HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1956-01-18, Page 8Opportunity FOR A CAREER IN "FREEDOM" INSURANCE In the trained 0011 goad cour- age of canociois soldiers lies a wealth of insurance . , "Freedom" insurance . : , for peace : .. against aggression. The Opportunities for young men with the right tempera- ment andintelligence to'make a career in the Army are excel- lent. As a rnodorn, progressive organizgtIon, the Army isr equipped lic hr e°0 1 nsogldtoaie7nrsdo.fr offer rhgelfrneril °lir a tt a: place in the Canadian Army- for young men who can meet the challenge, The,Army has a continuing need for good men , : 4 On like you, who wont ft mg a 9 cars* of protecting Cgaa a s ITnedoni A , and yOUr 016, in the rtily. Serve, ;gnat end to boYookiugribsele fiht i 041A oiwit7:11„ 4t7aitii*Ner, • fic!fq ' roofr ' 0*. Aa loin: [10 tie yrov,4., p.,..t. vi r Recruit ng aaronaeras y r me a: Wednesday, Jan4iar,y 18111, 1900. BRUSSELS POST 4,,,,444,-,•4474•74441wIrrtglys. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111ENEMEMIEN JAINUARY IrliCatinomiwassipipsirimilumniiminatinm sairumuounumflummumnuminmunummis WOOD'S Tip Top I Agent Phone Tailors GOOD FOR ALL KINDS - of BAKING wa a 0 IN 0 411 .Entire $oionoo. Stock, goes on Sale, Reductions up. to 50%. only fine quality merchandise, .bearing nationally .knOwn 81'4004 Lines are included in this Sale. Come Early for Best Chaise. 0101/0 *** ..... po,110,0",, .... p .. . ....,M1}...... * .. 0 . 01 . .0 f. 00 . o MO110;0000 000 oo 044061 0000* o 044 o 4 000 4411! 0000000 4'06 ao so. 117. S„ 1t-cv FREE DRAW on the following Prizes, to be made the Final Saturday of lur Sale, To be announced later. FOR E1ETTER CAKEF First Priz Ladies Spring and Fall Coat $34.95 SOLD IN BRUSSELS AT W. L. Baeker S on 80,171T2rEM HOP Second Prize „„ Men's Jacket (Processed Fur) Collar " Value $17.50 Third Prize .„, Fancy Satin Round Blanket (66430) Value $7.95 All Sales Final, No Refunds, Returns, Charges or Alterations during this Sale. By their nature aleOholie beweJ UNETHICAL ANb• ONJUT ages eannet be treated as aordinary commodities. Personal, domtstic and stelal problems have always been preyailent where indulgence in liqu- or has been practieel. Hence have come "patrol sitlqems", designed to proteet the unwary, It is illogical therefore to permit advertising of liquor by vested in- terests: Such advertising offers t unlimited epveal, reaching to min- ors with whom drinking is only re- cognized universally as understable, 1 I but is alSo contrary to law. 1 - Constant pressure on this group as exercised under preseht aver- tislng conditions is unethical and unjust. mmtisetatariamettomeamis......rtir. 50 Pr. Flannelette Blankets 1",0x90) First Qt.slity, Reg. $5.50, Special $4.69 60 Pr. Queencott Blankets (70x90) Reg. $6.50. ., „ . Special $5.50 ""'"'-----"Emeasommulowsum 50 House Dresses, of Cotton Print Special $1.98: 36 Dresses, Reg. up to $5.95 Special $2.49 The . Maydell Shoppe formerly known as the Style Shoppe are carrying on the same Dry Cleaning Agency where you get 22 Women's and Misses Nylon 13.1ouses, Reg. $5.95 Special $1.98 For a Stubborn Chest Cold, try a warm comforting poultice of Antiphloges tine. 19 Women's Better Dresses,' Reg. $9.95 Special $4.95. '5 Eiderdown Housecoat Special $4.95. Buchanan Clearser's 7 Women's Winter Coats, Reg. $39.95 Special $28.95 4 Girls Winter Coats, Reg. $24.95 Special $12.49 Famous Re-Vitalized Cleaning Highest Quality Workmanship Excellent Service. 1,000 Yards of Print, Reg. 59c and 69c nc 200 Yds Cotton Flannel Shirting, Reg. 79 ....... Special 694, Woolette Pyjama Cloth, Reg. 69c Yard „.„,„„, Spec14 490 040* Phone 62 Brussels suissinimianummumissinnummionsun MeNEIL'S SHELL SERVICE, Men's (Penmans) Fleece Lined Combinations .... Special $3.39, Our Reputation is your guarantee of satisfaction. Mens (Penmans) Fleece Lined Shirts & Drawers, size 36 to 44, Spec. $1.89: ALUMINUM DooRs, WINDOWS FREE ESTIMATE Jackson Holmes -Ltd. SEAFORTH, ONT. PHONE 30 Mens (Stanflelds) Drawers. elastic waist, White or Merino,, Spec. $1.99 SHE Boys Drawers. elastic waist, Spec. $1.00 and $1.59 Boys Wool, Cardigans, Pullovers Ss Turtle neck Swei_teN Spec. $7.98 repairs 4a en 4lk* of oleo MN trued* ?WORK The • 111110.11111111.11• 41WI. • Mens All Wool (Stanfieids) Combinations (Red Label) Spec. $6:40: Mens All Wool (Stanflelds) Combinations (Blue Label) Spec. $7.20 Business bards Brussels Creamery Mens All Wool (Stanflelds) Shirts and Drawers .(Red Label) Spec. $3.96 7y-viteels. OW Phone 22 Mens All Wool (Stanflelds) Shirts and Drawers (Blue Label) Spec. $4.35 MMEMMUIRMEdhiMSWIN Men's Penman, No. 95 Combinations Special $5.99 * Men's (Penmans) No. 95 Shirts and Drawers ...... Spec, $3.95 Men's Forsyth and Bluestone Dress Shirts and Sport Shirts" Spec. $3.95 Men's and Boys Gabardine Ski Cap-g; All Sizes,,,, Spec. 79c ,pf i 11 Boys and Girls Parkas and Satin Bombadier Jackets. Quilted Lining (Processed Lamb) collars, broken sizes, Reg. $11.95 Spec. $5.95 6 Boys Stadium Coats, some, with Fur 'Toilers, Reg. up to •' $14.95 Spec. $7.96 6 Boys Blue and Grey Station Wagon Coats, Reg. 19.95, Spec. $13.95 4 Mens, Suburban Coats, Reg. $19.95, .. . . .. . . . Spec. $16.96. Mens Plaid•Sportshirts, & Workshlrts of cotton Flannel, 'Reg. $2.89 Spec, 2 for 440 Spec. $9.98 Mons (G.W.G.) Cow Boy Kings SRee. $4 79 Mena, (G.W.G.) Jeans Let us install a new Duro Water System and get all the water you want, instantly, at the turn of a ONLY 10 .DOWN UP TO 18 MONTHS TO PAY tap, It costs you only about lc per 1,000 gallons. for pump, fixtures and our installation charge Our A.-inclusive ElVICO BUDGET PLAN covers your complete systeni-pump, tank, pipe, kitchen and bathroom fixtures, taps in all ..our buildings and the cost of installa- tiori. You can enjoy the comfort, savings, leisure and safety of water while you pay few it. We will be glad to give you a Tree estitnate of the cost of labour and materials. Phone or come into our shop and. See how really inexpensive 'running water the DURO way can be. ur•eL.osi al air 4"14 4.110 sew am Mens; (d.W,G.) Bib Overalls,; Spec: $61$ *NH Boys, Cotton Flannel Shirts, Size 8 te 14, While They ta-it, Spec. $1:10 . . . . 4444114444iii444441 . . 04444 .. 444 i 4 4n4 I " V .4 Mens Corduroy •Stacks, i ... t Spec. 7.99 New Improved Multi-Vitamin Formula All-in-one Tablet. With Liver, iron, Min fzals, Vitamin B12 and C One tablet now gives you more than 2 capsules provided before the result of Rexall's exclusive process. Family Bottle of 72 (21/2 mos. sup- ply) $4.79 Giant. Bottle of 144 Tablets 5 months supply $7.95 Bottle of 36 - 5 weeks supply $2.59 If Taking Vitamins - Try them com- pare them - You'll switch to Rexall Plenamins. oiv and Improved Rua 'Super Plenaii,-iins Walker Funeral Home - Ds y or ffiskt Cas TotiOwass 114. resiirp ammo for Use of Fasatal Maw Vkagissa fu rat Moder as budialma 114i1.' Twenty-fair floor iikroliobrace Immo R. . et erington, K. C. (Easses misa. inifIglimalaitHasu r AT Mat lax T> 1t DR. R. W. STEPHENS 001.60141e Usimersity alt Tomato 'IAN sad SURGEON Taaftwase 413 Broassio, oat. D. A. RANTNT8e Co. rutemiti.7147-maiWkikiiiimatz Liseassd Paserid Director Iced Exabsireer lifIONE itIB BRUMLA, SMITH'S Rexall Drug Store 11,41111.1-Usruciatom, h,11411i.t. HOUSSHOLD SHELL PSTROLCUU PRODUCTS DUNLOP TIRES Parte and MISISPrieti Austin Sales and Service C. A. Myers' M. D' L. M. C. C. 1PHYSICUW4 sia EURGEOP Wawa 51 Mao 4. druessis, Orr, Trial.Size 69c SEE THE $1.00 CLEARING TABLE spaninumminaimminsmummuminummi 1441 . . 4 .... 64 . Aiiia4444i4II .. II . . . . .. . i4 . . Goys Corduroy Slacks, .. . i011141401140.1iie!ir0001*,,,,,iii 8pec: $6.98 JOHN" E. LONCTAFT, OPtometrist.. rho' T91 5egtfindaheo 10.2 ,464:1 ..ritf2.30; sat. .:46.1.0 Harvey W. Stephenson 4, itoriaratistc. tee Pm vito Aliissaff Voilist, ;444 44110: Geniefia Cet, 4,1,14 ariesertv ha,sa Davidson EPEN hollivitot Wows Boys Leather Mitts, Lined -s,,,,+1, Bpdai 490 M ens Leather Mitts, Lined I Plot0110 .111*..1010001,1P11111.0..01,41..11;4.6 spec:14060, ..ep. !w en. • •L.,0 ... ' 4'044,44404,0•0 .. . Ladles Ali Wool pee. 3493, Poe Sale by O. KRAUTglt • iltassels, Ont. 044.04 ii141444140444,0444444(4444140iiii44041i4V ii4itiiiiii444iiiii044404444144444:4440 . 44 . 4441444.4 The Arcade Stor s Ernpiro Masts . GALAN' WILLIAMS, Op bletietrist SITIck St.i 67112'z' Ai itiscarillie Ogee too* tirr 7/1640144v ITO A, L 'ILP073int$ by OP. i44.55 teaa Store Wide Barotkins for the Wilioto ranter Blytit t Ont. est,