Along the river bank is the goat pasture. The grass is thick and the land rich, but not be. cause nature Made it that way. These farmers in blue aprons are completely up-to-date on agricultural methods. Their al- kaline soil last fall was treat- ed with limestone and this spring will be enriched by growing clover and alfalfa. Their pasture Houriehes with the help of modern chemical fertilizers, scientifically applied to meet the needs of the soil, After these lucky goats have grazed their fill, their thrifty keepers protect the grass by driving the herd into a 'loung- ing area" where "Cascade," eBlanchette" and the others take their ease, nibbling be straw and making milk. At sun. 'down, the goats with the quaint names quietly obey the young nun's call and file into the goat- house l with its whitewashed riktita and vegetables grown on the priory, farm are care- ' ittfly chosen for their food value. A Special variety of black' raspberry is cultivated because it is high in vitamins. The liethouse is a model Of ef- fidericy, It is not So, surpria- ing then, to tee these secluded tads b e i g plowed' With a , shiny new' tractor; cOlifidently driven by a 'nun in bine* skirts. SHORT, SNORTS WOIVee, or Wolf pups, do net lap Water. lilts coyotes Or dogs; they sup it as dots a horse 'cow; The Prong-horned antelope net a trite antelope. Unlike the true antelope the prong-horn has hfatielled horns and sheds the bine sheat. Fawns, Only a few hours ors days Old, .:have no body oder Or scent -- their Only pretection'at that age against predators, New Slant on Leaning Tower Straighten the Leaning Tow- er of Pisa? The folk of Pisa in northern Italy are outraged at such . a suggestion! They're . not even put off by the eti= gineers who forecast the tow- er's collapse by 2255. "Think what it would do-to the tourist trade," they say, When Bonnanus built the tower in 1174 as a belfry" for the hear-by church he intend- ed it to Stand like any normal tower. it was only when the fourth gallery was added and the weight of stone proved too much for the marshy ground in which the fourioanons were laid that the structure began to tilt, - Arentecturai engineers Who recently. measured the inclihe of the tower with high preci- sion instruments discovered that the tower had Moved 1,2 nun. in the last twelve months and just 'over one and a hall inches ni the past thirty-Five years. This means that the top of the tower now overhangs the base by nearly fourteen teet And, say the engineers, 11 the tower continues to subside at its present rate then in the year 2255 it will collapse, Been now there is the danger that a violent exploeion or a severe earthgueke Shock in the hetgn-, botirlitied Of Pisa Wbuld bring the tower toppling dowit The only solution is to di - Mantle the tower stone by stone and rebuild it on the seine site after the grentid has been Made secure with a 0-lath:ill-xi of rem 'forced concrete. And that *Mild cost a lot of Money BeSides, as the mayor and townspeople point out, thou sands= of ttititiStS beta' etre* Year to Pisa especially to' ede the feireiSitie tower', Ahd who Would 'dome to See the, leaning teWeis if it no longer „..„ V5ll len using a cleth for tvaX., lltat dampen it and wring !This Will save a lot of wax which, otherwiSe Would be ab- sorbe her the cretin MACDONALD'S IER Ocatades Pc4triciAti A0411 Mot who think- kmorrotv pradice moderation today N. It's .Do-It-Yourself Jewellery. Now Foreign War Fought On Canadian. Soil ARTICLES FOR eishg I MEDICAL The "do-it-yourself" craze is blossoming into the jewellery field for spring. An imaginative designer has made beads of polythene — the waxy plastic cornmoniy found in kitchenware and on each, bead he has moulded a little knob which fits into every other bead. They can be popped to- gether without the use of string to create a fascinating range of necklace and bracelet styles, The first polythene beads on the, market relied on the pastel glow of the plastic itself for beauty, but new pearl-like coat- ings have now made their ap- pearance . sparkling colors, all the way from bright coral through pastel pinks and blues to chalk white, This adaptable new necklet Is bought by the length — about a yard, for a dollar and has no clasp. The beads are easily snepped. together, stay in s place firMiy and .just quickly can ;be taken apart ,to serve the Whim of the' moment, The wo- man with a fashion flair can combine colors in her own de- signs, make her necklace long" er or shorter, double it up as a c h o k er or turn it into a bracelet — all at the pop of a bead! The General. Motors settle- tnent can be interpreted as a victory for the company or as a victory for the union, In fact, it was a victory for nobody, 6-,m, gained nothing to com- pentate• for the 60,000 cars it didn't produce, and the strikers gained nothing to compensate for the $27 in wages they didn't get, In all' ways, and not least in its effect on the economic life of this Province, the strike was a disaster, Genial handshakes, toothy smiles, and expressions of me- ttle] regard between the two factions, should .not obscure the daniage their senseless struggle has dpne to Ontario, and to Canada, Had it been a case of Canadians versus Canadians, that would have been bad enough, But in this instance, it was more a matter 'of Ameri- cans versus. Americans, On the one hand, there was an American company which re- fused tie let Canadians share in the ownership, or the •prpfits, of its Canadian branch. On the other hand, there wss,an Ame- rican union which calls the„ tune and charts the course for its al- legedly self-governing Cana- dian membership. Not surprisingly, under these circumstancee, a great part of the bargaining was done by Americans. Perhaps they enjoy- ed 'it. Why., shouldn't they? A war fought on another country s soil,, with another country sup- plying. all the troops' and taking al] the losses, is no great hard- ship to those directing it, Let the Legislature, now in session, contemplate the lowly status to which Ontario's peo- ple, and interests, were assigned by the G.M. disputants. Let them contemplate further the truly extraordinary fact that this ,longest 'and costliest walk. out in Canada's history dragged to its end without anybody knowing whether, it was legal or illegal. The -company Made • two efforts to get a decision on the matter from the Ontario Labor Relations Board, but that body refused to commit itself. While the battle raged, it hid ,in the cellar% Stupid 'and destructive as it has been, the G.M, strike can serve in the end one useful pur— pose. Before it began, Mr. Drummond Wren, who served on the concilliation board, sug- gested in 'the light of his experi- ence there that Ontario's Labor Relations' Act should be given a throuogh overhaul. The sugges- tion made sense at the time. Now, after 17,000 workers have been out for five months and e have lost some $1,500 each, it makes even more sense. A Labor Relations Act which per- mits such destructive stupidity as we have seen in the G.M. strike, needs to be rewritten from start to finish.—From The Toronto Globe and Mail. tjo ° ur ts 11 I /foribe EXelfin3// Cita 1 least he's surrounded by miles of sand for most of the time — a familiar setting for him. Six feet three and superbly muscled (he takes size thirteen in shoes), he joined a circus as a fighter in his teens, taking on all corners, He once went six rounds against world champion Jack Johnson, "The greatest boxer I ever saw," McLaglen says. When success came after he had gone to Hollywood (he was born at Tunbridge Wells, Kent), he built himself a castle near the film city, with deer and kangaroo, in the grounds, a show ring, a marble gymnasi- um, and a stadium to hold 10,- 000 people, who Used to pack it to watch his private army — the Victor McLaglen Light Horse and Motorcycle Corps — in action. As their colonel-in-chief, re- splendent in his navy blue uni- form, with silver chains on his shoulders, Victor led them, some 500 strong, on Hollywood par- ades. Washed-up. Boxer Big Film Star The crowd reared es 1lle two Mueeted giants slalomed at each o t her tender the tierce unleashing murdereus lefts and rights, wincing and .grunting as they shuffled and weaved, then locked their huge arms around each other in a Mauling brawling clinch. Suddenly one of them smash- ed home a blow that sent the other sprawling, shaking the ring as his heavy body crash- ed to the canvas — out cold. The man who stood over him, battered but triumphant as the referee raised his right arm high, was Frank Goddard. Four years later, he 1923, he be- cable Bri ti sh heavyweight champion, The loser was Victor McLaglen, famous today as the star of over a hundred films. Years later, long after God- dard had lost his heavyweight crown, he was almost down and out when he decided to try his luck on the screen. He went to Hollywood and met once again the man whose, boxing hopes he had dashed in that epic 1919 bout. And it was. Victor Mc- Laglen — then well established in the film world — who was responsible for getting him sev- eral small roles. If Hollywood ever runs out of plots it can always film the life-story of veteran tough-guy actor Victor McLaglen. In his sixty-nine years, as well as be- ing fighter and wrestler, he's been soldier (he cheated about his age and joined the Life Guards at fourteen), farmer, gold prospector, miner, pearl fisher, ,policeman — and still found, time to make that cen- tury of films. One of his most memorable roles was as Captain Flagg in "What Price Glory." He scored a big success in an early °Beau Geste." And in 1935 won an Academy Award for his mag- nificent acting in "The Inform- er." In his latest film, RICO Ra- dio's, SuperScope adventure drama, "Bengazi," he's out of uniform for a change. But at ev .t the Ii CANADIAN NATIONAL BUBBLE FISH Fish called Labyrinth Bubble- Nest Builders construct a float- ing nest of bubbles in which eggs, numbering• from 100 to 500, are deposited, hatched, and the young tended. Paint Is Not A Fire Hazard L'ork lied • ee Selle strenjd to rife, onij moderatioti jitics BACKACHE May betilarnmq In spite of our "scientific age," it's amazing hew many Old wives' tales still persist. For instance, there's the one about painted surfaces being especial fire hazards, Actually, dried paint, ine stead of ,s tending to spread flames, effectively retards it! In the early stages of a fire or- dinary paints, particularly semi- gloss ones, slow down the blaze. You can check this the next time you are around a bonfire. Throw ,oh and 'unpaint- ed boards end 'lust Asfkt.dli which 'n eatelieS.. and:: •is burned up first, Backache ie often caused by tat), kidney action. When kidneys set aid of or excess , acida and wastes remain us the system. Then backache. disturbed rest 6i that fired-out and heavy-headed /6614 may soon follow Thies the time to, hike Dodd's Kidney Pills • ondiTit •/Alie, kidneys to , normal action. Then you better —sleepfeel better.% "Gel Dodd's Kidney Pills now; .1 ftrittijau kicker. Guerck painted areas r. around door, knobs and jamb fretitient, ly soiled by children by coating thehi 'with Iia'ste WaX of a &Only eeeeri-op wan, eee tit 1956 and these great stars OF doge awl ieteviiien THE VOROI TROUPE Coleman Clarke Be Co: SolifiyMOOREarta his ROUSTABOUTS (direct trom a Royal Command Poiniiiiiince in England CANADA'S OWN SYNCHRONETTES AUNALEE CRUZY THE PARAMOUNT BEARS iiiiiginioned TRICK LOGROLLING THE' tAhtAbiAte ARMY GYMNASTS CANOE TILTING CHARIOT, RACING . arta iithei great tenidieee. Tri4S the yodel fineii al the lowest Pi4CeS t ' ' Itaiiiiiit aitig4. 01- ) t . .'. Aiitaidilliiiiiiej- ) ( tidtei for Evening's tinattaf.:Alliiiiiiiiiiiit 1: 4 Rai: Seats iiS . . lox • eat s 1.75 I 1 .9qtri. Arlie: to.iteilditie,r 1. t Adults 504 thillireit.0), 1 ...1 • . 1 cheque or teariei -Oder)* teriadiai Nattarai Sperismen's Skoty The C6tiseit0‘Taranto—Ccinacia-