HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1956-02-29, Page 8In the trained skill and tour- agefof Canada's soldiers Iles o Wealth of Insurance . "Freedoni" insurance . . . for peace , against aggression, The opportunities for young men with the right tempera. Mete and Intelligence to make a career In the Army are excel-lent. As a modern. progressive organization, the Army is equipped to offer top rate schooling and training to career Soldiers. There IS a place in the Canadian Army for young men who can Meet the challenge. The kitty has a contlnidng qui for good men . . men like You, who want So make a career of proiocting Canada's freedom, and your own, In the Artily, Serve Canada and Yourself in the Army SEED OA OA S NO. I RODNEY S ED OATS* 5ro(14eled.py V.000$7. ROA,. -7-a BRIMAS or 0.1 TRUE SUTTARMILK.FLAVOUR tomminimilisummomminimmariimmiumin Tnexr viout lAsTElo Tip Top WOOD' . flt1.04110inG a. PINfrn4AXXI BUT. TE),Rigg."X with the, old fashioned Tailors t1tIvottr, -Try quart to,c1: Phone 24 ugh and Cold r.ft.O.,,,I,I,rts,e^,r,05!!•10.^1110Itilt• 1. f.9 DRAPERIES A large selection of Smart Fabrics for your new decor. Let us help you select yours. We make them up to your specifications at a very moderate charge. Super FleX41), offf,,offffil, , ,,, ,, , , , pf .. f . .. ..... , . ,Atf.. .. f .. ..N. a.. . 0 .... f,,,,if . .. .... ,,,,,fff Plemannins You Get 9 Vitamins plUe 12 Important Minerale in One daily tablet. Pkg. of 36 Tablets $2.59 afloat With SUMIIP10..p01414 Of de. lie10114 gOidee I/Atter that idisolVe to ,sheer ealty ge011'eae, OR your tongue. Aud for those Lenten disheS, be Sure to T,RY SQMg QV OITA COT-, OTIVTISP, $mart borne. makers tipsy Consider Cottage Cheese more than, lust a salad in- grediont or a -Sandwich filler Or a standby for creduelog diets, NONYa- dAys they cook and bake with Cottage ,Cheeie, using it in appet- leers, ontelats casseroles, desserts and .fashionable elreeseceitel Order an, S oz'. or 12 Oz. package of Cottage Cheese or a quart of SUITINGS AND DRESS FABRICS 54" in latest weaves $2.98 yd, up Nasal Spray ,New Mandy Mist For Fast Relief from Stuffy Nese, Squeeze Bottle 980. ► Favourites In Cough and. Threat Tablets . ,,,, ....... 15c Vicks PRINTS - Lovely Fresh - looking prints for your sewing. Bronchial Syrup 60c bottles $50 Take advantage of our Winter Clearing Lines. Emiiniumummissimmininsummistsig Suorets Vicky Vapo Rub Economy Size 98c RexalPs Newest Triple Action tough , Syrup 98c Meleids „.y„„..,..,...„, 35t Smith Bros_ ....„ ,,,, ,•, 10c iodized Black Currant Pastilles „„ 50o MELVILLE CHU,RCH TIMBER WANTED • Hardwood bush lots, standing hard Maple and Basswood or in log. For a ' square deal' and top cash prices„ call Blyth 43r24. 1 Jas. T, Craig end Son, Auburn. , 1 , . I Late Winter Tonics On Sunday morning last Rev, Harold Colvin preached on the sub- jeet of Iself.denia1 and self diseiplin, basing the sermon on the incident 1 of the rich young man coming to 1 Jesus and asking what he must do to I Tasteless Extract Cod Llyer Oil With Vitamin D $1,25 PEPTONA A Good. Tonic for run down conditions $1.25 HATCHING EGGS WAN FED: inherit eternal life. ,Z 1 We, must all practice self disciplin on some breeds eggs taken every week in the year. Good premium paid. to some extent each day, The rich Many of our flock owners are molriug ' young man who came to Christ was ,.„ right now a premium of 35c per dozen told that he should sell all his poss. The Walton Mission Band met over the full price.' as paid in their Odons and give to the poor, and I in the school room of the Church local grading station. Send for full I take up the cross and follow Christ. ton Sunday, Feb. 19th, The meeting details. The young man felt this was too was ...opened -by oringInn hymn 143 Tweedle Chick Hatcheries Ltd. For. head and went away disappointed. followed by -the Lord's Prayer, The guy, Ont. Phone 405. Self denial Makes us better. It minutes of the last meeting were makes us take out of our lives many t relad and adapted. Mre. McCall unessential thingS. Self discipline is 1 reed the (Scripture and folloWed it WALTON SMITH) Kexaii Drug Store Phone 62 Bruskels 11811111111181.181111111111111811111111111811011111111111181811111111111111111111 McNEIL'S SMELL sEacivicg pitPitilitt401.0 mil IPSTROLIWIA PNOSSAOTIII 11/1111.041! MSS Au L. 0 . Parts end Aorroeforios - Austin Sales and Service by a talk on the scripture reading. TENDERS WANTED For caretaker for the Brussels i required in regard to istn and wrong , i doing. It is sorting Out of our lives United Church and to tend the new the -things that keep us away from oil furnace, Tenders to be in by , God. 1*. Colvin quoted Martin March 1st, Lowest or any tender Luther and the Merlin self diiciPline net necesslarily accepted. apply to Edwin Martin or and .penance he went through to 01%. Gordon .Stephenson Vain peace with. God.. Lither allowed e;- . his -body to be tortured in many wads, that his*sotil migh he made BREDDING ASSOCIATION ' Pure and sinew's, but to no avail. repairs to airtiakee; of *Are atte Imam "PONS MI MANUA NM Hymn 115 was' sung. Then the -different clas'ses met for the les-Soia. The meeting closed by singing hymn 1116 and prayer. 134 Local Farm Union held a 'successful euchre and dance at Nviothrolt hall on Feb, 15th. with an exceptionally good attenlance. * r INNINNIlimmmoommamom. THE ONE FLAG ON WHICH ALL AGREE Business eards "Where Better Bulls Are user Artificial Insemination sorties ta all breeds of cattle, Per steles cc information Phone Clinton 363, et Palmerst& 66 collect, between 7.If and 10.00 A. M. on week•dars met 7.30 and 940 A. M. on Sundays. C. A. Myers,M. D, L. M. C. C. 1111TOICIAN est SUROILIDIt Mho 8i Mao 4. tawit, Oat -4.4.4 -••••••=116 "Rik. But, when he.. learned to have faith Winners at euchre were ladies. in Christ and that the blood of MrS. Walter McLure. Gents, Mr. Christ alone cleanse% Us from ell sin. then Luther found peace with aofi. Mr. Colvin also touched on the siibiect of fasting, stating that fast_ ing should lie used in connection With prayer. It is ,ant aid to eon tinuous prayer, The ,speaker thonght that the practice of self.denial only during the reason of Lent was not Pleasing to God. We should praetice self..deniel every day of our lives, See MattheW chap. 16 Verse ft. The choir sang the anthem, Come to our -hearts and abide by Ma4Y. DR. R. W. STEPHENS Cksieski Universii alt Tweaks . PHYSPCLUI ASS BURGEON fieltior 4/11 aromas. Chat. Keep this flag flying in Canada! A symbol of all that is best in human nature... to give a helping hand whets needed . . . to show kindness of heart .. ,to care for the sick . . to comfort the distressed. Art Alesiander. Consiolation prize, Mra Harvey Craig. At ,lunch tick- ets were sold ,on 'a cake donated by MI'S. Mark Hamilton and the lucky winner was Mr. Huai. Johnston, Everybody erdydyed a good couple of tows dancing, L • 1.,••••••••• INCOME PROPERTY FOR SALE 5 family apartment house, fully furnished, centrally located In air- force town. inclome over two hun_ dred mbnthy. • Owner will saerifice due Ito ill health, "and recent bereave- anent. Make good pay for itself, home for working Man or income for retired couple able to do light maintenance, Easy terms. -Apply at Brussels Post or write Box 50, BrusSels, DR, W. A. SPENCE DENTIST OFFICE HOURS 10 A. M. TO 6 P. M. '',-,hone 91X - Brussels, Ont. GIVE generously TO THE RED CRO Opportunity FOR A CAREER IN "FREEDO " INSUR NCE . WANTED - Work ,soon. d. H. Cameron, Cilinton. Ont. D. A. RANN & Co. r.F ?fitmmERg3iirrAMBUTAME laCKVICA Amoral Direcear mod asahleiNallit MOO* 311 le . 14U381112Z. ALL RED CROSS CANVASSERS WORK WITHOUT PAY They give up their spare time solely and unselfishly to help others. Please greet them accordingly, And remember, you also serve by giving. DONATIONS MAY ALSO BE SENT DIRECT TO: Walker Funeral Home Diy, -it Night oat TIlieplitieee Clkose Wpm rams* Boa, 041408 Diriairr s. - 'hyilitY-eale Obit Awbobileo Aeffieritigton, K. C. NI: LI 14/01 Oil* INA -7- 7 ti tV''..7,0,V144limulimiatamod zummus r int siossoer. 1144.60 4ps .74..01014 Olt goav -do 4.4 JOHN '1„:1ONGSTAFP Optometrist. Nab ONIOL Vjghisi' 100,0618 The Canadian Bank of Commerce • Brussels Ontario treated and Bagged NI* Bushel ,.•,r. ,t IA nip 791 Si•torgli 11 • 8. We0. 8.11.3111. Se& lr los. 1.0 lab Harvey W. Site-phonfon , eti• takSigia Hotta% AO*** et. Cskiiihr !at wala 100.06: 0424 PtseiSi Limited Quantity Available W. G. Thompson & Son Limited 1.111118Att, ONT. ye.416:4"..*...res•wie:•;m0,i • .r 1 Yoli i' tit ed fel *n to tat 0010. • ; trill:,'46. 4 • nil los ni„ eiirtlike i of 6 It tiroo of oi. Aonry eretif away ,;-*ill. .);(i• 1. MI forreePort Writs 61 .vi t th0 Army lath Citiiire tiedi'it Yaijr !loOile‘' ea 0 ; ; ; ''' - nU*.-510tit ' V (''. ' 16 ' A L t1 ,1111A7 UM Do 0 te Wtt4bOWS #0itt ilaCkScin i4almles Ltit Chas, T. Davidson OisUitAlittent-P-$: ALL PIROMI "7 kaixotticH ratkill Firo iseeiligitatt trr- • iiirkreevi ;WokOda§ WWI Lido,Intseregrects Offioie - - ALAN WILLIAMS, O--toilet At.; ,W1NGHJ M 'OM* Evet* !bee Vilnilkaii 114 AL I, grel**3 by APOrisitiliffit , Ts 314 601rE71414131.3-2!ref AOttitit14,..Olki.t. • 'he, ttitt-'' -F-ederall - et, ApripiltUre, Atli ilia glikt03001 .,- qq 1gieriTtIrtive, IfieAVO abitye are left tO. right 1.1161,c1 30060,,, )19 ef (14-6 ilvtr 0 :toi: tiv in elisified Spire Otiving ,t4titpigu Preident of the nteria. VdderatiO tit Agrculture, Nlialstel fligh*aka Janie eniAtterii0:-- OFT tie ., Agtio taint Nifitister' Fle c et TbOgiag,. § s fil of speeds :recorded by provincial to it a ar edit Peden . - ..... PHONE' • 'O. Fine_flake Buttermilk from the milk• man at your door or frbm our deal- ens in Walton-, Cranbrook, IFtihelt Jamestown or Brussels; or phone the Creamery office 22. BRUSSELS CREAMERY. SEAFORTH PLAN ICE CARNIVAL FOR MARCH 31 The annual- ice carnival of Sea.. forth Figure Skating Club, this year will be- held on Saturday eve- ning March 31st, it was announced. by the officers of the club. The members of the Club Have been busy during recent weeks Practicing an extensive program which will be presented ont11..e occasion of the annual Carnimal. a