HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1955-11-02, Page 4FOR SALE -- 3600 Foreman, Leedom Pullet* I months old, laying well, Andrew's Poultry Farm, 4.11 Seaforth. )'pone 547r8, 4444,4.40,44.411 ATTENTION FARMERs— DEADS'rOCK removed from MO harm promptly Sot sanitary diatom!! Teierilique CQ tect : or Elmira 564, GORDON YOUNG. LIMITED FOR SALE -- . 50 Red Reck Pullets, laying Win. S4eir 75% 64r1g FOR SALE- 2 young 00uIS freak also a bunch of chunks of Pigs, good, D. McKinnon Phone 5$x2. 4,4r NOTICE — Hy-Lines Eat Less than bean breeds and at the same time ra more eggs. They cost loss to rope and eat less feed during the fayfilt period. For real economy when *.s chips are down, try Hy-Liners tilo efficient chOkeli„.., Bert Johnston, Brussels R. R. 1 Phone Brussels 2311, •••• .4. • /X ! :.vimen MOW SIIIIMINNICAllif illiarlantb*Wilitlittffiti OWES aresson 111116111114lalaldddle 111111111110S111111"11IMIS MIN Soon 1111111L1111110SWIIINIIIII 61111011111111141111111101119111111111.1111.1111111111111MISSINSIt cen:Covesserses Ma NNW IIMMIMP/111104111111.saw 1111at 31111111. itookom ilia NAV I. Right ram f as swept its:fie most in :mac a. afircliorl last foff, the .1fifaibianut 6: fastet'selling car: in: histar ormance and forthright Yes, even cornpetttort. are Offertrig their latest 6V/I3 et • •itieOple:everii.*here o rea ere is: no value It Woc11100481, .1\torooThot .g44, 056 TUE 13M.SSELS POST „oft, CLASSIFIED AM,„ •.41.VgSTOOfc. WANTED - • OA*. ROM for 41004 qld,•sick PT- 440404 -.119.rd* olr ,coal • P14040 prowl 7, JAr9.7 R. lt, 3 A•tyr.gol.t. CKAN8ROOK Rev. Colvin, BrueSela, '01terinlAiNederater was in Charge of ,the Morning. ,SerYlosi iii KnOX Preka hyteriau Ohurfah, StIndaY, clot, 30, at whieli the Sacrament of the 1401441's Supper WM+ 0101140(10 . • .• SeVen, membei,IS of the Q. G, I, T, and three visa ore enjoyed •a, Hal, lewe'en Party, Friday evening at the home of tits assistant leader, 1VIrs, Stanley. Campbell. All came in 'oestume and nutch merriment was created With weird lights *all- 'Pronriate garnee contests, tor- tunee telling •awl •ghost stories. Ham- burgers, pop-corn, and candy was served, Mrs. Allan Cameron accomPaniell hem daughter; Mrs, Xes, Ritchie, io LooKlonon Sunday. The Ladies' Aid of Knox Church are siDonsoring as Bazaar i n the Cionummity 'Centre on Friday even- ing, Nov. 18., Miss Isabel Spelt% will show Pictures and tell of her trip last summer, A fish pond, sale of miscellaneOnS goods and lunch will complete the evening. Everyone is Welcome. • The Women's Institute are Spot- isoring the project "What Shall I Wear"? Mlle first meeting will be on Friday evening, Nov. 4 at Mrs, Glenn 1-Tnether's. All girls intgrest- ed that are twelve years old by the -accept • FOR SALE 10 tittle apgn Beagle 'Hounds StepheliSOC. Phone 4.01,8„ • Ma#4.40Cit pee Ier at your .$0.ryico. • • • H e r e's „cmothor FOR SALE—, WANTED -r- PotelOPP ral or 100- ib, hag% poultry, all types of poultry. Higle Lee, Armstrong. Phone 154-r-Seat Caah VrIces, I Phone 856119 A. 1qP14ean, MOnktgon 11404 338-13 lbs, • KERR JAMES R. R. 4 Atwood, Ontario FOR RAteg•-,,, Spy Apples, .sprayed. goWard Suil.th• 'Phone 83r16. . • Phone 35r9 Brussels Drop in next time you're near” • * I Jim's e 5 ''Super 33-20 lbs, SAWS SHARPENED All types of saws sharpened And reconditioned. Leo Gaynor Mill St„ Brusselk fie Will be glad to show you why more Canadians use McCulloch Chain Saws than all other makes combined. Priced from $234 • •-• WANTED — I-laid/tag eggs wanted on some breeds eggs taken every week in that Year. Good premium -paid. Many of 011Z flockowners are making right now a premium of 35c per doyen over the price paid in tiheir local, grading station, Send for full OMR* Tweedie Chick Hatcheries Ltd, LOST — i Fergus, Ontario Phone 405, 16 foot ladder betweeen the'fith the ,orner of Morris and Melville *Model 4-30A-27 lbs. FOR SALE — • . Iiighest priced Paid for old Ilene. Johan Zwaan Phone 101x5 • • • • ,$) Mee1111001 FOR SALE. — In ilauts, 2 zipper Pink nylon snow- suit with .separate hat, new. Mrs. L. Ebel' end oe February, please *Model 73-28 lbs. thiS Cranbrook •Women's institute The October meeting of the eleanbroole Women's Institute Was the annual Family Night, wiblch, was held in the Cranbrook Com- munity I-Tall. The evening cora- meneed with ,a delicious fsuphier.. Standard of the Woods SEWAGE DISPOSAL. — Have your Septic saido end esile Pools cleaned the sanitary Yen sow to avoid trouble. Irvine Ookton, Phone SM. Milvertos, Out. *Model 99-49 lbs. *Weights shown less bar and chain. Ohnrch, Brussels, Finder please Phone 64r12 Wm, Speir FOR SALE — I dinette suite, large size, in good After which there was a short pro- •condition, light finish. oleo sewing gram of local talent with Stanley machine, Canupbell as chairman, Gerald Mrs. L, R, Brerans Phone Mt Huether sang two solos. Mrs. Rob- ert Campbell gave a humorous real- LOST Miss M. McNair played. a 16 inch Beagle, black and, tan, piano solo, and Glen Corlett gave answers to name "Prix') last seen a number with a toy dancing doll. on S eon. of Grey,. lb mile west of The roll call was then answered by Ethel. Finder please notify Percy the men "What I think of the W. Stephenson, Phone 85r12 (Reward). , Following -this there was a short FOR SALE— hastnees meeting. It was. decided Large size Quebeq heater and Mrs. Kenneth Wheeler who spoke spring filled mattress ,also a on the United NatiOns Interniation- Quantity of sealers and a child's al Childrens Emergency run. rocking chair. Mrs-. Lawren,e Vannan played Phone 70r5. two piano solos, and Mrs. Williard Armstrong gave a reading, A re- port on the Area Convention held at London recently -was given by Mrs, 0. Wade. A report of Dr. Loita Hiclunavova's speech at the convention and the music given by by Mrs. S. M. Coultes. An address prepared by Mrs. Stella Nethery was given by Mrs, Wm, Bridges. A lunch was served by Mrs. G. Nicholson, Mrs .7. C. Procter and Mrs, R. Procter, B RE Poi NS ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are User Artificial Insemination eerviee feet all breeds of cattle. For gorging Or Information Phone Clinton 244 Or Palmerston 66 collect, between tin and 10.00 A. M. on week days And 7.30 and 9:30 A. M. on Sundays- FOR $ALE 125 Sussex Red Pullets, 7 months old laying' real good, also 1 house and lot on joilin Street, apply to. Mrs, Wes. Stephenson Phone 111x2 FOR RENT — House on Albert street. apply to Sammy Waxman Phone 107x FOR SALE — 75-acre Farm, frame house, USD barn, priced at $5500.00. 75-acre Farm, frame house, bad siding, barn 44 x •48 with 112 aerie pring crop,, priced rat $6000,111. 6-acre Farm, frame house, thirst siding, barn, priced at $3100.011. Good house In Village, bath, bit nace, barn, garage, on main And, priced at $4300.00. Frame house, Instil siding, *111 roofs. Priced at $2,350.00 J. C. Long, Realtor, Brussels, Ont, • FOR SALE — A distinctive Metal Name Plate for gate, truck, rural mail box, or home gOc delivered. Send 50c with 'name and address to Wyse and Hardie. '1.25 Tricoe St. B,, LondOn, Ontari.r. 13ELGRAVE The regular meeting of the Bel- grarve Women's Institute was held in the Cerinnuelity Centre here, 1. dItizenship meeting of which Mrs. Wm. Brydges was convener; The membees, voted to send $5, to the Canadian National Institute for the Blind, and to knit tuques and underwear for the Unitarian Service Coninlittee. A collection OE gifts and used ,clothing are. to be brought to the next nveliiing [the Olaitdren'e Aid Society. The possibility of ,produchig another Variety Con- tett this winter Wale discussed and the rollOting committee named: Mrs. G. Mithie, Mrs. Cora 1VIcC1iil, Mrs. C. Wade, Mrs. ttenley daok, 1 and Mrs, 1, Cloultes. Ctirretit Dventa. Were giVen by to accept the Goderich NV. I, in- I Yttation to their meeting Nov. Mrs, Glen Eitether and Mrs, (3, S tefflor were appointedto be the Club tea,dere for the new home I eeteice a. well established clinetelo ini Brussels' what and d-o-ohtt, bstofti. Possibilities to Make 05. Weelttl., Write for detell3 Staten C. Montreal, SALESMAN WANTED — WANTED: Man tor isteady travel among consumers in townships of Howick, Grey, and Morris. Perman- ent connection with large manuilaet tirer. Only reliable hustler consider— ed: Write Rawleigh's Dept. K-152,-, 131, Montreal, P. Q. MODERN HEATINS COMPLETE FORCED AIR HEATING SYSTEM FOR A MG./IOWA HOME MU* Write Dept. S p Or VIM ger ' shewrornis. Open Monday, Weelle ddy; and Friday, evenings and all dr/ Settirday P. JOHNSON OLIN/SINS SUPPLIES stRarraVvii.k ot1rA0110 HORSES WANTED — For meat, farm ase or bush. Alec buggies and wagons, 'punt be to goOd shape. Wilfred Nicholson, Monktoa. ti t it FOR SALE In Walton, one ante of good gard- ening land With t3oldiogA and fruit tree83 geed welt Wit be told fOr Relit ottot Agnes Aide„togot 1 llTdrth Bay, property bf the late latnei BlehOP., WANTED A 1411.41.1 TWIT DEALER needed to Malting elth, The reiro,litder of the OVening ,csias spent Playing ,etteitte, The la #es first prize Was Weft 1..)Y Miss tiatilyii, knight and the consolation Mae bY ' 'Vim Wni. Petrie the tiret; prize wag won by 'V011fred Mtrtelder dila the tOtteelatidit lithe 1 till bole& SUPERIOR PROPANE OM , 19 Market Mite titOki*O14 -0, oNt, The Veteittil* FUEL FOR HOME MO itIbudtnit • RANGES HOT WATER tAiitict• ittleziAtikttAithii, Eid. , WALT, MADtitti Tiepreeeeltatfvrr PHONE tie ttATI1040 ki4 sue.- 404. NEL OW t.,-,;.;••:7.7.ttai-41.1i'Mr..0.,:e' • • verse WAN4TED immtbtAttLY woman, With car, , tot thiS rural Watkins i1/4to litvogthota., interested' in bittineg0 Of your :awn with lAtt6t Aveilge. 0614 SALE eartiltigai Write to-day 6t personal tittie Me; itIVIti interview wits Field Sanaget The Walter Re9 tiOnittY fain Tratok. tliotte 4dt. • - F ." A: on- Breit;. R*Atterd, "t Brussels, Ont.