HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1956-02-08, Page 1For This Week Allsweet Margarine Kam or Prem Round or Sirloin Steak Coleman Lard Sliced Side Bacon Smoked Picnic Shoulder Aylmer Pork and Beans 15 oz. 2 for 25c S. Williams Orange & Grapefruit — marmalade 25c During the month of February we are Having a draw on a side of pcirk. Tickets are free for every purchase of $1.00 or more. lb. 31c 35c 65c lb. 17c lb. 49c lb. 45c • • • • • W. L. Baeker & Son Phone 6' Brussels, Ont. K. r. befyln. Organist; L. D. Thompson R. M. T who gave 'time and 'effort, deserve credit for the auccesis of the Carnival. We hope it will become an annual event with the same Support of the public, • Judges were Mrs. 'Gordon Knight, Mrs. W. A. ,'Spence and James Perrie Jr. Youngest .girl: Joan. ',StephensIon, (14 months), Donna Workman; Davy Crochet; Paul Wildon, Bobby Mc- Bride .; Women's Comic: Mrs. Mary Bone, 'Mrs. G. R. Campbell; Largest Family on ;Skates': Mrs. Eldon. don: Oldest Skater: Harvey Byran (72 years); Youngest Boy4),n Skates,: Brian Workmen, Accitt , Wilson; Best Dressed Girl Under 10 — Anne Lowe, Sally Galbraith; Best Dressed Boy under 10: Paul McDonald; Donald Elliott; Most Graceful Connie; MrS, Donald Willie land, G. R. Campbell, Catherine Leach and Mayne Weed.; Family With Children Coming Farthest: Eldon Wilson; Door Prize: Mrs'. MI- rla.ni McTaggart; Best DresIsecl Coup- le over 16 :Mrs, Eldon Wilson and Joan Wilson, _MrS. Robert Johnson and Den Hemingway; Best Dressed Couple under 1,6: Catherine Leach and: Mayne Wood; Patsy Bryant' and Katherine MeTaggart; belt national 00Situnle, Agnes Lane, ,Sbaron Hem= ingWay; best clown, Mae Myers, Vicki -Willis; best dressed, lumber- jack, David Kennedy, Jack Higgins; best farmed girl under 16, ,Sandra Michel Susan Martin; hest dress- ed iloy under 16, Ronald Lane, David Duncan; best dressed wo- Mlan, over 16, Mrs. Melvin Thomp• ,Son, Mar non Hemingway; best. dressed man over 16, Don, Fleming- way, Bob Fraser, 310031 Wilson Vita choSen Qtteen of the Carnival. A' short nregam, of Taco; gave Roger Todd the cup clona,ted by the yr :4 4 •ooi THE POST SSELS BR U Post Publishing House otuthoriseel as Second dem in* tom °al°. DePartelent' °tt". Wednesd4y February 8th. 1958 .„ • •••••••••••• $2.00 Per year U. '•*••••••• ,GEo..pDLLARD EQUIPMENT FOR WOOD-LOTS DEMONSTRATED A deMellstratioh of wood lot meat QOavorea jy Geo.. Pollard of Brusleels was, held in, the comnum- St. John,'s Pancake , Supper Tuesday, February 14th Supper served from 5:.30 tor p, Menue Shop here and Save 'Money Blue Gold Peas, 1.5 oz. tin 2 for 35c Holly Cream Style Corn, 20 oz. tin 2 for 31c Florida Sip Blended Juice, 48 oz. tin 31c Dates 2 lb. 27c Brodies White Cake Mix 19c[ Aylmer Catsup 20c We now have a complete line of FROZEN FOODS ity ball on Friday and Saturday afr --- Pancakes and syrup, Sandwiches; Pickiest Pie and Tea. — Admission Children under 12 . 35c Adults - 60c 'Spectato'rs, in spite of the near zero MRS. HENRY DENT tornoon‘ It le estimated „about 800 1 'weather, to the BrMels arena On' Margaret Cameron, beloved people •saw ,the new machinerY Friday t.:light last. The ,Carnival, the :it wife of Henry Dent, died in"Wing- demOnstrated fillet held here for A number of 'ham Ctenellal IroQital on rAla$(1aY" Reeve H, J Strettom opened both years, *AS ,sPOnSored bir the arena ;Ian• net.. in, her 60th. Year, after a seseions and George Pollard ISPolto committee. lengthy illness, words of welloome Zone froireister A perfect 100 surface bad been Born in, Bruce Township on May F. H, deVriee ^of StVatfOrd, show- roadied ;by. wni teir Nvnwor.nson, 210. 1,896, she Was the daughter of ed film on reforeStatiop and sPolto as the broom-ball, teams found w'heu the late Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Cameron. of new develOPments in that de- many •orf them canoe into close con- , Eduated at Paisley 'and Kincardine Pallment. Othelr spealt*s were tact with It, on IrulubOr of 100.2,a4. High iSchool =she taught for several ions, I years at Chalk River, Massey and Reeve J. H. Stretton, chairman, Shallow Lake and in the Paisley weloomed the "crowd And' compliment.. idistrict, Following her marriage to ed the rink committee on planning Henry Dent, at Palmerston on March such {a, {successful carnival, and in- 3rd. 1926, they lived at Underwood troduced K. L. Aslita, Master of where she assisted her husband in Ceremonies. The Brussels Legiin the management of ,the Underwood ,pipe Band,. ,o,roggijing freezing telephone exchange until August, 'the Program, 4.948 when they !mired to Brussei,.1 MnS, Dent lived a devoted. Christian Wiles, made a fine contribution to life, taking an active interest in her 1 Western Star Lodge I. .0, 0, F. de- feated the local firemen in, game church 'She was a life member of the 'of broom ball which saw the play_ 'auxiliary of the Woanan's Missionary Richard Procter, Morris; H. A. Patterson, Montreal; David Smith, of Seattle, 1,14A.; Charles Ford Of Louden and Daniel Edge of Durham. Between 'speeches. and demons- trations, comedy numbers were contributed„ by Scott PawSort, John 'Phynne and Clark Johnson. Prizes in a draw wex.e won by Malcolm Fraser, Walton; Wayne Lowe, Brussels; Sam Ash, Bluevale; A. J. Noble, Brussels. and Harvey Dierilam, Neusteadt. The .two-day demenstration clos- ed with {a lumber-jacki dance in the hall on Saturday night. Solos were , sung by Miss Margaret Perrie and Music supplied by Mr. and Mrs'. , George Evans, I-Towand Smith, jim Alcock, Scott Pawson, Clarke Sohn- sift, and john Thynne, Bert Ross- man, Lietewel, and Dan Edge, Dur- ham called off for square dancing. A SALUTE TO THE SHAMROCK AND THISTLE An Irish and Scotch Concert ,3111. To beheld in the Forester's Hall, Belgrave Friday, February 10th on Tuesday, February 14th AT 8.15 P. M. You will find other values Just as great,as these at THE RUTLEDGE GROCERY Not just to-day or to-morrow, but Every Day of the year. 1 •5.4 ens taking many .on the slip- Society of the United Church. She leaves to 'mourn her passing iPerY .playing 'Surface, by a score of 2-0. The losers were driven off the ice 'her husband, Brussels; one son, in 'an, old time fire truck. Alan, of " Tiverton; two grand- A booth diva, .ruching,business chillren, a sister, Mrt. John Bonn- ett and a 'brother, Arthur Cameron hot dogs and coffee, most 'welcome ' - 'Noth of Tierce ToWnshiP, the 'chilly !attnoisphere The arena committe, those who The body rested at the Walker contributed to the, prize list and all Funeral Home, BrUssels, where a 1 Phone 7 We Deliver !?:11 111111111111111111111111111111111111011111111MIMMI11111111111111 I HAVE OPENED General Insurance Office In ORWELL ELLIOTT'S GARAGE on Saturday, Feb. 4th Office Open From 10 a. m. to 6 p.m. AUTOMOBILE — FIRE — WIND — TELEVISION ' A Speciality Office Open Every Saturday From 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. Or By Appointment Phone 10 J 10 Selwyn Baker 4 •MELVILLE CHURCH UNITED CHURCH At morning worship on Sunday, I Feb. 6,, lacqfiered bra.ss, Offering;. Plates and Cross were dedicated to the glory of God in memory of Mr, and Mr. Ernest Dennis,. ,Mr, Melville Dennis presented the gift on behalf of himself, his!, brother Harvey and ;sisters, Mrs.j Harold, Thomas and Mrs. Eva Neill I ,Mr_ Norman Hoover, Recording Stelwkird, isetepted the gift on be- . half .of the congregation. Mrs. Harold Thomas did' the un- veiling and the minister dedicated the Memorial with these words — In the name of the Father and of -the Son And ,of the Holy Spirit I dedicate this anmorial to the glory Of God, {and as a tribute 'tie the noble 'and demoted lives to whose memory. it has been set up ah this holy place. The sermon was on 'Witnessing for Christ," which ,theme was very fitting for the .occasion. The antheml for the day., alsio very fitting; was ' "Jeans is Real to Me" by Schuler iTHE WORLD DAY OF PRAYER; FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17th • At 3 P. M. St. John's Anglican Church Every lady of the community Is 'Urged to attend. USED TRUCKS CARD-OF THANKS P,fely lie Preshyterian 1 Church 10.00 a. m. Sunday ,School Divine WOreeilli when the. Communists took over, We wish to express our sincere thanks to our 'friends, and ,neign, .botirs for their acts of kindness cardS of sYmpathaf and beautiful floral ;tribules at the tithe of out • sudden sad, bereavement. Max and jean Oldfield, a stayed with, converts. This •. was love. The Choir rendered thehYmn. 1 — 1951 Chev. Sedan Delivery 1 — 1947 y Ton Ford Panel LEAP YEAR DANCE' WEDNESAY, (FE,BIRUA'RY 29th ' Pi' Ethel Com,munity Centre under auspices of Haiti Board Orcheetra in Attendance Lunch Booth Admission 50c and 25c 'SPECIAL Clontlnues until the end of FEBRUARY COLD WAVE — $4.95 Including: Styling — Cult --Set • For appointment call 40x Val's Beauty Shop ii anthem, 0 wlorshin Jaw King, by t Riverside.. Motors Maunder, the congregation, invited 1 to join in •three of the verses. ' Chevrolet and Oldsmobile ,Allog Marg,areti Parole, conbilbuted h ,a,oprano oak), I'll walk 'wliGh Goa, - Supertest Gas and Oil from the play the Student Pence. Phone 56 Brittieli, Oat 4 mummisammmaimme APITO REGEN1 THEATRE Seat orth, Ont. THEATRE 2 shows nightly tea — p. M. Matinee Saturday 2 p. on. The United Church OF CANADA Minister: Rev. A. Lens, B. A., IL Divine Worshito — croloCu. "sharing, as, a Means, co)f Grace Church School — o'cokock 114~101100100~~110"11401%10W * Thursday Friday .— Saturday Wed. I Thur. , •Feli. 8 — 9 THE FAR ,HORIZON "To do good others, target Saerifices God 011."111101.11NAM: - "RUNNING WILD" (technicolor) and do share With , , . . . - . r. . Charlton Heston ' Peed Mao Murray Keenan Wynn,_ ..Matnie Vandoren, „ , „ I104 or with Oda iii„,,., ..;__. .J-(11,e ittu.st Jolting story of; a ong ot The tremendous story of the famed is well ,Pleased," iteefiatei 66:4, thie,to Lewis Clark. Eitpeclition and Sate, dartodri thert Subjects .10Wea the Indian ail who found the ,......,.....................— - —,..-.....smik....•...s....Th— path for the trail blaiere, in thrilling *OW We Sell At The Right Prices . We Buy At The Right Prices — Sat:' Feb'. 10 —11 ONALLEY0 ,a'nd 1144014to Marjorie (Ma kettle) .Main 'Wing a ladkliet tinig and conies from her backWOOdS home tie the-Mg ditY dellent„ Cartoon Chapter 7, derlat iii :t Monday —4 Tuesday Wednesday THE ANDT4E MIGHTY John Wayne Robert, Stack Front the peptilar novel by Ernest Kr 'Gann, Never hefOre ouch a Star etUdded, ,cast'., High in, adventure. ,:and biaihig With, ekeitetreiit, .• „ 'Thursday Priday Saturday THB COUNTY GIRL Ring DrOsbY • 'Wni• Hdiilelt GRACE RELLV i „,„ AdUlts 606 ttuderita 36c 'Children 20O iti COming- '06611,6tti6t iN THE O`Pd‘ Aituft 1 lb. Margarine 29c 3 Economy Pad Kleenex 35c 1 'Giant Oxydol. 116. t.til**4.*".1i Wi'6 e V V oo V r r W * * V V 1 lb. Weiners 1/21b. Pkg. Sweet Rose Green Tea 45c 2 Tins Green Giant Niblets Atigliedit Churcht., , OF CANADA Parish Or ilittisiehi keyA Joycloif iiehiOot ;Ai 4. it Morning PrdYet SchOol, • Si, Church,1-tonton-4 .. 0:16 EveningPraYer Lax: 1 W6ttorisilitataCt. 20 ot. Tins Choice Quality Lombard' Plutitili Von, — Tues. , Feb. 13 i4 4 ,tiVat WEBIt its' PETE K.ELLY ,PETE, kti.t.NnG BLUES JANET LEIGH gtiMoND 1 .15E0Y Left ' Andy DeIrlitie tee Martin Ell Fittgertild bilidiretScOp'e "LOW ,of Ronitilidd _4:411zt :tint ot ctatigatam. troWg, 1 ea-4-6TOT 2 156 2 26 .cit, Tins .1416by's,Saiipi4-ast i DutchCold Cleanser 1/2 Drico Sale .PacU. 2.9d — 14 OZ, VII§ 216, POOPS OF QUALITY AT GREWAR'S "-'7 1400111014 0111101110101 411010110001 SPONSOR SUCCESSFUL ICE pARNiyAL, 1 104414F carnival 'attracted r largo And cOlorldl civOwd• toX ,c* turned, participants and interestedi GREWAR Sft—tokstort The .z.ertmon last Sunday morning wias taken from St. John's Gospel, &ay. 9, and was an exposition of, the miracle, of 'Christ restoring sight to the man blind from birth. How thankful t,111e, people of that day 'sliBuld • have :been that Clod sent. His Son to heal the sick and re- store sight 'to the blind and make the lame to walk. But 'they were not. They found fault with "Jesus for healing on the Sabbath day. These religious leaders were not 'interested in the fact that the blind flani could See. They were content with their own religion, and their ieligion had no love for anyone ex- cept themselves, They had to love tor Christ. ,There are people- like this to-day. When a religious re- vitval is being held, and souls have been helped and saved, we should not criticises and find fault. Christ then told 'the people about self being the Good Shepherd. What a. wonderful ,shepherd of the sheep sPeaker Jesus was. .In this connection the quoted the example of cer- 7— I 1953 .Chev. 1/2 Ton Pick Up fain missionaries in China, who funeral cortege left Brussels, for Centre Bruce Church, Bruce count on Friday for a ,service at 2.00 p.m. Initial was made, in Levet Cemetery Pallbearers were: John Murdock, 'Wellington Axis), Louis. McDonald, Clifford' Cameron. Hugh Bonnett and Hibbert Carleton. Brussels Legion for boys 12 and under' Katherine McTaggert Wa$ the winner for girls 14 years and under, V # 4. r r V 4 V. V I 1 — 1955 Olds. Demonstrator Hard Trot Door Sedfi — n 1 1954 Chev. Belair 1 — 1953 Chev. Deluxe Sedan, Ridi6 1 — 1953 Chev. Std. Sedan 1 — 1952 Pontiac 'Coach 1 — 1952 Meteor Sedan, Radio --1 1951 Olds., Sedan 1 — 1950 Pont. Sedan 1 —1949 Pont. Sedan 1 — 1949 Austin Coach 1 — 1948 'Chev. Coach 1 1948 Ply. Sedan -F 1948 Austin Sedan Y Valentine Dance In Cranbrook Community Centre Friday, February 10th Music by 'Henderson Orchestra Special Prizes Lunch'Booth in the Hall. Admission at Popular Prices Sponsored by Cranbr3ok Hall Board! Admission — Adults 50c — Children 25c ' Sponsored by the Belgrave Women's.Institute USED CARS •••••••••••••••••••••0800 07,1.