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The Brussels Post, 1955-12-07, Page 1
4..1•44.44•Id . 4.1,0••••••44-www. .40444.44.4. 444 ••,•••••44 -•••• 44^.• To the Electors of Grey Township You etyPort and Influence,in my behalf In ths: corning, 010egoni will be eeeltino re-electien es your reeve, it respeotrAY requested anti will be appreciated. e 4 -.4 4 The Annual Santa Claus Parade is to be held in Brussels on Dec. 10th. Floats and Costmn, es in Ian Pcznade. Candy will be given Co tire, 6:hilri7,-ep Graf ihn Tr.1,21, MUNICIPAL NOTICE I hereby give notice that Nomination of Two School Trustees to serve the Township of Grey, during the year 1956 will be held at Township. Office, Ethel FRIDAY. DECEMBER .9th From 1 P. M. to 2 P. M. If deinanded a Poll will be opened MONDAY. DECEMBER 19th Polls to be opened from 9 A. M. to 5 •P. M. Edythe M. Cardiff, Returning Officer 11111111111111111111111111111111111MEM Melville Presbyterian Church 10.00 a. m. Sunday School 11 'a. in. Divine Worship Anthem tram Egypt's Bondage Come, by Arthur Page. Minister: Rev.. feefirtn, L 11, Organist: L. D. Thompson R. M. T * • * ;iC • Church Anglka 'h OF CANADA Parish be rertniiiii -RSV: A. Nerenaii Ellis. M. Ay O. b. Sunday it beeenalwy Attireiat Church, Ilruhsts• 13. iViet hitt, isi,ayek dt Doutilic ohoech, Neofryh:,: ji. m Evening Prefer SiietdaY School ' ' • ditirge'S Church, Walteeiteiei 8 Pi. ink Etening PraYet Yr' aeitgorA el. as S'Oond Plus Ma. Past OttiOe DaDartnaSa Post .Publishing House December 7th, 1.955 $2.00 pet" year - *4... H. 8TRETTON IS • NIW REEVE OF' BR.USSELS Approximately ninety percent Of those ,eligible east their' votes •Ier tats. :Municipal, eieatten here :en Monday, ,- N. Stretton ,a.• 11,40m:her ere the council ,since the ,le-et eleptien In 1952, wee the suceeseful •ealididete Ter Reeve, defeating, R, 13, Ceasing'. who he (,o rap tete a 10 years of er.victe•ai- Reeve or Brussels: . Appareptly a majority wanted .ebaoget menicipal efficere for - only two• of the termer Councillors, G. 0, MoCutebeon and Sam Workman I were reteiered, with tWe peeNeomer0, H. Pear eon 40 W. Willam,sen being elected. Fischer,. Nvho his Served before, with R. Elliott and L. Ebel, first time . candidates, were elected to the Scthool Board. Mr. etretten, the new Reeve of 13res,stle, le a native born on, He has, ,served as an elected member of the council or the past three yearse. is to the credit of our citizens ehat, While .0tliensi - municipalities -polled such .small -votes some aue low as 20%, interest was Shown here in laGail goverment by such a. splendid number, . S. To, the Electors of the Township 0., Grey My name appear On: tReleallOtin the P4Cm1110 election aa a Canditiate for Reeve. I hereby soilelt your voteeand influence In my eepport. Hugh B. Smith Cliffcrti Rewiand • 14NOSI mg. Immo o and Share peciais e'er . 0 l'zizr es A .4 • • 4 Ri IW 48oz. •• Stokely's Honey Pad Peas ,15 oz. tin. 2 for 35c 3 for 27c. - • • • 52c • • • • • 28c 2. for 27c With every purchase of $1,00 ,or over, yopr, sales slip is eligible y for the draw, to made on Sat, Dec. 24th, at 11 p. m, ...... ....... 4. .. ......... . First Prize Woman's Station Wagon Coat, value $34.95 ... . .... 44444.404 .... 440 ..... .0v 04.44.444 ,44”, 4444.4144444 0 44 ..... . .. 414 ... 4 .. Jello Po'wder l• • • Purity, Oats 51b. bag Clark's. Tomato Juice Carnation Milk Breakfast Club Raspberry Jam, 24 oz. 33c. 2 for 65c Aylmer Choice Quality Corn 20 oz. • • 15c Bradies Cake Mixes ,chocolate, white, spice, combination *Special • • • 19c Angel • • • • 37c Second Frize « Men's Gabardine Tep. Coat, value $24.95 Third frize , Men's or Women's Sport Jacket, value $12.95 .. , ,„ ... ....... . 44 .. 44.44 . .4 . •••• • 41. Forth Prize : Fancy Satin Bound Blanket, value $7.85 Fifth Prize : 'One pair of Flannelette Blankets (70x90) value $4.95 You will find other values just as great as these at • 11 A 4 4 ....... .... . ........... we* Sixth Prize : Ladies Handbags, value $2.98 , ... .. . n ...... • 4te 12 other Prizes of Nylon Hose or Man's Leather Wallet, Value $1:25 The rca e St es Stpre, Wide Bargains f©r the Whole F Blyth, Ont. - Brussels; Chafte 1111111111151111111111111MILIIIMENIMINNIUMINIE NMI II ANNUAL TURKEY BINGOES Brussels Canadian Legion DEC. 2 - DEC. 9 In Brussels Town Hall on at 8.30 p. m. . 16 Turkeys as Prizes 3 Special Games 15 Games for $1.00 Extra and. Special. Cards 25c or 5 for $1.00 FREE 1956 Marconi TELEVISION FREE Wine EVERY $1.00 PURCHASE ONE FREE DRAW AT Not just to-day or to-morrow, but Every Day of the year.. Phone 7 LADIES' AUXILIARY TO THE CANDIAN LEGION OFFICER'S INSTALLED We Deliver Annual CHRISTMAS CONCERT AT S. S. NO. 4 MORRIS MONDAY, DEC. 12th. Operetta "KING COLE'S COURT" ETHEL COMMUNITY CENTRE FRIDAY. DECe9th. 8.15 p. m. Adults 50e Children 25c Sponsored by Ethel Public School ELECTION RESULTS OF THE-VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS For Reeve Polling Sub.Dtvieion No. 1 No. 2 Total CANDLELIGHT SERVIcee ' The Annual Candlelight Carol Ser_ vice will be held at Melville Church on Sunday. Dec. 18th at 7.30 p. in. MELVILLE S. S. CHRISTMAS CONCERT Melville Presbyterian Church Sun- day School concert will be held on Tuesday, Dec. 20th. VAL'S •BEAUTY SHOP WILL RE-OPEN MONDAY, DEC. 12th. Make your appointment now 1106 R.1.03. Colleges; J. H. Steetton 201 95 153 The regular monthly meeting of the Ladies' Auxiliary to the Caned. ion Legeon was held on- Thuseeday evening with 22 members present, The ollowing efficerel for 1955 were installed - rapt ,Pres. Coin. Vera Haistingg President " Coin Mapy Lowe let Vice Pres. Coni. Dorene Rutledge end Vice Pres.rn Co. Barbara Kreuter Corn, Key Duncan. Bee. Coln. Beetba Elliott ISgiteet-Arme Coin. Stephenson Com. 33esele Wentle' Executive Cain Cams. Elsie ielhaw,, Pearl Lowe. Sarah Steph- enSon Sunethene Corn. ,... (Jones BettyeBron. see .and- Ethel Brewer The Christmas party is- to be held On Sa,litirday Dee. 17th. at 2.30 with the exchanginig of gifts again- this year. Tickets arer being sold onea ' jest of the sermon in the United " Pose *01*ce DePartment 7 lb. fruit cake, made by COM. Annie Church on Sunday morning Dec.- 4 urgently request all mailers to mail Geenenell and will be drawn at the based on Sohn 3:16 "God so loved early, so,the increase each year of mael, this year is expected to reach I Barn Dance on Saturday, Dec. 24th the world that He gave His only ' ' lieveth on him ehould not Perish in the Town. Hall. begotten son that whoseever be- a record. The Post Office is requesting ,The Comtades are asked to bring ,evaryane to tie 'all 2c mail In a in eileeir "Holiday Belle" 'at the Jan_ uary meeting. For Councillors 236 83 Mac Baeker 117 G. Kreuter 115 G60. D. McCutcheon 163 H. R. Pearson 13 S W. A. Williameen 125 L, Workman 121 74 Si 119 102 99 88 191 196 282 241 224 209 lecr School T.ustees L. Ebel 96 R. Elliott 177 H. Fisher 159 78 62 125 104 64 158 302' 263 142 Come One Come All CHRISTMAS CONCERT S. S. NO. 4 GREY DEC. 14th. 1955 8 P. M. Variety Progranic and Tree Adults 35c Children Free THE UNITED CHURCH ' CHRISTMAS MAILINGS "God's Love for Men" was the sue- Pearson's Shoe Store and MEN'S WEAR ' Annual CHRISTMAS CONCERT Cranbroek School & Sunday School) THURSDAY, DEC. 22nd. at 8 p.m. Variety Program Christmas. Tree and Gifts- Adtelts 35c Children Free ' DANCE MONCRIEFF HALL FRIDAY, DEC. 9th.- Music By ' ROSS CARDIFF and HIS GANG Sponsored By Farmer's Union ' Admission 40c Lunch Booth Everybody Welcome on December 24th at 10 P. Draw to be made Men's Rubber Bouts Men's Work Boots $4,50, $4.95 and $5.01k 5 $5.95, $7.50 end $8.95 bundle and 5o mail teed separate in 'a bundle, this will enable the post office to have your mail cle,spartolie4 much fee:eel,. Your co-operation in t this! will he much appr,eciated. Do not forget - MAIL EARLY. Men's Top Coats. Meres All Wool. Men's Trousers Gabardine .... $24.95 Tweetis eV Sport, Coat $14.95 ancle $5.95 to VIM :but have eternal life." Next Sun day; preaching -from the eeelne tent the minister will epeak on, "The Supterne Gift of God's LeVe" and the leurpOse of His Gift of LeVe." Advent hymns will mark these set- vices. The anthem for the day was, "Love Led Him to Calvary'' by Web- ster and Gabriel, UNITED CHURCH CHRISTMAS CONCERT Everything in RUBBER FOOTWEAR for the 4ieole ..ee I I Brussels United Church suaiday School Christmas Concert will be held on December 19th. at 8 p.m Please keep this date in mind. family. VAL'S BEAUTY SielOP Cutting, Styling and Cold Waving a Specfalty Phone 40x Brussels Phone 11 Bruteels, Ont. tammunnummituulimmonnunuousOinniiit A Yearlyesebeeription for a mega- .zine along with, itt 'Christmas gift, is to be sent to out adopted Veteran at. WeeItinineter. Our ehret-in Veterans are oleo to be remembered at Christ- Mete. A cash, donation was to be sent to 'the f011oWing; Hureer, Tuberculosis ,Aiselociationf Brenda VanCernp Fond; Calnetellan Legion. C7nrietmes• Fund foil hespitaliee.d Veterans at London. The Firemen's 13anquet Is to be held in the Legion Robins; at 7 o'Clbek, December The United Church OF CANADA Minister: Rev. A. Lane, D. A. B. fe, .91Vine Worsialet - 11 o'clock. "The Supteme Gift, of God's Love" • Cliturii Sohoel -4-19 o'clock "Good Christian men rejoice with heart and Wel and voice. Moultrtiniftimininsioutimmunnonummummumunotionorminimmoliiinitiiiiiiiit TO APPEAR ON C. K. C. 0. - T. V. ' Mess Faye Love, Walton, is to be the guest singeir on the Program "Deitch. Treat" over C. S. d: O. - TV., Kiteheeet, Channel, 13, on tued. bee. 13, 6 to 6.30 p. REGEN1 THEATRE WHY PAY "M'011 •••-e.e.e.e.eeree ee..etevel .'• Seaforth, Ont. 1 25 oz. :370 2 Tins Holly Peas..Choice.quilW7_ rIte. 1.1b--. 'gag Frestily .Grout id Coffee -$56 4 • -See Otit Fresh geox.thocolate-g- Alt Size* • W• •w• • Five Rose Cake Mixes 23c 24c 37c 73c 55c 64c 47c 1 Campbells Catsup .! • • • • • • 2 - 15 oz. Tins Alymer Peaches 60 T-Bags, 10c off Tenderleaf Tea .,* • Thursday Friday' and Saturday CO. SOLD'" (Technicolor} Richard Widmark Mot 2etienithp. 'Steidle Geld .far' the Girt with the, Golden Frltsh, •it .44 Monday, Tuesday and .Wednesday . • "ICASANOVA. ,d -ROWith. Gary Cooper Teresa Bright Bitlebeeed was Ilia e pike .COInfiarett to datatIoNic itii,owli.. 4, :',,.. ThtieedaY; Friday and Saturday- "GUN THAT WON l'f-it Wk6tii. :I ' eteemetee'teel t BRUSSE.LS PUBLIC SCHOOL tietihIS MOryan teee te, leey.eiene 1 CHRISTMAS CONCERT . • , es: i Keep in Mind that Fridey night * *' .. 1 COhiliitf - I Deeeinber.. 16th. is the date Prne;tel . 4116.1kii .01-1t16 ti-I t KliGlict,t 1, totilin Selma wilt tieldifit Otiir I dhrignia,$ cson,art, titttilei, vhitie. there later,. 13166k. tof -PiriStrnas-,Cake-.. 2 lb,. Pkg. .P*ka .e..IVIaigatioe. 1 Pkg., Giant ttoribity Title 1 lb., Pkg. Kent Sliced .Bacon FIRST M E ETING 'OF CLOTHING PROJECT The first meeting of Bteteeele, dietIthg Petrjeet, "What Shaft' I Wen." I§ to be 'held at the Btneteie fAbtaq eh Sat., Dec. tthtlt at, three 0'01-001t,' 1 O., We Buy At The Right Prices We Sell At The Right ricc4 F"'.9 ,