HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1955-11-23, Page 4STOP. AND ,SH91)- 4.gwgk.LERY oToftE,.BRUSSELS The largest display of' Q4;4.8444011 Sifts we have ever had, A lovely aSSortMent of RU41'. CRA611 and J-14,LIJMARIC Christmas Cards Awl wrapping. to chose from. If It is froirt. LEACH'S,. you are sere do Plenee. WANTED - Poultry, all types of poultry. ithgb eet Cash Prices, Phone 036R3' J, A. McLean, Moiebtali FOR RENT - t. House on Albert street, apply to Sammy 'Waxman Phone 1.01z p ,mmo ATTENTION. FARMERS - DEADWOOK removed from, your, barn promptly for sanitary disposaL Telephone Collect: Brussels 85r13 or Elmira." Mohawk 9-5564. GORDON YOUNG LIMITED 3e A7API•1•,,•. • • • ••••4,-,1,..- • WANTED - Hatching eggs wanted on sCsio breeds eggs taken every week in th, ye.er. Good premium paid. Many of our flock'ownera are making rigkg now a premium of 35c per dozen um the price paid in their local grading station. Send for full details. Tweedle Chick Hatcheri%3 Ltd. , Fergus, Ontario Phone 405. SEWAGE Diem:ism.. - Save your Septic "'mks and dell" pools cleaned the sanitary we, new to avoid trouble. Irvine. Ooxton, Phone 154. httlyertoat Out NOTICE - ' I-Iy-Lines Eat Less than heavy breeds and at the came time kry more eggs. They cost less to Woo and eat less feed during the laying period, For real economy when tbd chips are down, try Hy-Lines the efficient chicken, Bert Johnston., Brussels R, R. A Phone Brussels 28r4, BREIDDIfsiG ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are User' Artificial Insemination eervice leo all breeds of cattle. For service or Information Phone Clinton 243. or Palmerston 66 collect, betweest and 10.00 A. M. on week days 11211 7.30 and 9:30 A. M. on Sundays. FOR SALE -7. 75-acre Farm, frame house. saws barn, priced at ;5500.00. , 75-acre Farm, frame honae, hag siding, barn 44 z 48 with $1 Wig spring crow priced tat $80001.N. 6-acre Farm, frame bons*, bid siding, barn, priced at $3500.S. Good house in Village, bath, tor not*, barn, garage,' on main *trait priced at $4300.00. Frame house, insul siding, Row roots. Priced at $2,350.00 J. C. Long, Realtor, Brussels, Ont. MODERN HEATING COMPLETE FORCED AIR HEATING. SYSTEM FOR A FIVENOON $H502 5M. 0 01E Write Dept. B P or visit ON showrorms. Open Monday, Wide* day, and Friday evenings and all IRS J. V. JOH:daItiOurNPyLUMINNII • SUPPLIES STREETSVILLE, ONTARIO immunimunummeni SUPERIOR PROPANE is Market plass STRATFORD, ONT. The Versatire 6110,1sisisis FUEL FOR HOME AND OR RANGES,, HOT WATER TAMA! itifFhitiERATORS, SOC. WALT. MADDEN GasprosintatIva PHONE $ti!krrorici 601. 4174 RES. pig aIIiiUVjII.I... II All under one. roof A branch of a chartered bank is much more than the best place to keepiour Savings, k b an all-round banking service-centre that provides service§ tiSeful to everyone in the comtnunity. In every one of 4,000 branches in Canada, people are using all sorts orbanking services. They make deposits, cash eques, aria e 10411S, rent safety deposit boxes, transfer money, uy arid sell roTrelgn exchuinge. Only In a branch of a chartered bank are all these and many iirherconvefilent banking services provided, under one roof A visit to the bank Is the way to handle all your banking needs -simply; safely, easily, Lessons 50c Canadian correspondence Courses 1290 Bay Street Toronto WINS DIPLOMA Among 'students' receiving diplomas friein The Royal Conservatory of Music at its annual Convocation. exercises, , November; 17, is MIAs LOIS it+ioby of Bruslseis. received the Selina or MuSid Associate - Teacher, Piano. CHESTERFIELD and Davenport Suites. AbOtit 24 In sleek fronit Mitch to select at the Mlidinay tornttiite Store, "Trade in your guile, Shot' citshion trent *Ogr old Sege to ealeeditin who will give you liberal dllowantio tor 'Otiti tette: Godfrey Schitetti /Our kin/toilet Orittgritea illiti*-tive tent* idiriPit 1111114 THE 'Skit Mons Wi Expert besigiitteg Eirid Workmanship. Price6 Most ReasUlable teineterY Lettering a IlsoillEty It A. SPOTTON PhORi ISEVYhdttaal, bliferti EXECUTORS AUCTION SALE Auction Sale of 96 acre farm Lot 5, Con. 17, Grey Twp., 1 mile East of Walton Church on, FRIDAY, DEC. 2nd at 2.30 P. M. Storey Brick House modern bath Bank Barn with pressure sys- tem, cement stabling, litter carrier. Excellent water supply. good clay loam land. All 'seeded at present. Terms 10% down, balance in 30 days. Sold subject to reserve bid. Estate of the late Mrs. Hugh Ramsay Auctioneer, Harold Jackson. Soflicitor, Roht, Hetherington. Executors, Geo. Williamson Fred Smaildon, NOTICE TO CRED1TLRs AND OTHERS N THE ESTATE OF ADA JANE CLARK " All persons having claims against the estate of Ada Jane Clark. (also known as, Addle Jane Beaanish Clark) late of the Village of Brussels, in the County of Huron, Married Woman deceased, who died on or about the 18th day of April, 1955, are here- by notified to send to the under- signed personal representative of the laid deceased on or before the 9th. day of December, 1955, full particul_ ars of their claims. Immediately after the .said date the said personal representaitive will distribute the assets of the said deceased having regard only to claims of which he shall then have notice, Dated at Toronto this 9th day of November, 1955. ROBERT BEAMIST-I, 275, Warden Avenue, Toronto 13, Ontario, (Administrator) By TILLEY, CARSON, McCRIM- MON & WEDD, His Solicitirs herein, 11111 ,1n11111111linn11111111111111111111 ELMA FARMERS' MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. Established In 1994 Head Office Atwood; Ont. insures Farm Property, Private Dwellings And Contents In Towns and Village* Schools, Churches and Haile on an "INSURANCE AT COST" basin PROMPT ADJUSTMENT OF CLAIMS tiontact your Nearest Director - Agent R. W. (Dick) WHITFIELD R. R. 2, Brussels, Ont. 11. wa••••• AND PRINTED GUMMED TAPE MADE BY a~PAPERtpwititu, Styles for every business Various colors and designs Samples suggestions and prices without obligation • • • • • • • • 0 • • O • • 0 • • Ineada7-. November OM THE BRU,§.SELS POST 5.00 ST. JOHNS IUILD VOTERS' LIST 1955 Rev, .N111.s• ,opened rite, November Municipality or the Township, oT Morris, County of, Huron 0.0.0 Meeting! 'of $t. John's Guild with prayer TO:104rel by a reading on. Notice is 'hereby given that r have • Stawardehip, " • ,E. I complied with section 9 of the Vet- 5.00 The secretary's and treasurer's era' Liat, Act and, that i have peeeed 5.QQ reports were given. The report on the i up at iny '.offiee in Morris TwP. recent bazaar was given, 'The mein, CAREER MEN IN KHAKI The Infantryman 5.00. 6,00 hers 'felt it load been a worth •while effort, A ferther amount of money ;,• 'had been taleleted in on . the fo*1 ieupper eempeign. The dues, were collected, TehteUye • • • i ,plans were made'for the Lions •S4P1?,• er, A'wedding .menue was planned for about forty guests, The memberispre, 4,0.4 felt December being such a busy months with concerts etc. the Guild would hold elteir January Meeting earlier and no December meeting. The January meeting will he held on the 11th. RSV. Ellis 'elected the meeting with praYer. Mrs Geo, Davis and Mrs. Jim Davis nerved the members a delieleps lunch. 5.06 the 19th day of November, 1,666, the of all, ,pereOlis entitled to .VOte in. Me Sale Municipality of mainicipal elections and that Snell liet reM1),11.14 there for Mepeetbm. And l hereby cell upon all voters to lake immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions or- Tooted 01.c0-,tording to raw, the last day tferatellealS being the 3rd. day of Dec- ember, 1955. Dated this 19th day of November, 1950, Morris Coulncil Morris 'PownSitin 001,11411 Meeting. Nev. 70. 1955. The .Council .Met In Township iltll On the, above date with, all the Mein., beats. present, 6.00 20,00 5.00 Geo. C. Martin, Clerk, Township of Morris. 5,00 1.50 4,60 FOR SALE -- 10 bags of cement, Phone BrasSels 47117. FOR SALE - Litbe pigs. apply to The Walter Rose Poultry Farm Phone 40x FOR SALE - Peed turnips $8.00 a ton delivered, also 26-30 ton of hay. Phone 33r6 Clarence White FOR SALE - °heap, c good work horse, about 1300 lbs,. quiet; also a number of go.od chunks of pigs. Phone 63x2 Dan. McKinnon FOR SALE - Highest prices paid for' old hens, John Zwa an Phone 101x5 FOR SALE - .All steel, crib and spring filled mattress, , wicker basisinette, pink bunting bag. Mrs. Win Flood Phone 17r10 BLACK MAGIC AND DEADLY SERPENTS Don't laugh at Bra.zil's medicine men, They showed modern research- ers the way to snake venom serum, aepirin, quinine and castor oil, co. Caine and curare: end doZens of other drugs indispensable to moderir medicine. This week Douglas Blanchard writes an unusual account from the heart of the weird and ..wonderful ' Brazil A L SO t T-Tugh Hallid•aiy will describe an interesting article of n "Wildlife Wealth in Nowtoundiand. LOGS WANTED Elm or soft maple. apple,' to Lorne Steckley R. R. 2 Milverton.' Phone 38r11 feattiring convenience, comfort, quality! A cosmopolitan atmosphere in home-like setting. In the center of all downtown activities. Newly decorated. Ultra modern, comfortable guest rooms ... excellent food at moderate prices in our modern coffee shop and cafeteria. Radio and Television in room. Air Conditioned rooms in season. OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS . . Want to make $50. to $75. weekly? We need a dealer in: Brussels, Dthel, .SeatorUli, Zurich an,d surroundings.. If ambitions, write now to FAMILEX, Dept. 4, Station C, Montreal, NOTICE Wallpaper hanging; exterior and interior decorating. See our 1956 Wall Paper. Free estimates, Doug Dalton, Walton. Phone Brussels 48r9 HORSES WANTED - For meat, farm ase or bush. Also buggies and wagons, must be is good shape. Wilfred Nicholson, Monktoa. Bookkeeping Salesmanship Shorthand Typewriting FACING GRAND CIRCUS PARK 5.00 Keep in mind that Wednesday night December 16 is the date Brussels Public School will present their Christmas Concert, Fsrther particulars later. 61•101•10.--+00. Here's a job for the active man who uses his head, likes the feel of action and working in the open air. Today's Infantry soldier, recognized as the most important man in the Army, has the best - in train- ing, weapons, and care. His chances for specialized training and promotion are almost unlimited.... Infantry and the other special branches of the. Army offer hundreds of good-paying, lifetime careers. To see where you fit, visit your nearest recruiting office. No obligation, of course. Remember, in the Army you team up with men and leaders you can rely on - right down the line. Serve Canada and Yourself in the. Army The Army requires men of reliable character and stability-able to pass special Army tests. To be eligible you must be 17 to 40 years of age, skilled tradesmen to 45. When applying bring birth certificate or other proof of age. • No.13 Personnel Depot Wallis House, Rideau & Charlotte Sts„ Ottawa, Ont. - Telephone 9-4507 Army Recruiting Station, 164 Wellington St., Kingston, Ont. - Telephone 4738 Army Recruiting Station, 90 Richmond St. W., Toronto, Ont, - Telephone Em. 6-8431-Local 276 No, 7 Personnel Deno', Woiselev EirracKs. Oxford & Elizabeth Ste., Lotion, uut, Tc,..;..Lo.ie 4 :641-- Local 135 Army Recruiting Stat,on, 230 Ma,n St. W., Ham., day, Teiechone 456 Army Recruiting Station, 184 long St. East, Hamilton, Ont Teieimene 2 8700 coaw•c. Be sure to see "Dateline " the exciting. new TV show - every other Friday one of the country's most popular Hotel TULLER FA M I LY RATES No Charge for Children 12 and Under motatimgmazait GOO Room WITN EATH tram $850 GARAGE and PARKING LOT 1.00 a Procter, Richmond. Drain (leo. Martin, By-laws ‘41 Itlelintond Drain, 15 Shortreek Court. of. Revision D411041), Court 0C ReyWon S. Procter, 00.4a Or Revision Nirm, g4t,on, Conrt, of Revision B. Parrett, Court of Revieion• A, %thump, hauling eindepe Walton J ITotner Hendereen, Robertson Wain M. (1*.tsenlore,,,,Fence viewer Procter. Fence viewer W. Hastings', Fence. viewer W. Bennett, unloading oinders S. Pear, Brucellosis Inspector C. Oapmpbell, Brucellosis Inspector B. Parrott, Reeve Geo. C. Martin, Clerk. CROP RELEA§h. by G. W. Montgomery With the thermometer recording a low of eighteen degrees above zero Wednesday morning, coupled with the fact that we now have four (4) to five (5) iteehes of snow, all ,oeiltside farm activity has been brought to hault and all livestock is now in for winter stabling. Annual Meetings and Banquets, sof Farm Organizations are the order of the day and to date Utley have •all been well attended. The winning of the QUeen's Guineas Competition by Mum-lay Gaunt oil the. Lucknow 4..H Beef Calf Club in addition to giving more recognition to the 4-H Frog_ ramme in Huron County will also stimulate increased interest In 4_H Club Work, , 5.00 8.60 SALESMAN WANTED - WA.NTED AT ONCE - Rawleigh Dealer in townships of Howick, Grey and Morris. Write Rawleigh's Dept. K-15.2_,R Montreal Queb. CLASS; IT:" I 5.00 Moved by Roeee, Duelenn, eeCeied. eel , by waiter.;Shortreed • that the tender of Thos,. Pletob on the steel cuiveet for the sum of $87.60 be ac, cepted,. Carried. TAO Court of. ,ThiritWolt iorL ithe. •014.eleinceicl. Dllain was Opened, and there were no 'appeals, Moved by Walter Shortreed„ see. ended by ROSS Duncan that the Court 'ot. Revision ,on. the Richmond Drain be elosed and that -By-law No, 12, 1055 he finally peSsed as read. -.-• Carried Moved by Stewart Procter, sec, onded by ROse Duncan that the 'tender of Prank Kirkby to supply Mile end ,conetrect the Richmond Drain Tor the sum of $614.00 be accepted, Carried Moved by Stewart Procter, eec. Onded by Walter Shortreed that the road accloamte presented by the Road Shperineendent be paid. - Carried. Moved by Won. Elston, seconded by Stewart Procter that 'the meeting .adjourn to meet •again on Dec. 15 at 10 a. in. or let the call of the Reeve. Carried Ceo, Cowan, McArthur Drain 5.00 Geo, Cowan, McArthur Drais 5,00 Ti, Parrott, selecting jurors 4.00 A. •Fea.cee, selecting jurors 4.00 0. Martin, selectipg jurors 4.00 Mun. World, supplies 1.28. ,Tas. Hewes, Richmond Drain 50.00 • M, Rictiunond, 'Richmond Drain J. 'Richmond, Richmond Drain .1.00 Advance-Times, advt. 4.50 A, Cardiff, Insurane on .shed 3 years 41.60 Relief 30,00 Bleth, Standard, 'advt. 3.00 Geo. Milford, Lament Drain. 2500.00 Jas, Howes, Reptort Cole - Drain 255.00 Bert Pease, Cole Drain 4.00 Ti. Noble, Cole Drain 4.00 n, Parrott, Cole Drain. 16.00 Jae. Howes, Report, 'Rosman Drain- 75,00 E. Sellers, Boman Drain 2.06 R. Bone, Bosnian Drain 2.00 ,(4. Bone, Boman Drain 2,00 R. Bronson, Wreath 8.85 W. Shortreed, Richmond Drain - 5.00 R. Duncan, Richmond Drain. 13 Parrott, Ttiehrnond Drain THE CHAItTEItED BANKS .SERVI YOUR COMMUNITY SEE THE BANK ABOUT IT Only a chartered bank offers a full range of banking services, including: Savings Accounts Current Accounts joint Accounts Personal Loans Commercial Loans Farm Improvement Loans N.II.A. Mortgage Loans Home improvement Loam Foreign Trade and Market Information Buying and Se lin o Foreign arc Commercial Collectlout Money Transfers Money Ordekand Banj Drafts Travellers degaet Lena* of Crab Safety Deposit Boxes Credit Information Flo-chase and Sale of Securities Custody of Securitiol and other valuables Banking by Mail