The Brussels Post, 1956-02-29, Page 5BAT.ISSE...S POST RIO vrerett1.4— Wedn,PA4Vi;0_1' • 1.3 orris T ownship Centennial Notes of I nierest titele Ss A, lot of rain during the former friends Wire may be still \k, Locust 13ilia Ont winteri, and >a lOt or dull weather. Fob. 1.7(11. 1950 , xj,eartitle 4 ill hegitil at the time I Richard Preeter, 104V/ed freill bile roVort0tY ill 1 17.' Brussels, Ont. R., .11 5 ' inonten in November 4,49 4nd have Doar ben here !since.!since. My heaith i> Improv, e4, agd We are both %Oil at Pregent, 1)11441 you your 14vi t at- ; ' I. Bopp that your celOratiOni Sv 11 len to be Present at the centennial be very 41;ce,:t,„ssful and x WOUld be ef Morris Toiviielin 4, 5, and 5 of glad to he "remembered to all MY August. Sincerely XoUrS. IT; D. Aililey CRANBROOK TWO MOTORISTS ARE KILLED , EVERY DAY IN RURAL ONTARIO One In .Four Of These Accidents Happens On The farmer's Doorstep Last year neatly .800 persons 'were killed in motor ,accident outside. urban Arefis .0114 11) every four such lacchlente in. ,rural ,Ontarie, Occurred at a rural Intiwotion, or fern lane 0011140, ion,: with a Maier highway In many macs fa‘rtnerS were in ire way involved; in mere cases farm drivers probably were innecent ;victims of careless higkway motorists , pu=t farmers; Weir familleS. died in. .sonic of tille4e Onianal7upS„ Farm, vehicles were .destroyed, Aed directly or indirectly Ontario's farm population Pays a share ,of the tretnentlettS cost that motor accidents annually inflict in .4114 Province; Safety is everybody's business, everybody's responsibility,. no riomer bas a major .stake la the safety of rural. roads whether they .ape, familiar township route's, regulary .trayelled coi -4y roads or ear provincial ,super highways. Death and injury lurk at every intersection, Tne Ontario Federation of Agriculture is making Rural Safe Driving Week on February 20 to 25th, May I urge every farmer and farm family in this proVince to give their attention and active support to the ',QCcasion. During this week — and every week -• driare. so an accident won't be yours. Hon. F. S, f.fhontas. MINISTER OF AGRICULTURE, Province of Ontario. Next time it might be, right here , . in our own community. Or disaster might strike a thousand miles away. But some- where, some time THIS YEAR, the Red Cross will respond to the call for immediate aid. And your contribution to the 1956 campaign is an important part of PREPAREDNESS. Help the Red Cross in its day by day works of mercy and keep it ready for every emergency. HELP KEEP YOUR' RED CROSS READY. for .this I shall be very happy to attend. living in the Z5Onimunity, and will get quite =a ;thrill for it is 1 If YO11 get tinie •wieuid. appreciate Just 100 Years this year since my good letter abont the gstrrot inother, Jane Kelly, sailed from the.People Lzhould knot, Ireland, on a sailing vessel, and landed in Morris, I think in May of ; that year, My father, ISernuel Hinds. ! arrived, I think, the same year and all their family of eight were born ! in Morris'. Only •One brother, R. J. Hinder and myself now survive and I lam Sure lie would be pleased to ; Mr. IgeRii Thomptson4 Galt, receive On invitation, My husband, occuplOd the 111111)4 iiiKnox Pres. Rev, John McLachlan, will come with me if at 1,4, Chung; on Sundiy morning, all possible and we would like, a billet if at ;all possible i stOtilansiatorunday Bursary naorninsun g,4Mayarch 4th,mr. as there are very few in Brussels Kenneth Knight of Waterloo, now that we know. I am really look- College. will be the weaker. Sunday ing forward to this event and 'seeing College will be the speaker. Sunday old friends who may gather there for those days. Again thanking you Yours Sincerely ;Lillian Hinder McLachlan. support your $5,310,723 IS NEEDED THIS YEAR R, R. I. Hammond, B. 0. Feb. 15, 1956 1 ,Brussels, Ont, R, .R 5 Mr.' Richard 'Procter, WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used" The less money you have to -spare tht more irapartanr It be- comes to Aso our services.* The cash outlay is low. , The calves, you get are efficient converters of feed into beef or milk. The quality of, the calves is better than average. BETTEN CATTLE FOR BETTER LIVING For service or more Information phone collect to: '0 Clinton 242 or Palmerston 66 Between: 1.30 and 10 A. M. Week days • day. 7.30 an 9.30 A. M. Sundays and holidays Cows notice in heat later should be bred the foolgring. ; '79;t1,Prlirer Or send coupon to the above office. I was surprised and pleased to get the invitation to the Morris Centenn. tat. It ,seems a long time now to look back to the time that I taught at No, 5 Morris, It Was the first time I had ever been in an ungraded school and I remember that. it was quite an experience to face so many pupils in so many classes. That was before the school district was ,divded. I still have the picture which was taken at the school with the trustees preSent It was my first sohool after coming from the Clinton Normal in 1906 at the age of eighteen. I have only been• back to Brussels once since then and did"not get out to Morris. I went from No, 5 to the Orattbrook school and last summer received -an invitation) to attend fbloi; celebration, I reigreted that had to turn it clown and also that I will .have to do the same now. How_ ever I wish to thank you all for the invitation and to say that it would glevceep.t me great deal of pleasure to a I expect there would be a great many changes there as I have lost touch with ithe people for such a time. I am retired and living 'at the above address about 25 miles east of Van- CO.iiiver on the Fraser river. It is a fine location and we raise all out own fruit including peaches, grapes', Pears, plums, apples, cherrieS etc. The climate is very good, altheiigh please call at my farm to give fuartee information on Ball wan filled to capacity for the social evening, Feb. 24 sponsored DY the Centennial Committees. The President, Glen Huether was chair. man. A plaque, in memory of the Pioneers of the community and to commemorate the Centennial, July 3 and 4, 1955, was dedicated py Rev, W. A. Williams, while Jack Clark performed the unveling. Fol. lowing this the Country Squires of Listowel Oa* Several numbeifs. Gary Struthers -played the Clarinet, and Gall Struthers danced several dances. Ross Knight showed Moving pictures taken during the Centennial. He was them presented with a gift. Mr. and Mrs`. Calvin Cameron were Galled to the plat- form, and Lloyd Michel read an ad.. dress. . Ken. McDonald and Clem Steffler presented them with an iuphiolsltered occasjional chair In appreciation for the use of their field on which the Centennial Wag held. During a brief period, the chairman announced that the Treas. had about $200 bal. ance from the 'Centennial, On motion. of ;Stanley 'Oainbbell and .Clem ,Steffler the money is to be 'given to the Hall Board to be used for any major repairs In the future, Hot dogS, coffee :.!and choicoldto litill~ dais. 1)rovided for all. Dancing- Was enjoyed with PrefiderSon's Orchestra providing the Male. Artificial Insemination SenviCA NAME ADDRESS Location of Farm -- Concession Idot o .... Breakfast — A Puffy Omelet crowned with melted cheese, Cheese makes sense on break- fast menus. It's a nutritious food that gets the family oft to i art energetic start. FOR ALL YOUR AUTOMOTIVE. NEEDS SHOP AT THE MAC BALKER AUTO SUPPLY Permanent Type Antl Freeze $2.75 per gallon .75 per quart thermostate Ranging from $1.05 to $2.14 Spark Plugs 513C to 690 each; Auto Light and Chamiplon 11,4trifters from $4.35 to $9.20 Tall Pipes from $2.98 to $4.95 Sxliaust Pipes from 13.25 to $4.75 ..",••ierice Business 113x russet l (int. o'clock, - Mr. Stretton, Stratford, from the Cancer Society, will' speak on Tues day evening, March 6 ;at the regular meeting of the "Women?.s Institute in like Community Centre. Two films "Self Examination" and "Queistion and Time" will be .shown, A unit is being formed in this area and we would like all the ladies of the com- munity to attend this meeting. Leslie Perris. Young son of. Mr. ,and John Perrie, was, taken to Listowel Memorial Hospital by Dr, C. A, Myers on Wed, afternoon of last week, when an appendectomy war performed. We are glad to re• port that Leslie returned to ;his Borne on Saturday and Is; improving satisfactorily. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kilpatrick ;and -son Paul, Nviere Sunday visitors at MtForesit. On n Monday Meiling, April 9, the Library Board are bponsoring a con- ceit presented by the Atwood Male Chorus composed of about 50 voices, There will also be a quartette Con. tit. These singers were recent guests of the Orpheus Choir in Kit chenea•. Be sure -and get your tickets for an evening of good en- tettainment. These can be obtained from ,any of the Library Board, Fur. titer notice later. Evening Auxiliary Minutes On Trtesda, evening. Falb, 21, bh, Evening Auxiliary melt at the home of Mm. !Strickler with thirteen members present. The leader for the meeting as w Mrs. N. Molter I who opened the Meeting with the ti Gall to Vraship and a -prayer, Hymn . 270 was sung. Scripture Acts 15,1 ?verses 1 to 16 was read in unison, Mrs. S. Fischer then read a story "To-day is Your Day and Mine," The meeting was then turned over to. the Pres., Mrs. 13.,. Knight, This was followed by the roll call, utes, and businelss. Several letters !I wero also read by the Sec., two from Formosa -and One from Tees. Water. The Tr is., wan anthoriZed t6 send $3.00 as 'our ;share for life membership certificate and "In Memoriam" to Mrs, MacKenzie, Lumc ociveol, csir by MISS L. Noble and sec- onded by MM. S. McNair that Ethel• Campbell, Jean Dunn, ISaliel`Hiletlier ,aotalltorc; is to 'be ) quilt conmAttee ter mIdt- frail' ivlticll 5 "at. Ethel Campbell's home sea: Carried' Moved 1,y Minuet McNair, Second- ed by 1,4111.61. Hiteithcr, that We liai0 a meeting the home of Doris Mao oipneanidtiiy auction at otir March OPAS` iturkeh — Chili Chose Bake is redlie that will Make you famous. Su, efi.itim onor'ANt 14 Market 87101 /41 FORD, ON1% The VeogiatiS Depends FUEL Orbil Home Akio' iNDtlitnit and tasty yU. Soo riotiO variety ofCanadian etir grocer is featuring, - Diner Frg red Cheer v Pie We4.4.1VOtq cbe4e makes nos tn0 nest omistuti pie you've ever taste jl fra Oat4ried. Betty I-night eXpresod her thankS for the baby blanket the Auxiliary hull given_ Nancy. El avtuil, lkiterl'air then read tlie toP1.0 "We 'Too are. 'Men." KilYe• klielfor then led in ntater and thtS nteeling eased With a A ilitintY lunch WAS ;Sorted 119 the thostegg, :beta Noble and Tithel daniptell, defitelintg' Social Deoite, iActeirieht *bather hod Let us install a new Duro Water System and get all the water you Want,instantlyi at the turn of a tap, It boAts only aboiit 1.c per 1,000 gallens. y 1 " rg 11, ro c5 a e (Jr tt3 fur pump, fixtures and Our ins:aikttion Charge Our. all-ii1J113iVO ,Er'*ICO r.r covers your complete, systein—purop, tank, pipe, i<itenon Mid bathroom fiXtures, taps in all .you buildings and the cost of instatia- tion. Yk„u can pai:,,v I he ,:omfort, icisuro. and ;lardy of 'voter while you pay fora. . We Watoe Wan to give yott a tree' estimate of the cost of , labour anti Photie or conie into our She and see how really inexpeligve running Water the Dt/110 way' Can Pitt Seale by -= Ci ogi, G. KRAUTER • Btasseilt, Onto *moire butt's' so Niftpi c4), HOT WAtiR TANKS WALt. MADDE Ripresentithri PHONE AIRY LFARMERS' OF CANADA Dairy' .006E4 terielde tiirectir 409 ,S.tre0ti„ To r : etas Ili. ilia. in: On Nino Awl am wipe id OM Cal • . 41/4 icy road trondtitlonS, kits CrAmbroko