HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1955-11-09, Page 1THE BRUSS LS Post Publishing li"------";T--"-'utb°ras'ouso 0000110 01844. ma, NIA Oak* DOPaPtamie, Maliri Wednesday, November, 9th, 1955 CHRISTMAS MAILINGS. Deadline dates G reat jdrItain Letters, Dec, 6 ee Nov, 20 Europe ee letters, Nev, 29 ee per, eelei,i Nov.N 1.) 4,3a.1, 4 ,celo must 1.)t marked', (Gift Parcel). A fully OPIPleted 'Cuetem Declar- ation inuot. be affixed to all Parcels addressed +Weed, and for Europe extra ,Customs Declarations musi, be attathed to each porcpi i inquire at the Post Office regerds fey mailing Parcels: for EurOpe. Gift ,parcels for Europe 'milled over $4.00 see your nearest, Customs office tor an eXPent permit, also coneult the Post Office tor listings of articles' prohibited, The Poet ,Offices' DePatrtnent re- quests everyone to mail early, due to the. Increased volume of mail at OhrilsitmaS. This will eliminate diSsa- pointanent and overcome any delays that may occur. rOPi L i C, g • ,7,7 0 V Mrs. S. F. Davison spent last week with relatives in Port Elgin and while there attended a wedding. 5 Mrs', T. L. McDonald and son Mur. ray are spending this week in Bramp, to" with, her parents Mr, and. Mrs. Chats. King * Mr. and Mrs. :Geo, Jefferson of Clinton, spent the Week-end with Dr, and Mrs. W. Spepoe. Mr. Wm. Stewart former resident of Bruesels now of Fergus, called on friends here on Tuesday. BAZAAR AND TEA In Brussels Public Library on SATURDAY, NOV, 12th from 3 to 5 Home-made baiting, candy and sewing, counter. Tea-•Room. Sponsored by St. John's Church Guild. " John Simpson Word has been received here of the death of John Simpson, Vancouver, who passed away on October, 21st. Hie body was brought to Testeler, Sask. for burial, He and his wife,the former Ellen J. Sdott, homesteaded there 410'1905, having driven 40 ar50 mile.% from Saiskatoin with oxen, en- joying the thospitality of widely ,scattered pioneers along the way. They built a ,sod shack and later a Meanie house. A. number of years later they arroVed to V,andouver where this wife and s'on, are still 'residing. One son died in infalleY, He wale a brother of Mrs. Robt. S. Scott„ BrItesels, the last suviving Member of a family of ten. His-fath- er vote a pioneer of. Mita district doming ,from, Seletland in 1854.in a sailing vessel, -and wlas six weeks on the -waeet. ,His mother, the form- Margeeele Stra,ehan, 'arise came from Scotland, at the age of four years. 11111111111101111111.11118.111111 FOR ALL YOUR AUTOMOTIVE NEEDS SHOP AT THE MAC BAEKER .AUTO SUPPLY Permanent Type Anti Freele $2.75 per gallon 75 per quart Thermostats Ranging from $1.05 to 92.10 Spark Plugs 56c to 69c each, Auto Light and ChawpIon Mufflers frpm $4.35 to $9.20 Tail Pipes from $2.98 to $4.35 Exhaust Pipes from $3,25 to $4.75 Phone: Residence 95 - Business 113x Brussels, Ont. 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111/ ‘11111111111111M11111110111111.1111MMI . Melville Presbyterian Church 10.00 s. ut. Sunday School to in. Divine WOrredg Dedination,e of Elders Minister: Rev. H. 1. Oetvin, Organist: L. D. Thompson R. M. T e'e • . • t • The United Church OF CANADA Minister: Rev. A. Lane, B. A, S. Young Candals Book Week is, be ing ,celebrated this year from Nev. 15. 22. Its purposes are to encourage more molding of more Worth-while books by more children at home, at school, land at the library: to remind adults of the important place good books have in a child'ef life; to make par- ents aware of the books available, and of the. ;pleasure that comes from books elhared with their children: and to ,seitess the need for more books for children in every ecenne Read geed books aloud to ,share their 'Sheer fim and enjoy- Ment. Teeing Canadee Book Week is, celebrated limier coast to eldest ands is entionsed 'hy thb DePartment.of Bducaton in every' province, Parents! visit Ytiont Public library next 'week and telett some good 'hooks ito take noble to Your childeeb, Christinas isr inst around the corner and you Will be looking The gifts fer the children on Your lise, Why not give them holoke this yeat? And why not enclose e year's. Library Mem. beeshin card for use during 1956? ilimmomommoilikamomit CAPITOLS Limn THEATRE 2 shows nightly 7.30 -- 9.30 p. in. Matinee Saiurdsy 2 111.- m- 6 lbs. Juicy Fresh .0tanges, 2.1b,..Pkg, Velveeta. Cheese 3 --,2. 20. oz, Tins PdAS, 100 Individual' Tea Bags ... . ,......., , ... "...... . .. . ,.,.. t.:.'.. 1,--- 15 OZ, Tins AIyfrier Peaelies .4"4. Slo- 1 -, It 'Ot. BOtle.AlytneY Catsup ft "•" -. 110?6: Three' This tainAeil Trothato-:$ottli 3:'& -•-.' We Solt At The Right Pike 1.1,14 .. i ..... ... ... '04 0. ' Divine Worship it "Rehrierribrance" Chttich .School o'clock IReniet1brati66 bay' Service, at 11 a, on Friday,. Nov; lith in. Anglican Ohara; , "Anglican thuteh OF CANADA. ' Pariah of brusoolo [, Rine A. Norman M. Ottiiday. 14th iii,,..,„140.fiffit Prayer SiliittitY Relied lit. Davldis Church. Henfryn 2.86 p, tit Even ing Prooe Setoot ee ,e deorgele ChiarcFi, Walton =: S.00 Prayer' $2.00 per year - $2.501411111110 HARVEY JOHNSTON BECOMES HURON COUNTY HOME FARM MANAGER Attention All Veterans REMEMBRANCE DAY . Friday, Novembr 11th, 195$ Service in Anglican Church at 1,1 Ap foll owedLL by service at Cenotaph. VETERANS WILL ASSEMBLE AT THE CANADIAN LEGYA Tio; A AT 10.30 A.M. FOR PARADE TO THE CHURL :ogee, 'There will be NO MILle •DELIVERY Friday, November. 11th, • Remembrance Day, Creamery will be. • CLOSED ALL .DAYp t. PROCLAMATION' The Reeve has been authorizes[ to proclaim REMEMBRANCE DAY Friday, November 11th, 1955; A Public -Holiday, Village of Brussels. I hereby call upon all good citizens to observe fiese. same, R. B. Cousins, Reeve. 4-.40 Third Annual Brussels Firemen's Ball In Brussels Town Hall on Tuesday' November 15th Music by Wilbee's Orchestra! ".,,stfb DANCING FROM DRESS OPTIONAL WHAT A BUNCH OF GRAPES! Did you see the large bunch of grapes in Grewars window? It's weight is 5 pounds. 13 ounces. ,Aecher ,says that in his 30 years in the fruit business this is one of the largest benehee. he lea,s seen. • 10 1 tare*I“,*.** LUNCH BOOTEI UNITED CHURCH "Reality in Religion" was the sub. jest of the eermon, in the Unitee, Church, .on Sonde& Nov. 6. The min- .r.,steir made 's. plea, for the people not to be .satisfied, with Oenvential Religion hue to gain a trite °blest- ien experience i.e. to gain a vital contact with GO through. Jesus Christ . The sermon text wars Isiah 65: 15,_16. "He !shall cash iris servants by another meneee • so that he that blesises himself in the earth, .shall ibles,Is himself in the Teel of Truth." The anthem for the day was "Great is th.e Lord" by P. B. Holton. WINGHAM RUGBY TEAM WIN GROUP CHAMPIONSHIP On Tuesday, Nay, I) bile Wing gall Dietriet, High School rugby team eePpeel the group championship by defecting the bard .fighting Clinton team by a. score of 11,8, 1,Vingliant points were Scored ae. fellows: irotIolulowne - P. Kennedy: Murray, Convert, - Struthers. The Whighant Meeting* mac etAned their undefeat- ed record. 'Through the ,season they racked up an overwhelming total of 148 points and held the opposing teams to 12 points. They new meet the winning teem of 'the Mitchell % .Exeter playoff game on Nov. 14. The winner goes to W. 0, S. S. in London for the champion_ ship, D11uIsj elsr is well represented on the team: Bill Martin, sack prewar. Ronald bane, Peter Hemingwa,y end David Kennedy being members. Word bhp been received that Exeter is the winner of their and Wirighata will ;play them in. Exeter on Monday 14. Good luck Boys., rMELYILLE CHURCH. ROY, lI, T. Col:0We ieerniee in Mel. wide Church 911,.Sunday inornins. talcs , of pelue's exhor.ta4fou icr ,his friends to explore the saving effects or gra 'OM thole lives, lie explain, ed that by nature we are adverse to OW, and lean toward the Wan Of evil but by 1-Hs grace, we are s'a'ved Oa by Its redemption we are Tee- welled to Cod, . • ; Paul divided sin into three Ow. eq, eine of the flesh, or secret eine which corrupt the young people and our Velem-4 and are at the heart of all the mime of our present day. The second class was sins of selfish, nests, hatred, variance, .•etrife• and seattione mid the third Nysis, the sine oe the NaIteon which is simply a grouping of the sin's of the inal- viduale of 'a nation. If we are willing t.0 forsake our .sinful ways of life •God is willing and anxious to des- ttoy the sin of His people, Repent forsake sin for life and the desire dor einfel thinge, will be removed. Tlh choir under fire leadership of Donald Dunbar sang the anthem, "Oh love that will not let me go" with solo pants taken by Miss Mary Lon McFarlane. ADMISSION 75c It wins with V.egret that the Veolhiu of the district learned that Mr, and Mm, Harvey Johnston and ramify are leaving this community, where. , they have been life long residents, They with reside in Olint.on where mr. Johnston, has already assumed his duties as Farm Manager of the Duron County 1,-ToMe. The entire family have displayed aR ,active community spirit and their wholehearted' co-operation has aided many community projects and will be named, Johnston, who was horn on the first line of Morris, is the son of Mee and Mrs. Silas Johnston. He attended school at 9, S. No, 2 Grey and Brialssees. ,CIontinuation School. He bee been active In municipal affairs, 'being a member of Morris :council for 1'3 years. six of wlech, as reeve, and served a,s Warden of Huron County in 1952. He lake past president of Huron l're$- hYtery MellI's Council and of the - Brussels Lion's Cltib and • a, Past Master of St. john'e, Masonic Lodge. He is at present a. member of the National Committee of Board of Men of ^the 'United Church of Can- ada; president of Huron Co-Operative Medical Services; director of Brits- eels Fall Faie Board; of Morris Fed- eration of Agriculture and of the Month Huron ,Plowerkaafe &Veda- teon; Mollies township representa- tive on the Middle Maitland Con- servation Authority and .a, member of the exeentiire; Mbrris Twee" repre- aentative on Wingham Hospital Board. The family have been active members of Walton United Church of which Mr. Solhniton is an elder and Superintendent of the Sunday School. while Mrs. Johneton and the ' sires have taken a prominent part in; fearioue church organizations. The Johnston sisters haVe all been members of the Brussels. Lion's Club Band and were participants in, 4-H chili activities ;among other things. Their rnlusiorel talents they generous- ey contributed to many programs and varied cainsoes, and this, which was appreciated by all, concerned. will• be greatly missed. RUMMAGE SALE'. State Farm Insurance GET AROUND WITH STATE FARM' STAY COVERED WITH STATE FARM - . „ REST ASSURED WITH STATE FARM A Rummege Sale will be held in the I. 0. 0. F. rooms on Setup. day, Nov. 19th. at 2.30 o'clock, spon- sored by 'the C. P. and T. Committee, All who wish to contribute articles for ladle are asked to leave their &negates, at the I, 0. 0. F. Rail on Nov. 18th. NOTICE -- LIBRARY NOTES If only the old wenean who lived in a shoe Had knoWn whet good reading for children -can do, She *Wein% have- spanked hers. and sent them to bed, ▪ But given them good books to Ian at instead. Auto, Fire and Life The ansual.meeting orf , Grey Town- ship Federation of Agriculture will. be held 8.00 p. m, on Monday, Nov- I ember 2,1st, rat Ethel Community }bill. Mr. Steve Struthers of Luck- now, Guest speaker. Films will be shOwn, Dance music provided by Wilbee's Orchestra. Admission free, Ladieis please bring lunch. J. C. Stevens UNITED CHURCH W. M. S: CALL SEAFORTH 108 numniummimummiunummummummet, EE 1956 Marconi. TELEVISION FREE WITH EVERY $1.00 PURCHASE ONE FREE DRAW, The monthly *meeting Was held in line chterch, portiere, Mrs. Nichol Was in charge and opened the meet- ing with e. hymn. Prayer by Mise M. 1 Robinson !followed by Scritpre from 1 St. Luke, Chapt. TI verses, 1-13 by Mrs. Wm, pence. Minutes of the last ° Colder wet weather with light. 'meeting were read and approved. snow& ,saw the stabling of a large The meeting of the Young peo- Treas, report waist Oven by Mrs, R J. rannber of livestock this past week. Tire disagreeable weather sleeved ple'd of the Brussels United Church McLandhlin. Roll call was, given liy , was held in the form oaf's banquet to a verse using the w n Word "Thanks." 14 do the Sugar beet harvest and 39 i introduce new members to. the young calla we're reported. Nominating growers :still have a portion of their i peoples. ,, , I CoMmittee to bring in a slate, of of- crop to harvest. To date 11,120 tons 1 The banquet Was catered to by , fie:erg for the coining year, Mrs. R. B. or 270 carrloads of beets have now I the members of the. Friendship i Cousins, Mrs, W. Sipence and Mr,.A, been shipped from the Country, Circle. Later it Was decided that ,. Brown. Presidept Mrs. I-I, Thomas : 'The Selentili Huron county Comm. I the banquet would be an annual i announced the Thankaffering box to , unity 'Rtutal Night Scholol" opened affair. After an enjoyable turkey ; be reitureed ,neet meeting, Dec. 7th, for the first year at the Clinton dinner a few games were played. whieb es in &elite of Mee: 13nyans, Distri , ct High School with 343 pee- The business was discussed fellow. ;Male. Walker rand Mrs. Cousins, ,ple enrolling in 1.3 Night School i ed by a fe‘or more' games,. The ; Friendship Circle membere are in- , Ceuesesl. The First Huron. County i meeting wee closed by singing vitecl to joint with us at bles sheeting:: Apple Shaw and Festival held in of taps Chapters, were then read from the Clinton on November 5th. was highly i book, "Coming' Our Way" by Mrs, successful with' 22, growers exhibit- I Thee. Strachan ,and Mrs. IT, Thomas, ing 78 bueliels .and 123 six quart bas- , NOTICE Mrs. Nichol then closed' the meeting heirs of apples'. I ...Topening he of the Ethel Comm 1 with a hymn and Mizpah Benediction.. . G. . I W Montergemy, unity, Hall will be beld on. Friday . Agricultural Representative, Nov, 18th. Watch for further parte ' for Huron County. CROP RELEASe. A T P. U. U• NITED CHURCH Y. Pearson's Shoe Store and MEN'S WEAR -s" Draw to be made on December 24th at 10 P. M. ; Rubber Bouts y•34 . • ......... ..... $4,50, $4,95 and Wilee Work Boots ...... ... ... • .... 0.95, $7.50 ate4 Top Coats. Gabardine $24.95 Tweeds Part,Pe Men's All Wool Sport Coat ..... ... . $14.95 and MAP Men's Trousers $5.95 to $.124V. Men's Men's. Men's the Whole !..."1 Everything in RUBBER FOOTWEAR for family. Phone 11 Brussels, Ortk; 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111M eldare. VAL'S BEAUTY BMW .Cutting. Styling and Cold Waving a Specialty Phone 40x Brussels 1-*(7.7 wimmummummiuMMIMMOMMOMMM UMMINIMMEMMOMIUMMINIMMIIMMOknigkiiniANE, 111111111111111NNIMMIMEMIlt gEGE.N1 THEATRE Sealorth, Ont. * et Thursday Friday and Saturday 'ABBOTT AND COSTELLO MEETS THE KEYSTONE KOPS Bud Abbott Lou Costello Bud and Lou in the movies Maddest days. There's a hot time In old Holy. wood when Vamps broke hearts and etuntrrien "broke necks ,.and every body got a pie In the face. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday WOMEN'S PRISON (Adult) Howard Duff Ida Lupine 666 the reei f raw truth about Whet , went on in Old kiVom,en..a Thursday., Friday and datuociay MAStefidorif OF KANSAS dearge MontgoritierY NAVY Gates' its '41 WHY PA'r MORE Nov. 9 - 10 1 lb. -Frethly Ground Coffee. 1 lb. Swifts All Sweet Wed.. After • ' tithe' Blackboard Jungle" Comex "THE HUMAN IUNGLE" Adult Eritertairinient dee A,Sid Clty Polioe Station in 'eaten,. 85c -, 31t 4 - 15 oz. Tins Fruit Cocktail . ...•. -...- $100 1ft ... 11wwWW. ..... .W1.111041.44! .. 1.14••111. 6111 111 °Marge -Pkg. 'Rink).- 33e 25 62'. Mincemeat •-• W4 ...... .. . 19c Frii;o Sat, NOV. 11 o 12 A Tale of the West Its Men „•• its Women D E6 't Fi Teohniaoler Alidle Murphy Marie ellenoliard PIUS "OUR GANG COMEDY" 1 Tilbest .Chiffon Cake Mir., We gay At The Right Prieo.g ingunisiginggint A 1 • 140 4, Tees. NOV, 14= 15 b .4 V 'f LP L EDP ClneniaSeOpe arid Color 'Sterring Anne 'teeter.. Steed' OtirreSt. '"SO THit id PARIS • ;14 • di