HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1955-11-02, Page 5„,' Coll an accountant. 1: 410 00M nEmuTA00:0111 MPH, !NSURANCE? CHESTERFIELD and Davenport Suites: About 2Ak., in stock from which to select at the m Milday Furniture Store. Trade in your Suite. Stew cushion from your old suite to salesman who will give you liberal ,alllowante for your suite. Godfrey Seluaett, ELMA PARMET•tg' MUTUAL INSURANCE CO ' Established in 044 Head ant Insures Farm Property, PrivateIt/Wallin& And Contents' Towns' and 'VII lieso gehitiota, Churches and 14104 On an "INSU RANCE COST" burl PROMPT Ab.iiit;TMENT OF dt-AiMis i3ontact your Nearest Director'Agent id. (Dick) WHITFIELD It. t.. Drusiele, Oa rkIE BRUSSELS POST Weal40447.0. • a4".-1144An1".t.k.ouz,:o';',,,e;d!,,,'k'''.:1!'" • 11 Tryp1 rio±h, er:PrAtrael.66et. with, auttei- recip NOM &z,ct&t, food Editor Dairy foocis'Seryice Bureau S I VNITgp, cH.V.RPH. 'October $9 WAS' 447744441! $44.44,Y 1.11r01101/OUt Horan. Presbytery of titruoct QiwroU Quo,44, When a' .representative of Me Presbytery Carryon of Dotted Chorchmen !Walte in the 'VarlOtt churchos, Mr, Norman Alexander Li0/143* bora brought a very timely Message to the congregations of 13r1ISSeig. and Ethel, He spoke of may things that ; ecotld be clone by the laymen of the church to release the otiniSter for the more Spiritual ministry. He also ent. Pitmized the strategic place of miss, ions in the life of the Christian church asking each member to do his utmost ,cheerfully and out of grati- tude to Jesus Christ for eternal life through him. The challenge to service was voiced in the anthem for the day 'iGod's Trumpet is Sounding" by Ackley. ag#7/4/47,6174*/ mAiTt.,,Arqp p. WELD At BRUSEI-§. Oneof a 11111111301‘ confermWee ...Schooled for Maitland Pre.41).Yterig W, M. $. was held In &Raise's on Monday In Melville Presbyterian loOleuntrIvr, IWItssleonnal.71hceite'styofmitx`hiellaWli: !and Evening groups of Moleswortb, 1 13311P 4e1' t.te(sells'ICIIll'elirQP°rke.'senT.ItiMie' 'and Wine. W. A. Williams of Droseels '7P presided for 'the ;afternoon meet. fag, and 0°11(114c:tea the devotiona. period. Mos. Map Engel of Oran- bro0 read the lesson, and Mrs 1 Douglas Hemingway fotrared prayer. Mrs W. W. Smith, speaking for the ; Bru'ss'els W. M, extended a web come. Mrs Kellfleth McDonald of , OranbroOk sang a solo, ardompenied by Wire, W, p, King, who played the organ Tor the meetings. A panel clinuasIng' the topic "What Ts the MiAion of the Church?" bad T d members, its leader Mrs. Harold Speir, an foumembers, Mrs', George. McDon- ald, Molesworbh; JosephMartin, Ethel; Misls Nellie Jardine, Brussels., ',and Mrs. W, D. Campbell, Moles. Worth. Mrs, John Work introduced the ,guest speakers: Miss Ann McEach ern, regional! 'secretary E ecretaTy for arrillten- London 1Synoclical; Miss Athalie Read, a deaconess in Central PregbY- tartan Church; and Miss Isabel Mc- Connell, Reg, N. who has served 27 years in various hospitals in 1,12dira,. Miss McEachern divided the group into two sections, one of ,planning. The other listened to Miss Read and Miss McConnell tell of their work. Miss Read has .served as deacon• ess in the Peace River district, on The Alaska Highway, in Alberta and. various parts of 13ritisill Columbia. She told of the work of national missions, .such as port workers, hos- pital visitors, French Protegtant W0,1* in Quebec, Work among new Italian, and Uli".i.anitur churches. Miss McConnell, speaking on over seas missions, told of her work as a mime on the Dhil field of India, where she has served in the hospital in in Vellore Christian 'Medical College, and on mobile medical units. She impressed upon her and• fence the colossal breadth • of the work. Evening Meeting Following supper, served by the W. M. S. of the church, Mrs. Morgan Henderson, Lucknow, president of the Maitland Presbyterial, took °liar- ge of the evening meeting. Rev. H. Read showni A trio Miss of and T, members, Jean Cardiff, Jean McFarlane and Sharon Hemingway, sang an unaccompanied selection, Miss. MeEachren gave a. .short review of her shame in the mission, of the church, as a regional secretary. Actually she is a travelling deaconess, with about 200 churches in her care. Mrs. Kenneth McDonald sang a solo Miss Read continued her descript- ion of the Canadian work of a dear conness in tire wesstern provinces, in nursery schools, teen-age groups, and visiting vans. Miss, McConnell told more of her work in India, stressing the periled since that country gained indeperat; once in 1947. Mrs. D. C. MatheSon expressed tlic. appreciation of the gathering to the guest speakers for their efforts is familiarize ifhe groups With the work of the church. Rev. W. A. Williams pronmneed the benediction. me • • ,...: Whatever you make or bake 1-0 , , „.., , ~Pt's always better with butter , . %,,,,,,c, 4 . ,,,,,,••• NEVER FAIL" CREAM PUFFS JIFFY BUTTER CREAM Pi (alakes sir large paA) (fills si.t large prO) LUNG ceuapspbottotiltesrult /4 cup sifted cream !4 cup butter, aita A cu bpi% til4Pu'Pc.se a ult'11 til'irjege water 2 eggs 1. Add butter and salt to boiling beatia i Oy beat In 1 water in satIcepan an opring to cup b ging water, then acid stir vigorously until mixture boil. Add flour all at ce and smooth. tsp, vanilla. Boat until light an AdderI serer and cond heat. forms a stiff ball. Remove frotn 19471‘ 1110re tried '4 leiled 4"r 3. Shape puffs on tin greased mixture is smooth. welt after each addition until Ti777 five/ 2. Add eggs, one at a time. Be Arch, Braver Recipe Rook/et-- recipes? Write/or Ala,* &Ire, .1. cookie sheet by dro i f tpoon. PP'29 r°r12 4. Bake at 425° for inutes, tables 37.5° for 25 minutes 5. Cool, cut slit in side of each shell. Pill with JiffY Eutte Cranberry Sauce. 4i Crearrt Pilling and top With Mfg t 1i life tiva 1Lt rat Lug Dairy Food s iirahmtedsas Service Bureau DAUI Y PA 409 Huron *m ots C ANADA OF skeet,roronfo,Canada i. a. IN MEMORIAM PATTERSON — In loving memory of WillTarn J, Patterson,' Who Passed away one year ago. Nov. 7421., 1954, !!, The world may change from Yeal to year, And friends, from day to day, But never shall shall the one we loved, Prom meaniory Pass away,. Dyer remembered by his wife and family. New fast train to Major Western PoinfS Elk saw IN MEMORIAM ELLIOTT — In loving memory of 1 'George Elliott who passed away / one year ago Nov, Srd, 1954. it 1$44 •,e4Uatr.s,.; Are very hard to 'find And if the world were .ours to. give We'd give it yes and more To see the face of -you dear dad. Come smiling through the door. We do not ,qeed a special day To bring you .to our mind For the days we do not think of you I I I laver remembered and sadlly I missed by Wife and Family, /gmwmoa1 Convenient Train to Major and intermediati Western Points • Wide range of modern accommodations to suit every budget • Enjoy economical meals or snacks on both trains in the Coffee Shop. Dining Car service is also provided • Inquire about the money- saving Family Fare Plan • Ticket agents can have a drive-yourself car waiting for you on arrival if you wish • For reservations and information see, write or phone your local Canadian National Passenger Agent. sad p. roe int p. dor sok LOW 1-5-42 aRp14014,11APERTAOlikit& Styles for every business. Various colors and designs. Samples, suggestions and prices without obligation 01. COUNTER CHECK AND PRINTED GUMMED TAPE MADE Br HOW MUCH HYDRO DOES ONE CENT BUY? The Brussels Post ( Acclaimed • DETROIT'S FA M I LY RATES ( No Charge for Children; 12 and. Under • ILLNESS? Call a doctor. .m0111111111 111111 111111o.,... try LEGAL ADVICE? Cal! a lawye. II 1111110llomin es, somtort, attio•phr • rill :elms ... It MI In and cafeteria. FACING GRAND CIRCUS PARK D ETR 01T Harry E. pa,atMisC61-1:1GAN mosetteltC CISICICCC CIPBESOCC t121TIMOILIC M•19611111710rIt .7 ,1 ... &attiring ame quality! A home like downtown aed Ultra modern, eo excellent food al is our modem coffeeat Radio and Television In mina Air Conditioned rooms In season. bat one of the country's most poplar 11. °k , TULLER o W.r13nerai 111ainer Art Based on the average cost of electricity to domestic customers in Hydro municipalities— . ONE CENT WILL . . —run a washing machine for 2% hours —provide TV entertainment for 414 hours provide refrigeration for 20 hours -3—operate an electric clock' for 431 hours —light a 100-watt lamp for 8% hours All that for just 5 cents! t Where else will your nickel do 8o much? When you kited' help In planning- your insurance pr4- . gram, yOu'll Wririt, the help of a Pro' fe$6totisit brit who 'Malta tritrir. dike h I t ea-tett-I HYDRO ONTARI WOR1(...FORLYOU...AND It pays tO.1010V"--.Y001 STAII MOM Agent: Jach .Stevens • -PHONE —ettaisisalse., "Why, Me, Benson., — you don't' have' to worry about your ishire ,t,