HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1955-12-07, Page 6*—••********.,-..•
Real Skyscraper
Shop or New Swimsuit' in izzar Weat
,p,„ dapg, Atavews.'.
• BY .]KDNA 1U1 ES 4
11 4y-lin next summer's swimsuit this lee,.
(errtber isn't really a wild idea, The read
collections offer the .newest idecrst ,
prettiest fabrics, You can shop at leisYre,
without that feeling of pressure that sten)s.
from the belief that you MUST get e, suit
s ovu may want WY.cirit a suit for a winter VaCcl*
tion, There's a brand-new group of swift'.
suits by Schiqpqrelli in French print's. 'these '
are authentic,h reproductions in color an*
design of originals by Chagalt and„Picasso,
They're used in sults with matching • skirftr,
that are ideal for wear from poOlsid
through the casual luneheon ,hour: 7 ”
Flared skirts take care of the hip proV-
lees: 'other designs' minimize the bustline,,
There's a group of spits, with necklines
that -can beichangect at will to p.lter 4tfta --
look sompletely, One of these is: Wadi,
lastex with removable-, leweled= „collar.
There's a crossed halter that switches .to-,a . -
plunge or that can be used as a cuff for,
a strapless top.
Each suit in this new collectien is inticie,
with al:wilt-in' boned bro thas'adjUstable
to your contovrs. „
Warm idea 'for cold,:winter: 'Shop fob me*
sufarner'4 .Styled by SChicipctralli
in Prini Irony Marc' Chagall , suit
sliawn (balutpslialter• 'neck,' pleated skirt.
2 eggs, unbeaten
' Cup sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla,
spy cup shortening
tilt cups sifted flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
lel teaspoon soda
3.4 teaspoon salt
34 teaspoon cinnamon
Y4 teaspoon nutmeg.
Ili teaspoon ,gloves.
Sift flour with baking powder,
soda, salt and spices three tinies,
cream shortening and vanilla,
adding sugar gradually until
light and fluffy, Acid eggs, one at
a time, beating well after each
addition. Add flour, mixture and,
apple settee. Beat until seen
blended, Fill paper baking cups
Or greased muffin pans le full.
Bake at 375° F. until cake
springs back when touched
(about 20 minutes), Cool before
frosting. .Makes 14 large cup
Cupcakes are always popular,
siepecially with the "limier set"
toad have the adVantege of be-
:Ine easy to decOrate fee festive
dieeaSieris. Jere are a few recipes
Vin sure Yeti 1l lee glad yOu
Ip these cupcakes you'll Often
effreae upon ; bright red cherry.
They're ,doubly pretty fretted
with a cherry-red icing.
2. Ors sifted flour
3 teaepoons baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
13/4 cups sugar
3/4 cup shortening
1 cup milk
1 teaspoon vanilla
e egg whites (about le$ cup)
, cup drained sour pitted
cherries (unsweetened)
Sift together the flour, baking
powder, salt, and sugar. Add.
)1sortening and milk. Beat 2
kainutes. Add vanilla and egg
whites, Beat 2 minutes more,
hid in cherries. Fill 2-inch
muffin pans, filling each cup 2/3
Bake at 350°F. 30-35 min-
lates. Makes 3 dozen. Frost with
• . • .N
Spent' Her •Wedding
1/s cups sugar
6 tablespoons unsweetened
cherry juice
1 tablespoon corn syrup
2 egg whites
1 teaspoon vanilla.
Few drops red food coloring
Combine all ingredients ex-
ept vanilla and food coloring
to top of double boiler. Mix
Sell. Place over boiling water.
eat constantly with rotary
beater until mixture holds its
shape. Remove from heat; add
vanilla and food coloring. Beat
until cool. Frost sides and top
of cup cakes. ,
Applesauce and spices make
These cupcakes favorites with
'%e younger crowd. Frost them
'with icing you've colored pink,
41xeen, yellow' and chocolate (do
this by separating white icing.
Into 4 parts and coloring each
part with a drop or 'two of col-
erring in a different color.)
s/ cup applesauce '
984-foot Ellfel Tower and
NStefte Y;irialcici'S.,415.1,4171a2v-leoe tonEamvPiirde
in friendly .rivalry as the
world's talle4t structures, New
they are to be challenged by a
1,378-foot builidng designed to
make the Tower of Babel — be-
lieved to have soared to 450 feet
Appropriatelybaby enough, the
Magnel is to be the centre-
piece of a multilingual, World
Fair to be held in Brussels in
1958,, Gustave Biffel built in his
tower for an outsize exhibition
sixty-six years ago and the Bel-
gians have instructed Gustave
Magnel, an architect specializ-
ing in prefab Concerte units, to
try for something bigger and
On wasteland outside Brus-
sels 2,000 concrete piles sunk
deep into the ground will give
fouedation for a thirty-storey
building made in pyranlid style
of great concrete blocks.
On the top floor or this sky-.
scraper yet another structure
will contain ten floors topped by
a panoramic terrace restaurant
capable ahee tim o seating 1,500 people
project will cost $12,000,-
000 and the main building will
contain radio and TV studios,
concert halls and a TV school to
give Belgium the finest radio
centre in Europe. There are
prospects that the 442-foot high
TV mast will be used for com-
mercials beaming ten hours
day to this country,
In the highest tower an
observatory a n d meteorological
station will keep watch on the
,Yet this building is to be only
the dominating big brother to
a startling inverted tower which
will also be an attraction at the
exhibition. Beginning where our
own skyline left off, a metal
structure resting on*a base fifty
inches square will beyel out-
wards, supporting at a height'of
500 feet a platform fifty yards
wide ' This inverted Eiffel Tower is
to have four novel escalator lifts
climbing outward, a carillon and
a restaurant. Though it will
look absurdly top-heavy, the
full thrust will converge forty
feet below ground on a point'as
fine as a tin-tack.
BRAIN WAVE -- Britain's min-
ister of labor, Sir Walter
Monckton, hasn't gone'in for a
zany method of curling his
straight-as-a-poker hair. He's
submitting to test run of a
brain - wave recorder during
opening ceremonies at a mental
health exhibit in London.
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Def '
• •
doubles his sneed front taking
hood sped reading course, The
exceptional adult increases his
speed three and, four tirneee
Not long ago a public OW-
flea executive started the speed
reading course at"the Reading
Inwoldsute' per Hilleinuretea.4 Hae fialltistr.40500
pt he 1.! terloitils tee r e Aadt nt s5a0re0 e
m e
his'comprehension rose from
85 per cent, to 92 per cent.
A saleswoman jumped from
325 words a minute to 85Q After
the l
executive rose from 475 words
per minute to 1,100 words per
believe- possible
ty pic aspereedsults threeteading course achieves ,these
malc.hPinreobiasblythe the
tachistoscope, It
flashes words or symbols on a
screen at a hundredth of a sec-
ond, Thus it teaches people to
grasp the meaning of what is
before them as quickly as poss-
When I first arrived at the
Reading Institute I 'found it
hard to read even a three-let,
ter word at this speed. Soine-
times the machine flashed on
and off before I realized it was
flashing. But, gradually, I learn-
ed to read three-and four-word
phrases at this speed.
2. By a reading-rate accelera-
tor students are paced and
pushed to read faster. This ma-
chine has a sort of window
shade that decends over the
pages of a book. Set the accel-
erator for 500 words per min-
ute and it forces you to read
this fast by gradually sliding
down and covering up the page
before you.
The accelerator is the back-
bone of the course. After read-
ing articles with the accelerator
students take comprehension
tests. Alms, they measure at each
weekly session of the course how
fast they are reading and how
well they undertand what they
read. 3. Of course' the teacher is a
most important parte, of the
course. Through his enthusiasm
and interest he must motivate
students to want to read faster.
He must explain the basic prin-
ciples of faster reading and in-
spire them to practice a half
hour a day at home.
Friendly competition among
the members of the class is fun,
too. One of my friends, another'
reporter on this newspaper,
started the course reading more
slowly than I but finished at 800
words per Minute. This pricked
me a little, and made me wish
I had done my home work more
faithfully. It's not unlikely that
he and I will have a reading
race in the future. "Reading
is an art," Samuel Joslow, the
Director of the Reading Insti-
tute of Boston, explains. "It's
an art that must not be taken
for granted by adults. Most of es
learned to read essentially only
through the sixth grade,
"But the faster you read with-
in your ability, thereby utiliz-
ing more of your mental capa-
City, the more you compre-
hend," he explains.
"How well you see is basic.
But also fundamental is how
well you use your vision.
"Advanced reading requires
advanced reading skills. You
should read with a compelling
drive for speed, with good un-
derstanding, in phrases for main
ideas and without interruption."
"The average adult reads be-
tween eighth and tenth grade
level," Mr. Joslow continues.
"He reads approximately. 300
words per minute with only
mediocre to fair comprehension.
And he doesn't realize there are
specific skills he could develop
to greetly increase his reading
Anyway,siblie when he woke
up the next morniog, he ,hacl not
the slightest recollection of en-
listing in the 'Legion for' five
years. But he had—and his sig-
nature on the appropriate docu-
ment was proof.'
His protestations were of no
avail. The luckless young.fellow
was shipped to Algiers, given
relentless training in the desert,
and eventually found himself on
the way to Indo-China. At this
stage he managed to desert and
elientually, reached Britain. It
taught him a lesson. 'No more
holidays in Paris for me!" he
You would think it impossible
to forget your own children. Yet"
when a father took his small boy
for a day at an Essex seaside
place he arrived, home without
him, Fortunately the child 'was
being looked after by the police
—but the father received a se-
vere ticking off for his lapse of
Another husband and father
left his home in Woolwich one
Saturday morning. "I'm just go-
ing out for a drink," he told his
wife. "Shan't be long." The day
passed, darkness fell, and he
hadn't returned. By now -the
wife was thoroughly alarmed
and anxious, and when there
was no sign of him on the Sun-
day she went to the police.
They were sympathetic, pro-
mised to' make inquiries. Then
at about ten o'clock on the Mon-
day morning a telegram arrived
at the woman's house. It lkas
from her missing husband. He
was at his mother's home in
in Yorkshire. He had completely
forgotten that he had been•mar-
ried for nearly two years, and
was the father of a girl. Fortu-
nately, the man's memory re-
turned, and there was no further
All of which invites the ques-
tion: what causes loss of memo-
ry? "A blow on the head, worry
or overwork mainly," a doctor
tells me. "But sometimes a per-
son subconsciously wants to for-
get — and he does!"
So if you feel the urge to run
away from your worries, to in-
dulge in a spot of escapism, there
is only one sensible thing to do.
Forget it!
Grated orange and lemon rind
give these banana cup cakes an
elusive taste, while chopped nuts
acid to their richness.
2 cups sifted flour
2. teaspoons baking powder
3/4 teaspoon soda
ee teaspoon salt
rii cup shortening
1 cup sugar
2 eggs, beaten
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 teaspoon each grated orange
and lemon rind
1 cup mashed ripe bananas
2 tablespoons milk
3/2 cup chopped nuts
Sift together flOur, baking
powder, soda, and salt. Cream
together shortening and sugar
until light and fluffy. Blend in
beaten eggs. Stir in vanilla and
orange and lemon rinds. Stir
flour mixture into cream mixture
alternately with bananas and
milk. Fold in nuts. Fill greased
muffin pans or fluted baking cups
(you'll need 18) about Ile full,
Bake at 350° P. about 25 min.
sites. *
Here's a plain cake to frost
and decorate with halves of
2 cups sifted flour
3 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
1% cups' sugar
1/2 cup shortening
1 cup milk
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 eggs
Rutter cream frosting
Pecan halves
Sift together fiber, baking
powder, salt, and sugar. Add
shortening. Add vanilla to milk;
add le cup milk to flour mix-
ture. Mix to blend. Beat 2 min-
utes at medium speed on electric
mixer or 300 strokes by hand.
Add eggs and remaining milk.
Mix to blend. Beat 2 minutes or
300 strokes more. Spoon into
greased or paper-lined muffin
cups. Bake at 350° F. 25 minutes.
When cool, frost and decorate
will pecan halves.
ea -a's
-DOLEFUL DOVE — A mourning
dove that has a right to mourn
is this one being held for tho
photographer. The bird WO(
mysteriously, w o u n d e d ans
grounded • by a short twig, im,
bedded in its neck. The wound
had healed around the twig so
the dove has to go through lift
with a chip on its shoulder.
a:51\1114AT- kere'S the Ions
and, horthof' it 'at .the . Western
Specialty dog show. Evangers
Blitz, the Great Dane, and Fis-
tel's Brassie, a Chihudhurl: shoW
their good breeding, by remain-
ing friendly while posing for
this• picture. Drive With Care
Speeding-up Your
Reading Habits
My husband and friends
pushed me into taking a speed
reading course with them ever'
though I was convinced I was
a good reader and didn't need
To my dismay and embarrass-
meet I soon discovered I was '
not such a good reader -- I
read only at the level' of the
average college freshman, a lit-
tle under 400 words a en Mute,
liowevey, at the end of a 12
weeks' course at Boston'S Read-
ing Institute — one of scores of
speed reading clinics all over
the United States — I had close
to doubled my speed end great-
ly improved my comprehension.
This is the experience of
thousands of people today: They
are pouring into newly develop-
ed .speed-teadieg dotirseS in un,
peecedented numbers, writes
Mary Handy in The Christian
Science 1Vioriitot
They are discovering that
speed reading skills help them
not only to read .faster .bUt also
understand and teineelbee' bet,
ter Whet they. teed Fatter read-
Means not only !less
spent but altd better organized
and Mote intelligent reading,
11/lothers are finding that they
-can tit deWri and 'tend. a whele
novel in an evening. With their
new' akills. Befitietterieri 'ate
leathing to weed through stacks'
tSf 'reports as Well as the Morn-
ing paper in half the time.
Trl effect; faster reading 'gieree
More heists to the day, ,
The average adult Usually
THE MittS . dti1/41iiiNt twititet ketley, dean tir4liStlarri't
.scid.faced *clowbe, breaks . leaditiati to Senile Through 'his grease
Mints 14e has reason ---'the •picture thews- his wife and newborn
datigliferi,.ttocicit,Ketiby"wdS playttid .SetatiteS.Witt:tlibtigeitlehl
the Mork .arrived at Ringlinp'a Winter quarters, -Where
Mrs.Kelley trtet hint 'at 'the .
his address, or why he had come.
Rather than look a fool in
front of the receptionist he filled
in the register with the first
particulars which came into his
head. Followed a week of worry,
a 'week of frantic brain-flogging.
All without result.' Then he
bumped into a woman who hod
just arrived at the hotel. By a
remarkable coincidence it was
his wife's sister. They hadn't
met for quite a long time, but
they instantly recognized each
other. Thanks to that the man's
memory returned and he return-
ed also—to his wife.
A Hampshire farmer engaged
a man of forty or so who had
begged him• for a job. He was
unshaven and his clothes were
shabby and badly torn. But he
looked strong, and labour *was
too short for the farmer to ask
Despite the new man's dis-
reputable appearance he was
obviously well educated. He
spoke with a refilled accent and
his manners were very different
from those of his fellow-work-
ers. After he had received his
first week's wages he went to
the nearest town and had a shave
and haircut.
The transformation was strik-
ing—and it rang a bell with the
farmer. He recalled seeing a
photograph in the newspapers
of a schoolmaster who had gone
on a walking tour some weeks
before and hadn't been seen
Undoubtedly the in i s si ri g
schoolmaster and his tient work,.
er were the same. The fanner
reborted the matter: the man's
wife came to identify him, and
almost at once he remembered
who he was. But he had to idsa
of what, had happened after 'he
left hotne.
All these are serious incidents,
but loss of mereorv—of the tern ,
eorary kind—can have its amus-
ing and embarrassine side. After
;seeing his bride settled in the
hotel where they were to' ancrid
their hOnevnIoOrt, the brides
ereoin want off to park the car.
Then he fnerid he botilfIll't rem
Member where he wag Staving,
and alter searching for hours
gave tab in desoair and dozed
fitfully in the ear till dawn. 'lira,.
gine the feelincts—net to Say
anxiety — of the utitortengte-
hridee-left alone in a strange
plate on her Wedding eight!
A tot of 'men are Said to join
the over-rotilatititiZed French
poreign tegion "to fotget." A
London youth feted himself in
ilia tough minis for the Opposite
reason. iTe hall a 'Mental black,.
out while eri holidaVif Patla.
perhaps the drinks be had
eetittirrsed Were pettlY YeePitie
While, on holiday with his wife
and two little girls last June, a
Yeovil bank official went for a
swim—and' disappeared. Sixty-
four days later he returned. Dur-
ing that period his memory had
been a complete blank. He
remembered nothing from the
time he entered the sea until
he found himself in a Bristol
His case is unusual, but it is
by no means a record.•One morn-
ing •in the eighteenth century
a Norfolk man left as usual for
his work on the farm. Nobody
saw him after that for nearly
five years. Then he was dis-
covered wandering in the fields
near his home.
Where had he been all that
tim? He hadn't the haziest idea.
But it was obvious that he had
travelled extensively and had
spent many, nonths abroad in a
hot climates, He was burned al-
most, black by the sun, and his
broad Norfolk, speech was in-
terspersed with numerous for-
eign words and strange expres-
sions. Snatches of Arabic and
Hindustani mainly, plus queer
-phrases which nobody recog-
nized, In addition, he had. picked.
up a lot of nautical terms— and
,the sailor's picturesque slang
and full-blooded oaths.
Undoubtedly, he had somehow
or other _boarded a ship and
voyaged to the East. But, why
he aict so ana iiuw lie came pace-
was never cuscovereu.
.even more aramatic—and cer-
tainiy pathetic—is tee sorry of
the essex gee wno varusneu un
the eve or ner weciaing to .a
young termer. it seemeo an heal
neaten. The young couple were
genuinely in love with each
other. The girl herself was
eagerly looking forward to the
Yet during the night she dis-
appeared. With her went her
bridal dress, and this Was found
in a river near by. Of the bride,
however, there was no trace,
and after a long and heart-
breaking search her frantic pa-
rents and intended husband
gave her up for dead, believing
that she had been claimed by
the river.
And so the weeks pasted. Then
one evening the parents heard
their dog• barking joyfully. A
feeble knock at the door fols
lowed, and the father threw it
open. On the doorstep was the
daughter they had never ex-
pected to see again. She was
weary, and pale with exhaustion,
but otherwise unhutt. Above all,
she. was alive, To her parents it
was a miracle.
Eventually they were able to
piece together the events of
those lost weeks. There is no
doubt that the excitement of her
coming wedding had temporarily
affected the girl's brain, And so
she had wandered off, clutching
her wedding-dress, lost in a
world of her own. She had do
reeollectiet of throwing the dress
in the elver, But she dimly re-
called tramping the roads, eleep-
ing beneath hedges and hayricks,
begging crests and drinking from
At last she found herself
among a crowd outside a village
church, A bride entered on the
arM of het father --, end this
touched trent thOrd iri the potir
gif't's clouded Memory
came flooding back, and the
hastened home.
Not se serial's is the case of
the Young husband Wile had a
tiff with his Wife and stormed
out of the house. "I'm going for
holiday," lie hotiteii over' his
Shoulder. "Alone!" He Went to
a Seaside hotel on the Eatt coast
and was about to 'Sigh the tegi-
eter when iris blind misted over.
lie enuicIn't remember' his flame,
'1R0OSE" FOR, tittditY TRAVEL — The autornotive Seri-
trapiion dbd-ve es both, feyek•and hOUtd, so its 'Owner, JOe'Sirik64
Wicit t talts it "trouse', A University 'student, he's used it .as
ing tintifterS and frOnipOrtcitiOn for' laue years. The unit tbn-
fCtin5 a bunk, tWO" [Witt ert's, a tcibiet d stove; an icebag t o.
drid a closet, In itt Joe goes battle every Suitither and hits
,liittde one trip cross-country and baek, all in COMplete corrifort,
the coach unit is designed so it SUPS handily an or off the bed
a 'his 49411‘ Pidif.tail Ford thick
a za
'Pardon me, but these are big
words you're dictating. Please
use ones that we lath can spell."