HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1956-01-18, Page 110111111111111VEMIONM11161151113
e shawa nigletlY 7.30 "*" 920 P• Matinee 8a40rdaY 2 P. m-
Wed. Thar, Jan. 18 — 19 -
',Track of The Oat"
liitchum .and Teresa Wright
Sat. ' Jan. 20-21
balm Ail•ftlitIATO Pipes LAMM"
STOOGZ 001+.11121'Y 0Aitt0011
944"4 as 6454/"373dcla~aaa rli17°4)6/ (Y lee 13 "romper, °Ita.11"4 Wednesday, January,:; Post Publishing liou C. 1956 $2.50 .111. 4.0 'a. . .
01111111111111141111WIIMMINIIIII LIST WEL 0. H. S. PRINCIPAL,
In honor of the birthday Of Robert'
burns, tius tea table for the meeting
of the Malestie Women's Institute
vnie draped with a eearf with a map
of .Scotland hand-blocked on it and
bordered. with a band of tartan, A
small statuette 'of Robert Burns
*awed the authontic dress of the
poet. Twin candleholders with silver
and white candles completed the
To Anna the Opening of
dell Shoppe Bargains MI Year Around
'ei ta gu
CILeel re-OM. of St. John's •Church on
loriday evening of last wiceic when
menlbere t1/..e c011gregatien„, the
2nd. 15russulo, Boy Scout troop, And ,
Cub' pack, with their parents, met ,
to spend a Social evening with him
I before hie leaving to .hgeinnie his new
duties at Courtright, Comma and
Mooretown. Mr, Mils concluded his
ministry More at St. IOM'S, Ilrussels,
St. Devld's Henfryn and St,
George's, Walton, OA un:aa,y,atter
serving these congregations for
the past thrse4a,a-half years. He
came to the Brussels parish from ,
Liverpool, England, ip ,duly 1952,
The Scouts and Cubs formed a
guard 'of honor for the arrival of
Mr, Ellie on Friday evening.Troop
inspection was made by Gee. IVesen- '
lornurly hno n as The Style'Shopp'e
and operated by ',Kiss Donna Cudinore.,
A 25 to 30% Discount
will be given on All Hats.
Mrs. Mae Bryans Mrs. Well Wilson.
Aylmer Tomato Catsup 11 oz.
We have a. large complete stock on hand
of Aluminum and Steel Roofing.
First Quality.
,speolter, was introduced by Mrs. Carl
burg• tre enressed the appreciation of the
Lowest prices anywhere. Order now:
as a general price increase and shortage'
will be in effect soon.
Also let us have your orders for Cement;
as it will be in short supply.
.1111 1.1•1111•11•1M1001111MeM01,1116111111•1•00Milfimum... dia.•••••
You will find other values just as great as these at.,
Not just to-day or to-morrow, but Every Day of the year.
Phone 7 We Deliver
Mrs. W, IT, Bell was in charge of
the meeting. A report of the annual
aneet,ng of the auxiliary of Wingham
General Hospital was given. by Mrs,
Douglas Hemingway. Mrs. Lorne
N1 1iol, convenor of the committee•on
Citizenship and Education, presided
for the program, ,and introduced it
by a reading,
W. H. Jack, principal of Liatowel
Dietriet High School, the guest
Clarks Pork & Beans 20 oz. tin 2 for 3$c
Mother Parkers 90 Tea Bags 99c
Dewkist Cream Style. Corn 15 CM. tin
2 for 25c
Jello Lemon Instant Pudding .• • 2 for 23c
Florida Sip Blended Juice 48 oz. tin • • • 32c
White Swan Tissue • •••• • • • • • • 2 for 23c
Aylmer Special Princess Peas 20 oz, tin
2 for 45c
Paramount Cohoe Salmon 7 oz. tin • • 36c
Hemingway. The 'history of educat- board to all .organizations of the ion in Ontario WAS- traced by Mr. The cubs and scouts. JoirKic demob f or their ;suppor t.
Jack from the time when the Britieh several games and drille, and a short
s took over Canada. At one time there program wee presented consisting of The treasurer' report, given hr-
were only five schools 'in Ontario, piano ,solos by Jack McBride and Geerge ehowed the church's
dot,ted aloag the shores of lake Qnt- Dorothy Marks; a violin solo by t total receipts for the year as $8,
only Latin and Greek were taught, In Kenneth Storey; and community 605,20
with a balance of ado. They were very expensive and
singing with Betty Alceek 'th Piano I 233.52.
1807, the first grant for ,secondary - cued rae lsiang by ram , 'or u( Five retiring managers, Gerald education was made from England,
and eight public school districts er and her mother, Mrs: Sohn Aleeck, ; W. W, Smitb„toseph
were formed. In 1840, district gram- un°n11)- I Black, Orwell Elliott, and Wilfrid awniithst.Mre Clifford Marks as
Shortreed were asked to accept re.
An addreas. was read by George
placement. D, Marfravish and W- An
,expre;sing the apprec-1 C. Kerr were named :auditors,
iation of the congregation and the ti Jag. 8. Armstrong, seeretary_tre,ae,_
D. N. McDonald
Phone 77 Brussels, Ont.'
r. mar schools were established, In 1845
I Egerton Ryerslon commenced 32 :t'e'ars
of service in. the interests of edueat
ion, founding elementary education.
'WV, II. T. CAJicin ellairmun
for the annual Meeting of Meiville
Presbyterian ,Olutrzh, with (14,org4'
Elliott as secretary for the meeilng.
In his session report Wilfrid Short-
reed, elkele of the fieSi1011, inri*
ed that there were 206 members i..tf
the Chilrob, 12 new monbers having
received tin deg the year. There
wore two de4.1ths. and 1.1 haptisTris
He mentioned the celebration of
the 10001. antilVereary of the elrurch
in 'August as an ,outstanding mile-
atone in the history of the rongregat,
As chairman of the board of
managers, he mentioned heavy ex-
PenSeS incurred during the Past two
years for extensive repairs to the
church and improvements in the
manse -and seggested that these I
would not be repeatd for some years.
The Baud Committee of the Bru-
ssels Lions Olub were pleased on
Tuesday night to enroll 15 boys and
girls as new membersi of the band.
and would welcome Moro, for which
there 15 still room, next Tuesday
Parents should welcome this oppor-
Unity to have their children re-
ceive musical training at minimun
cost, under the excellent direction of
Bandmaster iSchnbert.
Encourage your children to enroll
Jahn Ve Fischer, reeve of Turn-
harry Township, NvaS elected Huron
County warden Tuesday on a fifth
will be In
'AtWood, Friday Eve, Jan. 20th
for Colicert aiid Dance
Auspices Atwood Hockey Chin
Also In
Brussefls, Friday Eve., Jan. 27th for
ee Auspices of L. O. ti.-
In 1896 continuation !schools were
founded, in 1.9125 vocational 45 011.001S,
and in 1944 the present system of
high school dietrictS.
Presen t. education, said the
,SP.eaker, dens a -Practical, democratic
- outlook, "In today's schools we have
everybody —not just wealthy or
clever students,
"The .bilsinesle of education is to
bring out the.best in our students.
'Then ..good citizenship Will follow,"
Mrs., .Lonise Porter's class of
gradete five and six pupils Sang
two numbers and demonstrated
choral reading, Mrs, William Turn-
bull was in charge of . current events.
ItosteSSet for the meeting were Mrs.
Harold Speir, Mrs. William Leach,
W, C. Kerr, Mrs, W. A. Wil.
Marne, and Mite Floret:tee Michel.
'among them. The cubs 'and tennis ed that numerous awards had been
,seo,ute, and cubs for his -work user of the Sunday School, mention, ,
.formed a hose)sbee srouitd presented in the 'school for mem-
and nms. James Davis one of the cry work and perfect attendance,
scout mother's, presented Mr. Ellis '
with a generZlis purse ofii.ton.ey. Other reports were given 'for the
Iry ;his reply of thanks, Mr, Ellis Ladies' Aid by Mrs.. Wesley Kerr, , sectary, and Mrs. J. C. Long,
evoke of his intention to continue 'treasurer; for the Young Women's
in scout work In Ms new charge Guild by Mrs. Wilfrid Shortreed, that
ed eoxiesorliered ea •eince7 hope,
had started here sand Mrs. William Martin; for the
Mission Band by Mm, Orwell Elli-
i a
-would be carried on. Re .thanked oft; for the W. M. S.. Mrs. D. G.
titre ccingregalttnTh thE' Etl" troops Matheson ,alsd Mrs. John Yuill; the and their parents for their gift to C. G. I, T., Jean McFarlane and Jean
himself, his "wife, and their three Cardiff; the Young People's Sac-
Aliblgy.lunch. was served by the wo-
fOot tense idbeyraMbles. .scuAss.i:neurletreitg.ard-
lety, Mrs. W. J. Armstrong, and,
Joan Wilson; the' Sunshine Com-
of mthoethecroorginVaof 4124ne.outass,asnisdt,
cube. , ing the over-asessment of the con--
gregation fot rho budget resulted in
,the formation of .a missionary cam-
' mitte.e; Wilfred . Shontreed, Jamee
Mgr, and a member of the W.M.S.
not yet appointed. It was, vointed
out that Melville Church has. the
highest assessment per person in
the 'Presbytery.
....On Cold Wave from Jan. 9th. is On SUnday, January 15 the
Feb. 11th. — $4.95 IncluIng$
Styling, Cut, Set.
For appointment call 40x
Val's !Beauty Shop
tlilelville Presbyterian
Regular meeting of Morning Star
Rebekah Lodge was held ,on TuedaY1
evening. Cards of thanks were read
from our Veteran in. WeStminster
Hospital and others who had receiv-
ed treats. at Christmas.
A letter from the Pres. revealed
new' ,effiee had been opened' in
Toronto to take care of the ever
increasing duties. ,
The Rebekah, 'Degree was costaferr-
ed on two eonIidates, tollonved by
lima. convened by Mrs, Geo. Evane,
Ushers for evening Services were
named, as Hartley Fiseher, James r
Bowinan„tarnes Ireland, Granata
Work. Jim Edgar and George
Reports and epeeches were inter-
spersed with a prevent which in-
chided 4.1. reading by Mrs. C. Me-
Dowell; a isolo by Gerald Gibson;
a duet by Mrs. W. O. Kerr, and Mrs.
Wittnifred Edgar; a chorus by the
C.G.L.T. 'girls; and a duet by Jean
Cardiff and Jean McFarlane
A. %licit was served by a commit-
tee of the Young Women's Guild
assisted by the C, G. I. T. girls.
We wish' to expreas our sincere
thanks to all our friends and neigh-
he Lions Club, the 1..egion,
10,00 a. In, Sunday School
11 a. M. Divine Worship
"Especially For Men"
Anthem: Go Not Far. From Me 0
' Male Chains; My Shepherd Is
Leading Me Home — 23rd. Psalm
141nIster: Rev. 14, .r. teatieln, f9. I%
Organist: L. D. ThOmpson R. M. T
The United Church
Minister: Roy. A. Laney B. A, IL ;
Th Canadian Bank
of Commerce
The sincere thanks of the family
is extended to all acts of kindness
Shown:during the serious illness, and
Passing of Robert C. `Campbell, the
beautiful flower tributes, kind words
and. deeds. A ,special thanks to Mrs.
Ken: MacDonald, This will long be
remembered and appreciated by
The Campbell Family,
worship ;theme was "The Means of
'Grace — %prat. The development
of Christian habits ,of conduct is the
ultimate goal of the Christian faith.
These are the out growth' of vital
devotional living. It is most impor-
tant, therefore, the minister declared.
that Christians be faithful in realdng
use of the means of grace that God
. has designed to this end. Worship
as a means of Grace -was discussed.
Next Sunday Prayer tas a means
of Grace will be the sermon subject.
The anthem for the clay "Awaken-
ing Morns" by Homer and Gabriel:
The Annual Meetingeof the congre-
gation will 'be held on Friday, Jan,
20th. beginning with a Pot Luck
Supper at 8.30.
hours, t
end gt, johns A. F. and A. M, for
,,,s he beautiful ctloral tributeS, ex-
pressions of sympathy and many
kind ae.t.5 extended to 11.5 during our
recent bereavement,
Max and. Sean Oldfield.
Seatortb, Ont, *
Thursda y, Friday and Saturday
Charlton Heston JUlla Adams
Meet Major Benton who has. a rafn-
rod fOr 4: spine. He's a hely terror
ea the Parade ,,Orbund, but a soft
touch fora pretty face and the
Artny is his ,Bible you will
love every' rollicking Minnie.
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
Trevor Howard AIWA VallIS
thriller by deallafrie treene,
the' Maker 'st 61,14001§6 A timid
yotingiter betoniess involved is inter.
national Triti4glie" Mysterious,
heautItui Venice, A. stratigeris hand
Offered 'frien'dshi'p: 'but net relief'
;4• treili kiVerry I
. •
thtiredeS4 'Friday and Saturday
Kirk Nubia§ 3llvalna NiAM-Ane • 4'
titt lItLOW 20.10
. •
reorlisiqndaya Divine WorshieJ 11 WelOcit.
The Means Of Grace Prayer
ChUrch School — 0 o'clock.
The Annual Meeting of the coil-
gregation will be held on Friday,
Ft WA'
• •
— We Puy At The Right Prices •— We Sell At The Right Prices
oz. Tins Libbys Spagetti
r-Large Size Lifebuoy Soap —
— Tin Swifts Prem,
Anglican Church
Fetish of *russet
29c 2 -` 15 oz. Tins Blue-Gold Peas t 4 4 .
1 48 oz. Tin. Clark Tbmato Juice • • 25c
2 20 oz. Tins Libbys Pork Beans 35e, • 3 c
Mon. "filet. Jan, 23' ee- 24
Jain PAYNE Mary Witittintit
(See Mary's Plettire in our lobby_
tO,4,§1dirrit4 MAS,t,,NiPt0Zisit
1. (Colot)'
Oettr rnftll t ofriedy'
thoitAs griffin
In :choke of alit sf.u!tviceS
40iirithi 'thumb, illeui*slit
'S'unday geth.o01
St. David's Church,, Ifetifrytt
.2,30 p.hi. Hely
Bt deort16°i,Chttreh, Wilton
girening Vraydi
1 lb, No 1White Western .Honey Canipbals Soups
5 lb. 'Bag Sunkist Oranges s 55c 1 — lb. gig Bologna
Store Hors X8.30•111 pa 6 P. M. Every Day incltaing dnesday *We Cios&Satarday Nit, s At 9 P. M.
'AtAltAit.% flit iNVOCMOSCAtiON
v . . •