The Brussels Post, 1955-11-09, Page 4FOR SALE -- '1 piece .bittIe anew suit, size 3. raid 2 piece pink pram Suit, • Mrs. 0, Elliott Phone 69x6 SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY Lou' fall time dealer to make $75. (to $100. weekly in Brussels ,Orel. lion, Oromarty and ,Sairroundings, WORK WANTED - Anyone wishing a man 'to do chores this winter, apply to Percy Adams, Bruissels. FOR SAt.k.- MaStor Climax 'Range with pipes; a new lIaAvninower. Wheelbarrow, carpenter's bench and garden tools, J. MoCradken Phone 70r5. FOR SALE. I purebred months old, old, Roy Bennett rrereford Bull. 11 also 10 pigs 6 weeks Phone 82r4 FOR SALE - A "Wiingbam Classic coal and wood Range with shelf and reser_ voir in excellent condition, Brussels Coal Yard Phone 86x2. FOR SALE- 1 pair Men's Overboots, Brown rubber, .size 3. One pair tube 'skates, size 8. Both articles used one Season, Mrs, Mervyn McCauley Phone 12r6 FOR SALE room red brick house, wsth 'hydro in the Village of Atwood, price reasonable, to settle an estate apply to Douglas Hainilton, Atwood, Ont. FOR SALE - A distinctive Metal Name Plate for gate, track, rural mail box, or home glue delivered. Send 50c with name and address to Wyse and Hardie. .125 Tricoe St. E., London, Ontarin., MOTHER'S HELP WANTED - Live in to help with children. and housework in goad home in Strat- ford. English • speaking not es. ;settle]. Phone Stratford 2162 col. lect. SALESMAN, WANTED - WANTOD:1 Reliable union as, Dealer in townships of Howick, Grey, and Morris. Experience not inedeSpary, A fine opportunity to ,Stelp Into old profitable business where Rawleigh Products have been Sold foe' years. Big profits. Products furnished on credit. Write Raw. leigh's Dept. K 152 . 163 Mont. real, P. Q. HORSES WANTED - For meat, farm 185 or bush. Also buggies and wagons, must be b good shape. Wilfred Nicholson, Monktos. FOR SALE In Walton, one' acre of good gar& eninig land with Etildinge and fruit trees, good well. Will be sold for Best offer. Agnes Alderson. R. R.• 1 North Bay, yroPerty of the late James Bishop. ' C HESTERFIELD and itinVennert 8eiteiS. About 24 iii Steck from whiell to select at the 14ttidms.y Purnittire Stttore. Trade in yonf OthaW cushion froni your old sliiite to saieSinati who will gtiPas you late-IV:abed ter your suite... docitooy tchuetti Mildmay ' WANTED IMMEDIATELY Selearnith or "*.-ottian, with ear, ,tor klitS inteittitent, Training supplied: yogi are interented in blisineti Of' 3hcu'i' own with better tapir itierit0 eitrri rigs *rite to-day" tor" ef6Onitt interview tittli, 'Field ,AVoii Mireet '§ianalferd, OriL MUCH HYDRO CENT BUY? FOR SALE - 75-acre Farm, frame house, boa barn, priced at $5500.00. 75-acre Farm, frame house, bid siding, barn 44 x 48 with SI Mill String crew priced hat $6000.01. 6-acre Farm, frame house, ball adding, barn, priced at 13100.111 Good house in Village,-batb, tart nave, barn, garage, on main atm* indeed at $4300.00. Frame house, bunt siding, 11.0 roofs. Priced at $2,360.00 J. C. Long, Realtor, Brussels. Ont. MODERN HEATING COMPLETE F'ORCED AIR I HEATING SYSTEM FOR A FIVW4‘0011 HOME SWAG Write Dept. It P or visit Mr shewrorms. Open Monday, MO* day, and Friday evenings and all RD Saturday J. V. JOHNSON PLUMSINS SUPPLIES STREETSVILLE, ONTARIO munnimunimuminuni GA S SUPERIOR PROPANE L71A .Miirlist Plant ty-R- Atio-Rdi 600r. •IOUBL FOR HOME. AND RANGES, HOT WAtitit. rMADDESS. SUS. 4171 . *Et- 4 WE R AGENTS for COUNTER CHECK BOOKS AND PRINTED GUMMED TAPE MAN. !IY 4fkli4CYLAIPPitni. PODdlletb Styles lor every business VA,OUI color; and designs Samples suggestions and obligation :Brussels Post. tors, Itrt • • THE BRUSSELS POST WednewkaiY., einber 9th, 1950 0114 r.! . • ..74-...!,r",..17!. LIVESTOCK WANTED Hig,h eash prices paid for deed,. old, ,sick or disabled horses or mire Phone promptly, Leroy Acheimi. R. R, 3 Atwood. MeilitlatiOn amt. serrature freading 1. were ,gixeo by hrbY3.. .J; ;L00),03041. i AM MM. •04r1 .Precter, 1 Theme from the study .book WAS li; "Our Church and the first ,Gann 1 dians" with Mre, ,T lg. Coulte4, , it 1,11;oso., Procter, Granites and 111:M. 'Stow. art Preetep taking part, Closing. remarks Were glVen by Idra. 0.I Try .,r )other- oFrry Getter- with etit.,01- recipes aniPuffs" itA/617teaot, Food Editor Dairy Foods. Service Bureau SPECIAL LOW RAIL FARES TO THE ROYAL AGRICULTURAL WINTER FAIR TORONTO, NOV. 1 1 -1. 9 FARE AND ONE-HALF FOR THE ROUND TRIP Good going-Nov.10th-19th incl. Return-Leave Toronto not later than midnight, November 20th. ...0..%;*:;':**, • WANTED Poultry, all .types of Poultry. E est Caah PriceS. Phone 636R3 J, A. "McLean, Blosibtosi FOR RENT - House on Albert street. apply to Sammy Waxman Phone 107x CLAS IF IED AD." FOR '.SALE lliglrest prices. pal.d for. old Mike, John glV444,: • Phone 101x6 ► FOR sAt.g- 10 PIP 7 woke rill, Apply to. 0.1aire Voric)amp. Pl10119- 101'40 FOR SALE- Pigs, chunks. itiehard Carter Phone 43r16 untarrrrr.,... itiways better With butter ATTENTION FARMERS - DEADSTOCK removed, from yap barm Promptly for sanitary S1cpa Telephone Collect : Brussels 1111111 or Elmira 564. GORDON YOUNG LIMITED Whatever you make or belie er.tr.rtrrr WALTON A uglily Day service vas 11010. iiu 1)(1aa Trinitocl Church here on Sunday morning. Miss Elizabeth McGavin read scripture, Ronald. Smliitit ()Veiled a prayer of thanks_ 1 and Stine Hackwell read a story.- Rev, M. Thomas preach.. ed, Ruth Anne Ennis and Faye Love sang duet, with And, ti re3- Hackwell as accompanist. Mr. and Mrs. Don, McNeil and family have moved to their new home t in naett township. Mr and Mrs. Welter Broadfoot with' Mrs.'Ivan Henderson, Seaforth. The November meeting of the Walton W, A. met on Thursday afternoon; in the basement, with the President Mrs. Love presiding. The meeting opesed with hymn, Mrs. Cuthill at' the piano, Scripture read. ing St. John 14th Chapter. Mary Stewart Collect, followed by the W. A. Theme Song. Sec. report was read and approved. also thank you Cards. • Trees, report was given hy Mrs. Ceutts. Business - Here_ .ford banquet on Dec. 6th, 17th. gronnto eater,. The meeting closed with a hymn and prayer, F,J, ge I. Add butter and salt to boilin 14 cup butter cup sifted groans y2 cup butter, add Y,s.cujo cup boiling flour WI, teaspoon salt all-purpose sifted Icily ugar. Beat With water 2 eggs beater put thick and _maM• beater Ma and co-tkise "NErteSA.,1.11.;„kiCrReeE4phl u,sP)UFFS , JIFFY4171;Exit LII1114/44.ALL/NO wa tta ter ill saucepan and bring d lorai,syiagSotzipall. tketmilopix e from stn°°"1. CG II. Add flour all at once and tsp. trinilla. Beat until I ght an cbul bno;lingra4utaelri,3' thb:r ad vi heat. Wald mem tried '1, tested butter mixture is smooth, well after each addition until iir"ffree! 2. Add eggs, one at a time. Beat New Butter Recipe Book1et--: recipes? Write/or Marie Fraser' 3. Shape puffs On ungreased ta b/espoon. cookie sheet by dropping from 4. Bake at 425° for 5 minutes then 3 75° for 25 minutes. ' Cool, cut slit in side of each shell. Pill with Jiffy Butter Cranberry Sauce. Cream Filling and top with WANTED -- - Hatching eggs wanted on som. breeds eggs taken every week in the Ten-. Good premium paid. Many o our flockowners are making righL now a premium of 35c per dozen 074a! the price paid in their local grading station. Send for full details. Tweedle Chick Hatcheries Ltd.. Fergus, Ontario Phone 405. Service Bureau 409 fium AtiltaDA Huro n Skeet, Toronfo, Canada SEWAGE DISPOSAL. - Have your Septic tanks sad 1111. pools cleaned ,the sanitary irt7 win to avOld trouble. Irvine Moon, Phone 154. MU-rerun, Oat. Dairy Foods DAIRY M OF c HERS ••••-orrar• CRANBROOK Sabbath School and the regular morning service were held at the usual time with Rev, W. A. Williams in the pulpit. Be sure to attend the 'annual ha- zaar of the Ladies Aid of Knox PreSbyterian Church, on Friday evening 'Nov. ds. The November meeting of the. Women's Missionary Society was held in thte home of Mrs. ROA. bell with eleven in attendance. The theme "That They Might Have Life" Weis followed, and hymn 410 was sung. Mrs. Alex Steiss presid ing at the organ. Scripture paAs loge wia.s read by Mrs. Lynn Evans, Mrs. Jacklin, Mrs. Stuart Evans, Mrs. Calvin Cameron and Mrs. Robert Campbell. Meditations on each reading were given. Hymn 294 was usIed as a prayer. with four members reading a verge. The usual business Was dealt with, and a newsletter from Formosa was; read by the Sec., alslo a letter regarding - value of our bale. Glad, Tidings aubscriptions were received and' the Treais. gave her report and took up the offering. "Gift" was the word chosen far the December meeting which, will he held in the hoite of Mrs, Stuart Evans. A brief report and diserisision on. "Commonism" land the recent Miss ionary ;Conference held in Brussels took place. The roll call was ;answered With a verse containing "peace." The ;topic "India" was given by Mrs. 'Schnook, who also presided for the meeting. A hymn Was sung and the leader pronounced the Benediction, Mrs, Calvin Cameron ;assiated the hostess in saiming lunch, Mies Mary Dundanson is Visiting her sister. Mrs.. Robt. Campbell, • ;Mr. Earl Dimn arrived home Sunday evening from a trip to the Western PrOVineeS. First Meeting The first meeting of the Ethel Club was held nit the borne of the assistant leader, Mits. Quest Dobson, Mionday. Nov. 7 at 8 p.m, The meeting, with, nine members present, ,opened with the the elect- ion of officers: President - Jean Rock Vice President - Dona Alexander Secretary - Grace Lamont Press, Reporter - Jeanne Swift iBusinesIS Was dilscusIsed Every- one is to think of a name for the club for the next meeting. It was ito hold the meetings on Monday nights at S pm. at the member',s hornetsi. The next meeting will be 'at Joanne Swift's home. We then talked about "What The Project Is About" and "How To Choose and Make a Blouse" by our leaders. We ,ar elalse to ,equip sewing box. Olue- asst, leader then told ma ,abont "The Suitability To The ,Person". Different colons of materials were brought by the members and suited to each per- son's complexion The home assign- ments for the next meeting were giver IiInclIudingi bringing record hook and inlaking a design for the book. The meeting closed by singing `iGod Save The Queen." 011111.1111111211111111111111111111111811111/ ELMA FARMERS' MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. Established in 111S4 Head Office Atwood, Out IMAMS Farm Property, Private Dwellings And Contents In' Towne and Villages Schools, Churches and Halle en as "INSURANCE AT COST" molar PROMPT ADJUTMENT OF CLAIMS nontact your Nearest Director= Agent R. W. (Dick) WHITFIELD R. R. 2, brussels, Ont. NOTICE - I Hy-Lines Eat Less than heavy breeds and at the same time la more eggs, They cost less to rase and eat less feed during the WNW period. For real economy when Ike chips are dolm, try Hy-Lines the efficient chicken. Bert JohnSton, Brussels R. B. I Phone Brussels 23r4. BR E DO I NG ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used" Artificial Inseminatiod eerriee all breeds of cattle. For service or information Phone Clinton 1411, sT Palmerston 66 collect, between 7.11111 and 10.00 A. M. on week days and 7.30 and 9:30 A. M. on Sundays. BEL'GRAVE The iNeternber Meeting of the the Woman's Missionary Sjeciety .and the Woritan'S ASSociation was held in the church last. Wednesday afternebn, Mrs. George Miehle, president of the W. A.. was in ohogo of their meeting. Placna were made Eel' the bazaar to be held. Nev. 25th. The trealStIrer, Coulter, stated that there Was $525 one hand. A nominating committee was ham.; ed, Mrs. It.: H. Coulter and Oittd 4111(attitin. The W. M. S. meeting follotved With the flush Vice.presilent Mrs. Walter Scott in Charge. Prayer Vag led by Mips. A. Cannes. Cards lot thanks Were • i'dUd. from Mrs, Lyle itenfier and Mrs, 0: R. dotilteS. The tie:61611re, Jesse Wheeler; gave her ?eV:krt. A denifilkiee was named too procure nietureS Of 4T110 Old Catilitry" to lie shown the drift Week of December: The following' Were harried tit the ncittiliating. eetninittee, MrS. Earl Atidenteit. •Virt, itteisie Stewart trader, A Ohristiii.e.S rehieiribraned its to Miss Nits tittiteis A hale .110 lie ;Ott terea, *ill be ,Preliared in the. USX( two Weeltd. A natiert on: the Seetleritil Meet. log recently „.: . 'vats ,given gnat 'Cecil Ciiattiittevc 'fittid 1Vlrsa tati4 Atidaitoti. titr1§, 'earl PrOater WaS leader