HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1955-11-23, Page 5THE BRUSSELS POST WedneedaV. .Nov miner p70,, CRANBROOlc.... The Ladies Aid of Knox Presby,„ terian Church held 'their .annual Bazaar In the Opinmitiiity Centre on Satlirdny afternoon, Revs w, A. • Williams, opened tine Bazaar and. in $liort time the different •itables Wid -die•Posedi all their wares. Santlwiehaa, .oche, and tea were served: following the sale, with Mrs. W, A. Williama and Mrs. Rob Campbell pouring tea. The Fish Pond: in charge of Rose Campbell and Faye Engel did a good business, Total Proeeedsii after expenses Were Paid amounted to Approximately ninety five dollars, lid,'.Srnelldon„ Toledo, is visiting. with his brother 14.Dod." and ether friends. MrS. Stanley Campbell arrived home on Vlore-day of last week from. a two-Week trip to the West. Christmas Format The annual Christmas Formal will be held in Cranbrook Community Centre on December 28th, Keep this date in mind and watch for further' particulars, Cranbrook Club Girls. The rinst meeting of the Cyan. brio.* Club Girls was held recently at the 'home their leader, Mrs. Glen Hu.either. • The meeting opened, by repeating the 4.1T Pledge in unison. The officer. were then. elected as. follows: I President . ;Yvonne Nic,Taggait Tice President - Faye Engel Sec,-Treasurer Patsy'. Retitle-veil Pianist - Maxine Smalldon Press Reporter,- Isabel Fngel The name .chosen for the Club wa ' "Craribtook Clothing Credits." Mrs. Clem Sterner, the assistant i leader, told the 8 members present what was. to be in their sewing boxes. Mrs. Huether read the -requirements for each club member • A. discussion was held on "Oboes- ing Our Clethes." The home assign_ meat was given and the meeting' was closed with "The Queen". Lunch wa'e served by the leosteos, --: .9- -----s--..- - ....--1. .". .".•.r2Se-. 501. . "Why, Mr. Benson ... you don't have to worry about your future." $15,030.88 IIldythe M. Cardiff. Cierk. Fol=i -§Ait die 'room red bilcit house, *eat the Vitiate of 'Atwooit, trite redinienahle, to Settle an. estate apply i*citiglie' itaffniltOn0 Atwood, ant, VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS RTATgmENT OF ESTIMATED REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE. FOR THE. YEAR ENDED 3i 040gmBER1905 REVENUE 13y Chic Young Grey Twp. Council Gvoi Town Ali.) opttuoil 1\10(gina 'be adopted asi read. p1 4 lip L1440.4.4 ',**444.1XiM WONDeRFUL,'DAQVVOOD. IT'S ON E FIGHT I'M GLAD TO you GET INTO1 I ST, AMBROSE ALTAR SOCIETY There was 4 pecd attendance at the November infecting of St. Am. brOse Altar SeCiety held at the henae of Mrs, William Blake, The president. Moved by Wm. la, iiishePt I called the meeting to Order and Mre,, ed by 'flugh Smith that the ralaute Stuffier _opened the meeting ,with bt adopted NS read, Carried, ..... P.m ... . ..... .. Hall Rent Seal LieellaeS "400.00 130,10 81.00. '.2;507,56 1,329.25. 699.59 389.96., • 321.86 48;29 252.68 100.00 prayer. The minutee and financial re, Ports were then read and approved' Moved by Clifford R. DUnbar, YOU KNOW, 81,ONDIE I'M GOING TO FIGHT TB HARDER THAN EVER THIS YEAR BY,ftg.,- BUYING MORE \ CHRISTMAS SEALS! • .iss province of Ontario highways gheWay! oi "*„.,,. Per Capita Orant Belief and Charity Recovered Street .1,410t, ,Sitrplus ..... wriilk A ........ Mt 0 , 0 Oil 1411.1 ..... VIA ...... A.IllitAAAV 400.00 124.85 • .. • .. A . A ..... A. ........... ........... . ...... ; 35,167.50 County Grant - Road ....$140114.10.. 1,050.00 ''"'he sum of was donated W. the Holy Name Society toward the expenses of painting the wells of the eherch Details regarding the t hrietalaS concert were arranged the date being Monday, Dec, 19, It was decided to Make candy this Milo fill the bags for the enildren, Committees, fer'dee• orating the tree and filling the eaudy bags were appointed. Mrs. L, Gaynor gave very fine Paper on "Praelerl. Two brief toples on "The Life of St. Ambrose" and "How to Conduct a Meeting" were read by Mrs' F, Connelly. tin 'Auction of baking jellies etc. netted Around $6, The door prize was leen 'by Mxs. P, Russel, A social hour was enjoyed during which a delicious luneh was served by Mrs. George Blake and Mrs. Gordon Blake. $43,303.2$ 3 7 ya 13,;ervision Court :Refund. - • Intierent And Penalties Vire Department Oats 'Sale Of Scales Tax Roll 0 a •,`" Q yioursta\ • 4 4 4. 4 1 r' 4 Help Fight TB • . r Itel, *AM. • less 0111.1517,1AS 5 C. J 4S 1955 , ;4•V"' Buy Christmas Seals. EXPENDITURE Office $ 509.85. Indigent Hospitalization... .... 320,00 Salaries .. A ...... A ... A .. .. 2,737.60 Heat and Light ....... 342.24 Printing and Postage 11Q.12 Street Lights ..„. ...... ... 1,296,00 Grants • b. 1,170.00 Roads and Streets 5,627.32 Sidewalks 69.00 Fire Department. .... A . ..... 551.28 Relief and Charity . ; .. ..,„ 1,058.10 Health and. Sanitation ................r..........,229,86 Insurance ........................ 73.04 Unemployment Inekerance 48.56 Cost of Track and Maintenance 463.20 Repairs and Supplies 8348 Maitland River Conservation 211.62 Workmen's Compensation 71.68 Bank Charges 88,27 General 99,75 County Rates 6,447.38 Wingliain High School 3,106.46 Wingllam Hospital ....,. ............. ..... 879.19 Waterworks 5,568,1i8 - Public Schools 9,378,00 Brussels Library 1,934.21 FOR ALL 'YOUR AUTOMOTIVE NEEDS SHOP AT THE MAC BAE.KER AUTO SUPPLY Permanent Type Anti Freeze $2.75 per gallon .75 per quart thermostats. Ranging from $1.05 to $2.10 Spark Plugs 56c to 69c each, Auto Light and Chawplon rittnflers from $4.35 to $9.20° Tail Pipes from $2.98 to $4.95 Exhaust Pipes from $3.25 to $4.75 Phor'; fl.esIdence 95 - Business 113x ";tlrussels. Ont. 42,980.19 11111=12111241111111113174431:0=1 $ 323.04 SURPLUS FOR YEAR MONCRIEFF seeender, by Hugh Snail that we instruct, Engineer Howes to OX- amine and report on the Branc4i of the Silver Corriere Drain. as re. quested by Hartwell Speiran, Carried, Moved by Hugh Smith, seconded by Win. E. BkshoP that Grey Twee Pay Elmia TT51 p, the portion of Government grant. Ontlle BeAttellamP Drain, for distribulion to their rate. payers On Said drain, in the amount of "-$1,056,94 being payment in full, -- Carried, Moved by Wni. E. Bishop, sepond, ad by Hugh Smith that Court of Re. vision on the Kistner Drain be cloy_ ed land the by-law be finally passed. - Carried. Moved 'by Clifford R. Dunbar, !seconded by Geo, Hutchinson that ;the tends of Glenn MeKercher, Lorne Bryasrs and Clarence Dennis for ,snowplowing be accepted. Moved by Hugh SmitiZsCeIrriid rie, ecid by Geo. I-Tutchinson that Jas. A. Howes be Instructed to examine and report on lands requegted by Char. ence Clark and others. - Carried. Moved by Clifford R. Dunbai, seconded by Hugh Smith that we finally Pass by-laws No, 20 and 21, 1955. - Carried. Moved by. Hugh Smith, seconded by Clifford Dunbar that Arm, Bishop be appointed Commissioner on the 9th Con Drain, - Carried. Moved by Clifford R. Dunbar, seconded by Win. E. Bishop that we Inas Supplementary By-law No 2. 1955 for the anfount 'of $16,000.00 - Carried Moved by Clifford R. Dunbar, seconded by Hugh Smith that all aPproved accolunts be paid. - Carried Moved by Clifford R, Dunbar, Seconded by Geo, Hutchisson that we do now adjourn to meet Dee, 3rd or at the call of the Reeve, - Carried The following accounts were paid: Co. of Huron, hospitalization $9,00 Dollar's Tile Ltd., tile Grant Drain 2,251.50 Corrugated Pipe Co., pipes, 6th Con. Drain 78.50 Geo. Keuach, repair Keffer Drain 24.00 The Blyth Standard, adv. drains Stratford, Beacon Herald advt. drains The Listowel Banner, advt, drains 4,36 Dudley E. Holmes, Insurance 139.70 Mun. World slupplies 17,84 C. B. Rowland, to Stratford and aoderic'h C- R. Dunbar, to Goderich 9.00 Geo. Wesenberg, select jurors 4.09 C, B. .Rowland, select jurors 4.00 E. M. Cardiff, select jurors and report Cecil Bateman, Brucellosis Inspector 9.80 Wm, C. Haerislon Brucellosis inspector Rtisisel Knight, Brucellosis Inspector 4,40 Hertryin Whitfield, fencevieWer's fees 5.00 Archie Mann, ,PencevieWee's fees 5,00 Andrew Turnbull fendevielver's fees ID. NT, Cardiff, dark's fees, fencereviewer's award 2.00 Perey Ward, poultry killed 22,00 Clarenee Clark, sheep killed 25.00 W. C1. ttra.y, repair zocket ;45 Clerk, 4th Division Cofirt, claim of John McNabb 4,9,0 ,Tax, A. Hetes, ,Shpt : construction Grant Drain 196,0 Tnitn Inglis, Contractor, Grant Draint 2;196.06 Twp. Blinn. ,sharti cif grant betitietranip Drain M. Cardiff; by-latS itistrier Drain 20.00 B. AL Cardiff, clerical tveildt lithel Village 16.00 itrotto 0,996.62 W. I. Annual Family Night The annual Family Night of the Moncrieff Women's Institute was held in the Moncriaff Community I-Tall with 100 in attendance, A pot luck supper was served prior to the program. The program was under the eon_ venership of Mrs. Grayson Rich_ mond. convener of 'the Ease group. They presented a short play. Mrs. Leslie McKay, convener of the North group, presented a variety program. A mock minstrel show was given by the South group with. Mrs. Scott Mc- Lean as leader. The committee on "Community Activities" along with the conveners of the groups get the credit for bhis event. Mrs. J. P. McNaught has returned home from Western Canada where ,she visited with her father and sister. Mr. and Mrs. R. Stewart and family Paris., with Mr. and Mrs. A. Mann. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Speiran att_ ended the opening of the Ethel Community hall. Aaron Welber). with Mr. and Mrs. ()Scar Rock. 2.67 6,80 12.00 1a r HOW MUCH HYDRO DOES ONE CENT BUY? 8.00 RELGRAVE 9.00 There's NEW "Travel Comfort' on The alai fine" owned to Winnipeg-Jasper-Vancouver •s. 5.00 .,'U And..itiistrt. stew' tittql.co emsdhtnNtdottirs."Condtiea soolstchettes°61 trans d berths. Heel Is D1euaat tray do Based on the average cost of electricity 't domeStie customers in Hydro municipalities- ONE CENT WILL , -run 'washing - for 2) houro' Ontitainitiag for 44 hoar`e • ?or rotrigerAtton ?or / hour 481 oseat, teOtzi9 o for -110t All that, o BehreVe Women's Institute The Beigrave Women's iiistit4te • met in the :Commenity Centre on Tuesday farterneen, The convener for 'this community activities Meeting was Mrs. Geo. Miehit• Mrs. NV, Scott conducted the hasineeS,Thete Were 24 members And four visitors present. Articles of dialling were received to be sent to the Unitarian 'COM. Mabee ter Korea, Mrs. C Wade ,and Mrs, C. Legan offered to Pnek .and Send these articles. A dellettititi ,nriticles .,for the .Children's „Aid Society was also received at this Meeting.. Tt vtas, tiedid,dd to ask the arena 17JOthird 16 linte din electric outlet Staled to Make it More eontaiitent tt nthg. in tire ,eleetrie kettle. Nitt Wheeler offered to SMa11 table to boa for holding the hot pike, A. dons ,tion 'of $59 Wad Sent to the Ciont0 Institute It Whin' ingteed to nay' O. alb Mile one WAY for cal% taking nieith, ern to einiVaiitici.ii arid tallies. An aditteed tag' given by 16t, dietriot treaded; Whe itold of the area, convention n id the Wrinien'S Pederatiaii ;of citI-ti #d convention', Ntrt (I *ale led in 'eatiiiiiiinity singing. and 111. Earl ArideraOti Conducted a quiz. A lunch *64 served by Mrk. Ni. Taylor,- ..Ntre, Seed grid Mrn. Coiniten, ook .Watt lathe 1 - • 1r,,, 441..V.WW.... Mill- NI ere e se ll ydkel 0,130 much 4 4 4 `7.*:711""